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The author is the Director of a TEMPUS/TACIS project on university administration linking the National Technical University of Ukraine, on one hand, and the Aachen University of Technology and the Delft University of Technology, on the other. He presents this project as the centre point of a discussion whereby he first traces the origins of the European Union TEMPUS programme and then develops a philosophy of East‐West Co‐operation. For him, it is not acceptable to expect eastern European higher education institutions to simply copy western higher education institutions but to adapt what is useful to them from the western experience to their local realities bearing in mind that higher education in the West too is undergoing transition in a number of ways. In light of this project, the author criticizes certain aspects of TEMPUS practices and suggests improvements so as to make TEMPUS projects more efficient. He also declares that in many circumstances the time limit of three years per project is insufficient.  相似文献   

The TEMPUS programme was started in the early 1990's in a unique political climate in eastern European countries. It was a very considerable innovation as a complex and efficient higher education programme, targeted at the real needs of the recipients. As no higher education strategies existed at that time in the region, TEMPUS was not able to support comprehensive structural changes, at least in Hungary, in the university sphere. Its unique success in terms of efficiency can be traced back to the presence of the European dimension, the professional management of the Programme, and the very appropriate emotional challenge it has presented both in the East and the West.  相似文献   

Academic co‐operation between higher education institutions in Hungary and those of western Europe, on the one hand, and those of the United States of America, on the other, are compared. Hungarian co‐operation with western European higher education, particularly the European Union countries, has been far more developed than that with the United States. The greater success and scope of co‐operation with western European higher education institutions is attributed to the comprehensiveness of the TEMPUS Programme of the European Union countries and its careful and well‐planned responses to the problems of the central and eastern European region. However, Hungarian higher education could gain a great deal from more intensive co‐operation with American higher education. Efforts should be made to encourage such co‐operation including the greater involvement of American higher education institutions in TEMPUS projects.  相似文献   

An account of the results of a TEMPUS evaluation is given. It reflects the experiences of the evaluators in the course of their work. While the TEMPUS Programme can be characterized as being very successful, the evaluation nevertheless unearthed a number of problems. The pure numbers and facts presented for the quantitative and structural development of higher education in central and eastern Europe are quite impressive. They are set against an assessment of the quality of cooperation between central and eastern European partners and western partners and of the relations between the institutional, the national, and the supranational levels of higher education development. The account is framed by a critical reflection of the role of western experts and evaluators in central and eastern Europe.


This study focusses on an investigation of the patterns of institutional change influenced by the TEMPUS I (European Community/European Union) assistance programme in Bulgaria during 1990‐1994, specifically at the Technical University of Sofia. The theoretical model of the research has used as its point of departure Burton Clark's concept (1983) of institutional relations and has examined the roles of state, government, market, and academic oligarchy in the dynamics of university administration and management during the transition period. The data collected demonstrate that the role of TEMPUS I JEP grants was a major factor in favour of change in the process of development and the implementation of new institutional policies and organizational structures. The study opens for discussion a number of issues related to the role and the policies of multinational funding agencies in a national university setting undergoing institutional change, forms of academic governance, and the conditions and requirements related to the implementation of market‐oriented approaches in academe.  相似文献   

Following a tour d'horizon of the development of science and science policy in former Yugoslavia, the author focuses on the application of science to development in this country after the Second World War. In particular, she examines the role of computer science in which Yugoslav scientists developed much endogenous capacity. The events following the break-up of Yugoslavia led to the isolation and the emigration of scientists, academics, and graduate students, particularly from Serbia, in the reduced Yugoslavia that remained after the break-up. During the period of sanctions, Yugoslavia was denied even the right to participate in TEMPUS projects that were underway. The TEMPUS III projects in which Yugoslavia can participate are not very helpful in rebuilding the scientific capacity of the country. The country needs assistance, possibly best given through twinning arrangements with universities in other countries, to rebuild its scientific capacity. Economic aid to rebuild infrastructures is also needed. Only when talented young scientists can look forward to a future at home will they no longer seek to emigrate.  相似文献   


Rapid development of informatics makes possible the application of multimedia and world informatics systems in our educational work. We are concentrating strongly on this theme at our university utilizing the support of different funds (Phare, TEMPUS, World Bank). We have established an education centre that opens new perspectives in medical education by using both modern and traditional media. Recently, we have engaged in a new instructional system in which the educational units connecting to the education centre can make the old dream of ‘problem‐based learning’ come true.  相似文献   

