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如何让职业、技工类学校学汽车维修专业的学生学好汽车专业课,提高教学效果,使他们真正掌握汽车技术.本文从转变学生学习态度、采用灵活多样的教学方法、着重基础训练和掌握一种学习的方法等几个方面对汽车专业课教学进行了探讨。  相似文献   

长期以来,技校学生学习较为被动,课堂教学往往千篇一律,主要以学生被动接受书本知识为主要特征,忽略了人的主动性、能动性和独立性。老师在课堂教学过程中,一般只注重书本知识的传授,而忽略了培养学生积极、主动学习态度的养成。教师要想让学生学好专业课,掌握好专业课知识,必须在授课前设计出好的方案,上课时注意激发学生的学习积极性,使学生热爱学习,自觉、主动地投入到专业课学习之中去,这样,学习才能奏效。反之,则事倍功半。  相似文献   

阐述了在培养学生专业技能的同时,如何将素质教育寓于专业课的课堂教学之中,提出了专业理想、工作作风、课堂教学、学习态度、创新意识、综合能力的培养,对学生的学习和今后工作具有重要意义。  相似文献   

王莎 《教育教学论坛》2014,(38):189-190
中等职业学校随着社会的发展,已经成为学生初、高中毕业后的分水岭,以成绩好坏作为分界准则,是文化课学习效果欠缺学生的另一出路。正因为这类学生欠缺积极主动的学习态度以及就读职业学校只为就业的目的,所以,进入中职学校学习的学生,多数延续了已往的学习态度,甚至厌学更加严重,学习成绩更不理想。作为班主任和一名专业课教师,在整个班主任管理工作和教学中,抓好学生学业效果也是我们艰巨任务之一,本文从自我班主任管理工作和自身的专业课教学经验中总结了一些关于中职学校的教育教学管理方法的思路和想法。  相似文献   

本文简述了在专业课教学中引入自主学习的教学策略的教学实践和体会.通过多途径激发学生的学习动机、优化课堂的学习方式以及建立多元学生学习效果的评价方式等促进学生自主学习、提高自学能力,培养良好的学习态度和习惯.  相似文献   

一、中职学校学生现状(一)学生基础知识差、专业课难入门。中职学校由于招生困难,为了生存,被迫降低了录取标准。录取进校的学生,水平参差不齐,有很多人基础知识差,学习目标不明确,学习态度不端正。(二)学生不遵守校纪校规,不服从班主任管理。少数学生旷课现象严重,没有严格遵守学校的规章制度,按时上下课、做操、  相似文献   

普通高等学校学生的学习问题是社会关注的焦点之一,独立学院的学生的学习问题更多,更复杂。本文以《跨文化交际》这门英语专业课的考试结果为研究依据,结合其他研究材料,对某独立学院英语专业学生的学习问题做研究分析,归纳出学生在学习态度、学习主动性和学习方法上存在的问题并提出了相应的改进措施和建议。  相似文献   

普通高等学校学生的学习问题是社会关注的焦点之一,独立学院的学生的学习问题更多,更复杂。本文以《跨文化交际》这门英语专业课的考试结果为研究依据,结合其他研究材料,对某独立学院英语专业学生的学习问题做研究分析,归纳出学生在学习态度、学习主动性和学习方法上存在的问题并提出了相应的改进措施和建议。  相似文献   

一、中职语文教学现状分析(一)学生学的现状中职学生在学习上存在着较大困难,没有良好的学习习惯,学习态度也不端正,还处处显示出自己所谓的个性,一般听不进别人的建议。他们往往会把语文等公共课视为豆芽科,好一点的学生还能勉强学习,不少学生干脆放弃,把还想学习的一丁点儿兴趣都放在专业课学习上。  相似文献   

《机械基础》是我校机电、数控专业一门重要的专业基础课程,其任务是使学生获得从事与机械技术有关工作所必需具有的基本理论、基本知识、基本技能,并为学习后续专业课打下基础。由于中职学生的基础知识不扎实,学习态度、学习方法存在一定的问题,学生普遍存在接收慢、难点多、成绩不理想等现象,就如何激发课堂教学,谈几点个人的体会。  相似文献   

