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教师发展的根本是人的发展,是整体性发展。专业伦理混沌是教师发展的危机之一。好教师的伦理实现应当观照如下方面:专业伦理作为教师知识的组成部分,是教师专业情感与价值观的重要内容;专业自主决策是教师发展过程中伦理实践的基本特征;职场体验反思是教师专业伦理养成的内在要求;教师教育课程的"伦理"关注是实现教师发展的条件所在;好的专业生活体现了教师伦理实践智慧的生成。  相似文献   

This article addresses constructions and redefinitions of teacher professionalism by focusing on the discursive negotiations between the government and the teachers’ union in Norway. Based on an examination of three white papers on teacher education from the past 15?years and policy documents put forth by the Union of Education Norway during the past decade, the authors argue that new constructions of teacher professionalism are produced both by the government and from within the teachers’ union. However, there are differences between the government and the teachers’ union concerning what the main aspects of teacher professionalism are. The government emphasises teacher accountability, research-based practice and specialisation. By contrast, the teachers’ union highlights research-informed practice, responsibility for educational quality and professional ethics. There are three main areas of discursive struggle focused by the teachers’ union: the resistance to accountability policies, the redefining of research-based practice and the lengthening of teacher education. The authors argue that the teachers’ union is adopting an increasingly more active approach, thereby also challenging the idea that the teachers’ union is less interested in developing and taking responsibility for the quality of school education.  相似文献   

美国教师专业伦理建设及启示   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
徐廷福 《比较教育研究》2005,26(5):71-75,83
完善的专业伦理是教师专业化的重要内涵.美国在推进教师专业化的过程中,通过制定全国统一的教师专业伦理规范,并以优秀教师行为守则激励教师,使教师的专业伦理水准得到有效提升.我国的教师专业伦理建设,应当很好地吸取美国的经验,通过凸显专业伦理的专业基础、强化服务意识、加强自主与合作等,促进中国传统师德向专业化时代所要求的教师专业伦理转化.  相似文献   

This article examines Slovak early years teachers’ concerns with conceptions of teacher professionalism. It suggests that there is a mismatch between understandings of professionalism, policy aspirations and the attitudes of teachers to their own professionalism, and that this mismatch fuels early years teachers’ sense of agency. These tensions between conceptions of professionalism, teaching practice and actual working conditions have led to a ground-up approach to self-governance within the early years teacher workforce. We analyse teachers’ discussions in an early years online forum of 12,500 members that was started and remains governed by the teachers themselves. It represents in itself a very particular attitude and response to the need to determine what it means to be a professional teacher. This analysis examines intersections of policy, quality and professionalism, and highlights considerations of power and voice, and the complexities of uncertainty and change. The article concludes with the suggestion that teacher attitudes, power and agency are impacted in unpredictable ways by the policy landscape.  相似文献   

In a climate of increasing regulation within early childhood education and care services, and the greater re-positioning of professionals within public sectors, this article seeks to extend the literature surrounding risk and regulation in early childhood. In efforts to ‘push back’ against the ‘regulatory gaze’ in the early childhood education and care sector, we investigate the role that learner engagement in initial teacher education can play in empowering early childhood pre-service teachers (PSTs) as professionals. This question is explored in the reporting of the findings from an action research study which redesigned a semester-long teacher education topic to draw on the students’ self-knowledge, applied experience and content choice, to go beyond the meeting of minimum credential requirements. Data were derived from sequential student evaluations and topic coordinators’ reflections. Subsequent analysis highlights significant insights in relation to student-teachers’ understanding of professionalism and their role within the ECEC sector. The implications of this re-positioning of PSTs’ developing sense of professionalism amidst increasing regulation are discussed.  相似文献   

以回应教师专业发展需求的伦理责任视域,探索合作研究的责任共负机制,从学校组织和教师个体层面厘清二者对教师专业发展的专业伦理责任。即从确保教育行政决策的伦理性,创建学习型学校,创建合作的教师文化和完善教师评价体系等方面拓展组织功能,从形成专业伦理责任的正确认识,主体发展,立足校本,生成实践知识与智慧和对学生发展承担伦理责任等方面凸显教师专业发展的专业伦理诉求,以此担当专业伦理负责。  相似文献   


In Australia in recent years, as in other countries, there has been media attention to, and public interest in, the ethical and proper behavior of people considered to be leaders in society. Some have been “caught out” for acting unethically—harming children, engaging in corruption, disregarding human rights and dignity. The time is right for educators, researchers and authors to demonstrate leadership in ethics by focusing on morals and ethics more strongly and overtly.

