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逻辑推理是数学核心素养、学习活动的核心内容。如何通过几何教科书中恰当的呈现方式承载逻辑推理重任,一直是数学课程改革与实施所关注的焦点之一。选取中国大陆C-PEPM、中国香港H-XSDM、新加坡S-SM、英国E-ML、澳大利亚AU-HMZ和美国A-CM六个版本初中数学教科书,针对几何内容从推理呈现方式和深度层级这两个维度进行比较与研究,发现直观辨析、实验演示、归纳推理和演绎推理这四种推理方式运用广泛,且直观辨析和实验演示比重普遍较高,演绎证明在C-PEPM中占30%,H-XSDM中近10%,其他版本很少使用;类比推理最高比重只有3.91%,使用比重最小。概念和命题的深度层级主要分布在层级2、3上,其中层级2比重最多,层级4只有C-PEPM和H-XSDM涉及。几何推理深度依次以C-PEPM、A-CM、H-XSDM、S-SM、AU-HMZ和E-ML降序排列。  相似文献   

TIMSS-2023数学测评框架从内容维度和认知维度进行目标分析,主要指向评价学生对数学知识内容的掌握情况以及学生对解决数学问题的认知能力.其与《义务教育课程方案(2022年版)》以及《义务教育数学课程标准(2022年版)》的相关要求具有一致性.分析TIMSS-2023数学测评框架内容维度的主题构成、主题领域的分布比例以及认知维度的“知道”“应用”和“推理”三个领域,揭示其“框架趋于稳定”“全数字化测评”“重视问题解决”“探究性任务”等特点,可以为我国义务教育阶段数学教育评价中的评价任务设计、评价手段采用和评价质量提升等提供很好的启发与帮助.  相似文献   

1引言 新加坡中小学生在TIMSS中取得了优异的成绩,由此新加坡的数学教育倍受各国数学教育工作者的关注.再者,中国和新加坡同属东亚儒家文化圈,文化背景有许多相似之处,两国都极为重视基础教育.藉此,本文试图对中国于2001年颁布的《全日制义务教育数学课程标准(实验稿)》(以下简称中国《标准》)和新加坡于2006年颁布的《中学数学课程提纲》(以下简称新加坡《提纲》)中的“数与代数”领域的内容进行比较.  相似文献   

作为我国义务教育数学课程标准设置的四大领域之一,“图形与几何”领域所要求的认知水平和教科书如何表述直接关系到学生的有效学习。为此,该文以几何认知水平分析框架和FLESCH的易读性公式为基础,比较分析了人民教育出版社和北京师范大学出版社小学数学教科书的“图形与几何”领域。结果发现:两版教科书五、六年级要求的几何认知水平设置过高;两版教科书的几何认知水平分布趋势是混合的;两版教科书的插图类型和语言表述符合学生年龄特征。  相似文献   

几何课程内容的改革历来是国内外数学教育改革中一个极为重要的问题 .近年来 ,中美两国都对几何课程进行了大胆的改革和积极的尝试 .那么 ,两国几何领域在内容选取及要求上究竟有什么不同 ?笔者试着对我国新近颁布的《普通高中数学课程标准》(实验稿 )① (以下简称中国《标准》)和美国全美数学教师理事会 (NCTM)于 2 0 0 0年颁布的《学校数学的原则和标准》(以下简称美国《标准》)中几何领域的内容标准作一比较分析 ,希望能对我国《标准》中几何领域的内容标准解读、实施及进一步完善提供帮助 .1 内容选取及其处理上的差异中国《标准》把…  相似文献   

几何课程内容的改革历来是国内外数学教育改革中一个极为重要的问题.近年来,中美两国都对几何课程进行了大胆的改革和积极的尝试.那么,两国几何领域在内容选取及要求上究竟有什么不同?笔者试着对我国新近颁布的<普通高中数学课程标准>(实验稿)①(以下简称中国<标准>)和美国全美数学教师理事会(NCTM)于2000年颁布的<学校数学的原则和标准>(以下简称美国<标准>)中几何领域的内容标准作一比较分析,希望能对我国<标准>中几何领域的内容标准解读、实施及进一步完善提供帮助.  相似文献   

几何课程内容的改革历来是国内外数学教育改革中一个极为重要的问题.近年来,中美两国都对几何课程进行了大胆的改革和积极的尝试.那么,两国几何领域在内容选取及要求上究竟有什么变化?笔者试着对我国新近颁布的《普通高中数学课程标准(实验)》(以下简称中国《标准》)和美国全美数学教师理事会  相似文献   

