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Kazakhstan became independent after the fall of the Soviet Union and began the process of recovering Kazakh traditions and establishing a unique identity as a country. Key to this effort is establishing the Kazakh language as a titular or state language. At the time of independence an overwhelming majority of Kazakhstan’s population spoke Russian, which remains strong today. The state requires that Kazakh is spoken in at least 50% of all radio broadcasts, and state-sponsored radio takes the lead in this effort. Interviews were conducted with key members of Kazakhstan’s radio industry to learn the role of radio in establishing a state language and the challenges they face doing so. Interviewees were passionate about their role in re-establishing Kazakh culture through language, but the dominance of Russian language radio and a shifting media and language environment continue to present roadblocks.  相似文献   

This article discusses how radio in Kazakhstan changed after the Soviet Union collapsed and market-oriented independent countries emerged. Since independence in 1991, the media, including radio, developed partly as a private enterprise and partly as a government entity with government radio operations controlled by the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Corporation. State radio stations in Kazakhstan are subsidized and operations do not depend on popularity or successful competition for audiences. Commercial stations have found support in advertising and continue to be successful. Although Kazakhstan has been independent for about 20 years and Kazakh stations are successful, the radio market in Kazakhstan is dominated by Russian radio. This article highlights the significant challenge for Kazakh radio as it continues to develop a uniquely Kazakh character that can promote Kazakh language and culture, and successfully attract a Kazakh audience.  相似文献   

Abstract Given the Victorian origins of the idea of a national portrait gallery, how relevant are such institutions today? The rebirth of the National Portrait Gallery in Washington, D.C. has involved a reinvestigation of notions of greatness, national identity, and the ongoing vitality of portraiture as an artistic form. Who should be deemed crucial to the telling of our national history? The evolution of thinking in our own day about the nature of national identity has undergone a dramatic shift. We have made decisions that might curl a Victorian's toes.  相似文献   

The motivation for this article arose from the wish to share our outside perspectives on how national museums in the U.S. mediate ideas of national identity. We are four students out of a larger group of 15 German students in Cultural Studies at Leuphana University of Lueneburg. We conducted empirical research on various national museums within the Smithsonian Institution and also on the soon‐to‐be‐opened National September 11 Memorial Museum in New York City. The objective of our research was to explore the role that American national museums play in a globalized world by investigating how such museums address changing national identities over time.  相似文献   

国家认同是一个国家稳定和发展的重要因素,深刻影响国家的根本利益。国家认同的可建构性以及档案与国家文化、政治的关联性是档案作用于国家认同的前提,其内在逻辑在于国家认同的特性与档案属性的契合。本文基于档案既是信息内容的集合,又是一种有效的管理工具,结合国家认同的分析向度,将档案作用于国家认同的维度划分为历史文化维度和法律政治维度,进而提出了档案作用于国家认同的档案信息资源建设及开发路径和档案制度创新路径。  相似文献   

引导公众亲近阅读、亲近经典,是公共图书馆履行社会教育职能,优化国民知识结构,增强民族凝聚力和认同感的重要手段.论文在对南京图书馆的经典阅读推广实践进行总结分析的基础上,对今后如何继续以“读者阅读需求”为导向,开展经典阅读推广工作,提出了六条具体可行的方法和思路.  相似文献   

This article contributes to scholarly literature on local stations in early radio broadcasting history. Taking KVOS in Bellingham, WA as a case study, it attends to how regional geography in conjunction with station operators, broadcasting policy, and audiences helped to define localism in relation to broader national, regional, and international identities forming at the beginnings of early radio and between 1930–1953. KVOS’ history demonstrates how radio was always bound up with the production of locality and how local identity was constituted in and through its relation to broader collective sensibilities taking shape at the time.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to analyse how journalists' professional identity is related to their attitude towards PR. The focus is how—and to what extent—journalistic ideology, organizational belonging and the individual's social position influence journalists' perception that other journalists working with PR lower the trustworthiness of journalism. The analyses rest on data from the Swedish Journalist Survey 2011, which is a national representative survey of Swedish journalists. The results show that journalists in general embrace a hostile attitude towards journalists who start working as PR practitioners. However, those who have worked as a journalist for fewer years or have journalistic ideals promoting the amusement function of journalism, or have worked as a freelance, or been employed in an organization producing newsletters, as well as female journalists, weaken this posture. The article concludes with a discussion on how the results could be understood in relation to recent changes in journalism's power and prerequisites, and how a professional identity might function as a form of resistance.  相似文献   

The purpose of the Kazakh publication citation indicator that has been developed in Kazakhstan since 2005 is to carry out scientometric analysis of scientific publications to determine their citation rate. At present, the bibliographic database (BDB) on citation includes information on the publication activities and citation index of approximately 30000 Kazakh scientists and specialists. They had over 18000 scientific papers published in over 500 domestic and foreign journals. The total quantity of references to papers by Kazakh scientists was more than 28000. The Kazakh analogue of the science citation index determination system is an efficient tool for analytical work with the BDB of scientific publications, which makes it possible to calculate publication activities and citation parameters, which are used to define the value and demand for the results of scientific work in various fields of domestic science.  相似文献   

