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The paper provides a case study of educators' relations with the state in England. A brief historical sketch is offered along with a more in-depth analysis focusing on the situation in “Midlands County” between 1976 and 1981, a period of the “Great Debate,” policy reforms, and cuts in education. Teachers' perceptions of these events and their individual and collective action related to them are also described. Drawing on theoretical work pertaining to state-economy and state-occupation relations, an attempt is made to understand these developments in terms of the national and local state in England dealing with two structural imperatives — accumulation and reproduction — of the capitalist economy at the national and world system level. The paper examines finally more recent dynamics in England in light of this theoretical framework.  相似文献   

The article presents rates of return to investment in education in former Yugoslavia by region — former federal units (republics and autonomous provinces), by level of education, by gender, and for the society and the individual. It has shown some similarities and some differences regarding the observed pattern of the economic efficiency of investment in education in other countries. Some causes for these differences are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate how geometrical models can be used in learning and teaching mathematics, in connection with the development of a process of reflective thinking, which we study first in general. Some more specific questions — arising from the use of geometrical models in the classroom — have led us to an experimental study, the results of which are presented and discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

This study examined the usefulness of faculty ratings as a measure of departmental quality. Two hundred and thirty-three faculty members from six departments responded to two questionnaires relating to the department—the Department Evaluation Survey (DES)—and to the department head—the Administrator Evaluation Survey (AES). A factor analysis of the DES revealed three underlying dimensions: Satisfaction with the Department's Academic Environment, Satisfaction with the Department's Governance and Operating Procedures, and Satisfaction with Student Quality. The factor analysis of the AES identified only one underlying dimension. Both the DES and AES were found to be highly reliable and effective in discriminating among departments. Very high positive correlations were also found between selacted DES and AES items suggesting that the performance of the head plays a very important role in faculty perceptions of the departments, and vice versa. Faculty ratings would appear to be a useful initial criterion in evaluating a department or head.  相似文献   

MIT launched a major new initiative called Project Athena in 1983 to improve the quality of education through the introduction of a high-quality computing infrastructure throughout the campus. Implementation of the Project Athena computing environment required eight years, cost about $100 million, and was sponsored by Digital Equipment and IBM in addition to MIT. The Athena computing environment is based almost entirely on workstations from these two vendors using the Unix operating system. Project Athena is now complete. The resulting computer system has been turned over to the campus computing organization for ongoing operation and maintenance. The computing environment available at MIT for education has been significantly improved. Students are graduating today that have never known life at MIT without the ubiquitous availability of high-quality computing. This article provides an overview of the initial objectives and strategies of Project Athena at MIT relative to its educational use. The specific strategies that MIT employed in the use of work-stations in educational are then described. These strategies are contrasted with other available strategies. Specific examples of the use of workstations are presented. An important element in current and future education delivery is multimedia. Athena in conjunction with the MIT Media Lab has one of the largest efforts in multimedia development of any of the universities, and MIT is using multimedia in education on a daily basis. A new laboratory, the Center for Educational Computing Initiatives, has been established with a major focus on multimedia. Finally the lessons learned from Athena relative to its primary objective — that of improving education — are reviewed.  相似文献   

Models for optimizing and individualizing school learning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two psychological traditions—correlational studies of individual differences and experimental studies of stimulus variation—have failed to make educational research a useful applied science. The two traditions must be integrated within an emerging field of study—social environments of learning. Based on parsimony and predictability, two general models and seven special models are proposed that identify the empirically testable assumptions of instructional programs purporting to optimize or individualize school learning.
Résumé Deux traditions psychologiques—les études de correlation des différences individuelles et les études expérimentales de variation de stimulus—n'ont pas réussi à faire de la recherche éducationnelle une science appliquée utile. On devrait intégrer ces deux traditions dans un nouveau domaine d'études—les environnements sociaux d'études. Basés sur la parcimonie et la prédictabilité, deux modèles généraux et sept modèles spéciaux sont proposés afin d'identifier les assomptions des programmes instructionnels qu'on peut mettre à l'épreuve et qui visent à l'efficacité optimum ou à l'individualisation de l'apprentissage dans les écoles.