采用SEC研究工具,以科学素养为基础建构内容和认知两个维度的比较框架,对中国、新加坡、英国和美国的小学科学测评卷进行整体一致性和具体题型等的比较,发现:在内容维度上,新加坡与英国的测评卷整体相似度比较高,中国的测评卷内容分布差异较大,而美国的测评卷则内容分布比较平均;在认知维度上,新加坡、英国和美国的测评卷对学生认知维度的考查有一定的相似性,而中国的测评卷对学生认识水平的要求呈现下降的趋势。为提升我国学生科学学习素养,建议建立明确的学业考试评价标准、科学分析测评结果,在教学中关注真实情境中的问题解决、持续进行科学实践。  相似文献   

以中国、澳大利亚、美国、英国、法国、德国、韩国、新加坡、日本与俄罗斯10个国家现行的初中数学教科书为研究对象,从“数与代数”、“图形与几何”与“统计与概率”三部分内容所占的章数、节数与页码数进行统计对比,以了解10个国家三部分内容的整体分布情况.内容分布不论整体上,还是各个年级段,国家间虽有差异,但是也呈现出一些共同特点:“数与代数”内容分布所占比重是最多的,多数国家超过50%,均值56%;“图形与几何”排第二,中国最高,达到41.4%,均值32%;“统计与概率”分布比重最少,平均12%.通过比较带给我们一些启示:中国初中数学教科书“数与代数”内容适当增加应用,渗透推理能力;适当精减“图形与几何”内容比重;增加“统计与概率”分布比重,扩大知识面.  相似文献   

文章以中国、英国、美国官方课程标准中学前一年数学课程内容为研究对象,通过对三个国家5-6岁儿童数学标准(指南)的基本框架结构、内容分布等比较研究发现:美国学前一年数学标准内容条目最多、最详细,其次是英国、中国;三个国家学前一年数学内容均强调了加减运算、空间图形和空间方位,其中"数与运算"和"几何"所占比重较大;三个国家在"计数与基数"、"运算"、"测量与数据"、"几何"等具体主题内容上各有侧重点。  相似文献   

以中国、澳大利亚维多利亚州、芬兰官方数学课程标准为研究对象,通过对三国数学课程标准的内容数量、结构框架、详略程度、要求程度、内容分布、内容变化方面进行比较发现:中国数学课程标准内容条目最多、最详细,其次是澳大利亚维州数量居中,芬兰最少、概括性强;三个国家数学课程标准中数与运算、几何内容都较其他内容所占比重更大、强调更多;中国数学课程标准在不同学段上所侧重的内容不同,呈动态变化趋势,而澳大利亚维州各学段各部分内容比重相当,随学段增长,不同内容所占比重无明显变化,芬兰不同学段内容设置不固定,内容所占比重也不固定,不受统一模式限制。  相似文献   

While there has been a remarkable worldwide convergence in the emphases of primary science curricula over the last four decades, the cognitive and knowledge demands that they make on learners have not been well-researched. Without knowing what these intellectual or epistemic requirements are when learning science in school, issues concerning curricular alignment and access to abstract disciplinary knowledge are also likely to occur. To highlight the value of such forms of analyses, we examine the intended primary science curricula from Korea and Singapore using revised Bloom's taxonomy, as well as describe some of their general features for teaching. The results contribute insights into the complexities of the science curriculum among two similar yet different educational systems that have performed well in international science achievement tests at primary levels.  相似文献   


The intended curriculum is arguably one of the most important components within any national educational system although those in primary science have not been subject to extensive research scrutiny. Based on reformed primary science curricula from Hong Kong, mainland China, and Taiwan, we compared them on two key features: (1) levels of knowledge and cognitive processes from their learning outcomes, and (2) coherency of topics that influence the ease, meaningfulness, and quality of learning in the subject. In the former, we coded their intellectual demands (i.e., what learners must know and do) using revised Bloom’s taxonomy while for the latter, we investigated the coverage, focus, sequence, and emphasis of topics across grades. We found that curricula from Hong Kong and mainland China generally focused on the first two levels of knowledge domains and cognitive processes while Taiwanese learning outcomes were predominantly coded as Apply. Different aspects of coherency in the intended curriculum revealed which topics were covered, their focus, and sequencing across grade divisions as well as their emphasis of topics. Our empirical research therefore adds to the small number of comparative studies in primary science curricula. It can also practically assist policy- and curriculum-making in these regions as they seek to understand and develop quality curricula in primary science.