The slow process of introducing a system of quality control and accreditation into Polish higher education since the political changes of 1990 is described. The decentralization of the state system of higher education in reaction to communist over‐centralization and the growing number of private institutions of higher education have made some system of quality control and accreditation operating at national level necessary. A TEMPUS project,” Advice for the Ministry of National Education on the Organization of a National Higher Education Accreditation Centre”, is described. The need for additional research on aspects of quality evaluation in higher education is recognized.  相似文献   

Although inhibited by ideology, science and technology (S&T) managed to make some progress during the socialist periods in Central and South Eastern Europe. Even when transition came after 1989, inhibition remained for the following reasons: the lack of objectives and strategies, institutional fluctuations, inadequate funding, the dissolution of internal solidarity, and inadequate S&T management. Through the assistance of such inter-European programmes as TEMPUS and SOCRATES, a new paradigm of S&T has been introduced in the sub-region based on international competition, computerization, and networking, and an emphasis on excellence in the exploitation of the knowledge revolution. The dichotomy of theoretical and practical science is being reduced through the links between higher education and industry and the increasing use of university science parks as incubators of ideas in the interface of higher education and science.  相似文献   

The TEMPUS/PHARE Multilateral Programme was initiated in 1990 by the European Communities with a view to improving training by means of the structural reform of the higher education systems in the central and eastern European countries. The results are now widely visible. The question to be asked is whether or not these results are limited solely to the educational field or whether the improvement of training has not also had an impact on society and the economy. In the particular case of the central and eastern European countries that are currently moving from one social system to another, the task is one of finding out in what respects and to what extent the changes in the higher education systems have contributed to this transition.  相似文献   


The paper describes the implementation of a Trans European Mobility Programme for University Staff (TEMPUS) Project during 1992 to 1995 between the Manchester Metropolitan University, in the UK, the Institut de Formation des Maîtres, Grenoble, France, and the Siauliai Pedagogical Institute (SPI), Lithuania. The aim of the Project was the development of the special educational needs (SEN) element of teacher education courses at the SPI to enhance the integration of pupils with SEN into mainstream schools, and of those pupils with severe and sustained SEN into education. It discusses the necessary extension of the Project into associated areas of professional work, analyses the theoretical bases underlying the Project and demonstrates the cyclical development of theory and practice which was achieved.  相似文献   


With the support of Unicef and Unesco, the Romanian Ministry of Education has since 1993 been operating a programme to promote the educational and social integration of children and young people with special needs. In a comparatively short time the programme has grown from a pair of pilot projects to comprise a number of interactive elements which include a Joint European Project within the EU's TEMPUS programme, as well as provision for networking, and for describing, monitoring and generalizing experience of good practice. In this process a ‘philosophy’ of integration has developed which is appropriate to Romanian realities and which offers the possibility of an integration project to everyone concerned with special needs. The paper stresses the importance of the voluntary organizations and their new cooperative relationship with the institutions, and of the role of the universities in professional training. The paper ends with a discussion of the barriers and supports to integration, together with some conclusions about the significance and future of the programme.  相似文献   

The author, a Czech émigré scholar, reflects both on his return to his homeland, after the 1989 Velvet Revolution, as an advisor to the Czechoslovak Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports, and in general, on the question of the influence of foreign (Western) advisors in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe undergoing transition. His initial experience was that of a foreign advisor, given his background and the number of years of absence from his homeland. In addition to delivering lectures on the reform of education, he took part in the setting up of TEMPUS programmes and in preparing the 1992 OECD review of Czech and Slovak higher education. Then later, as a returned Czech academic more than as a foreign advisor, he contributed to the elaboration of the 1995-1996 review of the whole educational system of the Czech Republic. His general conclusion is that the work of foreign advisors can be valuable if the given advisors really understand the local environment and the language; however, there may be some time lag as to the adoption of their recommendations.  相似文献   

The growth of international activities within higher education institutions takes place in a number of different ways ranging from the ad hoc (reactive) to the strategic (proactive). This paper draws on an earlier (1993) empirical study by the author of UK Business Schools in order to identify the key elements within any process of internationalization and to provide a framework for assessing levels of international activity within institutions. It concludes with an introductory model of internationalization which is to form the basis for future work. The paper is written from a UK perspective but can be adapted for the analysis of educational institutions in other countries and other subject areas.Abbreviations CATS Credit Accumulation and Transfer Schemes - CNAA Council for National Academic Awards - EAIE European Association of International Education - EC European Commission - ECTS European Credit Transfer Scheme - EFMD European Foundation for Management Development - ERASMUS European Community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students (EC programme) - HE Higher Education - MBA Master of Business Administration - TEMPUS Trans-European Mobility Scheme for University Studies (EC programme) - UK United Kingdom - UKCOSA United Kingdom Council for Overseas Student Affairs  相似文献   