The teaching profession has not escaped scrutiny and criticism of their ethical practice. Members of the early childhood sector of the profession however, have demonstrated proactive leadership in ethics. In Australia, for example, a code of ethics and supporting materials were developed and leaders continue to develop supporting resources. This paper focuses on the professional preparation of the next generation of early childhood teachers. It has two primary purposes. Firstly, I raise questions about current notions of student teacher preparation for ethical practice in complex, changing contexts. Secondly, I propose some ideas aimed at better preparing student teachers for ethical judgment.  相似文献   

根据对近年来国际教师专业伦理研究重要文献的梳理,本文首先分析教师专业伦理的实践渊源,进而分析教师在专业伦理实践中遭遇的几类困境:源于伦理价值间矛盾的伦理困境,教育活动中复杂的权力互动形成的伦理困境,以及学校内部的力量对比所推动的伦理困境.最后从规范伦理和德行伦理角度为教师走出伦理困境指出可能路径.  相似文献   

This paper argues that early childhood education and care (ECEC) has a legitimate aspiration to be a ‘caring profession’ like others such as nursing or social work, defined by a moral purpose. For example, practitioners often draw on an ethic of care as evidence of their professionalism. However, the discourse of professionalism in England completely excludes the ethical vocabulary of care. Nevertheless, it necessarily depends on gendered dispositions towards emotional labour, often promoted by training programmes as ‘professional’ demeanours. Taking control of the professionalisation agenda therefore requires practitioners to demonstrate a critical understanding of their practice as ‘emotion work’. At the same time, reconceptualising practice within a political ethic of care may allow the workforce, and new trainees in particular, to champion ‘caring’ as a sustainable element of professional work, expressed not only in maternal, dyadic key‐working but in advocacy for care as a social principle.  相似文献   

教师专业主义是对美国教师专业发展中传统的工会主义与科层主义的驳斥,荟萃着教师的知识与能力、权利与职责、理想与精神、地位与功能,表征着教师工作的高质量、高标准以及社会对教师的高度认可。美国教师专业主义经历了四个发展阶段:前专业主义时期"被限制的专业主义"、自主专业主义时期"被许可的专业主义"、新专业主义时期"同伴合作的专业主义"和后现代专业主义时期"多元共生的专业主义"。展望未来,以专业伦理为核心的教师专业主义将成为美国教师专业发展中的主流取向。  相似文献   

根据医学影像技术专业特色,制定专业课程思想政治工作方案,主要是增加专业课教师作为兼职班主任及成长导师;设置导论课程教师与学生座谈;专业课程设计方案加入课程思政内容;实践教学中对学生言传身教;以问卷调查的方式了解学生思想状态;增加对教师医德医风教育。经过一个学年的实践,学生普遍增强了专业认同感,提高了对职业素养的认知。  相似文献   

This paper explores the metaphor of the classroom as a ‘crucible’ for early professional learning where beginning teachers forge professional identities in complex, unpredictable, paradoxical, affectively and physically potent contexts of practice. It works into the dissonances and contradictions of the micro-narratives embedded in the accounts that three high-achieving early career English teacher graduates give of their early professional learning in schools. It traces the conflicts they experience in the gap between ‘economies of performance’ and ‘ecologies of practice’ within which they improvise new professional identities as teachers. Their effective ‘transmutations’ into teachers are contingent on a bewildering range of factors, many of them out of their control. As the medieval transmutation of lead into gold was analogous to personal transformation, purification and perfection, so new teachers aspire to ideals of practice that may be impossible to achieve. The paper moves beyond simplistic conceptualisations of theory–practice binaries in new teachers’ work and evaluates the impact of new pressures from globalised discourses of standardisation and professionalism that erase singularity, particularity and relationality. Rather, it posits professional learning as complex identity work that is variously constrained and enabled by local institutional factors and broader policy contexts that affect the capacity and desire of beginning teachers to introduce and sustain innovative pedagogies in their English classes.  相似文献   


Because of the link between teacher training and higher‐quality classroom practice, early childhood researchers and professional organizations have placed an increasing emphasis on all early childhood teachers—including those in early care and education (ECE) settings—obtaining a minimum of a Bachelor's degree as part of their professional development. Given the differing licensure requirements for ECE teachers, the variety of settings early childhood teachers work in, and the creativity needed to respond to the changing roles teachers play in those settings, however, this paper offers an additional perspective that is sometimes left out of the discussion regarding what teachers need: that of the early childhood practitioner. Using conversations with both a certified, public school teacher and a non‐certified teacher in a private ECE setting in New Jersey, this article reports on these teachers’ professional development experiences, as well as the implications of their experiences for future considerations of what teachers need in order to enhance their growth as educators.  相似文献   

