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邵曦  王娜娅 《文教资料》2011,(32):211-212
始业教育是为了帮助新生适应大学的学习、生活而开展的引导性教育活动。本文通过分析当前大学新生常见的适应不良问题和始业教育存在的不足,探讨始业教育如何通过改变观念、完善机制、创新方法,从而帮助新生尽快转变角色,顺利适应大学生活。  相似文献   

方晶  吴一鸣 《文教资料》2010,(22):220-221
高校新生的始业教育是指高校为了使进入大学的新生尽快适应大学的生活而进行的初始阶段教育。本文从学习方法的转变、生活环境的转变、人际关系的转变三方面分析了大学新生初入高校难以适应的现状.并针对造成这一现状的原因分析,对在科学发展观指导下如何开展高校始业教育进行了阐述。  相似文献   

大学新生始业教育:实现大学与中学教育的衔接   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
从中学生活进入大学生活是学生人生旅途上的一次飞跃,如何使大学新生尽快适应大学的生活是高校新生工作的重要内容。本从学习环境,生活环境,人际环境和管理环境等方面论述了大学新生难以有效适应大学生活的现状,分析了造成这种现状的原因。并指出大学新生始业教育是促成新生适应大学环境的有效措施。对如何展开始业教育进行了阐述。  相似文献   

大学新生心理健康始业教育初探   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
大学新生处在从青少年向成年的转型期和从中学到大学的跨越期,学习任务、生活环境都发生了很大的变化。如何使他们尽快适应大学生活,是高校新生工作的重要内容。蕾更根据新生心理测试结果,分析了新生心理健康状况及其成因,指出新生心理健康始业教育是促成新生适应大学环境的有效措施,并对如何搞好新生心理健康始业教育进行了探讨。  相似文献   

大学第一年是大学生人生经历中的关键转折点,良好的入学教育不仅关系到新生对大学学习、生活和环境的适应,而且影响到他们未来的发展。笔者以美国Valparaiso大学新生始业教育中的特色内容如Focus新生导向计划、核心计划、咨询服务及友好家庭计划等进行了介绍,以期对我国高校新生始业教育有所借鉴。  相似文献   

本文从新生因面临新的环境及生活方式、学习方法的改变而产生种种心理不适方面分析入手,结合当前大学生思想工作实践,探讨如何做好新生的思想教育工作,使他们尽快适应新的生活环境,以健康的心态迎接大学生活。  相似文献   

张海燕 《考试周刊》2013,(41):152-153
大学新生在开始大学生活时在环境、学习、人际交往、心理等方面产生了一系列的适应问题,表现在环境适应方面的问题即为环境适应不良。环境适应是大学新生进入到大学生活所面临的第一个挑战。研究大学新生如何尽快适应环境、学会独立生活,促进心理健康、和谐发展,是大学生心理健康教育的重要课题。  相似文献   

大学新生始业教育是高等学校人才培养工作的重要组成部分,对于大学新生把握大学生活规律、确立科学的成才目标并为之努力奋斗具有重要意义.始业教育主要内容包括适应性和养成性教育、归属感和责任感培养、成才观和理想观确立三个层面.成功的新生始业教育对大学生的成长成才产生积极而深远的影响.  相似文献   

论大学新生对学校环境的适应能力   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从学校环境、学习环境、生活环境和人际环境等方面入手,就大学新生可能出现的适应问题进行了探讨,提出了帮助大学新生尽快适应新环境的措施,旨在提高大学生的适应能力,使他们尽快适应新的大学生活。  相似文献   

论西部汉区高校少数民族学生入学心理调适   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
魏海东 《高教论坛》2010,(5):127-129
如何解决少数民族学生进入汉区高校而产生的心理不适问题,这是西部高校在教育和教学中不可忽视的一个重大问题。本文从分析少数民族学生产生心理不适的原因出发,力求探索解决这一问题的途径,帮助刚进入大学的少数民族大学生尽快适应新的生活学习环境,使他们的心理得到健康发展。  相似文献   

对普通教育教师进行职前特殊教育能力的培养是英国普通教育教师职前培养的重要组成部分。英国在普通教育教师职前特殊教育能力培养体系中设立了独立的管理机构,制定了详细的培养要求,这为准备踏上工作岗位的新教师提供了更多有针对性的学习机会,确保了教师能够更好地满足儿童的特殊教育需要。  相似文献   

A role for practising teachers in initial teacher education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper discusses the problems which can arise from the location of initial teacher education in two contexts, namely higher education and schools. An attempt to reduce the resulting dissonance by deploying practising teachers on an initial teacher education programme within higher education is described and the views of those teachers are presented. It is suggested that the use of practising teachers in higher education has a number of advantages, such as the presentation to students of situated and practical knowledge of teaching and the opportunity for more consistent quality assurance of professional inputs to the programme. But questions are raised about access to the craft knowledge of the teachers and the relationship between theoretical and practical components of the course. It is concluded that bringing practising teachers into the higher education contexts could act as a basis for the development of a more effective initial teacher education and for professional development of both teachers and lecturers working on initial teacher education programmes.  相似文献   