Bioecological systems theory provides a framework to understand how factors in the child's environment contribute to parent-child differences in estimations of how often children are helped by their Internet use. A national sample survey of 456 matched parent-child pairs investigated how parents-child relational factors, parental attitudes toward the Internet, and the bio-ecology of the child, are related to differing perceptions of the frequency of using the Internet to seek help with homework assignments, to aid in identity development, and to find health information. While previous research shows that parents underestimate risky online behaviors, we investigate whether parent-child differences will emerge in regards to how often the child engages in the behaviors under investigation here. The findings show that parents overestimate these online activities, suggesting they are biased in their estimations. Parent-child relational factors emerged as predictors of parental overestimation for each of these online activities, with trust perceptions as the most consistent predictor. Parental attitudes toward the Internet predicted parent-child differences in perceptions of how frequently the child used the Internet for help with homework and identity development, while the bioecology of the child was only predictive in the case of using the Internet for help with homework.  相似文献   

This article explores how Barack Obama's oratory positions “the people” as a site of ongoing rhetorical negotiation regarding national identity, ideology, and potentiality. Like the subjects implicated in Charland's consideration of constitutive rhetoric, “the people” of Obama's rhetoric emerge as the choosers, deciders, and accomplishers of collaborative identity performance. Unlike Charland's subjects, however, Obama's rhetoric of imperfection and dissent positions “the people” as never fully constituted but always engaged in the act of constitution. The people, like the country they constitute, are flawed, never perfect, and always in the process of perfecting.  相似文献   

This article provides a historical and critical review of the extensive debate in China over the government's policy of importing Hollywood blockbusters from 1994 to 2007. The debate suggests a fundamental divide in China along the different ideological lines. I argue that China's debate over Hollywood cinema actually serves as a site for the Chinese people to make sense of their own modernization process and national identity. The debate, in a large sense, has little to do with the connotation of Hollywood cinemas in the US context, but has much to do with their implications for China. The whole debate is in fact China's quest for a new, modern national identity, and how the Chinese could draw on the American experience to build a modern China. Therefore, China's case foregrounds the fundamental issue of globalization theories regarding cultural homogenization versus heterogenization, or modernity versus alternative modernities. The debate not only speaks to the complexity of the global–local dialectic, but also reflects China's contradictory perspective on globalization.  相似文献   

本文以话语方法对《人民日报》玉树地震报道的国家认同和国家话语进行分析,认为国家话语通过话语在场、话语共存和话语记忆等分别以报道对象、评论、报道语词等强调了党/国、家/国的同构特征;以媒介仪式强化了国家认同的历史记忆。  相似文献   

This article traces the development of the British press narrative from the launching of Sputnik in October 1957 to the Soviets' second satellite, containing a dog, in early November. It argues that there was an initial outpouring of surprise, combined with celebration of humankind's achievement. There was also a sense of loss of national prestige, due to Britain's lack of an equivalent space programme and the decline of her empire. The launch of the dog prompted widespread condemnation, mixed with frivolous popular coverage. The article provides an insight into how this moment impacted on British society and understanding of national identity in the 1950s with imperial superiority, religion and perceived decline being recurring themes.  相似文献   

Through the lens of political economy of communication and sports, this article examines the role of Bollywood’s sports movies in promoting patriotism and constructing an Indian national identity. Focusing on three popular movies premiered in the last decade, Dil Bole Hadippa (2009), Chak De! India (2007), and Lahore (2010), we explicate how Bollywood mobilized patriotic codes through these films in ways that are advantageous for the Indian government and the economic goals of the industry.  相似文献   

Courses: Intercultural Communication, Culture and Conflict, International Conflict and Alliance Building

Objectives: After completing this single-class activity, students should be able to (1) describe the concepts of identity, citizenship, and mobility; (2) empathize with the everyday struggles of students who hold citizenship outside of their “homeland”; and (3) explain how intersectionality influences an individual’s ability to traverse national borders.  相似文献   

We examine how conceptions of identity and meaningful work are influenced by a nation's changing economic and political environment. We collected research in Norway – a country with a rich economy that has heavily relied upon oil production since the 1980s. Yet depleting oil resources are prompting an economic transformation. Twenty-seven interviews and a thematic analysis revealed how Norwegian workers safeguarded their traditional, collective workplace values, yet were simultaneously confronted with modern – more masculinized – workplace performances ushered in with the oil era. We contribute to theory by suggesting that work's meaningfulness is constructed by competing national cultural discourses that evolve over time. These discourses become narratives that citizens draw upon to evaluate work and to negotiate their personal and professional identities.  相似文献   

本文介绍了电子健康档案平台应具备的功能和包含的内容构想,从身份识别、共享应用两方面讨论了如何保障信息安全与患者权利,介绍了建设国家级电子健康档案平台在地区层面具体推进执行的思路,同时也探讨了居民拥有主动完善健康档案的权利,以及地方管理机构在保障患者权益方面应承担的责任,为"健康中国2030"背景下规范建设标准化的电子健康档案平台提供了参考与建议。  相似文献   

陈薇 《国际新闻界》2020,(1):136-153
"想象的共同体"确立了论述国家的话语方式,书写(论述)国家的行动本身,就是通过想象(叙事)来弥补在多元复杂的社会力量中所遗失的国家"同一性",从而将宏大的民族国家叙事和细碎而弥散的日常生活建立起勾连。本文从想象国家的理论脉络出发,以新世纪以来《人民日报》对海外撤侨行动的报道为研究对象,对报道中所呈现的"国家"话语进行文本分析。研究发现,建构主义范式与原生主义范式共同作用于国家想象的生成与可见,从而"标识"国家。由此,撤侨话语成为一种展现国家力量与国家意识的权力书写,通过英雄原型叙事、建构集体记忆的话语互文、塑造"家国一体"的概念隐喻以及话语互动,实现国家情感的表达与国家认同的凝聚。  相似文献   

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