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李慧林 《福建体育科技》2001,20(4):56-59,64
通过对河南省城市、县城、农村的 92所学校 2 45 3名学生的随机调查发现 ,城市学生在力量、速度、爆发力、柔韧性、身高、体重特别是体育健康知识方面明显好于农村学生 ,而心肺功能方面明显不如农村学生。  相似文献   

通过对西部中小城乡中学生不同群体(男生与女生,初中生与高中生,普通中学学生与重点中学学生。城市与农村中学学生)体育学习兴趣进行比较分析,其结果表明:男生的体育学习兴趣明显高于女生;普通中学高于重点中学、初中高于高中;城市与农村中学生体育学习兴趣没有显著性差异。  相似文献   

河南省城、乡中、小学体育师资力量的比较研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李慧林 《浙江体育科学》2002,24(1):33-37,45
通过对河南省5城市、10个县、20个乡92所中、小学校的调查发现,河南省城、乡中、小学体育教师在性别比例、年龄结构、职称结构、学历层次、科研能力、师生比例等方面都有较大差距,并分析存在的原因,提出了改进的建议。  相似文献   

农民体育:一个沉重的话题   总被引:41,自引:1,他引:40  
农民体育是个沉重的话题。城、乡在体育资源配置、体育人口、享有体育服务、发展水平等方面存在较大差别。农民体育仍然是群众体育发展的难题与瓶颈。经济欠发达地区的农民体育更应受到关注,认真实施“雪炭工程”。我国“城乡分治,一国两策”的二元格局,是造成城、乡体育差别的深刻背景。应从人权的高度认识农民增强体质、追求健康的权利。农村体育应以乡镇为重点,发挥其引导、示范、辐射、带动作用,梯度推进。  相似文献   

目的了解库车县2所中学13~18岁维吾尔族男、女学生身体素质现状及城、乡差异。方法采用文献资料、问卷调查、测试、数理统计及比较分析等研究方法,对库车县2所城、乡中学的1 460名维吾尔族中学生的速度、爆发力、力量、耐力、柔韧性等身体素质指标进行体质测试及对比分析。同时,对城、乡学校场地器材情况、体育师资力量队伍、开展的课外体育项目以及学生参与课外体育活动、课余锻炼情况、做作业和睡眼时间状况进行对比分析。结果城市和乡村学校维吾尔族中学生50m跑、立定跳远、耐力跑、柔韧性和力量素质之间存在一定的差异。总体上,城市女生除立定跳远成绩优于乡村女生外,其他素质水平乡村男、女生均优于城市男、女生;乡村学生参加课外体育活动时间和次数、积极性,早晨、中午、晚上锻炼时间,睡眼时间等比例高于城市学生。结论库车县城市和乡村维吾尔族中学生身体素质存在差异,相关部门需高度重视,采取有效措施,促进城市和乡村学生健康成长。  相似文献   

陕西高校城乡大学生体质状况的调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据2004年陕西普通高校学生体质调查资料,对陕西城乡不同年龄学生体质水平进行对比分析,结果表明,陕西高校城市学生(男、女)的身高、体重、胸围及皮脂厚度总体上均大于乡村;城男的心血管系统好于乡男,而群体心肺功能则乡男好于城男;乡女的心血管系统和群体心肺功能明显好于城女;速度性项目和爆发力项目城男好于乡男,而耐力性项目和力量性项目乡男好于城男;乡女速度性项目、耐力性项目和力量性项目明显好于城女,而腹肌力量城女好于乡女。  相似文献   

作为我国第一农业大省,河南省农民为我国农业的发展做出了突出贡献,但占全省人口69.35%的农民却在大众体育中处于弱势。本文在调查河南省农村群众体育的参与情况、场地设施等基础上,提出发展我省农村群众体育的设想。认为应首先发挥政府职能作用;加强乡、村两级体育组织建设;加强农村中小学学校体育建设,建立农村学区体育的发展新模式;加强农村体育网络组织建设;树立区域农村群众体育发展战略思想。  相似文献   

随着"人口城镇化"战略目标的提出,"乡-城移民"的社会融入在实现我国新型城镇化战略目标中的重大意义,引起高度重视和广泛讨论。本文认为,"乡-城移民"社会融入问题的本质是一种"乡-城"文化的碰撞与冲突,只有通过增加"乡-城移民"和居民群体的沟通与交流,增进相互的包容与理解才能从城市社会向"乡-城移民""赋能"和"乡-城移民"实现"自我增能"的两个角度促进"乡-城移民"的社会融入。体育因其独特的包容性、互动性、学习性和组织性等特征,是一种理想的增加群际接触、进而促进社会融入的工具和手段,具有其他文化形式不可替代的优势和现实可行性,这一观点已在国外得到普遍认可,并广泛应用于移民等弱势群体。本文认为,国际移民和我国"乡-城移民"的社会融入虽因国情体制差异而有所不同,但以体育促进社会融入在运行机制和作用原理等方面具有一定的共通性。国外的经验和做法可以通过审慎的甄别为我所用,形成适合我国国情的独特路径,使体育在"乡-城移民"的社会融入进程中发挥其应有的作用。  相似文献   

使青少年儿童健康活泼地全面发展,是学校体育的两大任务之一。85年山东省学生体质、健康调研报告披露:“山东人的体型有趋向豆芽型的趋势”,“在力量素质方面,中学生分别列全国城男第8名、城女第4名、乡男第7名、乡女第7名(79年分别列全国城男第5名、城女第3名、乡男第3名、乡女第1名),中小学生城乡男女85年均比79年差”。  相似文献   