A concoction is something you cook up on the spur of the moment with a bunch of ingredients and only an idea of what it will turn out to be. Kids are always concocting — in the kitchen, the sandbox, the mud, the bathtub. Concocting is their science — the way they explore and experiment and learn about the world around them.This article features recipes that young children can cook up on the spur of the moment — if the right ingredients are available. The cook who originally concocted them guarantees the final product will look something like the original, but notexactly like it, since most amounts are approximate and no two concoctions are exactly alike anyway.The only essential ingredient that happens not to appear on any list is imagination — the impulse or vision to throw in a dash of this or a dollop of that when it's not called for. With this magic ingredient, kids are truly concocting.Excerpted from the bookConcoctions, by Susan Pinkerton. ©1987 Monday Morning Books, Inc., P.O. Box 1680, Palo Alto, CA 94302.  相似文献   

The metaphor learning to teach at the elbows is put forward in this article to highlight claims about learning to teach that focus on the development of “teaching manner.” My particular interest is in characterizing and understanding aspects of teaching that seem to be acquired, shared, mediated, and changed through teachers' work together—a shaping which I believe occurs initially through mimicry in the practice setting, and which in many cases appears to take place independent of rational deliberation. I ask “How do I understand this kind of learning?” and “How, then, do I then represent my work as a teacher educator?” These questions are explored in light of contemporary Western ideas about situated cognition, activity, and identity—ideas which are extended further in this paper by pointing out similar problems related to integrating knowing and action that are found in early Chinese philosophy. In particular, the dialogical relationship between Confucianism and Taoism provides a useful framework for understanding the studio interplay between learning as socio-culturally mediated activity and critical reflection in the initial preparation of teachers.  相似文献   

Big — bold — beautiful — they're called big books, and preschool teachers are regularly discovering their exciting educational potential. Traditionally, using books with children is a practice that adults have used since they were first developed in the sixteenth century. Indeed, most preschool classrooms include centers which are called by a variety of names — book nook, book corner, book center, storytime center, reading center, or some other title. It's rare to find a child who does not respond to book reading or storytelling, and teachers of young children routinely plan time each day to read a book to their youngsters. Educationally, their use is acceptable practice for children of all ages. Laverne Warner is a professor of early childhood education at Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX. This article draws on material published by the author in Texas Child Care Quarterly,(Summer, 1990), 13:4, 3–8.  相似文献   

Three teaching experiments are reported which study aspects of a diagnostic teaching methodology based on identifying key conceptual points and misconceptions, focusing on these, giving substantial open challenges, provoking cognitive conflict, and resolving it through intensive discussion. An experiment in the field of directional quantities showed a positive relation between the intensity of discussion and amount of learning; one on fractions and another on geometric reflections both showed — in comparison with individualized booklets, for which retention was very low — strikingly good two-month retention under the experimental teaching methods. The particular misconceptions found in each topic are also described.  相似文献   

There has not yet been an attempt to categorize or critique the substantial body of literature that has arisen around the Holmes Group’s three reports regarding the treatment of teaching and teacher education: Tomorrow’s Teachers (1986), Tomorrow’s Schools (1990) and Tomorrow’s Schools of Education (1995). This article represents an initial attempt to do so, as well as to discuss what impact, if any, the Holmes suggestions have had on current practice. This literature revolves around the themes of gender, professionalism, and epistemology—themes which have dominated discussions of American teacher education for at least 150 years. Criticism of the reports accuses the Holmes Group of covering over and even perpetuating dilemmas related to thee issues with politically calculating pseudo-solutions. Favorable responses to the Holmes reports generally claim that they ‘professionally’ empower teachers by showing increased respect for teachers’ ways of knowing and doing in the classroom.  相似文献   

