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邓飞 《文化交流》2014,(4):13-16
巫氏厅与余绍宋 龙游县城南郊的鸡鸣山,树木蓊郁,环境清雅.鸡鸣山间有-处全国重点文物保护单位,入口是-座仿明代建筑的门厅,上悬“龙游民居苑”五字匾额.  相似文献   

匾额,作为一种独特的文化现象存在于中国古代建筑中。它以书法为载体,融装饰、雕刻等多种艺术手段于一体,像一颗璀璨的明珠点缀在建筑的显要位置上,为中国古代建筑增添了丰富的文化内涵。匾额又和名人名家联系在一起。因为匾额的题写一般都由名人或名家担当,人们在欣赏建筑风貌的同时,再欣赏名人或名家遒劲的书法,严谨的辞章,无形中又让建筑物本身产生了名人效应。匾额,还记载着一段段历史、述说着一个个故事,甚或民俗民风、典章习俗,它是一部很好的历史教材,是多学科研究的物证。下面笔者谈谈三块名匾的故事,也许能为匾额文化的篇章增添一…  相似文献   

传统民居建筑具有丰富的历史文化内涵,也有重要的实用和艺术价值,是建筑文化的重要组成部分。云南大理白族自治州是多民族聚居地,久居其地的白族,在不同文化的影响下形成了具有地域与民族特色的民居。该文以白族民居建筑为研究对象,基于前人研究成果和调查访谈,梳理白族民居类型、价值、保护现状与面临困境,探讨白族民居数字化保护的有效路径,为大理白族民居的保护传承及建筑文化数字化数据库的构建提供有益参考。结果表明,加强政府的组织作用,强化数字技术人才的培养,规范建筑文化数字化的数字资源标准,助力白族民居的网络传播与营造数字文化的良好传播氛围,将有助于优秀传统文化的保护、传承与传播。  相似文献   

在国际化程度越来越高的今天,建筑的地域性特征被逐渐淡化,民族传统文化和地方特色建筑的收集整理、保护传承、展示利用显得日趋重要.黄淮交汇文化区乡土石砌民居作为一种极具地方特色的民居形式,自身营造技艺和其风俗特征,都是当地的宝贵历史财富.对于文化区乡土石砌民居的研究,以历史资料和实地走访为基础,系统梳理该区域乡土石砌民居的...  相似文献   

中国民居是中国一切传统建筑之根源,具有强大的文化附着力,随着人类社会的进步,中国民居不断汲取着新的文化内涵,并以其独特的魅力向外传递着连绵不断的文化信息。因此,研究中国民居就是研究中国文化。晋城位于太行山的南端,特殊的地理环境和繁荣的明清经济,使这里保存了数以万计的明清两代民居。根据晋城的地理环境、城镇布局,分析了晋城古村落形成的原因,概括和总结了晋城民居的布局、形制及不同建筑的相关特点,进而深入地研究了晋城民居所具有的文化内涵,还对与晋城民居有关的民俗与社会现象进行了探讨,从中可了解到晋城醇厚的民风对民居建筑的影响以及勤劳务实的晋城人民对中国古代建筑与文化的卓越贡献。  相似文献   

民系民居文化理论形成于20世纪90年代,源自陆元鼎先生的国家自然科学基金“南方民系、民居与现代村镇居住模式研究”,是中华民族形成时代背景下构建的一种以中华民族支系(民系)为文化牵引的关注民居建筑本体的建筑学文化研究方法。民系民居文化理论具有自主知识体系形构的方法根基,是当代中国本土建筑学与人居环境科学学科体系、学术体系、话语体系的核心表达,呈现出知识体系自主建构的新时代诉求。不仅如此,以民系民居文化理论形成的现代语境为基础,中国近现代建筑史学发展阶段经历了从民族主义建构下的文化规范确立,到实证主义统摄下的系统规律探索,再到当今极具后现代性的对人居环境意义的探寻三大历史阶段,从价值论的角度探寻其范式变革则呈现出从“民族主义中心论”到“实证主义中心论”再到“人本主义延伸论”的范式转移。研究最后从中国历史建筑研究中的民族文化规范确立、中国实证建筑学研究中的科学文化观主导、中国当代建筑史学研究中的“后现代性”呈现3个阶段,解读中国现代建筑史学框架下民系民居文化理论从建筑的文化规范到聚居的文化意义之范式变迁的历程。  相似文献   

差序格局包含横向的"差"的维度和等级化的"序"的维度。一直以来,被学界所重视的是横向维度,这一层面的含义与西方社会关系概念的含义接近,相关研究较多。差序格局的另一个维度,即纵向的、等级化的"序"的维度一直被忽视,而这一维度可能更契合费孝通先生差序格局原本的含义。差序格局描述的不仅是一种社会关系形态或伦理道德模式,更是一种社会结构形态。  相似文献   