文章从瞄准新世纪生物工程专业创新型人才培养的需要出发,依据四年制工科大学生的专业能力养成惯性和课程普遍特性,将大学本科四年分为基础训练和专业训练两个阶段,并有意识地将专业训练部分的课程内容在基础训练部分通过单列课程得到先期呈现,从而形成"两段—交叉—渗透"本科教学组织模式,对研究教学型学院创新型人才的培养提供了全面支持,并取得明显成效。  相似文献   

The BIO2010 report provided a compelling argument for the need to create learning experiences for undergraduate biology students that are more authentic to modern science. The report acknowledged the need for research that could help practitioners successfully create and reform biology curricula with this goal in mind. Our objective in this article was to explore how a set of six design heuristics could be used to evaluate the potential of curricula to support productive learning experiences for science students. We drew on data collected during a long-term study of an undergraduate traineeship that introduced students to mathematical modeling in the context of modern biological problems. We present illustrative examples from this curriculum that highlight the ways in which three heuristics—instructor role-modeling, holding students to scientific norms, and providing students with opportunities to practice these norms—consistently supported learning across the curriculum. We present a more detailed comparison of two different curricular modules and explain how differences in student authority, problem structure, and access to resources contributed to differences in productive engagement by students in these modules. We hope that our analysis will help practitioners think in more concrete terms about how to achieve the goals set forth by BIO2010.  相似文献   

Universal design of built environments is an area of professional interest for both architects and occupational therapists, yet is not always specifically included in undergraduate curricula. This paper reports on the student experience of introducing universal design education into architecture and occupational therapy curricula. Online and face-to-face teaching methods were employed, including virtual and real-life simulation activities designed to provide students with a personal experience of impairment. Virtual simulation activities used the medium of Second Life?. Results showed improvement in self-reported learning outcomes related to universal design and, overall, students found the learning activities and resources useful. Real-life simulations were reported to be more useful than virtual simulations. Project outcomes support the introduction of universal design education into architecture and occupational therapy curricula, and offer insight into student perceptions and future directions for related teaching and learning resources.  相似文献   

Novice programmers are facing many difficulties while learning to program. Most studies about misconceptions in programming are conducted at the undergraduate level, yet there is a lack of studies at the elementary school (K-12) level, reasonably because computer science neither programming are regularly still not the part of elementary school curricula’s. Are the misconceptions about loops at elementary school level equal to those at the undergraduate level? Can we “prevent” the misconceptions by using the different pedagogical approach, visual programming language and shifting the programming context toward game programming? In this paper, we tried to answer these questions. We conducted the student misconceptions research on one of the fundamental programming concepts – the loop. The research is conducted in the classroom settings among 207 elementary school students. Students were learning to program in three programming languages: Scratch, Logo and Python. In this paper, we present the results of this research.  相似文献   

This paper explores how to strengthen the research-teaching nexus in university education, in particular, how to improve the relation between policy and practice. The focus is on courses and curricula for undergraduate students. From a review of policy documents and research literature, it appeared that the research-teaching nexus can be shaped according to two dimensions. One concerns an emphasis on either the research content and products, or the research processes and problems; the other concerns the role of students as either learning existing insights, or as 'participants in research' who contribute to insights which are new to the field (e.g., by conducting research themselves). It is concluded that if a university chooses to strengthen the research-teaching nexus in undergraduate curricula, this implies involving students more often in the role of participants in research.  相似文献   

An undergraduate social work program developed a service‐learning experience in partnership with a local United Way organization to complete a community needs assessment project. The experience integrated the curricula of a social work research methods course and a generalist‐macro practice course with the principles and actions of experiential and service‐ learning, evidence based practice, and civic responsibility. This integrated curricula project yielded practical, “real world” outcomes for the local community and learning outcomes for the students. Needs assessments conducted by social students resulted in particular groups of community citizens receiving targeted services from agencies receiving funding from United Way. Evidence obtained from the students who participated in this experience indicates that two important learning outcomes were achieved; a heightened awareness of the local community's resource system and a sense of connection to the local community, along with the enhancement of students ‘self‐esteem and increased self‐confidence in their abilities.  相似文献   

