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语文教学的本体是指向语言的,不管语文教学要实现什么具体的目标,它都要通过学生与语言的接触来实现.课堂上,教师应注重学生充分有效的语言学习活动,立足读、说、写、听等最传统最常见的活动,进行艺术性的语言活动设计,让学生进行充分有效的学习语言、习得技巧、发展智能、训练思维等语文实践活动,这是语文课堂教学的着重点,也是实现语文教学有效性的必要途径.  相似文献   

Anonymising technologies are cyber-tools that protect people from online surveillance, hiding who they are, what information they have stored and what websites they are looking at. Whether it is anonymising online activity through ‘TOR’ and its onion routing, 256-bit encryption on communications sent or smart phone auto-deletes, the user’s identity and activity is protected from the watchful eyes of the intelligence community. This represents a clear challenge to intelligence actors as it prevents them access to information that many would argue plays a vital part in locating and preventing threats from being realised. Moreover, such technology offers more than ordinary information protections as it erects ‘warrant-proof’ spaces, technological black boxes that no matter what some authority might deem as being legitimately searchable is protected to the extent that there are very limited or non-existent means of forcing oneself in. However, it will be argued here that not only is using such anonymising technology and its extra layer of protection people’s right, but that it is ethically mandatory. That is, due to the en masse surveillance—from both governments and corporations—coupled with people’s limited awareness and ability to comprehend such data collections, anonymising technology should be built into the fabric of cyberspace to provide a minimal set of protections over people’s information, and in doing so force the intelligence community to develop more targeted forms of data collection.  相似文献   

Task-based evaluation of text summarization using Relevance Prediction   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article introduces a new task-based evaluation measure called Relevance Prediction that is a more intuitive measure of an individual’s performance on a real-world task than interannotator agreement. Relevance Prediction parallels what a user does in the real world task of browsing a set of documents using standard search tools, i.e., the user judges relevance based on a short summary and then that same user—not an independent user—decides whether to open (and judge) the corresponding document. This measure is shown to be a more reliable measure of task performance than LDC Agreement, a current gold-standard based measure used in the summarization evaluation community. Our goal is to provide a stable framework within which developers of new automatic measures may make stronger statistical statements about the effectiveness of their measures in predicting summary usefulness. We demonstrate—as a proof-of-concept methodology for automatic metric developers—that a current automatic evaluation measure has a better correlation with Relevance Prediction than with LDC Agreement and that the significance level for detected differences is higher for the former than for the latter.  相似文献   

本文首先在总结归纳国内外竞争情报效用研究的基础上,提出将价值分析理论引入到企业竞争情报系统效用评价的设想。其次,从价值分析的角度,辨析与类分了竞争情报系统应具有的效用及由此产生的成本,并考察了企业竞争情报流程的组成要素。最后,提出基于价值分析理论的竞争情报系统效用评估的理论框架和操作流程。  相似文献   

为提高人际情报网络构建、管理和维护的科学性和有效性,本文首先对知识自组织理论以及人际情报网络的本质进行了深入的分析;而后在此基础上,对人际情报网络自组织特性进行论证,并指出其也是一个自组织系统;紧接着本文对人际情报网络的自组织机理进行了探讨;最后依据人际情报网络的自组织机理提出人际情报网络构建、管理和维护的相关建议,以期充分发挥人际情报网络在情报搜集、分析和提供服务等方面的作用,增强组织的竞争力。  相似文献   

刘贤锋 《情报理论与实践》2007,30(5):646-649,655
为克服传统方法的局限性,本文尝试以企业竞争情报内容和情报搜集活动过程作为情报搜集成本分析的基础,在此基础上引入BP神经网络进行预测,并用部分样本数据验证对比了线性回归分析法和BP神经网络的预测结果。验证结果表明,BP神经网络预测模型用于情报搜集成本的预测具有较高的预测精度。  相似文献   

杜博士  吕健 《科研管理》2022,43(6):178-185
以长三角地区26个城市为样本,选取地方官员调整这一独特视角,利用2007-2016年间各城市市长数据,结合各城市三种类型专利申请受理数,构建动态面板数据模型,系统地考察了官员调整对辖区内技术创新活动的影响。研究结果表明,官员调整有助于地方的技术创新,能够使辖区内的专利申请数增加0.231个百分点,且这种影响具有超前效应。当新任市长第一学历为全日制本科或为非本地籍贯时,官员调整对技术创新的促进作用更显著;当新任市长未临近退休时,官员调整对技术创新的促进作用更大;当离任市长为长期任职时,官员调整对技术创新的促进作用更显著。进一步研究发现:官员调整对技术创新的促进作用主要来自于集中换届期;进入经济结构性减速时期之后,官员调整对技术创新的促进作用更加明显。此外,官员调整对技术创新的影响还表现出地域差异,即这种促进作用在普通地级市中表现得较弱。本文对于从地方官员调整视角和微观层面理解技术创新及地方政府落实创新驱动发展战略具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

