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Anne M. Phelan 《Interchange》1996,27(3-4):331-348

性骚扰的存在是一个不争的事实。然而什么叫“性骚扰” ,怎样从法律技术上对之予以确认 ,并有效地予以制裁与惩罚 ,无论理论上还是实践中都是一个正在困扰着司法工作者、亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

When parents pick their children up from day care or preschool, one of the first questions that is typically asked of their child is “What did you do in school today?” At an open house parents usually ask teachers, “How is my child doing in your class?” “Is my child learning new things?” “Has my child improved any since the beginning of the school year, and in what ways?” Or think of the child who turns in a product and asks, “What do you think of this, Teacher?” or “Did you like my work today?”  相似文献   

提出构建“双线并行”的专业和课程诊改体系,在专业层面实施专业建设质量和专业人才培养质量诊改,在课程层面实施课程建设质量和课程教学质量诊改。两个诊改双线并行,有利于解决“建设质量”和“教学质量”两个诊改周期不同步的矛盾,条理清晰,便于操作,有利于诊改工作的推进实施。对诊改复核指引提出修改建议,把专业人才培养质量和课程教学质量诊改摆在更加重要地位,引导学校将注意力转移到人才培养上来,发挥诊改的正向积极作用。  相似文献   


Beginning with linguistic performance as currently defined, this article systematically pursues its implications to and through the notion of “successful communication.” The four divisions of the article attempt explorations of the following questions: What does linguistic performance do? What place does it have in a theory of communication? What are the practical implications of such a theory in connection with actual language use? How is all this relevant to problems of what we take to be “linguistically underprivileged” (minority) groups? The article concludes that the concept of linguistic performance, “scientifically” based, is not significant in successful communication, which is an art.  相似文献   

This paper investigates changing modes of femininity. It asks: What are the discourses and discursive practices within which new femininities are constructed? What are the social conditions in which they emerge? How are these negotiated and lived by girls? What do these stories tell us about the complications of subject formation and what it means to be a “girl” in “global times”. Drawing on a school-community project with a racially diverse group of girls, aged 12–14 years, the paper analyses a series of fictional stories that the girls wrote for the characters of a collaboratively produced video. It is my argument that girls live the effects of neoliberal discourses of individuality in particularly complicated ways. This is due to the ways in which “woman” and “individual” have historically been constituted through a series of binary oppositions including those of: femininity and masculinity, girlhood and adolescence, womanhood and personhood and femininity and rationality. I suggest that while traditional femininity is being undone through its inclusion in discourses of individualism, rationality and adulthood, it is also reinscribed through an ever increasing array of contradictions, the juggling of which have always constituted femininity.  相似文献   

关于“教学是什么”的“教学本质”追问是一种简单化的思维方式,这种思维方式制约着教学论学科研究的空间。既有教学论研究框架的形成有三个来源,一是被机械化的马克主义哲学,二是既有教育学的学科研究框架,三是心理学相关研究成果的简单移植。这三个来源使教学论学科发展具有先天性的不足。关于“怎样”的教学论研究将带来教学论学科的“向上”和“向下”的两个路径的转向。其向上发展的路径是思考教学“应当怎样”的教学伦理研究,其向下发展的路径形成描述或解释取向的实践教学论研究。  相似文献   

“正、在、正在”是一组语义极其相近的时间副词。它们的核心语义都表示事件的进行或状态的存续,但着重点不同“。正”着重于事件发生的时间位置“,在”强调事件所处的进行、存续之状态,而“正在”则既表示事件发生的时位,又强调事件进行时所呈现的状态。在此基础上,结合事件语义学、范畴语法以及谓词逻辑等理论,对其语义进行形式化描述,更加验证了语义特征分析的准确性以及时态分析的可靠性,也向实现中文信息处理又迈进一步。  相似文献   

This paper discusses four well‐attested criteria by which a given “subject area” might be judged to be or not to be an “academic discipline.” What can be said of “gerontological studies” under each of these criteria? In what ways might “gerontological studies” benefit from being more generally accepted as an “academic discipline?  相似文献   

Moral socialization of students consists of five elements: process, subject, agent, content and pattern. This paper discusses the studies of the former three: their progress and perplexities, covering the following puzzles: “Why does the youth socialization take longer time?” “Are there any critical periods in student socialization?” “How do we identify over-socialization?” “Is ‘Education is student-based’ a scientific statement?” “How do we assess the contribution percentages of the four key agents of student socialization?”  相似文献   


Expectations regarding teacher-student relationships, classroom interactions, testing and evaluation, and academic integrity vary widely around the world. Understanding these differences can be critical to enhancing the academic success of ESL(English as a Second Language) college students. Faculty working with ESL students often ask: “Why won't my students participate more in class?” “Why do my students only repeat back what I've said?” “Why won't they tell me what they think?” “Why don't they ever know what courses they want to take when they come to registration or advisement?” Students often ask: “Why does my professor keep asking me to talk about my personal experiences? We never had to do that in my country. Why is it such a big deal to do that here?” There are a lot of “why's” floating around the campus. This article addresses some of these questions.  相似文献   

