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This paper aims to provide new insights to debates on group privacy, which can be seen as part of a social turn in privacy scholarship. Research is increasingly showing that the classic individualistic understanding of privacy is insufficient to capture new problems in algorithmic and online contexts. An understanding of privacy as an “interpersonal boundary-control process” (Altman, The environment and social behavior, Brooks and Cole, Monterey, 1975) framing privacy as a social practice necessary to sustain intimate relationships is gaining ground. In this debate, my research is focused on what I refer to as “self-determined groups” which can be defined as groups whose members consciously and willingly perceive themselves as being part of a communicative network. While much attention is given to new forms of algorithmically generated groups, current research on group privacy fails to account for the ways in which self-determined groups are affected by changes brought about by new information technologies. In an explorative case study on self-organized therapy groups, I show how these groups have developed their own approach to privacy protection, functioning on the basis of social practices followed by all participants. This informal approach was effective in pre-digital times, but online, privacy threats have reached a new level extending beyond the scope of a group’s influence. I therefore argue that self-determined sensitive topic groups are left facing what I present as a dilemma: a tension between the seemingly irreconcilable need for connectivity and a low threshold, on the one hand, and the need for privacy and trust, on the other. In light of this dilemma, I argue that we need new sorts of political solutions.  相似文献   

本文从当前物理学科教育发展现状出发,阐述了物理学在社会发展过程中的重要性。用一些实例具体展示了物理学为当今社会的最高科学科技水平,仍是最具有发展潜力和活力的学科。为了使物理学科能够得到充分的发展,呼吁社会和政府应重视物理学,也对高校物理学科教育工作者的工作提出了建议。  相似文献   

Using the framework of social representations theory--more precisely the concepts of anchoring and objectification--this article analyses the emotions on which the media reporting on climate change draws. Emotions are thereby regarded as discursive phenomena. A qualitative analysis of two series in Swedish media on climate change, one in a tabloid newspaper and one in public service television news, is presented showing how the verbal and visual representations are attached to emotions of fear, hope, guilt, compassion and nostalgia. It is further argued that emotional representations of climate change may on the one hand enhance public engagement in the issue, but on the other hand may draw attention away from climate change as the abstract, long-term phenomenon of a statistical character that it is.  相似文献   

试论科学学派的社会运行   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李伦 《科学学研究》1999,17(1):9-15
作为一种科学社会组织形式,科学学派的成功在很大程度上源于其社会运行的独特性和有效性。科学学派的社会运行,要求社会为其创造适宜的文化环境,提供必要的物质基础,以保证其科学思想的自由和科学活动的自由;同时要求科学学派建立充满活力的自主结构,以增强其社会运行的自身能力。这样,科学学派方能以大学、研究所、实验室等为基地,以科学期刊、著述为舆论领地,以学术会议为桥梁纽带,以讨论班、报告会、自由交谈等为有效的活动方式,积极参与科学的交流、合作与竞争,并在其中发展壮大。  相似文献   

彭华涛  王敏 《科学学研究》2012,30(8):1228-1236
采用群体案例研究的方法,选取国内六家成功的创业企业在其社会网络演化过程中的试错行为作为研究对象,探索了创业企业在其社会网络演化过程中发生试错行为的动因、规律、特征。研究发现,创业企业社会网络演化过程中试错行为的产生具有一定的触发因素,其实施必须让渡一定的成本,且总能从试错活动中积累到一定的经验。创业企业社会网络演化的试错路径呈现出多样化和无边界化,学习在创业企业社会网络演化试错的实施中发挥了重要作用。创业企业社会网络演化的试错行为受到外部动因和内部动因的双重影响。  相似文献   

吴布林  刘昱琪  李光 《情报科学》2022,40(11):33-39
【目的/意义】重大突发事件政府新媒体舆论场谣言的广泛传播,会造成社会恐慌,激化社会矛盾,影响社会 稳定团结。为此,需要对舆论场中的谣言进行研究,促使其尽快消减,使其不利影响最小化。【方法/过程】首先,本 文在对政府新媒体舆论场谣言类型与谣言传播原因分析的基础上,将谣言传播划分为产生、扩散、高潮、消减与平 息等五个环节。然后,分析政府新媒体舆论场谣言传播过程中居民情绪与媒体素养对于谣言传播的影响,结合谣 言本体的重要性与模糊性,构建政府新媒体舆论场谣言的传播、扩散与消减模型。最后,以新冠疫情为例,对所构 建的模型进行验证。【结果/结论】实证结果显示:事件的重要性、模糊性与居民情绪是推动谣言传播的主要因素,而 媒体素养则对谣言的传播发挥抑制作用。基于此,本文针对重大突发事件政府新媒体舆论场谣言,提出相关治理 策略。【创新/局限】本研究为有效控制谣言,确保社会稳定团结提供一定帮助。但由于案例单一,验证结果较局限, 日后可进一步深化。  相似文献   