我国职业培训、评估、考试与发证体系有其基本特性,如针对特定岗位需求、关注最终获得的工作能力、考核方式重岗位表现等。适任培训是适任体系的基础,需选择合适的培训教员,设定弹性培训标准,建立严格的质量监控体系。职业适任考试与评估应遵循标准参照原则,选择多样化评测方法,考试要坚持内容、标准、试题的有效性和考试的可靠性。同时,在适任体系的授权、加强课程务实性、关注体系运作经济性、完善试题质量等方面应出台相应措施。  相似文献   

通过对新加坡发布的《理工学院及工艺教育学院应用学习教育检讨报告书(ASPIRE)》和《新加坡持续教育与培训2020总蓝图》进行阐述,分析新加坡ASPIRE委员会的组成、主要任务、目标以及对新加坡持续教育与培训的意见和建议,分析《新加坡持续教育与培训2020总蓝图》的主要内容及策略方向;分析新加坡技能创前程计划的主要内容、四个重点推动力、四大核心任务以及终身学习对新加坡高等教育注入流动性的影响。最后提出新加坡持续教育与培训体系对我国继续教育从国家层面和社会发展、以职业应用教育为特色的模块化培训以及继续教育与培训三方合作的培养机制等三点启示。  相似文献   

This paper reports on 2 studies that examine how mathematical problem posing is integrated in Chinese and US elementary mathematics textbooks. Study 1 involved a historical analysis of the problem-posing (PP) tasks in 3 editions of the most widely used elementary mathematics textbook series published by People’s Education Press in China over 3 decades. Study 2 compared the PP tasks in Chinese and US elementary mathematics textbooks. This allows for the examination of PP tasks from an international comparative perspective, which provides one point of view about the kinds of learning opportunities that are available to students in China and the USA. We found evidence that the inclusion of PP tasks in the Chinese textbook series reflected, to some degree, changes in the curricular frameworks in China. However, the distribution of PP tasks across grade levels and content areas, as well as the variety of types of PP tasks included, suggest a need for greater intentionality in the design and placement of PP tasks in both the Chinese and US textbook series. Findings from the 2 studies reported in this paper not only contribute to our understanding about the inclusion of PP tasks in curriculum both historically and internationally, but also suggest a great need to systematically integrate PP activities into curriculum and instruction. The fact that both Chinese and US curriculum standards have heavily emphasized PP in school mathematics, despite there being only a small proportion of PP activities in both Chinese and US elementary mathematics curricula, suggests the existence of challenges that are delaying the implementation of reform ideas such as problem posing in school mathematics.  相似文献   


The term ‘Asian values’ became popular in the political discourse in the 1980s and 1990s. The most vocal proponents of Asian values are Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew and Malaysia's Mahathir and their deputies and government officials, as well as post-Tiananmen Chinese leaders. Most notable of all these three strands of the Asian values debate is the ‘Singapore School’, which ‘comprises leaders who have articulated a defence of the Singapore regime, either in their personal or official capacities’. This article discusses the origins and philosophical underpinnings of ‘Asian values’ in the Singapore context and its relationship to civics education. First, it provides the historical context for the interest in Confucianism and Asian Values. It then looks at the role and use of Confucianism and Asian Values in Asia, before discussing the case of Singapore and Asian values. I explore the interconnections between changes in history, civics and social studies curricula, and the politics of the ‘Asian Values’ discourse in Singapore which underpins these curricula. At the heart of the issue was the state's attempt to forge and articulate a Singaporean identity, and the role of citizenship/moral education in attaining this elusive nation building goal.  相似文献   

Since the early 20th century, numerous scholars have proposed theories and models describing, interpreting, and suggesting the development paths countries have taken or should take. None of these, however, can fully explain China’s efforts, mainly through education and citizenship education, to modernize itself and foster a modern citizenry since the late 19th century. This article traces and examines these efforts through a reflective and critical analysis of such public texts as official policy documents, curriculum standards, and related commentaries, and reveals three major findings. First, China’s leaders have advanced different views of and approaches to development and citizenship in response to changing domestic and global contexts. Second, the Chinese state determines China’s development course, defines its national identity and citizenry, and selects its nation-building curricula. Third, the Chinese state’s growing desire for national rejuvenation in an increasingly competitive, globalized world in the 21st century mandates an important education mission that its citizenship education be politically and ideologically open and accommodative, and help students develop global, national and local identities and function as active, responsible citizens of a multileveled, multicultural world. This article furthers academic understanding of how China’s education responds to economic, political, and social demands and shapes students’ multiple identities in a global age.  相似文献   


The Trump Administration’s attempts to rescind trans students’ domestic legislative protections is part of a new period of backlash against trans rights progress globally. This article examines the USA’s changing role concerning trans students in education policy and rights progress internationally. It outlines developments in transnational policy for trans students. It contextualises US leadership in this policy area, particularly US President Obama and US President Trump’s use of executive powers. It considers theoretical conceptualisations of trans rights ‘progress’ using the work of queer and trans theorists, before analysing data from 60 interviews with key informants participating high-level global networking for trans students’ rights, documenting how stakeholders characterise recent US contributions. Several informants identified a period of ‘progress’ in trans rights during the Obama Administration, but others were more sceptical of such claims and critical of recent policy change by the US Government’s Trump Administration. Alternative models for Northern and Southern engagement in global networking for trans students’ rights are outlined and discussed.  相似文献   

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