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In this study, we sought to understand how Black lives matter (BLM) epistemology, as displayed through six months of social media content from official accounts, can inform a racially liberatory pedagogy in higher education for Black and other racially minoritized students. We found BLM, through Facebook and Twitter, situated intersectional Black culture in the contemporary struggle for liberation. BLM also offered information that can raise its followers’ intersectional critical consciousness. Additionally, BLM content highlighted actions that can support Black liberation. Lastly, BLM content supported the building of relationships and naming of emotions as Black people work toward their liberation. In this sense, BLM connected with elements of a racially liberatory pedagogy and offered nuances that advanced the framework. We discuss the implications of this framework for teaching in higher education.  相似文献   

马克思在肯定了启蒙思想中人权观的同时,从历史唯物主义的角度出发,对资产阶级人权进行了深刻的剖析,从根本上揭示了资产阶级“天赋人权”的本质,得出了资产阶级思想家们不能得出的新结论。马克思深刻地认识到,无产阶级争取自身以及人类的解放的运动不能受到资产阶级所谓的自由、平等人权口号的迷惑,而是应该把这些口号作为奋斗的目标,真正的实现自由平等。马克思力图从唯物史观的角度出发,对资产阶级历史的人权观进行了剖析和解读,进而揭露资产阶级人权观的内在矛盾性和虚伪性,为树立正确的人类自由和人类解放思想奠定基础。  相似文献   

旧中国妇女几午年长期受到了剥削和压迫,一直处于社会最低层,五四运动唤醒了她们自由平等的意识,因此一场以男女教育平等为特征的妇女解放运动兴起。这一运动不仅使广大妇女开始求得男女平等的地位,而且使得广大妇女开始登上了社会政治舞台,翻开了中国妇女解放运动新的一页。  相似文献   

The article examines the negative impact of neoliberal policies upon the work of border intellectuals within the university, whose scholarship seeks to explicitly challenge longstanding structural inequalities and social exclusions. More specifically, the notion of neoliberal multiculturalism is defined and discussed with respect to the phenomenon of economic Darwinism and the whitewashing of contemporary academic labor, despite a tradition of progressive struggle within the academy. In response to the current counter-egalitarian climate of neoliberalism, a call is issued for a critical pedagogy that supports a revolutionary vision of human rights and democratic life.  相似文献   


Critical pedagogy speaks of teachers as liberating and transformative intellectuals.Yet their voice is absent from its discourse.The emancipatory action research, described in this article, created a dialogue between teachers and the ideas concerning oppression and liberation found in Neo-Marxist pedagogies. It strongly suggests that teachers can contribute to the further development of these ideas. It indicates that Critical Theory’s perceptions of the totality of oppression were largely accepted by these teachers after their own inner-reflective processes.Yet, the teachers rejected the dyadic perception of oppressors and oppressed, and that of the ‘victimization’ of the subject, as they perceived such an approach to weaken the subject and exempt him/her from the struggle for liberation. They also highlighted the problematic aspects of positive utopia, which many of the critical pedagogies share, and offered a modest, yet intellectually rich perception of the struggle for liberation. As opposed to the static positive utopia that many of Neo-Marxist pedagogies offer, they suggested a dynamic and subjective perception of liberation; one that is neither restricted by the past nor by locality. This research suggests that teachers could well make a valuable contribution to the formation of a new counter-education. And that the development of a new pedagogical language in education could benefit by being done with them rather than for them.  相似文献   

通过考察周恩来女性思想的主要内涵、形成的来源以及周恩来在年轻时期、革命时期的实践和发展,可以看出周恩来女性思想的核心是男女平等,尊重女性权利,为解放女性而奋斗。他的女性思想理念是时代的产物,是马克思主义理论与中国传统文化完美结合的产物,为中国人民的解放事业作出了不可估量的贡献。  相似文献   

The challenges faced in urban science education are deeply rooted in the ongoing struggle for racial, class and gender equity. Part of this struggle is tied to huge differences in class and involves making more equitable the distribution of resources. Another part of this struggle is tied to the rich diversity of children who attend urban schools and involves generating new ways of understanding, valuing, and genuinely incorporating into school‐based practices the culture, language, beliefs, and experiences that these children bring to school. Thus, this article argues that to address these two challenges—and indeed to achieve a more just science education for all urban students— explicitly political research methodologies must be considered and incorporated into urban education. One potential route for this is critical ethnography, for this kind of methodology emerges collaboratively from the lives of the researcher and the researched and is centrally about praxis and a political commitment to the struggle for liberation and in defense of human rights. In making this argument, I have drawn from stories from my own research with homeless children. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 38: 899–917, 2001  相似文献   

人权问题是当今国内、国际争论的一个热点问题。从人的本质这一角度分析和探讨人权形成的客观基础、人权的现实规定以及人权的阶级性和当今人权斗争的实质等方面 ,当前人权斗争的实质就是阶级斗争  相似文献   

从比较的视野分析德国批判教育学反对权威与解放的共同理论主张,探讨其对德国教育民主改革的促进作用。德国批判教育学之权威与解放的理论与实践对中国的教育民主化改革有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

