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严复思想中最具特色的是"珍视传统、崇尚秩序、排斥激变、主张渐变"的保守主义思想.这种保守主义思想的哲学基础是进化论、经验论,在此基础上形成了严复式的渐进变革主张--教育救国.严复作为传统的虔诚的自由守望者,他保守主义思想的历史际遇是悲惨的.这不仅有中国近代社会大环境的外因,还有其自身缺憾这一内因.但是.这种"被放弃的主张"不仅在当时对中国的进步有巨大价值,而且对当前中国政治文明的发展也具有重要的启示意义.  相似文献   

Western civilization has a philosophical tradition based upon dualisms and dichotomies. Among these dichotomies is one that separates the mind and the body. In an area of study and practice such as physical education, this separation of the human into two parts has implications for our teaching, research, curricula, and even the way we work with people. The purpose of this article is to review the philosophic history of the mind and body with reference to the implications this dualism has had in our profession. This is followed by a discussion of a nondualistic, embodied view of humans and how that nondualistic view might call for (a) changes in the way we work with people, and (b) integrative study and analysis in order to lead to a more complete understanding of human movement.  相似文献   

The value of the arts is often measured in terms of human creativity against instrumental rationality, while art for art's sake defends against a utility of art. Such critiques of the technical and formulaic are themselves formulaic, repeating the dualism of the head and the heart. How should we account for this formula? We should do so by investigating its determination within metaphysical and social relations, ancient and modern, and by comprehending the notion of freedom carried therein. This opens up the value of the arts to a modern metaphysics and modern notion of freedom. This value, and this freedom, find currency in a notion of philosophical and political education, and especially in a modern conception of liberal arts education, where freedom is to learn.  相似文献   

Art education in the USA has made great progress toward greater inclusiveness and is generally a force against resurgent fascism. Nevertheless, higher art education theory is dominated by Euro‐Western philosophical legacies, encumbered by dualism, which impede art education’s emancipative democratising potential. Recent debate about the uselessness of aesthetics illustrate this ethnocentrism. This article analyses the ethnocentrism that lingers in the postmodern legacies that undergird the debate; then shows how engagement with nondualist philosophies, predominantly non‐Euro‐Western, can make a profound difference to art education theory and practice. They are imperative to comprehending hybridity promoting global citizenship, resisting fascism and advancing global equity.  相似文献   

学习理论的发展与学习创新   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
自古以来,关于知识的来源及其获取的方法,一直存在着经验论与唯理论之争,这些争论后来成为20世纪学习理论两大流派——行为主义和认知主义的哲学基础。建构主义是学习理论从行为主义发展到认知主义以后的进一步发展,它为当今时代学习创新提供了许多有益的启示:在学习目标上,变知识传输为知识建构;在学习方式上,倡导自主、探究、合作学习和情境学习;与此相适应,在教学上,也要从知识传授向全面促进学生的学习转变。  相似文献   

20世纪西方德育出现了以培养学生道德认知能力为根本目标的主知型模式。由于该模式以自由主义理论为背景,强调个人在道德上理性自主的哲学理念,造成了在实际道德教育中学生缺乏道德实践力量和个体与美好生活相疏离等问题。根据埃蒙.凯伦博士对道德上理性自主哲学理念的限制性修正,相应地调整、深化和改进主知型德育模式的目标、内容和具体实践方法,可以实现主知型德育模式的自我完善。西方完善德育主知型模式的经验对我国德育在道德情操的养成、道德自主和道德认知能力的培养、生活实践的德育方式等方面的改革具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

逻辑经验主义在对传统哲学批判、拒斥形而上学的前提下。挥舞着“奥卡姆剃刀”,大刀阔斧地割去了科学经验之外的一切哲学传统,开启了哲学研究的崭新领域和方向。然而,作为西方哲学史上的一场“清理门户运动”——逻辑经验主义固然已经完结,但它在哲学和科学的发展中所起的影响和作用却是不容忽视的。  相似文献   