东部地区在构建和谐社会、建设社会主义新农村的过程中,农村体育事业的发展强调应以农村现有资源和人才为基础,加强宣传与投入,强化“特色”意识,实现以城带乡,以乡促城,城乡互动,发展农村体育产业,以人为本,施惠于民。  相似文献   

体育学习兴趣并非与生俱来 ,而是在后天发展中形成的 ,其中环境和教育起着决定和主导作用。本文试图通过师生关系、小学生择师标准等问题的探讨 ,为建立良好的师生关系 ,激发小学生的体育学习兴趣提供某些有益的参考。  相似文献   

在我国,小城镇与农村、城市之间在居民主体、经济发展水平和地域文化等诸多因素方面的差异决定了小城镇体育不能简单地归属于农村体育或城市社区体育,而是与它们平行存在于我国社会体育系统之中;小城镇是一个涉及“镇区”和“镇域”两个不同范围的概念,小城镇体育的边界应以“镇区”为界限;我国小城镇发展的不均衡性决定了小城镇体育是一个存在内部差异的体系,可分为原生型小城镇体育、催生型小城镇体育和衍生型小城镇体育等三种基本类型。  相似文献   


This study investigates how National Curriculum policy for England and Wales has been translated into practice as perceived by the pupils who are its recipients. Results suggest that pupil entitlement as enshrined in the National Curriculum rationale is at best being provided at the level of access to activity and pupil experiences are differentiated sharply by activity, by gender and by school. The paper suggests that the physical education National Curriculum already advantages certain pupil groups rather than others, and that changes in the discourse of physical education, exemplified by the texts of the latest official publications, will, if translated into practice, militate further against access to a curriculum relevant to all pupils.  相似文献   

调查并分析农村小学生体育课“厌学”的心理,并提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

胡敏  龚惠兰  陈建松 《体育学刊》2004,11(2):113-114
通过对广州市小学生书包运动负荷的初步调查与分析,发现广州部分小学生书包负荷欠合理并可能造成脊柱缺陷,提出广州市小学生要减轻书包负荷的建议。  相似文献   

Previous research shows that understanding pupils’ emotional affiliations with content in physical education (PE) is important. Findings point out the importance of the teacher signaling that the pupil is seen beyond the skill and knowledge aspects in class. However, the research literature does not offer very many detailed elaborations on the pupil’s own experiences of being seen. Contrasting interview data material from 26 pupils (age 17–18) in upper secondary school has been analysed to categorize the concept of ‘being seen’ by the PE teacher in class. In the analysis we found two main themes from the interviews that highlight a wide range of emotions the pupils might have. The first theme illuminates the positive experience of being seen, and such related aspects as learning-promoting feedback, respect and trust. The second theme demonstrates extremes when it comes to being seen: Not being seen at all or seen too much. Either way, PE classes will be experienced as demanding and in part difficult, albeit in different ways. We found that the feeling of being seen—or, for some pupils, ignored—appears to be a relatively stable feeling once it has taken root, eventually becoming an understanding. Moreover, being ignored means there will be low expectations of being seen in the future, unless the teaching practice is changed, and this emotion gives a poor foundation for well-being and learning. The analysis also shows that even if the sense of being seen is the pupil’s property and indisputable, teachers (and researchers) must have a critical attitude to the pupils’ narratives of being seen, as this feeling may be based on a skewed pre-understanding of the teacher.  相似文献   

影响我国城乡居民体育锻炼的因素探析   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
对我国城乡居民体育锻炼的现状进行了调查研究,着重分析了影响我国城乡居民体育锻炼的几个主要因素文化程度、经济收入、管理现状,并对影响我国城乡居民体育锻炼的其它因素进行了综合分析,从缩小城乡体育锻炼差别的角度入手,理性地思考了一些深层次的问题,针对性地提出了相应的对策及建议。  相似文献   

Many children and young people enjoy physical education (PE), yet many do not, and subsequently become disengaged from PE. Previous research that has explored pupil disengagement from PE has focused on what teachers should do to re-engage their pupils, or has encouraged dis-engaged pupils to create a curriculum that they perceive to be socially and culturally relevant. While this research is extremely important, it does not highlight enough what teachers bring to the teaching and learning process. An alternative approach to understanding (dis)engagement in PE is to start by asking both teachers and pupils: what is currently working, why is it working, and what could be in the future? This ‘appreciative inquiry’ (AI) approach is underpinned by the belief that everyone and everything has strengths that can be developed, and that those strengths should be the starting point for change. Consequently, in establishing the use of AI as an important means of understanding and potentially enhancing PE pedagogy, this research sought to understand the successful teaching strategies developed by PE teachers to re-engage disengaged pupils. Importantly, in recognising the value of understanding pupil experiences we also explored and shared the success stories of the ‘re-engaged’ pupils. Finally, in extending the research in this area, we examined the impact that teacher engagement in the AI process had on their professional learning. As the teachers engaged in the AI process, they discussed, listened to (each other and their pupils), reflected and shared their success stories. This, in turn, appears to have encouraged them to re-articulate and re-enact their practice and learning within the context of a more positive future. They designed (and in some cases, co-design with their pupils) meaningful and empowering PE programmes for their ‘disengaged’ pupils and have subsequently made a commitment to future professional learning and inquiry.  相似文献   

针对小学生体质多年来持续下降问题,从时间地理学的视角分析制约小学生生活体育的因素。研究认为,余暇时间的活动安排、社区生活体育设施的成人化设置、家庭成员的体育生活方式以及传统思想和习俗的错误认识,已成为制约小学生群体生活体育活动的主要因素。家庭与社会应高度重视,并努力解除这些制约因素,才能与学校体育形成合力,共同解决小学生体质问题。  相似文献   

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