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二2~r~lwe 月进。{。2。卜一1二{6.垂{。。}岂历劳举友曾却来朋也今们日们如我旧我但让想上上手怀山波握不青绿紧能的在们 乡一中故一浆我心在荡让旧终终情万}坦:.怎能忘记.我们曾经.我们也曾.我们往日1,‘,J刀峥1长浪洋长2.飞仓马友到远友|气.e仑片谊地久天处奔波流隔大海重谊地久天马夔酬辽国迅酬{友一友‘万6 65饮,同谊地久天长。、丝毗到一规·1一举6.岁!友谊地久天长@罗柏特·朋斯 @费里斯 @邓映易~~  相似文献   

甲尸屯户︺门喃M,,、/,、护r一,..J进行速度 独唱胃咭攀李焕卫户坪p叨之配歌匕户匕n、6八人匕八.﹄、4 32的锁们枷的‘哑犷上父r gU乙护b口.﹄口(.夕6自﹄臼今、旧队伍给4一他在.酷一一的4.护们残色4一予。5}36 65二重唱f5一一6保我那红在民饿手进争卫贫穷的人受着长久的饥保忍打,士暴1战残 夕 。}}:1 12鲜!1.我们是红色的2。(我们)因为沙皇的3.(时)间已来勤了,4.(为)土地又为着5.(劳)动的人民弟兄们,自由,宣誓,倒一切刽子射手们前进前进行最后的斗激烈的血000兮}2·兰21了合唱f}砰布卫经}1 1 2 2 671 10廷』我们有着许 “、汀多的大炮,我…  相似文献   

小行板P6 712天早过去论你在哪里万=于l井二了丫一;一‘于l旦连}生旦鱼二6旦」we}春天愿不再回来,春天上帝保砧你,愿3冬无/户-一—-,、、二二二~/沪一\》1 77林55 Z尸一.、、3.;3!。亘,立}不再回上帝保储夏天也将消逝,一年当你在祈祷,愿nU 15 一﹄﹃0\7来你4 3 3 1 6 61二二,~i  相似文献   

.二Ab生.一声占4行板PP 35通4}二夔2。卜5通4手臂你1。睡吧,睡2。睡吧,睡3。睡吧,睡我亲爱的宝贝,妈妈的双我亲爱的宝贝,妈妈的手我亲爱的宝贝,妈妈爱.尸‘-一、1你切合 J内、子产、3 3 2342轻轻永远妈妈摇着保护喜欢 Z一、、2。3}2·二 摇篮 世上一束百5望4了25快快安睡,幸福愿望,一束玫瑰, 0,,,吧吧吧1你你你354{。夔1。:}}夜已安一切温等你睡被里多温暖。全裁属柔银!妈妈娜萝你、静暖醒摇篮曲@克劳谛乌斯 @舒柏特 @尚家骧~~  相似文献   

~41=】J下r .,七3345女神,43欢乐圣洁美丽,灿烂33我们455 4 3223{3.、2一}光芒照大地,2。卜.二1一I{:心中充满热情,来到你的圣一钊在22你的一、、33 碑沪~、、2 34才~、3 43力量能使人 们消除生卫}11分殿里! 25 歧,4 51543你光辉照耀下面,人们2 .11一成兄弟。切忆引川结一2团欢乐女神,圣洁美丽 第九交响曲终曲合唱《欢乐颂》片断@席勒 @贝多芬 @邓映易~~  相似文献   

1=--D愉快月亏翻f1让在斤件装喜临树来生口丁.来吧,2,冬天;.当小3 51亲爱的也曾给鸟唱起5 .531五月,给我们带歌儿,报44~{3一林换上绿了许多欢春天来3︸我明啊U1放起欣2一2开,冲紫家是,多5一1}5·5 31我们主小河旁看雪地上,在灯下大草地上跳舞父2 324,:遨}几啊许也兰一伐公一们是多么希纸牌盖起小来吧,可爱的五望,重屋,还月,快5 .01.1一0.J..00一1玩去莺 2︸3一 46一飞5 35游行,一。一,.5一、.}102旦来吧,亲爱的五月,让自由可爱的大地上,乘多多带来布谷鸟和我们去雪橇旅伶俐的夜渴望春天@奥弗贝克 @莫扎特!奥 @姚锦新~~…  相似文献   

Wang Xiaoqing and Bai Qiuxia are the couple who were born and grew up at the bank of Chaobai Riv- er in the eastern suburb of Beijing. In 1987, Wang was demobilized from the army and decided to start business in Shunyi, a suburban district of Beijing. In 1989, he got married with Bai who were born from the same place as him. The couple opened a grocery store and always dealt with customers honestly. After eight years of hard work, the couple had accumulated cer- tain savings and tried to further plan their business.  相似文献   

二G菩 月,1荡唱飞3 83542{,、、{亚游歌高地我天情听蓝尽请在上荡鸟海飘小在船处日小远夏让看。},,,畅,海面起忘;船桨齐醉,就象对5 42鱼二欢不陶6一·由永不土自爱人至多相无1 77、二,}4 31{二二二}二了}、二尽浪有它处没让到再莫银又的周桨促四一短在到除风划排轻轻快6 55些二  相似文献   