Birgit Verworn 《Research Policy》2009,38(10):1571-1581
In this study of new product development projects, the fuzzy front end of innovation was explored. The new product development process has multiple stages, so two types of fuzzy front end impacts on the success of new product development were examined: (1) a direct impact and (2) an indirect impact by influencing the next stage of the new product development process, i.e. project execution. Furthermore, the degree of project newness, in accordance with contingency theory, was considered.We developed and tested a conceptual model of relationships among key variables related to the fuzzy front end, project execution, and project success. The structural equation model was tested with AMOS using information from 144 projects completed by German measurement and control technique firms.For the most part, the responses from these firms supported the hypothesized relationships and the frequently claimed importance of the fuzzy front end was confirmed. The results offer strong support for the importance of the early involvement of all departments in new product development to enhance communication and, ultimately, project success. This process can be advanced by initial planning prior to development.Furthermore, the firms’ responses highlighted the importance of reducing market and technical uncertainty during the fuzzy front end, as both were found to negatively influence communication and increase deviations during project execution. The technical uncertainty remaining at the start of a project had a direct, negative influence on project efficiency and the most far-reaching implications regarding the success or failure of the project.With regard to contingency theory, the results indicated that efforts spent on the reduction of uncertainty to improve project execution and success may be influenced by the degree of newness of new product concepts. The degree of newness was found to influence the reduction of technical uncertainty, deviations from specifications, and efficiency.  相似文献   

邵晓云 《科教文汇》2011,(36):72-73
目前,职高政治教学中普遍存在着学生厌学、教师厌教现象,课堂教学死气沉沉,丧失了应有的生命力。因此,注重教学改革与实践,激活政治教学显得尤为迫切与必要。本文主要从职高政治教学改革与实践两方面入手,深入探讨提高政治教学生命力的途径。  相似文献   

董晓萍 《中国科学院院刊》2018,33(12):1327-1336
2017年3月12日国务院同意并发布了由文化部、工业和信息化部、财政部制定的《中国传统工艺振兴计划》,确定了"振兴传统工艺"的重大任务。广大科技工作者和人文社会科学工作者应该抓住这个历史机遇,立足国情,增强现代科学意识,建立研究中国传统工艺的国学价值、多元社会模式技术文化一体结构和对外交流的宏观框架,提取其独有的生命力要素,包括有国家制度的技术、有价值体系的技术、有社会结构的技术、有中国故事的技术、有丰富历史文献的技术和有专业知识的技术等,提升自我阐释能力和未来传承能力,增加文化自信,积极弘扬中国优秀传统文化。同时,也要掌握现代世界知识体系,做到中西互视,拿出高质量的科研成果,制定世界对话与合作的有效对策,增加国际话语权。此外,还应将那些坚持民族文化主体性的、兼具跨文化视野和具体操作个案的,以及中西学界共享优秀学术成果延伸到我国高等教育中去,加速学科建设,重视人才培养工作,使振兴传统工艺的系列工作成为服务于我国现代化建设和丰富世界文明对话内涵的高端事业。  相似文献   

The basic issue of this paper is to investigate whether the relationship between market determinateness and performance found in the Israeli biomedical electronics industry reflects a particular pattern of comparative advantage or whether inadequate program execution was responsible for a part or all of the failures. For this purpose we build a tentative framework for analysing failure. This framework is based on a distinction between what we term causes of failure (inappropriate behavior or uncertainty) and their manifestation at the time of program suspension. Inappropriate behavior (and uncertainty) appears at three levels: overall firm level, choice of program, and program execution. Firm variables (size, market involvement, and management orientation) play a role both in determining inappropriate firm behavior and in explaining it. The results point to the predominance of inappropriate program selection (i.e. lack of comparative advantage) in explaining failure, despite the prevalence of faulty program execution. Inappropriate program selection is the result of insufficient exploratory search coupled with a management orientation which underestimates the importance of marketing aspects in the innovation of process. It also leads to inappropriate execution of innovation programs.  相似文献   