西岛珊瑚民居村落是有着百年历史的岛屿村落,其特色的珊瑚民居建筑,是发展岛屿旅游业、促进岛屿文化发展的重要资源。该文面对当前西岛珊瑚民居没有得到合理开发和保护的现状,立足于岛屿文化,分析西岛珊瑚民居破坏严重的原因,并提出保护和发展的建议,以期为更好展示岛屿生态魅力,推动西岛经济和旅游业的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

技术与文化的形成有着密不可分的关系。特定的技术会产生特定的文化。传统民居中的营建技术以及由营建技术而产生的文化特征是民居建筑文化的重要组成,其中表现出的低技术文化具有过程的复杂性、原理的简单性和地域的特征性。  相似文献   

故居耐人寻味   无锡市新街巷30号是著名学者、作家钱钟书的故居.故居小巷原名"七尺场",现统称为"新街巷".新街巷在标有"30号"门牌的一幢旧式民居左右墙角处,至今留存着"钱绳武堂"四个阴刻红字花岗岩界石两方.修竣的钱钟书故居粉墙黛瓦,竹丝镶门,是座典型的江南庭院式民居.竹丝板门两侧,挂着一幅"文采传希白,雄风经射潮"对联,故居内所陈列的家具,均为清末民初的物品,匾额楹联的内容形制也按原样恢复.钱钟书就是在这座民居内度过了他的小学、中学时代.……  相似文献   

CiteSpace分析发现:水文化和大运河文化的研究热点分别为"大禹治水""李冰"和"大禹"与"大运河""京杭大运河""浙江"和"漕运"。前者的演化路径呈现为从"李冰""郭守敬"及"水利工程"向"大禹治水",再向"导淮""大禹""张謇"及"李仪祉",最后向"治水思想""都江堰"及"长江"转向的趋势。后者呈现为从早期关注隋炀帝开凿运河的原因探索、功过评价、个人轶事追溯向大运河漕运研究、大运河沿线城市研究以及大运河文化带建设研究转向的模式。在研究前沿方面,前者以"李冰"以及"李冰父子""李冰水利功绩"和"李冰修复都江堰"为重点,而后者以"大运河"以及"漕运"和"大运河沿线城市发展与繁荣"为重点。上述分析结果对中国水文化在世界范围走出去、走上去、走进去,并向不同文化背景的听众讲清、讲明、讲懂大运河文化故事能够发挥积极有效的作用。  相似文献   

改革开放25年(1978-2002)电影中的乡村一方面具有档案价值,另一方面是小中窥大、面对未来的观察窗口.立足于日常空间理论和电影空间3要素,对中国4部电影中的乡村空间进行了论述.指出原物重在"传和承",电影叙事中的组织制度变化、公共空间和节点转换,对建构新的身份认同颇为关键.  相似文献   


Conditions of abjection are increasingly viewed as problems to be managed with surveillance. Across disparate domains, bodies that challenge normalized constructions of responsible neoliberal citizenship are categorized, monitored, policed, and excluded in dehumanizing and often violent ways. This paper explores the role of surveillance in such processes. The registers covered include everyday abjection (welfare systems, battered women’s shelters, and homelessness), criminalized poverty (police targeting of the poor and emerging ‘poverty capitalism’ arrangements), and the radically adrift (the identification, tracking, and containment of refugees). In each of these cases, surveillance is yoked to structural inequalities and systems of oppression, but it also possesses a cultural dimension that thrusts marginalized and dehumanized subjectivities upon the abject Other. Therefore, I argue that in order to critique the gendered, racialized, and classed dimensions of contemporary surveillance, it is necessary to take seriously the mythologies that give meaning to surveillance practices and the subjectivities that are engendered by them.  相似文献   

Branding is an economic and cultural process. Branding endows goods and services with value which corporations protect as their intellectual property, enabling brands to support share prices and be traded as assets in takeovers and mergers, at the same time as they serve to differentiate products competitively in the marketplace. Yet this ‘brand value’ depends on cultural perceptions of the meaning and worth of a brand. More than the unique image or positioning of a brand being maintained relative to others of its kind, such perceptions may involve the expressive and emotional attachment of consumers, and this may be very widely shared. This paper argues that, with certain brands, such shared attachment can occur on a national basis, so that they become symbols of national belonging. Whereas consumers attribute a putative foreign national origin to some global brands – for example, Harley-Davidson is unequivocally ‘American’ – they relate to other brands as expressive of their own national origin. This identification often persists even when national brands are taken over by global corporations, since the brand's association with the nation is a major dimension of its value, or the ‘brand equity’ which the new global owner has paid for, and intends to capitalise upon. The paper examines instances in which this has happened in Australia, such as the traditional brand Vegemite, long ago acquired by Kraft, and also cases where the Australian associations of a brand have been exploited in establishing its global identity, notably Foster's Lager.  相似文献   