This paper is about increasing student participation in the teaching and learning process. It describes a methodology designed and implemented by the author for an Industrial Analysis unit in 1990–91 and emphasises the underlying educational philosophy. Industrial Analysis is a second year subject within the course Industrial and Business Systems, Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering in De Montfort University (former Leicester Polytechnic).The test of educational quality is assumed to be — What students are able to do on their own after exams. The programme aimed to train second year engineering undergraduates for industrial placement in the third year and, more generally, to bridge the gap between Institutes of Technology and industries.The subject — Industrial Analysis — is compared to the rest of the course — Industrial and Business Systems. The purpose is to assess how second year students perceive learning. With such knowledge a teaching approach could be devised to improve learning outcomes.The student-centred teaching approach is based on three pillars: explanation of theory, instruction on research methods, industrial applications. A total of 111 students form 25 teams and research 18 industries. The focus is on Research capability and Group interaction.Helpful guidelines emerge from student performance — how to avoid common pitfalls in research, such as unclear objectives, wide scope, vague approach, excessive data, superfluous technicalities and digressions. Advantages of early focusing are illustrated. Factor analysis is applied in order to find out how concepts are integrated by students.Sharing of experiences and team-working routines in class is used to bring down psychological barriers to learning. Individual and team levels of learning are examined through successive exposures and cycles.  相似文献   

Résumé L'introduction des notions de probabilité, a fortiori celle de probabilité conditionnelle, pose un problème didactique épineux en raison de préconceptions des élèves (Fischbein et al., 1991), nées des références concr ètes indispensables à cette introduction. Ces préconceptions peuvent se renforcer en conceptions qui se posent en obstacles épistémologiques et obstacles d'origine didactique. À l'aide d'une nouvelle méthode d'analyse de donn ées — l'implication statistique — et d'une méthodologie d'emploi post-corré1ative, nous mettons en évidence ces conceptions à partir des travaux d'élèves et en explicitant des procédures de résolution de problèmes, rév é1atrices de ces conceptions.
Students' conceptions on conditional probability revealed by a data analysis method: Implication - similarity - correlation
The introduction of notions of probability, above all conditional probability, poses a thorny problem in didactics due to student's preconceptions (Fischbein et al., 1991), stemming from the concrete references indispensable for this introduction. These preconceptions may be reinforced by conceptions which become epistemological and especially didactical obstacles. Using a new method of data analysis — statistical implication - and a method of post-correlative treatment, we reveal these conceptions using student's work, and make explicite the procedures of problem solving used, that are a reflexion of these conceptions.

A generalized version of the academic flow model was constructed from pooled data from two institutions of higher education. This version of the model was used to analyze the probable quantitative effects — on a faculty composition, on salary costs, and on the rate of faculty turnover — that would result from the implementation of each of the following seven theoretical options: (1) implementing an early retirement plan; (2) extending the probationary period for tenure; (3) shortening the probationary period for tenure; (4) using a greater proportion of part-time faculty; (5) using a greater proportion of unlimited renewable appointments (unlimited renewable appointments are one- or two-year term contracts that may be renewed indefinitely); (6) using a greater proportion of nonrenewable fixed-term appointments (fixed-term refers to those appointments that are full time but that are not eligible for tenure; and (7) granting substantially less tenure.  相似文献   

Student–teacher–scientist partnership (STSP) programs are cooperative relationships in which students, with the support of their teachers, participate in and contribute to the research of scientists. This paper examines one of the world's largest STSPs—an international environmental science education program called GLOBE (Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment)—and proposes recommendations to scientists about how they can get the most out of their research and teaching relationship with students and their teachers. GLOBE is an international K–12 STSP that engages students in Earth's Systems investigations. Extensive training is needed for students to collect and report accurate data to scientists, and special preparatory curricula are needed to make their partnership effective and motivating. Recognizing these issues, this research was conducted specifically to identify and recommend a set of training material design criteria for implementation of STSPs in the elementary and middle school levels. The conclusions—the result of background research, extensive interviews and consultation with teachers—provide guidance to GLOBE and other STSP programs to enhance the development of effective and engaging training materials.  相似文献   

A psychological model of student persistence   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The present study examines the validity of the Eccles model of achievement behaviors (model of academic choice) for its predictive validity when the outcome (behavior) is student persistence in the postsecondary educational system to completion of at least the baccalaureate degree. Patterns of effects hypothesized by the theoretical model were only partially supported by the results forthcoming from the estimation of the model. Of the two constructs hypothesized to directly influence persistence—the value placed on college attendance and expectations for success in college—only value had significant influence. Two measures of goal orientations—business/financial and humanitarian/social—exerted indirect influence as hypothesized, but level of degree aspirations had as strong a direct influence on persistence as did value. Prior achievement had the strongest total effects of any of the variables in the model.  相似文献   