S五e 15 not fa玉r to outward、iew As many maidensb。;Herl价eliness 1 ne丫er knew Until she smiled on me。Ot五en 1 saw五ere了e was brig五t,A well of Ioe,a sprjng of 119五t.Bu土now her looksTo mineAnd介tltheyCease肚ot toeo丁and eold,rePly,behold The fove一light in her‘ye:Her丫erJ frow早5 are fairer farT五a且smiles ofo亡her maidensa化。她的外貌并不似 许多姑娘那么美好,她的秀丽我从未察觉到 直至她向我微笑。呵,她的眸子润泽明净, 如光泉,如爱井。而今,她神色淡漠、冷屺, 对我默赵儿言,我却不停地寻找 …  相似文献   

<正>The exhibition"The Holy Land of Tibet"was held in Taipei Palace Museum from July1to September19.Tibet,an autonomous region of China known as the"Roof of the Earth",enjoys rich and time-honored  相似文献   

随着一声汽笛的长鸣,火车隆隆地开动了,我们3个女生连手都没摸着一下列车,而其他6位同学先后塞进列车的那扇半开的窗户外还有四条女生的腿在用力地蹬着."她们的行李!她们的行李还在下面呢!"双伟大声地叫着,但无济于事,火车越开越快,呼啸着消失在我们的视线中.  相似文献   

几砚T.几LL巴砚I巨扭 9:30a.m一7P.m. 裕}:8779一0461,8779一0458 FOX:8779一0458 Email:qingallery@yahoo.eom Te}:6 1 78一4882 Adm}SS}On:40 RMB A市对Vlllage Gallery 百东村百白 North of Renzhuang Vjllage,Songzhuang fongzhou Distriet ga.m一12P.m. T6!:6959一8343 Emall:sally一Iiu@263.net Website:www.artis份jllogegalleryeom AdmiSSIOn:15RMB Chlno Mod6m Uterotur6 MU脚Um 中国垠代文学馆 湘dGateGallery 红门画由 Dongbianmen WQtehtowe〔Chongwen D istrlCt IOa.m一SP,m. Te】:6525一1005 FOx:…  相似文献   

Peking Opera Alleglan under Heaven is adapted from a story about a Chinese states- man's filial piety in the Spring and Autumn Period (770 BC - 476 BC). The inspiration/or this on-stage performance comes from the Chinese classic Spring and Autumn Annals. It narrates the story that Lord Zheng throws away the past resentment and becomes reconciled to his moth- er, underlining the importance of ties of blood and affection and calling for social conscience and humanity. Its premiere has special and realistic implications, especially in the Chinese soci- ety today in which money worship is gaining the upper hand over traditional morality.  相似文献   

生命生命!我不知你的男秘,只知你我必将分离;我们曾在何时,何地,如何相会,对我仍是一个秘密。生命!我们曾朝夕同栖经历过艳阳与阴沥,密友道别,两情依依—也许会洒下一行泪水,发出一声叹息;—然后,默默地悄然别离,随你选择什么时地;不要说“晚安”—在一次熹微晨曦中,向我道一声“早安,你”。 (A.L.巴柏德)美神的女儿们美神的女儿们, 哪有你如许魅力;你甜润的珠喉,Life1 know notw五之Lt thou art,But know tl,at[houa::〔飞I州ust PartAnd whe月, 门let1 own to」;IcOrh。、v,or、vhel,c、v。5 a scCret JOt. L ife!w。’:e beonl。卫…  相似文献   

<正>The 1st Asian Theatre Professionals Congress, as part of the 12th Asian Arts Festival, was held in Chongqing, China from October 10 to 13, 2011. This epoch-m...  相似文献   

Recently, the Palace Museum in Taipei unveiled the"thou art understood" (literally"l, the Emperor, understood your request!") paper tape, an item based on the comments thatEmperor Kangxi frequently marked in palace memorials. The tape is very popular in Taiwan as well as the mainland China and sells so good that the museum had to post a notice in its online store, saying 500 boxes of paper tape that were ready to sell on July 4th were sold out the next day. And 700 boxes restocked on July 6th were sold out in 30 minutes. From the release of the paper tape on July 3rd to the end of August, 21,672 paper tapes were sold out.  相似文献   

<正>The 2nd Beijing International Film Festival was held from April 23 to 28,aiming to provide an international platform for film communication and cooperation.W...  相似文献   

"I've been back to Lhasa; I've been back to the Tangula Mountains. " The popular song Back to Lhasa by rock singer Zheng Jun always lingers in my mind and I eventually decided to go to Lhasa, a city that I had dreamed of many times in my life.  相似文献   

<正>The Six Principles of Chinese Painting was established by Xie He, an art historian and critic in 6th-century China. The six points to consider when judging a...  相似文献   

Artist VIllage Gallery画家村画廊North of Renzhuang Vi{lage,Songzhuang,TOngzhou Districtga,m一12P.m.Tel:6959一8343Email:sa}Iy一liu@263.netWebsite:www.artistvillagegalle即.eomAdm}ssion:15 RMBBlue Dream Gallery蓝梦画廊Kabab Ka飞,OPPosite to 46 Sanlitun NorthStFeetga.m一10PmTel:6415一5812Email:sally一liu@263.netAdmjssion:100,60,50,40,30,20,10 RMBCourt Yard Gallery四台院画廊95,Donghuamen Street,Dongeheng Distriet飞l:6526一8882,F己X:6526一8880Email:eourtart@ejnet.eom,enWebsite:www.…  相似文献   

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