Special art exhibits, sometimes known as``blockbusters', are often thought of as tourism andbusiness generators. This belief is fostered byeconomic impact studies that bravely estimate thetotal gross domestic product or total jobs ``created'by such exhibits. Unfortunately, the enthusiasm of theexhibit promoters often leads them to the uncritical useof methodologies that exaggerate the size of theexhibit's contribution to the local economy. Fortunately, such methodologies are well understoodand corrective measures are available to make theestimates they produce more realistic and useful foradvocacy purposes. This paper presents a comparisonof two studies done in Canada to provide arts managerswith a gauge for realistically forecasting thepotential impact of planned ``blockbusters'.Several Canadian art galleries have recently hostedspecial art exhibits, notably the Renoir Portraits atthe National Gallery of Canada and the BarnesExhibition at the Art Gallery of Ontario. They havesurveyed the visitors to them using a correctivemethodology that enables researchers to determinewhich visitors came to the region only because of theexistence of the exhibit and which would have come tothe region and spent money whether the exhibit existedor not. These data enables researchers to estimatequite accurately the amount of visitor spending thatis actually due to the exhibit. This lower, but morecredible, estimate is very useful in helping promotersobtain exhibit sponsorship from local tourismbusinesses who have become skeptical of theexaggerated claims of economic impact estimates basedon standard survey approaches.  相似文献   

中国传统村落根植于中华民族农耕文明,其价值蕴藏丰富的文化内涵.中国传统村落是世界上规模最大的农耕文明聚落遗产群,是记载古代社会变迁、文化融合的恢弘史诗,是当今世界极其丰富的自然人文旅游资源.中国传统村落发展存在的诸多问题,提出保护中国传统村落需秉持创新发展的理念,以留住乡愁.  相似文献   

The post-2008 financial crisis era has seen an upsurge in popular cultural narratives that implicitly challenge principles of economic productivity, consumption and growth by lamenting a so-called ‘world of too much,’ advocating ethics of minimalism, and renouncing everyday busyness. Narratives range from lifestyle advice on simplicity and de-cluttering private homes, to quests for the reduction of individual labor, communication, social contacts and distraction. This article questions these narratives in terms of eco-politics. Using Kate Soper’s concept of ‘alternative hedonism,’ the article analyzes a selection of five self-help books and one blog that promote lifestyle minimalism in order to interrogate their potential in stimulating de-growth eco-politics through popular culture. Drawing on post-ecological theory, it argues that narratives of lifestyle minimalism are paradoxical in that they resist yet at the same time promote capitalist cultures of growth. To overcome this limitation, it is crucial to understand and transform the narrative premises of lifestyle minimalism in ways that contextualize problems of ‘excess,’ ‘clutter’ and ‘a world of too much’ as intrinsic to the current system of capital accumulation. The article concludes by reflecting on the potential of an eco-movement that joins the alternative culture of minimalist hedonism with the eco-political agenda of de-growth.  相似文献   

易地扶贫搬迁是中国扶贫的重要方式。因为地理空间的改变,扶贫移民面临生计资本、社会网络资本、社会文化资本的断裂,远距离扶贫移民尤其明显。移民新村建成后,村民为了更好地生活,主动寻找以往生活的痕迹,重建自己的舒适区,并在这一过程中逐渐形成对新村的认同。以甘肃D村为例,移民村充分发挥主体性,以集体记忆的传承和延续重构了新村社会关系网络、居住空间和仪式习俗,形成了共同的身份话语,达成了一致的生活方式与价值认同,促进了这一村落共同体的形成。  相似文献   

风景名胜区周边涵盖大量本土乡村,随着旅游业价值提升,旅游产品挤压乡村空间,导致原始乡村空间异化,乡村空间从传统的农业生产、生活空间异化转变为复合型空间。以大理三月街片区为例,以问题为导向,从生产、生活、生态等方面分析三月街片区成为"灯下黑"的原因,针对风景名胜区边缘型乡村的现状及问题,提出合理重构"生产、生活、生态"空间、提升乡村"造血"功能、与风景名胜区共建共享、提倡公共参与等发展路径。  相似文献   

王聪  江海洋  牛冲槐 《职业圈》2008,(12):72-74
文章在论述了科技型人才聚集效应概念和特征的基础上,对中原文化的特点及其对科技型人才聚集效应的影响进行了分析,探讨了其作用机理,并提出了改良中原文化以促进科技型人才聚集效应产生和提升的对策。  相似文献   

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