龚放 《江苏高教》2020,(1):7-15
一百年前陶行知在南高师力主将“教授法”更名为“教学法”,看似一字之变,却彰显了教育哲学的天差地别。他的“教学合一”和“以学生为中心”思想,既脱胎于杜威的“儿童是太阳”和“新三中心论”,同时,也凸显了他对教育,特别是对大学教育问题与症结的深刻认识和犀利分析。时至今日,人们重温历史,仍然为其前卫、明晰的理念和深入浅出的阐释所深深折服。需要反思的是,对教育、教学本质内涵及要素互动的理解,是否仍有拓展的空间?对“教”与“学”角色互动和影响交互的认识,是否仍有深化可能?鉴于“以学生为中心”的提法易生歧义,“学生为本”更准确科学;而“学生为本”离不开“教师为要”;只有坚持“教师为要”,方能真正落实“学生为本”。笔者郑重建议:将“学生为本”与“教师为要”并提,作为现代大学办学的基本原则,它们如同鸟之两翼、车之两轮,互为犄角、互为表里,不可或缺也不可偏废!  相似文献   

A major reform of higher education in Sweden took place in 1993, making a radical change from central planning by parliament to deregulation, privatisation and performance-related funding. To analyse the new kind of interaction between government and universities, a model based on game theory can be used, where government and universities are seen as actors in an iterated Prisoners' Dilemma. The analysis is based on a model of “responsive regulation”, in which a number of recommendations are made on how cooperation can be achieved in a regulatory relationship. This model is then compared to the new formal regulatory framework in Sweden, which can be described in six points. Secondly I compare the model to the available evidence of what has happened in “real life” since the reform was enacted. This approach adds to the literature on implementation, in which studies usually focus on specific orders from the top, whereas this is about shifting initiative from the central to the local level. As such, it is a starting point in an analysis of how “freedom” is implemented; “will universities take advantage of their greater independence and, if so, how will they do it?”. “What are the necessary prerequisites for this to take place?”.  相似文献   

“The Bicycle Assembly Line Game” is a team‐based, in‐class activity that helps students develop a basic understanding of continuously operating processes. Each team of 7–10 students selects one of seven prefigured bicycle assembly lines to operate. The lines are run in real‐time, and the team that operates the line that yields the highest revenue wins. Students learn through discovery “What drives output rate?”; “How is capacity managed relative to market demand?”; and “Why does inventory accumulate?” Because task times are constant, the game provides a nice lead‐in to the topic of line balancing. This game has been successfully used in both undergraduate‐ and MBA‐level operations management courses.  相似文献   

专业结构优化是高等教育内涵发展的关键,处在专业设置、专业建设、专业评估、资源配置、人才培养模式等核心位置。新建本科高校在转型发展期将“就业竞争力、生源竞争力、人才培养实力、专业核心竞争力”作为专业评价的核心指标,将专业建设分为达标——合格——特色三层,基础型、应用型、技术性三型,实现人才培养的“专业与产业、行业(职业)”两融合,突出地方性、应用型两定位,构建了专业结构优化的“四三二一”模式,对提升应用型人才培养质量有重要意义。  相似文献   

Are all states and nearly all districts claiming that their students are above the national average? If so, are the test results “inflated and misleading?” What are the factors that contribute to the abundance of “above average” scores?  相似文献   

What are secondary school teachers' views on testing and grading practices? What clusters of opinions can be categorized as ‘flexible,”“opposed to difficult testing,” or “hard-nosed?” How should the use of test results for grading be treated in teacher in-service training programs?  相似文献   

笔者在统计的基础上借助工具书,主要对靖江地名中出现频率较高且具代表性的通名用字——“垈”和“圩”的读音和释义进行分析,略述部分其他通名。通过对地名用字的分析,不仅可以探寻蕴藏在地名中的方言遗迹,而且可以了解靖江独特的自然地理和人文历史。  相似文献   

Our contemporary moment is characterized by the pervasiveness of economics in social life, and the extension of “incentives” into new areas represents this movement’s keystone. Originally a fairly narrow term from neoclassical economic theory, politicians, journalists, and cultural ?gures deploy “incentives” to explain all manner of activity: judicial rulings, gendered wage gaps, and even whether soccer players score penalty kicks. To address this, I elucidate the trope of metastasis – the rhetorical mechanism by which social life is “economized.” Metastasis entails a ?gurative displacement, wherein cause shifts from one place to another. More than simply a spread of narrow economic ideas into culture, incentive rhetoric metastasizes. It displaces alternative explanations onto neoclassical market axioms. Since its proponents insist that incentives are causal mechanisms, I introduce Jacques Lacan’s interpretation of Aristotle’s discourse on causality. Lacan rereads Aristotle’s “?nal cause” from a rhetorical perspective, and forwards the retroactive causality of the symbolic order. Incentive rhetoric exempli?es this concept, in which all outcomes are explained as having been caused by a prior, unseen market force. Incentive rhetorics promise a universal code that unlocks the mysteries of human behavior that reduces all context to discrete individual choices, thereby providing a discursive alibi for economic inequality.  相似文献   

“思想道德修养与法律基础”(以下简称“基础课”)的教学自觉,既有对思想政治教育理论本身的反思,也有对“基础课”教学过程的回应,它是对“基础课”解决何种问题以及如何解决问题的回答。“思想道德修养与法律基础”教学应重新审视“成人教育”对思想政治教育提出的时代课题,并进一步围绕“人的思想政治教育”与“思想政治教育的人”“问题的思想政治教育”与“思想政治教育的问题”“历史的思想政治教育”与“思想政治教育的历史”展开前提批判和哲学沉思,肩负起“基础课”走向教学自觉的责任。  相似文献   

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