为了增强基础教育的世界竞争力,提高职前教师教育水平,英国教育部于2010年和2011年相继出台了白皮书《教学的重要性》和咨询意见稿《培训下一代卓越教师》。其中相关的职前教师教育新政策主要有提高职前教师教育质量、优化职前教师教育的路径、强化大学与中小学伙伴合作、加大对职前教师教育的资助力度。新政策体现了注重政策发展的连续性、注重促进公平与效率、注重巩固伙伴合作关系等特点。  相似文献   

This article, based on the analysis of responses given by 27 students in initial teacher education, gives an account of how education theory can be conceived by students as relevant to their teaching practice. Research on teacher education in many countries has revealed that students regard theory and practice to be inconsistent or to belong to different worlds in initial teacher education. This may have a potentially negative effect on the teachers’ opportunities for future professional development, as such development should be based on the ability to view one’s own teaching practice from a critical, theory- and research-based perspective. In the research and development project reported in this article, the PIL-project, the students’ teaching practice was chosen as the pivotal point for all the other activities involved in the teacher education programme. Results indicate that when questions emerge from the students’ own experience, theory is often found useful in discussing and understanding their practical experiences. The results further show that the students’ choice of theory when discussing their teaching practice is eclectic. Students tend to choose theory with direct relevance to their daily tasks in the classrooms. The implication for initial teacher education is that the educational theory taught should more often address the immediate challenges faced by the students doing their teaching practice.  相似文献   

Lifelong learning has become a prominent fixture in educational policy in recent years in many countries around the world. In terms of teacher education, it is now widely accepted that initial teacher education is insufficient for the lifelong professional needs of teachers. From September 2012, initial teacher education in Ireland will be offered as a radically different four-year BEd degree programme. This reform of initial teacher education offers immense potential for teacher educators to re-imagine their programmes in light of a range of guiding paradigms and theoretical frameworks, including lifelong learning. This paper provides a rationale for developing programmes in initial teacher education in the context of lifelong learning. A number of recommendations for lifelong primary teacher education are offered in light of current reforms that are taking place in Ireland.  相似文献   

The Health Promoting Schools in Europe initiatives have highlighted the importance of health education in schools. Although health education is inter-disciplinary, biology teachers have an important role in teaching about health and in the formation of policy. Health education needs therefore to be part of initial teacher education programmes for those who are preparing to teach biology in secondary schools. Student teachers in England and Sweden have been involved in a pilot study that is investigating two aspects of teaching health education. The first element of the study has used questionnaires and small group discussions to explore biology student teachers’ perceptions of teaching about health as part of biology. In the second phase student teachers have been investigating secondary pupils’ understanding about aspects of health. In this paper we report on the initial findings and consider the implications of these results for the teaching of biology in secondary schools.  相似文献   

This investigation examines the place of initial and further education in continuing education and training over the life-course of workers across Europe. The evidence presented demonstrates that in countries with a strong orientation towards vocational education, participation in continuing education and training among employees is higher than in countries that mainly provide general education. Moreover, it can be seen that the effect of the vocational orientation of the education system increases over the life-course of workers. The conclusion of this investigation is that further education complements rather than substitutes for initial education. This implies that national education and training policies meant to encourage lifelong learning should not only attempt to expand or redirect training received by already experienced workers, but also try to facilitate participation in initial vocational training.  相似文献   


The emphasis on 'partnership' in initial teacher education is a matter not just of organisational structure but of professional practices and purposes. If universities are to remain key players in initial teacher education, they must support the occupational group that represents the sector's interests and values: university-based initial teacher educators. Currently, however, this occupational group is awkwardly positioned between competing sets of accountability demands and institutional requirements. This article argues that only by encouraging and sustaining the professional renewal of university-based initial teacher educators will the university earn itself a continuing place in the evolving story of initial teacher education. That renewal is dependent, in other words, not only on the institutional re-positioning of the university but also on its re-commitment to initial teacher education as a core activity; a re-commitment which, it is argued, must recognise professional learning as a major 'field' of study across professional domains.  相似文献   

Vocational training and skills are playing an increasingly important role in the developed economies. However, both the vocational education structure and the underlying philosophy and culture of education and training vary from country to country. What is clear, though, is that employers play a crucial role in all cases; this paper explores the reasons why companies in different countries are willing to invest in initial vocational education and how they do so. The paper will focus on Great Britain and Germany as examples of a market-led model and a state-directed model, respectively. Interviews with employers in both countries show that, in Britain, initial vocational education is strongly task-related in most cases or else is seen as the employee’s private, individual concern. In Germany, by contrast, a much broader range of initial vocational education is available and is viewed as an integral part of company culture.  相似文献   

文化应答式教育是利用学生的语言文化背景进行教学,促进学生在学业上获得成功的一种教育模式,主要针对少数民族学生的教育。我国的教育研究在这个方面尚处于起始阶段。借鉴美国的教育模式对我国这样一个多民族国家的教育有着极其重大的指导意义。  相似文献   

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