培养学生的健全人格,是现代社会发展对教育提出的要求,也是人类自身发展的要求。蔡元培健全人格教育思想,从德、智、体、美、世界观五个方面给我们今天的健全人格教育以有益的借鉴:通过体育、智育丰富人们的知识;通过德育、美育、世界观教育提高人们的道德水平。  相似文献   

受传统考试文化、现代消费享乐文化的影响与侵蚀,劳动及其教育观念萎缩的趋势不减,而科技的发展又进一步解放和控制了人的身体,加剧了这种趋势与危机。这些问题的重要认识论根源是身心二元论,劳心者高于劳力者,且认为心的发展与身体无关。其实割裂的机械劳动训练与精神德育灌输,既违背儿童身心发展特征,又逆时代发展。未来,以纯粹体力劳动为生的职业将不复存在,但劳动并不会也不应该消失,它不仅是人类大脑和智力发展的基础活动,而且是学习和创造的重要方式,还将是人们生活和娱乐的一部分。因此,劳动教育也应该回归身心融合的本源,发展面向未来美好生活的具有创造性、娱乐性和综合性的劳动学习,开发适应时代发展和学生兴趣的创生性和融合性劳动课程,让学生的身体、心智与情感等"整全的人"参与到劳动学习与创造中,进而实现劳动意识与习惯以及相关知能意情的全面发展。  相似文献   

哲学解释学教育学三题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
笛卡尔认识论把理解当作心理和智力过程,哲学解释学理解观认为理解是人类存在本身的基本规定,二者的分野是哲学解释学教育学得以推论的依据。哲学解释学教育学涉及教育目的、教育对话、权威-反思-解放、学习和教育理论-实践关系等范畴。哲学解释学的“居间”精神对讨论如何为哲学解释学教育学定住问题具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

体验:教育哲学新的生长点   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
“体验”是最为重要的哲学范畴。以存在论的视野,从体验的存在论特征、体验的存在论价值和当下的精神状况三个方面论述体验的存在论意涵。在理论分析的基础上,强调指出教育在理念和实践层面都放逐和遗忘了个体体验,而使受教育者受制于机械论和目的论。体验在当下的时代精神状况下的教育学价值正在于它深切的人文关怀和厚重的历史感觉。教育必须回归到人的体验上来。体验论是教育哲学的新的生长点。  相似文献   

Universities aspire to offer students a transformative experience, but rarely spell out the nature of this transformation. In this essay, L. A. Paul and John Quiggin frame the successful university education as transformative in the philosophical sense. They explain the way that a successful college education can be understood as generating an individual conceptual revolution, and thus, as a transformative experience. Education can create epistemically transformative change through the process of developing critical thinking skills, leading to conceptual replacement and the discovery of new intellectual frameworks. This epistemic transformation, if deep enough, scales up into a personal transformation. After explicating the nature and structure of transformative education, Paul and Quiggin show how understanding transformation in terms of personal change and awareness of unawareness clarifies the debate over its value.  相似文献   

杜威的实用主义经验论哲学具有生命现象学的特质,他从生命经验出发直观生命现象的本质,描述和阐释了生命所具有的情境性、过程性、自主性、理智性和社会性等特征。这些生命现象学描述构成其丰富深邃的教育思想体系的哲学底蕴。  相似文献   

Although the French Renaissance sceptic Michel de Montaigne (1533–92) is a much‐admired thinker among many literary historians and some philosophical ones, his oeuvre hardly features in critical surveys of ideas in education. This is strange given that Montaigne offers modern educators an exemplary form of communicative discourse which anticipates contemporary education theory's emphasis on the importance of reflective practice and learning from experience. While each of these themes is capable of being rendered as repetitious slogans, sound‐bites even, Montaigne, through his emphasis on free thinking and self‐study, helps to rescue them from such a fate, identifying a dialectical method called ‘essaying’ which has genuine purchase on practice and its improvement.  相似文献   

