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世界上比赛名目繁多,令人目不暇接,其特点也是五花八门。著名的英国白金汉郡“奥尔尼薄饼赛”有一个显著的特点,那便是唯有妇女才能参加比赛。传说这项竞赛起源于一位奥尔尼的家庭主妇。在1445年忏悔节,这位妇女正在制作薄饼,忽然听到召集镇民们去做忏悔的钟声,便匆忙奔向教堂。当时,她系着围裙,戴着头巾,甚至忘记放下手中的饼锅。锅中的薄饼还在咝咝作响。后来,这种习俗诱发了维多利亚时代的诗人托马斯·赖特的丰富想象。他曾写了一首56节的歌谣——“薄饼赛的钟声”。诗中描述了伊丽莎白一世时代的这项竞赛,洋溢着浓郁的风情韵味。诗中描写道:  相似文献   

林阳 《寻根》2014,(5):77-85
林锴,1924年1月1日生于福建福州,1950年毕业于国立艺专(杭州),1951年人人民美术出版社工作。初从事连环画创作,后专攻国画,兼及书法、篆刻与古诗文。1994年7月被聘任为中央文史研究馆馆员。国家一级画师,中国美术家协会会员,中国书法家协会会员,中华诗词学会会员。出版有《林锴书画》、《林锴书画集》(台湾版)、《墨花集》,诗集(《苔纹集》等。  相似文献   

<正>一个女人为家人摊了薄饼,还多摊了一张给某个饥饿的路人吃。她把那张饼放在窗台上,便于路人拿走。每天都会有一个驼背的人经过并拿走饼。这个人不但不表示感谢,反而总是嘟哝着这样的话:"恶有恶报,善有善报!"这样的情形日复一日持续着。每天驼背人都来,拿起薄饼就嘟哝这句话:"恶有恶报,善有善报!"这个女人很生气,她自语道":一句感激的话都没有,每天还押着韵说这样的话,什么意思!?"  相似文献   

鲲西 《寻根》2001,(5):59-61
福州豫章罗氏世居城内南营街,至五口通商福州始设英、法领事馆,外侨及传教士来者渐多,城外苍前山景物苍郁,领事馆及外侨多聚集于此,时又有教会办鹤龄英华书院(后改称英华中学),城中望族和巨商也竞置别业,罗氏亦由城内移居于此直至民国以后。罗氏家族在光绪年间出了一位职业外交家罗丰禄,丰禄字稷臣,出生于道光三十年(1850年),1867年考入福建船政学堂,他正是从这里开始走上职业外交宫的生涯。 福建船政学堂隶属于福建船政局,同治五年(1866年)清政府设立福建船政局,江西巡抚沈葆桢出任福建船政大臣。船政局的…  相似文献   

爱吃之心 ,人皆有之 ,作为一国烹调艺术的代表———国菜 ,除了其色香味形的美妙与不凡 ,丰富的文化内涵也是值得咀嚼一番的。墨西哥国菜 :玉米菜墨西哥有句谚语 :“哪里有墨西哥人 ,哪里就有玉米。”墨西哥饮食文化的核心是玉米。无论是街头小吃、家常菜肴 ,还是最高级别的国宴 ,玉米食品都占据举足轻重的地位。墨西哥玉米食品文化的特点是丰富、精致。墨西哥最著名的食品 ,是用玉米面包卷的辣味肉 ;还有一种玉米薄饼 ,香脆可口 ,尤以绿色玉米所制的薄饼最香。墨西哥人常用玉米薄饼卷上西红柿、生菜、辣椒拌的沙拉、或仙人掌的沙拉吃 ,很是…  相似文献   

人物:菜大姐(女)、田妹子(女)、朱妹子(女)老番(男)、老云(男)、老王(男) 幕启:穿戴漂亮的菜大姐欢乐地上场 菜(向内喊)朱妹子,田妹子,你们快点走嘛!我游船票都买好了! 朱、田(边应边上)来啦来啦,菜大姐,你的对歌病是老突呢发了咯? 菜咳!闲话少说,快些登上船来,你们瞧瞧,对面都有对歌的大哥哥了。  相似文献   

凌夫 《寻根》2010,(4):68-71
回顾中国现代书装史,孙福熙是不可或缺的一位名家。 画家、散文家孙福熙(1898~1962年),浙江绍兴人,字春苔。他的哥哥、也是散文家的孙伏园(1894~1966年),原名孙福源,曾是鲁迅在绍兴山会初级师范学堂任教时的学生。1919年,孙福熙随伏园来到北京,经鲁迅介绍到北京大学旁听,兼做图书馆管理员的工作。1920年,他远赴欧陆到法国勤工俭学,就读于国立美术专科学校。4年后归国。  相似文献   