Due to the worldwide accessibility to the Internet along with the continuous advances in mobile technologies, physical and digital worlds have become completely blended, and the proliferation of social media platforms has taken a leading role over this evolution. In this paper, we undertake a thorough analysis towards better visualising and understanding the factors that characterise and differentiate social media users affected by mental disorders. We perform different experiments studying multiple dimensions of language, including vocabulary uniqueness, word usage, linguistic style, psychometric attributes, emotions’ co-occurrence patterns, and online behavioural traits, including social engagement and posting trends.Our findings reveal significant differences on the use of function words, such as adverbs and verb tense, and topic-specific vocabulary, such as biological processes. As for emotional expression, we observe that affected users tend to share emotions more regularly than control individuals on average. Overall, the monthly posting variance of the affected groups is higher than the control groups. Moreover, we found evidence suggesting that language use on micro-blogging platforms is less distinguishable for users who have a mental disorder than other less restrictive platforms. In particular, we observe on Twitter less quantifiable differences between affected and control groups compared to Reddit.  相似文献   

"十四五"伊始,我国进一步推进社会经济向高质量纵深发展,明确知识产权相关各项工作由追求数量转向高质量发展的行动计划。其中,如何通过知识产权保护激发创新主体活力是一项系统工作,需要深入研究。标准作为全球治理和国家治理的重要手段和工具,属于协商一致的公共权力的范畴;从保护个体或团队的创新成果为目标的知识产权角度来说,标准的运用和实施必将成为落实知识产权保护和科技成果保护的重要工具,对知识产权的创造、运用、保护、管理、服务全链条提供一致性支撑保障,确保形成权界清晰、分工合理、责权一致、运转高效的工作规则,进一步帮助激发创新主体的活力和潜力,为我国建设创新型国家保驾护航。  相似文献   

闫敏 《科教文汇》2013,(26):121-122
播音主持和声乐都是以艺术化的声音来表情达意的艺术形式,从本质上讲有许多相通之处。声乐课在播音主持专业中的教学不同于专业音乐院校,它有其自身的独特性和制约性,只有在充分明确该课程在播音主持专业中的教学特点和任务之后,才能根据培养需求和目标进行适应性教学,发挥声乐在这个专业中的作用和意义。本文主要围绕这一问题进行分析和探讨。  相似文献   

Employing the literature on IT governance and the structuration theory of technology assimilation, this research develops a conceptual model to examine decision execution mechanisms of IT governance in post-adoption stages of CRM diffusion, i.e. CRM use, impacts on business processes, and impacts on firm performance. While the literature mainly addresses the forms and contingencies of IT governance structures for decision making, we focus on IT governance mechanisms for decision execution, that is, the role of top management, business managers and IT managers in post-adoption stages of technology diffusion and how these groups are held accountable for their role. We conceptualize decision execution mechanisms of IT governance as including two dimensions: vertical advocacy from top management and horizontal coordination between business and IT managers. Decision execution mechanisms are assumed to facilitate CRM use and value creation. We analyze a dataset of 82 Chinese firms to examine the model and associated hypotheses. Our results show that: (1) decision execution mechanisms, including both vertical advocacy and horizontal coordination, significantly contribute to the three stages of CRM diffusion; (2) vertical advocacy has a notably greater effect on CRM use and firm performance gains than horizontal coordination, which has a greater effect on process gains. (3) CRM use creates operational and strategic benefits in customer-oriented business processes, which further improves firm performance. These findings have important implications for understanding how IT governance shapes the diffusion of CRM technology.  相似文献   

In this paper, we focus on applying sentiment analysis to resources from online art collections, by exploiting, as information source, tags intended as textual traces that visitors leave to comment artworks on social platforms. We present a framework where methods and tools from a set of disciplines, ranging from Semantic and Social Web to Natural Language Processing, provide us the building blocks for creating a semantic social space to organize artworks according to an ontology of emotions. The ontology is inspired by the Plutchik’s circumplex model, a well-founded psychological model of human emotions. Users can be involved in the creation of the emotional space, through a graphical interactive interface. The development of such semantic space enables new ways of accessing and exploring art collections.The affective categorization model and the emotion detection output are encoded into W3C ontology languages. This gives us the twofold advantage to enable tractable reasoning on detected emotions and related artworks, and to foster the interoperability and integration of tools developed in the Semantic Web and Linked Data community. The proposal has been evaluated against a real-word case study, a dataset of tagged multimedia artworks from the ArsMeteo Italian online collection, and validated through a user study.  相似文献   