孙朵 《宜春学院学报》2012,34(6):15-17,30
自从哲学产生以来,人的问题始终是哲学家思考和讨论的一个核心问题,而实现人的解放与自由而全面的发展,则是马克思主义哲学的最终归宿。在马克思看来,人类的彻底解放需要一个漫长的历史发展阶段,并不可能一蹴而就,而实现人的自由而全面发展也是需要一定条件作为前进和发展的支撑。因此,人的解放与自由而全面发展,作为马克思主义哲学的最终归宿,作为社会主义国家所追求的终极目标,必将指导我们为实现这一目标而不断努力与奋斗。  相似文献   

在工业化的影响下,19世纪法国资产阶级妇女的社会角色发生了嬗变。工业化的初期,初掌政权的资产阶级在理论上、法律上强化了男子在家庭中的绝对权威,妇女则完全被囿于家庭之中,在“家庭天使”的光环下,资产阶级妇女成为丈夫的附属物,既无政治权利,也无经济地位。随着工业化的进一步发展,资产阶级妇女的女权意识觉醒,19世纪后半期她们开始了争取自身解放的努力。但是由于法国的文化传统,直到一战前她们所取得的权利仍然相当有限。  相似文献   

本文从基层电大教育教学现状出发,结合十七大关于要发展远程教育和继续教育的政策理念,以及建设全民学习、终身学习的学习型社会的要求,从管理学、教育学、心理学的理论着手,阐述基层电大的现状及面临的发展机遇,在此基础上分析基层电大存在的一些普遍问题,并结合科学发展观,寻找出适合基层电大可持续发展的策略。希望能对电大教学研究提供一些参考和借鉴。  相似文献   


In democratic societies schools play a large role in helping students learn the values and skills necessary for adult participation in a free and open society. This article is a case study of a group of students who started a Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) at a private American school in México City. The students' struggle to form and keep their GSA, in light of opposition from a school board member and conservative parents, is analyzed within a framework of critical pedagogy, the goal of which is the expansion of rights for oppressed groups through activist education. The author was co-advisor to the GSA and offers suggestions for others working with similar student groups. This student-led struggle illustrates lessons about democratic values, navigating bureaucracy, effecting social change, and working with others who have diverging opinions.  相似文献   

当今世界,人权已成为普遍关注的问题,本文拟就人权问题的历史实践,中美围饶人权问题的斗争和人权与主权的关系引发几点思考.  相似文献   

弗莱雷为第三世界国家的人民提出了解放教育学。他号召人们联合起来共同追求人的本体使命,即人性化。他具体分析了在追求这一使命过程中的种种意识及心理现象,并提出了被压迫者的任务,即解放。  相似文献   

In 1973 the national conference of the National Union of Students (NUS) voted to campaign for gay rights, making NUS the first national organisation in the UK to make such a public commitment. Using archive material, this article outlines how NUS came to this decision, and the initial challenges it faced in taking up this work. It explains that NUS was influenced by early liberation politics, but faced difficulties when this clashed with the belief of some on the Left in the primacy of the class struggle. Nevertheless, some important progress was made in these early years, even if some of the wider societal change was still elusive.  相似文献   

〕20世纪上半叶的民族解放运动是一个不断高涨的整体化过程,并最终溶入二战这一伟大的反法西斯正义战争。两次大战之间的民族解放运动既包括摆脱老殖民主义统治的斗争,也包括反法西斯侵略的斗争。我国高校教材未能将后者纳入民族解放运动的有关章节。这一问题的解决有助于完善教材的体系,提高反法西斯侵略性质的民族解放运动在世界历史上的地位  相似文献   

大学交往教学视教学为一种交往过程。交往过程乃是大学教学过程的本质,师生的自由解放和全面发展是交往教学追求的目标,交往教学过程是一个民主的教育过程。 在此过程中,会受到诸如化心理、教学传统、教育环境和社会环境等因素的干扰,而发挥学生的主体性、更新教育观念、重视交往的教育价值和转变教师职责则能消除这种种干扰。  相似文献   

保障人权是现代刑事司法文明、民主的逻辑起点,只有确认无罪推定原则,建立符合我国国情的沉默权制度,强化重实物证据的办案观念,才能使人权保障在我国的刑事司法中得以落实,使我国在人权方面的国际斗争中争取主动。  相似文献   


Human rights education is an essential part of preparation for participation in a pluralistic democracy. As Europe aspires to be a continent of democratic states accepting human rights as their basic principles, a human rights ethic should be a feature of all schools within Europe. Human rights education provides an ethical and moral framework for living in community. Moreover, this ethical position is backed in Europe by the powerful legal framework of the European Convention on Human Rights. This paper describes the features of two teachers’ human rights education courses based on a structure proposed by Richardson. Both explore the relationship between moral and legal aspects of human rights teaching. The Council of Europe Recommendation on “Teaching and Learning about Human Rights in Schools” identifies three broad dimensions of human rights education, namely: skills, knowledge and feelings. The latter affective dimension, as well as facts and pedagogy, is critical to successful teacher education in human rights.  相似文献   

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