周鹏 《科研管理》2019,40(4):14-23
通过对国外技术创新中的情报处理研究进行综述,总结国外研究的成果和不足之处,为进一步研究提供参考和借鉴。通过文献检索和“滚雪球”文献查找方法获得了相关英文论文,对这些论文进行了文献研读,分析了单篇论文的主要观点、研究方法、研究结论,对论文之间的关系进行了分类和梳理,总结了现有研究的主要观点和不足之处。现有研究主要集中在技术创新与情报处理的关系以及情报处理在技术创新中的表现形式两个方面。现有研究的局限包括缺乏解释性研究、对实证结果尚未建立统一的理论框架、关键变量的辨析和测量不足以及缺乏质化研究。  相似文献   

创业板公司的研发投入对于构建创新型国家具有重要意义。文章利用2010-2014年77家创业板公司年报数据进行面板数据的多元回归,研究发现:公司规模与研发投入呈现“U”型关系,公司规模存在三个门限值,分别为1.027、0.468、0.068;高官工资与研发投入呈现倒“U”型关系;股权集中度、两权分离程度、公司税负均与研发投入负相关;董事会规模、公司总资产增长率、经济景气指数均研发投入正相关;上一期研发投入与本期研发投入具有显著的正相关关系,公司研发投入具有持续性特征。  相似文献   

孙晓宇  张秋波 《现代情报》2015,35(4):154-158
随着通信与网络技术的发展以及犯罪的复杂性,情报监听这一秘密侦查措施越来越为人们所重视,但若不对情报监听进行法律规制,容易导致滥用监听权以及侵犯公民隐私权等情况发生,因此必须对其予以立法规制。美国作为世界上最早出台情报监听立法的国家,其法律体系比较完善,因此,本文立足美国情报监听立法,评析立法的优点及缺陷,从而为我国的情报监听立法提供借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This paper presents some results of a case study of the usage of the social networking platform studiVZ by students in Salzburg, Austria. The topic is framed by the context of electronic surveillance. An online survey that was based on questionnaire that consisted of 35 (single and multiple) choice questions, 3 open-ended questions, and 5 interval-scaled questions, was carried out (N = 674). The knowledge that students have in general was assessed with by calculating a surveillance knowledge index, the critical awareness towards surveillance by calculating a surveillance critique index. Knowledge about studiVZ as well as information behaviour on the platform were analyzed and related to the surveillance parameters. The results show that public information and discussion about surveillance and social networking platforms is important for activating critical information behaviour. In the case of studiVZ, a change of the terms of use in 2008 that brought about the possibility of targeted personalized advertising, was the subject of public discussions that influenced students’ knowledge and information behaviour.  相似文献   

从世界范围内看,高腐败发生率是不争的事实。究竟是什么原因使得腐败长期存在而不消亡?将政治经济腐败问题延伸到官僚体制的各层次之间,提出下级官员为获得有利可图的职位而需向上级官员付出入门费。通过对入门费的不同筹集模式的比较分析,研究金融制度与腐败收益率及其在不同相关利益群体之间的利益分割,来探讨金融制度和腐败发生率之间的关系,论证功能良好的金融制度的存在以及审查监督的有效性改变了公共部门的租金分配,可以降低腐败水平。  相似文献   

胡荟 《情报杂志》2021,(3):17-22
[目的/意义]作为世界唯一的超级大国,美国的情报机构规模大、经费多、活动频繁。为了管理和利用好这股庞大的势力,令其成为服务美国国家安全的有力工具,美国政府和国会不遗余力地创设和完善其国家情报法规体系,希望通过法治手段实现对情报的高效驾驭和管控。着眼美国国家情报法治问题,力求挖掘其实现国家情报法治的主要方法和路径,以期为我国相关机构的法治建设提供参考和借鉴。[方法/过程]采用层次分析法和文献分析法,从立法、执法、司法和守法四个层次,揭示了美国国家情报法治的主要方法和路径。[结果/结论]研究发现,美国国家情报实现全面法治的主要方法存在于以下四个方面:科学立法、秉公执法、公正司法和全员守法。  相似文献   

基于数据挖掘技术的企业竞争情报系统模型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在竞争日益激烈的市场经济中,数据、信息已经成为企业重要的经济资源。由于数据的巨大和冗余,企业为了更好地利用这些数据而逐步建立了自身的竞争情报系统,高效地利用竞争情报系统已经成为企业的制胜秘笈。将数据挖掘技术应用在竞争情报系统中,可以快速有效地挖掘出海量数据之间的关联性,根据挖掘出来的关联性帮助企业揭示已知的事实,预测未来可能发生的结果,为企业制定正确的战略决策作出贡献。  相似文献   