Résumé En matière d'éducation des adultes, les distinctions habituelles entre formation initiale, complémentaire continue et permanente, commencent seulement à être discernées en Afrique francophone. Les expériences en cours sont analysées en relation avec la forme d'éducation, l'âge de la clientèle a servir, les lieux d'implantation, les niveaux d'exécution, les catégories de provenance des formateurs et les langues de communication. L'examen des pratiques de formation dans ces pays laisse entrevoir une sorte de tructuration progressive qui se traduit par le passage de modalités et formes diffuses à leur institutionalisation; du bénévolat au professionalisme; d'un manque de formation initiale à la mise en place d'une politique structurelle de formation des formateurs. Il s'ensuit une neutralisation progressive des distinctions: scolaire—extra-scolaire, urban—rural, jeune—adulte, etc.; une intégration des approaches de formation.
The customary distinctions between initial training, continuing complementary and lifelong training are only beginning to be seen now in francophone Africa. The current experiences are analysed in relation to the form of education, the age of the clientele to be served, the localities where it is introduced, the different levels of execution, the categories of the trainers' educational background and the languages of communication. The examination of the practices of training in these countries allow one to forsee a kind of progressive structuring which finds expression in the transition from diffuse modalities and forms to their institutionalisation; from benevolence to professionalism; from a lack of initial training to a systematic policy of training of tainers. From this follows a progressive neutralization of the distinctions between formal—non-formal; urban—rural; youth—adult, etc.; an integration of the approaches to training.

Zusammenfassung In der Erwachsenenbildung werden die herkömmlichen Unterscheidungen zwischen anfänglicher, komplimentär weiterführender und lebenslanger Ausbildung erst jetzt im frankophonen Afrika erkannt. Die derzeitigen Erfahrungen werden in ihrer Beziehung zur Art und Weise der Bildung, zum Alter des zu berücksichtigen Klientels, zu der Einbildung der Projekte in die örtlichen Gegebenheiten, den unterschiedlichen Ebenen in der Durchführung, zu der Ausbildungsart der Lehrkräfte und zu der Kommunikationssprache analysiert. Die Untersuchung der Ausbildungspraktiken in diesen Ländern läßt eine progressive Strukturierung erkennen, die in dem Übergang von diffusen Modalitäten und Formen bis zu ihrer endgültigen Institutionalisierung dargestellt wird; vom Wohlwollen zum Professionalismus; von einem Mangel an anfänglicher Ausbildung zu einer Strukturpolitik zur Ausbildung der Ausbilder. Es folgt eine progressive Aufhebung der Unterschiede: formal—nicht-formal, städtisch—ländlich, jugendlich—erwachsen, usw. sowie schließlich eine Integration der Ausbildungsansätze.

有关数字签名的应用已经深入社会生活的许多领域,而各类的应用环境又对数字签名提出了多种额外要求.这些要求使数字签名的应用已从最初作为手写签名的数字对照物拓展到多个领域,形成了具有多种用途的特殊数字签名.基于G.Ateniese和G.Tsudik提出的群签名方案(简称ACJT方案),构造一个新的改进方案,新方案的构造过程使用了更为高效的知识签名协议,新方案的安全性在随机语言模型下得到了较为充分的分析.  相似文献   

Longer-Term Economic Effects of College Selectivity and Control   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study uses a nationally representative sample of baccalaureate recipients—4 years after graduation—to assess the effects of college selectivity and control on earnings and indebtedness related to undergraduate education. After controlling for salient background, education, and labor market characteristics there is strong evidence of a substantial earnings return to college selectivity and control, which is consistent with the bulk of earlier work in this area. The impact of these factors on education-related debt is varied, with graduates from more selective private institutions continuing to bear the largest debt burden. Findings also suggest, however, that the enhanced earnings for graduates from selective private colleges are quickly offsetting the associated debt burden. Potentially problematic issues include a mix of high debt loads and sub-par labor market experiences for graduates from low selectivity private institutions—those that also serve a disproportionate number of nontraditional students.  相似文献   

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