Researchers worldwide have emphasized the critical role of teacher education in preparing teachers to respond in a professional manner to the prevailing discourse of accountability. We aimed to investigate the influence of initial teacher training programmes on agency, as part of the professional autonomy of early childhood teachers, vis-à-vis their impacts on teachers’ specific professional expertise. Drawing on qualitative data, we elucidate the vital role of early childhood teachers’ expertise in fostering their agency and the importance of teacher education for the development of this expertise. A quantitative follow-up study supports the qualitative findings. Implications for practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Teachers are encouraged to be active professionals in their work. Consequently, the development of professional agency in student teachers is an important dimension in teacher education. This paper reports on a study where the practice of six early childhood student teachers enrolled in a Bachelor of Education (Teaching) course was analysed, using Giddens' concept of agency, and each was found to have operated with agency. However, when additional criteria pertaining to early childhood professional practice were applied by means of a triadic viewpoint only three of the student teachers were deemed to have operated with ‘professional’ agency. Factors that were perceived to have contributed to or detracted from the student teachers' capacity to operate with professional agency were identified. Arising from these factors, this paper argues for in‐depth student teacher preparation for the practicum in order to develop professional agency.  相似文献   

青年教师是我国大学发展的主力军.大学青年教师的职业道德素质是其专业素养的基础,30年来学者们对大学青年教师的职业道德内涵、职业道德内容体系、职业道德存在问题与原因以及培养策略进行了多方面的研究.研究中还存在着内容泛化,缺乏理论深度和创新性;理论研究多,实证研究少,缺乏信度;研究内容与领域比较狭窄,职业道德内容与职业道德培育策略混乱等问题.细化教师职业道德内容条目研究,建构教师职业道德理论体系,把理论研究与实证研究结合起来,充分借鉴国外先进经验,构建有针对性的职业道德培育策略是今后研究的重点方向.  相似文献   

Professional development for early childhood educators (ECE PD) is an essential component of supporting a professional early childhood workforce. Yet research on ECE PD frequently centers on narrow fidelity data, while teachers’ individual voices and teaching contexts are only rarely considered in order to understand teacher experiences with PD initiatives. This qualitative case study utilizes the critical ecology of the early childhood profession framework (Miller et al., Early childhood grows up: Towards a critical ecology of the profession, Springer, London) to examine process-related questions in a large urban district’s PD initiative connected with the launch of a new district-developed kindergarten curriculum. Examining teacher experiences through an ecological lens, the study focuses on two kindergarten teachers, viewing them as active agents in their own professional learning and situating them within their particular teaching contexts. Data sources included classroom observations, teacher interviews, and curriculum fidelity data. Although fidelity data provided some information about teacher responses to the PD, triangulating this data with teacher accounts of adapting the curriculum to their particular context enabled more nuanced understandings about how teachers adapt information from PD sessions to their particular teaching contexts. This study demonstrates the need for research on ECE PD to go beyond fidelity data to explore process-related questions about teachers PD experiences.  相似文献   

The way in which educators choose to engage with learners and to offer opportunities to share knowledge of both the physical world and the world of ideas is an ongoing area of international research interest but remains diffuse and difficult to systematise. This idiosyncratic quality underscores the privileged position of teachers as creative professionals. By exploring Claude Lévi-Strauss’s conception of how and for what purpose we share knowledge within society, this paper explores the relationship between perceptions of teachers’ professional role and the challenges they face working within formal education systems. The artisan quality of teachers’ practice, gained through experience, association and personal commitment, makes possible a visualisation of teacher professionalism as bricolage that, when read alongside theories of teacher agency, generates an affirmative picture of how teacher professionalism may be reframed as creative and responsive rather than homogenous and mechanistic.  相似文献   

This paper explores the issue of early childhood professionalism from a socio-cultural perspective. In particular the article is concerned with how pre-school teachers conceptualise their professionalism by making sense of the work they carry out on an everyday basis in early childhood institutions. In analysing teachers’ perceptions special attention has been paid to the socio-political and historical conditions that have contributed to shaping them. Drawing on a recent empirical study conducted within Bologna province (Italy), contemporary issues in early childhood professionalism are analysed and insights for a possible re-conceptualisation are offered through a critical interpretation of teachers’ perspectives. The findings discussed in the article highlight how a complex conceptualisation of professionalism, building upon continuous learning in relational contexts, is currently challenged by recent neo-liberal influences. In facing these challenges a crucial role will be played by teachers’ collaborative practices in the workplace that, if reclaimed as a space for collective decision-making, could potentially become an arena for rethinking teachers’ professional development in dialogue with local communities.  相似文献   

Although studies on teacher identity have proliferated in recent years, and examinations of the said topic have been conducted under various educational contexts, limited focus has been given to teacher identity in the early childhood educational context. Drawing upon data from semi-structured interviews with five early childhood teachers, this case study aims to investigate how early childhood teachers make sense of their work and the type of professional identities constructed by early childhood teachers in mainland China. The five early childhood teachers reported strong disagreements with the babysitter metaphor for their teacher identities, and they had various role identities including ‘parents’, ‘teachers’, ‘friends’, ‘dancers’, ‘artists’, and ‘engineers’. The findings also show that they recognized the significance and value of their job as early childhood teachers. This paper concludes with implications for early childhood teacher education.  相似文献   

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