The process of reform in higher education in post‐1990 Bulgaria is briefly presented. The first step was a law in 1990 mandating academic freedom and university autonomy. Other legislation led to the creation of private higher education institutions and the charging of tuition fees for certain course programmes offered by the state institutions. A serious problem has been the decline in the quality of higher education and research, this due to the economic difficulties resulting from the period of transition and to too much laissez‐faire in higher education in general. In reaction, the state has taken steps to lay down basic requirements for admission to higher education; nationally mandated standards for state certification in certain subjects including medicine, economics, and engineering; and the development of a national quality assessment system for higher education. There has also been the influence of certain international programmes, most notably, TEMPUS. Everyone understands that higher education has a major role to play in order to guarantee the success of the transition process.  相似文献   

This paper outlines the prospects for research and development in the education and training fields offered by the European Communities. The position of the EC is explained in relation to the existing and forthcoming Framework Programmes of research and development. The 1987–91 Framework Programme has committed most of its funding to existing programmes. Only one, DELTA directly concerns R&D in the education and training technologies. This commenced in 1989 with only 20 million ECU and ends in Spring 1991. In the new Framework Programme, DELTA is expected to continue with funding of between 40 and 60 million ECU though this remains undecided at present. The earliest date for a new DELTA call for proposals in Spring 1991, meaning that work on the new four year programme will not commence until late autumn 1991 at the earliest. There will therefore be a considerable gap between the two. An outline of the likely structure and contents of a new DELTA programme is given, characterised by better liaison with other programmes and a more rational approach to the development of the advanced learning technologies. Other, non‐Framework Programmes concerned with aspects of education and training such as COMETT, LINGUA, EUROTECNET and TEMPUS are placed in context with this. The paper concludes with general advice and explanation of EC procedures for application, evaluation and approval of proposals for Framework R&D Proposals.  相似文献   

Blagovest Sendov 《Prospects》1997,27(3):415-426
Conclusions Educational reform needs the synergetic efforts of UNESCO, the EU, national and local governments, policy makers, educators, business communities, public interest groups, parents, citizens, and non-governmental organizations, such as IFIP and the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievements (IEA). It is a matter of crucial importance that countries in transition participate in the EU’s educational and training initiatives and programmes, such as PHARE (including TEMPUS), COPERNICUS, SOCRATES and LEONARDO, as well as in all UNESCO initiatives and projects. Original language: English Blagovest Sendov (Bulgaria) Former speaker of the Bulgarian Parliament and vice-speaker of the present Parliament. Graduate in mathematics from Sofia University, and specialist in numerical analysis from Moscow University and computer science from Imperial College, London. He has held the posts of Dean of the Mathematical Faculty and Rector of Sofia University, and president of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, the International Federation for Information Processing, the International Association of Universities, and vice-president of the International Council of Scientific Unions. From 1979 to 1990 leader of the Bulgarian research group on new curricula integrating school subjects with computers and information technology. This is a slightly edited version of a paper presented at UNESCO’s second International Congress on Education and Informatics: Educational Policies and New Technologies, Moscow, 1–5 July 1996.  相似文献   

不要忘记,在人生的路上,要想做成什么事,我们必须持之以恒。如果我们在学校里想要学好功课,就必须得勤奋,任何时候遇到难题都不要放弃。  相似文献   

无论走到哪,想起故乡,总会有一股温柔萦绕在心间.故乡有自己的父老乡亲,有自己的童年.故乡给予我们的既有痛苦的东西,也有快乐的东西.每每回味故乡,便是对自己的人生进行一次次洗礼.  相似文献   

Our central argument is that if we are to understand who we are as educators in the present as well as who we hope to become in the future, then we must examine and critique how we have collectively represented who we have been. To present our conviction that understanding our history as adult educators is central to understanding our current educational practice, we develop three theses. First, we argue that the purpose of history is to help us understand how we have created our current educational practices from our historical experiences. Second, we draw upon Williams’ notion of a ‘selective tradition’ to show how our current practices are selectively, and often hegemonically, constructed from past practices. Finally, in hopes of moving us toward illuminating our future, we argue that the purpose of history is to help us analyze those selective cultural traditions that inform our current educational practices in order to expose prejudices and illusions. We thus propose the ‘doing’ of history as a counterhegemonic strategy of ‘remembering’ the past in order to critique the present so that as educators we can reveal our historically‐copntinuing limitations and open us to expanding possibilities of Hberatory practice.  相似文献   

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