The North Carolina State University Biotechnology Program offers laboratory-intensive courses to both undergraduate and graduate students. In "Manipulation and Expression of Recombinant DNA," students are separated into undergraduate and graduate sections for the laboratory, but not the lecture, component. Evidence has shown that students prefer pairing with someone of the same academic level. However, retention of main ideas in peer learning environments has been shown to be greater when partners have dissimilar abilities. Therefore, we tested the hypothesis that there will be enhanced student learning when lab partners are of different academic levels. We found that learning outcomes were met by both levels of student, regardless of pairing. Average undergraduate grades on every assessment method increased when undergraduates were paired with graduate students. Many of the average graduate student grades also increased modestly when graduate students were paired with undergraduates. Attitudes toward working with partners dramatically shifted toward favoring working with students of different academic levels. This work suggests that offering dual-level courses in which different-level partnerships are created does not inhibit learning by students of different academic levels. This format is useful for institutions that wish to offer "boutique" courses in which student enrollment may be low, but specialized equipment and faculty expertise are needed.  相似文献   

美国大学与学院联合会(AAC&U)从2000年开始连续发布了有关美国本科教育改革的政策建议报告和本科教育质量的调查报告。通过对这些报告的梳理可以发现,缺乏对本科生学习目标的关注、过分聚焦狭隘的专业学习、对自由教育的理解过于局限,是AAC&U认为美国本科教育存在的主要缺陷。由此,AAC&U给出了如下改革建议:应设计具有贯通性的本科生学习目标,应给予每个学生充分的学业指导,让学生参与到大问题的学习中去,让学生学会创新和探究的艺术,让学习评价能促进学生的深度发展。本研究对我国高等教育的启示有,应从学习的视角考察本科教育质量问题,构建适切的本科学习目标贯通所有的本科课程,充分重视自由教育的价值与意义,提高教师的教学水平来促进学生的学习。  相似文献   

This paper backgrounds and illustrates an approach to researching didactic knowledge. Underlying the approach are some of the frameworks developed from the student learning research. Based on these frameworks the experience of learning about a particular phenomenon is theorised as having educationally critical aspects. Without addressing these aspects in learning experiences, students are highly unlikely to achieve the target understanding desired by the teacher. The approach developed to research educationally critical aspects compares scholarly and student experiences of learning about a phenomenon using the analytical framework of a structure of awareness. An application of the approach is reported in the form of a phenomenographic study which researched didactic knowledge about the concept of an information system (IS). Multiple, previously unreported, educationally critical aspects of learning about the concept of an IS were identified. Some implications of this finding for the design of IS undergraduate curricula, textbooks, teaching strategies and learning tasks are proposed. Finally, the research approach is promoted as a means to investigate didactic knowledge about other phenomena.  相似文献   

在小学教育本科学生中实施双导师制,主要是根据小教本科的专业特点和社会对小学本科学历教师的要求引入一种“理论与实践相结合”的学习方式,学生在大学四年的学习和生活中,每学期均配备校内和校外指导教师共同指导其学习,并为其提供参与科研和实践工作的机会。校内导师可由学院根据专业特点随机指派,亦可允许师生根据自己的研究方向双向选择,并充分利用本校教育专业博士与硕士研究生资源,参与导师的工作,和班主任、辅导员共同配合指导学生的专业入门、学习计划的涉及和初步的学术研究等方面。校外导师专门负责学生的教育教学技能的训练和培养,并给学生提供各种实践锻炼的机会。不同层次的学生通过共同的导师联系起来,互相学习,合作研究,形成本科生、研究生、教师三者间密不可分的联系。这不仅是对高校智力资源的充分挖掘,而且可以促进学校科研和学术环境建设。  相似文献   

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