晋升锦标赛下,官员在有限任期内存在晋升预期差异,由此导致的短视行为的变化可能对创新产出造成影响。然而现有文献并未从官员晋升动机视角深入研究城市创新的制度动因,也未曾厘清官员任期等政治体制对创新活动的具体影响机制。本文利用2004—2016年285个城市的面板数据,通过多元统计回归分析,实证检验了官员任期如何通过经济增长目标影响城市创新的机制路径,并从土地财政、环境治理视角提出了新机制路径。研究发现:(1)相对于市长,市委书记任期对城市创新的影响更大,且呈现出显著的倒U型关系;(2)市委书记的更替显著抑制了城市创新水平的提升;(3)机制分析发现,市委书记的任期通过动态影响经济增长目标制定,土地财政依赖以及环境治理水平进而对城市创新产生影响。譬如当经济增长目标越高,官员越倾向于采用短视的扩张策略刺激经济,进而减少对创新活动的投入;(4)异质性分析发现在市场化条件较好,东部以及城市规模较大的地区,市委书记任期对创新的U型特征仍然显著。本文建议政府在推进财政分权体制改革时,应采用因地制宜的推进方式,将“有效市场”与“有为政府”更好地结合起来。本文研究结论丰富了晋升锦标赛理论的经验证据,有助于理...  相似文献   

Citing statements can be used to aid retrieval, to increase the efficiency of citation indexes and for the study of information flow and use. These uses are only feasible on a large scale if computers can identify citing statements within the texts of documents with reasonable accuracy.Computer recognition of multi-sentence citing statements is not easy. Procedures developed for chemistry papers in an earlier experiment were tested on biomedical papers (dealing with various aspects of cancer) and were almost as successful. Specifically, (1) 78% of the words in computer-recognized citing statements were correctly attributable to the corresponding cited papers; and (2) the computer procedures missed 4% of the words in the actual citing statements. When the procedures were modified on the basis of those results and tested on a new sample of cancer papers the results were comparable: 72 and 3% respectively.In an earlier experiment in use of full-text searching to retrieve answer-passages from cancer papers, recall in the “test phase” averaged about 70% and the false retrieval rate was thirteen falsely retrieved sentences per answer-paper retrieved. Unretrieved answer-papers in that experiment's “development phase”, and citing statements referring to them, were studied to develop computer procedures for using citing statements to increase recall. The procedures developed only produced slight recall increases for development phase answer-papers, and similarly for the test phase papers on which they were then tested. Specifically, the test phase results were the following: recall was increased from 70 to 74%, and there was no increase in false retrieval. This contrasts with an earlier experiment in which 50% recall of chemistry papers by search of index terms and abstract words was increased to 70% by the addition of words from citing statements. The difference may be because the average number of citing papers per unretrieved cancer paper was only six while that for chemistry papers was thirteen.  相似文献   

吕元亮 《科教文汇》2012,(9):121-121,208
本文根据本人近几年的一些教学实践,就"物理作业设计"方面,依据初中生的认知规律及年龄特征和个性特征,精心创设多样化的问题情景,点燃学生快乐的求知欲,引导学生动手动脑动心地进行新知探究、提高物理作业的有效性上进行了探究。  相似文献   


By 1986 (a decade after their invention) microprocessors had diffused to about 18 percent of all U.S. households and 6 percent of U.S. farmers. In addition to general consumer uses, farm households in the United States utilize microcomputers for such small business applications as record keeping, word‐processing, payroll handling, etc. A special application of microprocessor technology occurred in 1980–1981 when 200 Kentucky farmers participated in a trial of the Green Thumb Box, a video‐text system providing market, weather, and technological information. The nature of the information needs of U.S. farm people seems to fit well with the new information technologies built around the microprocessor, although little of this potential has yet been realized. Since that experiment, videotex has shown itself to have doubtful value as a channel for the distribution of agricultural information, leaving open the question of what might be the best technological vehicle for this audience. Research is needed on two issues: (1) the adoption and use of the new communication technologies, and (2) their social impacts on rural society.  相似文献   

Businesses have begun using IT apps for a variety of reasons in recent years. The rapid advancement of new technologies has opened up vast prospects for businesses to digitise their operations, enhance their use of information systems, and compete more effectively in the global marketplace. Information technology (IT) businesses can benefit greatly from Big Data analytics due to the depth and breadth of their data analysis. Big data can be used to examine IT departments in the following ways: performance analysis, forecast maintenance, security analysis, and resource analysis. When it comes to boosting their business's dependability, speed, quality, and effectiveness, most companies rely on big data. Companies can gain a competitive edge thanks to the massive amounts of data that big data is able to collect, store, and manage. Big data analytics is being used by a growing number of businesses to make sense of their mountain of data. In this paper, we examine the ways in which IBM, TCS, and Cognizant use big data within their operations. Long-term planning strategies and business intelligence practises are also suggested in this research as means of protecting personal information.  相似文献   

剖析了地方政府之间"为增长而竞争"与"为创新而竞争"对地方政府官员晋升的影响机理,并基于2000-2014年中国省级地方政府省长与省委书记的相关数据,采用面板Probit模型,实证考察了"为增长而竞争"与"为创新而竞争"对省级地方政府主要官员政治晋升的影响效应。研究发现,考察期内,各地方政府之间"为增长而竞争"对官员政治晋升的影响效应是不显著的,而"为创新而竞争"则能够显著促进官员的政治晋升,且这种促进作用具有一定的阶段性特征。  相似文献   

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