In this paper, we reflect on some issues basic to the understanding of scientific creativity, including the nature of the “Ah Hah” experience; the relationship of that experience to perseverance; the development of a technique that fits one's personal strengths; the tension between building on and breaking out of intellectual traditions; and, because science is a social endeavor, some ways in which truly novel work has gained acceptance.This paper grows out of a set of interviews with the 2002 Franklin Institute Laureates. The interviews lead us to pay attention to the pairing of analytic ability with synthetic ability. The literature on problem solving has emphasized the importance of synthetic ability in scientific creativity, but has not paid equal attention to this pairing.Looking just at analytic ability, we find the Laureates continually rely on this ability when confronting new realms. Thus, instead of having felt anxiety as they moved into the fields which they have opened up, they experienced emotions ranging from comfort to joy.The Laureates often move into new fields. Their analytic skill allows them to do so with confidence and their creative curiosity gives them a taste for it. And working in their new and “uncrowded” fields they are free to pursue their own take on their own problems. Perhaps this lack of competitive pressure contributes to the personal satisfaction that runs through this group.  相似文献   

People express themselves through posts or selfies with brands and activities on social networking sites (SNSs) such as Facebook and Instagram. This user-generated content provides adequate social information that may elicit the emotions of users who are exposed to such content on these online platforms. Although academic researchers have focused on factors affecting users’ emotions on SNSs, how users reconcile both positive and negative emotions to their attitude and behavior in triadic interactions remains unclear. The current study attempted to answer this research question through the lens of social comparison theory by investigating the effects of tie strength and focus of attention as two forces eliciting online social comparisons on emotional consequences measured through pleasure and envy. Moreover, the dualistic effects of the two distinct types of envy, namely benign and malicious, and the effect of pleasure on users’ approach and avoidance behavior were explored and hypothesized. The results indicated that strong ties triggered more benign envy compared with malicious envy. Furthermore, benign envy positively affected brand attitude and SNS avoidance in terms of exhaustion, whereas malicious envy negatively influenced brand attitude and increased the likelihood of SNS avoidance in terms of both exhaustion and discontinuance.  相似文献   

Social emotion refers to the emotion evoked to the reader by a textual document. In contrast to the emotion cause extraction task which analyzes the cause of the author's sentiments based on the expressions in text, identifying the causes of social emotion evoked to the reader from text has not been explored previously. Social emotion mining and its cause analysis is not only an important research topic in Web-based social media analytics and text mining but also has a number of applications in multiple domains. As the focus of social emotion cause identification is on analyzing the causes of the reader's emotions elicited by a text that are not explicitly or implicitly expressed, it is a challenging task fundamentally different from the previous research. To tackle this, it also needs a deeper level understanding of the cognitive process underlying the inference of social emotion and its cause analysis. In this paper, we propose the new task of social emotion cause identification (SECI). Inspired by the cognitive structure of emotions (OCC) theory, we present a Cognitive Emotion model Enhanced Sequential (CogEES) method for SECI. Specifically, based on the implications of the OCC model, our method first establishes the correspondence between words/phrases in text and emotional dimensions identified in OCC and builds the emotional dimension lexicons with 1,676 distinct words/phrases. Then, our method utilizes lexicons information and discourse coherence for the semantic segmentation of document and the enhancement of clause representation learning. Finally, our method combines text segmentation and clause representation into a sequential model for cause clause prediction. We construct the SECI dataset for this new task and conduct experiments to evaluate CogEES. Our method outperforms the baselines and achieves over 10% F1 improvement on average, with better interpretability of the prediction results.  相似文献   

Nowadays, online word-of-mouth has an increasing impact on people's views and decisions, which has attracted many people's attention.The classification and sentiment analyse in online consumer reviews have attracted significant research concerns. In this thesis, we propose and implement a new method to study the extraction and classification of online dating services(ODS)’s comments. Different from traditional emotional analysis which mainly focuses on product attribution, we attempted to infer and extract the emotion concept of each emotional reviews by introducing social cognitive theory. In this study, we selected 4,300 comments with extremely negative/positive emotions published on dating websites as a sample, and used three machine learning algorithms to analyze emotions. When testing and comparing the efficiency of user's behavior research, we use various sentiment analysis, machine learning techniques and dictionary-based sentiment analysis. We found that the combination of machine learning and lexicon-based method can achieve higher accuracy than any type of sentiment analysis. This research will provide a new perspective for the task of user behavior.  相似文献   

李海兵 《科教文汇》2014,(4):151-152
当前,高职写作教学效率低下和高职学生写作困难等问题日益突出。本文认为高职应用写作可以从教师要成为研究者、注重培养积极情感、鼓励自主表达、从生活中积累感悟、在小组合作中进步等方面着手让高职学生提高写作兴趣,并展示其个性的活力。  相似文献   

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