生态意识是生态存在的反映。生态意识的高低是衡量现代社会进步和民族文明程度的重要标志。环境教育是增强中华民族生态意识,落实环境保护基本国策和实施可持续发展战略不可或缺的有机构成。生态意识具有协调人的自然属性与社会属性的双重性,渗透人的思维方式与实践方式的双向性,辐射人的环境保护与发展能量的双效性等时代特征。通过环境教育,有效提升人们的生态意识和生态素质,对于坚持以人为本,贯彻全面、协调和可持续的科学发展观,构建社会主义和谐社会,均具有重大的意义。  相似文献   

"经验"在每一个人的成长和发展中发挥着重要的作用,但在教育的世界中经常遭到漠视和误用。这种漠视和误用无论是对于深化教育理论认识,还是有效地指导教育实践都是不利的。通过对杜威经验论的解读,分析了当把经验纳入教育视野中考察时,既具有对教育理论认识的整合意义,也能够通过经验实现课堂教学世界和生活世界的沟通,从而更好地指导教学实践。  相似文献   

《Quest (Human Kinetics)》2012,64(4):463-478

Physical literacy has gained worldwide prominence over the last decade by re-conceptualizing primarily the meaning of physical education. British educator Margaret Whitehead is the most famous proponent of this expression and expositor of its philosophical foundation and value. As such, physical literacy rejects dualism, is buttressed by monism, phenomenology, and existentialism, and provides insights regarding perception, embodiment, and human existence. Two aspects of physical literacy, relevant to this inquiry, are the development of a sense of self and the notion of universality. Both these concepts were addressed by George Herbert Mead over 80 years ago in relation to the genesis of the self in play and the “generalized other” in games as expounded in his seminal work, Mind, Self, & Society. A comparison of the concept of physical literacy and Mead’s thought on the development of the self in physical activity will reveal that the antecedents of physical literacy offer it a useful critique.  相似文献   

Mind-body dualism has likely influenced how many view human beings and their behavior—mind (i.e., thinking) is elevated over body (i.e., performing)—even in Physical Education Teacher Education. The problem is that such a perspective makes physical education content (i.e., dance, games, play, and sport) subsidiary to more “intellectual” or “academic” content. This article invites Physical Education Teacher Education faculty to consider how to effectively “send the message” to future physical educators that physical education content is valuable and respectable and in many ways epitomizes intelligent human behavior. Specifically, Physical Education Teacher Education faculty are invited to (a) challenge traditional definitions of intelligence and introduce alternative definitions, (b) participate regularly in their own playgrounds, (c) provide a sufficient dose of activity courses in their curricula, (d) teach activity courses, (e) establish a performance-oriented culture, and (f) administer performance and/or game play evaluations.  相似文献   

西方近现代大学理念评析   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
在西方历史上 ,康德首次提出了近代理性化大学理念 ,为现代大学的科学探索与人文理性的结合奠定了基础。洪堡的大学理念实际上是康德大学理念的实践。以后 ,纽曼提出了通识教育和智育是大学之本质的理念。二战前后的贾斯珀 ,首次提出了比较系统的、以存在哲学为基础的大学理念 ,其最突显之处在于强调大学应实现人的精神全面发展的整体性。二战后的美国在大学理念上颇有建树 ,虽声调不一 ,但总体上是力求实现人的发展 ,其指导思想是现代人文主义  相似文献   

张謇作为中国近代著名的实业家,也热衷于发展教育事业。张謇的体育思想,受当时一些主要社会思潮的影响,以"武备精神"为核心,以"体力与智力平均发达"为手段,以"德行艺全面发展"为灵魂,一贯主张体育与其它学科具有同等地位。张謇的体育思想,与当时时代主题相契合,明确体育课程的地位与价值,支持体育竞技活动的参与,高度重视公共体育场地设施建设,主张政府和学校共同致力于体育教育的大力发展,对当代中国的教育体育改革具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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