剑川作家杨益均老师说,当年徐霞客来到剑川古城,北门外一老人接待他.没有让他去吃大鱼大肉,而是带他到剑川各地吃平常小吃。没想到吃得徐霞客赞不绝口,一一给他吃过的菜取了名字。如今菜名已无法考证。但这些徐霞客赞不绝口的菜却一直是人们最喜爱的。如果你来到了剑川,也可跟他一样,深入剑川大街小巷,尝尽剑川美味。  相似文献   

一糕印、饼印、粿印形制各异、工艺精美,是颇为珍贵的民间艺术创作和文化创造。不仅代表着闽台两地的饮食文化,也反映两地的习俗信仰、节庆生活;同时也显现出艺术与生活结合为一体的传统风俗,在福建、台湾等地年节婚庆、敬神祭祖等传统民俗活动中都有广泛的传播。木制糕饼粿印模以雕刻的手法制作。  相似文献   

教育投入不可掉以轻心王浒《中国教育改革和发展纲要》(以下简称《纲要》)对教育投入作了明确的规定:"逐步提高国家财政性教育经费支出(包括:各级财政对教育的拨款,城乡教育费附加,企业用于举办中、小学的经费,校办产业减免税部分)占国民生产总值的比例,本世纪...  相似文献   

China as method     
This is one of Mizoguchi Yūzō’s famous polemical essays in which he rethinks the problems of Japanese sinology. He contends that China has been essential to constructing Japanese identity and consequently Japanese sinologists developed what he calls a “sinology without China.” That is Japanese sinologists projected a subjective image of China and such visions of China said more about Japan than they did about China. In contrast to this, Mizoguchi attempts to outline a sinology that takes China as method and uncovers the internal dynamics of Chinese history. Towards the end of the essay, he also discusses the ideological implications of such a shift in focus. In short, previous sinologists often took something like Western modernity as a method and forced China into this framework. Against this, Mizoguchi underscores the specific logics of Chinese history and hopes then to construct a new universality grounded in specific spatio-temporal logics around the world.  相似文献   


This study is focused on those filmmakers who make films as a way of fighting to defend human rights. I look in particular in this article at their activist role in the process of documenting human rights abuses in contemporary film projects that explore the aftermath of genocide. In Asia, we can find two examples: the anticommunist genocide in Indonesia in 1965–66 and the genocide perpetrated by the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia in 1975–79. Two contemporary filmmakers have produced works that recover the history of the atrocities: Joshua Oppenheimer and Rithy Panh. Traditionally, filmmakers have formed relationships only with victims; however, this article shows how the involvement of the perpetrators is also necessary to fully understand the conflict. This article explores why filmmakers decide to engage with the perpetrators, how they get them to participate, and what the consequences of this process may be. Since Oppenheimer’s involvement with his protagonist, Anwar Congo, in The Act of Killing (2012) turns out especially problematic, exploring this relationship in depth is the central purpose of this article.  相似文献   

毛东红 《寻根》2002,(5):12-14
穿过笼罩在孔子头顶的种种光环,我觉得他更像是一位历史学家,一个历史的虔诚信仰,一个顽固的化遗民。尼采有云:历史学家总是向后看,因而也向后信仰。其实,何止历史学家,对历史的信仰和迷恋从来都隐藏在人心的底层,甚至已经蜕变为一种潜意识,左右着人的行动和思想。历史在某种意义上,恰是父亲的隐喻,因而对历史的依恋就成为孤独的个人在无助的尘世生活中对父亲的呼唤。  相似文献   

Arabic sources recall the tenth and early eleventh centuries as the time when Andalusian armies achieved their greatest military triumphs over the Christian kingdoms and counties of northern Iberia. Some of those victories were truly spectacular and their like would never happen again. However, this view is also the result of the concealment, justification, and minimisation of defeats, as well as of the exaggeration of the successes achieved. This follows from a critical reading of Muslim chronicles and from the study of the data provided by Latin sources. The present article discusses some of the aforementioned practices of chroniclers and analyses whether the image offered by Arab compilers overstated the true military potential of the Umayyad Andalusian Caliphate. It concludes that caliphal armies were already showing some alarming signs of weakness during this period.  相似文献   

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