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作为全国五大淡水湖之一的巢湖素为世人所关注,特别是其成因及名称来源,更是历代史地学者研究和争鸣的议题."陷巢州长庐州"的传说在江淮民间衍流千年,并进入多种文艺作品和史志典籍,近些年来又频传湖滨湖底发现商陶周皿秦砖汉瓦和古城遗址,"陷巢州"话题再度成为媒体"新闻热点".本文就巢湖名称及"陷巢州"传说作了系统而缜密的考证、疏误与辨正,对搞清巢湖来历,勘核地域文史,都具有较高的学术意义和资料价值.  相似文献   

边树政 《巢湖学院学报》2004,6(1):109-112,115
清代民法为任何一个对法制史有所涉猎的人所熟悉,但人们大都是从清代官方的表达中对它加以了解的.美国学者黄宗智在<清代法律、社会与文化:民法的表达与实践>一书中,从几个方面论证了清代法律制度的实际运作与清代官方表达之间有很大的差异,即实践与表达的背离.这使读者们不得不努力追忆以往所读过的清代官方表达与前人著说,与黄先生的观点做一番对照,以探求历史的真迹.  相似文献   

记得朱自清曾经说过:“逛南京像逛古董铺子.”确实是这样,鸡鸣寺的古幽,聚宝山的巍峨,太虚境的玄妙,总统府的宏博,雨花台的荒寂……都能给人极深的印象.行走在这片神奇的土地上,我最迷恋的还是金陵的水. 走近玄武湖,是十二月的清晨.玄武湖边的树特别好看,树枝旁逸斜出,树叶红橙黄绿.桂花刚谢,空气中仍残留浓郁的香味.朗朗的阳光,从叶丛间泻下斑驳的碎影.  相似文献   

电影<黄金时代>是美国历史上最优秀的影片之一.它曾荣获第十九届奥斯卡最佳影片、最佳改编剧本、最佳导演、最佳男主角、最佳男配角、最佳剪辑、最佳音乐、特别奖等八项大奖.该片由美国高德温影业公司于1946年发行,雷德.马奇、达纳.安德鲁斯和哈罗特.拉塞主演,威廉·惠勒执导.威廉·惠勒是美国早期大导演,曾三次荣获奥斯卡最佳导演奖,其作品有<忠勇之家>、<宾虚>、<罗马假日>、<咆哮山庄>等名片.  相似文献   

<鸿门宴>在塑造人物形象方面所采用的一个相当高明的方法,那就是通过对比、映衬、烘托的手法来表现人物性格.除了人物之间,比如,主帅与主帅,谋士与谋士,大将与大将,内奸与内奸的对比、映衬外,在主帅与谋士的关系上也形成鲜明的对比.同是很重要的谋士,在足智多谋、睿智机敏方面,范增和张良难分伯仲,甚至范增更显得老奸巨猾.但为什么项羽与范增配合不好,而刘邦与张良却配合得天衣无缝?要回答这个问题,应从每组人各自的身份、地位、性格和谋划的方式几方面来考虑.……  相似文献   

这里是方圆百里的原始森林. 空中,叠翠千丈,遮荫蔽日;地面,葛藤缠绕,落叶盈尺;地下,盘根错节,根须如网.这几乎是一个密封的世界.这里有巨栋大梁,珍禽异兽,奇葩硕果,灵芝妙药.高大挺拔的望天树是林中巨人,直冲云霄,傲视碧海.大青树广展绿冠,庇荫着众多伙伴.松杉竞生.乔灌成长.荆棘丛集.低层杂草繁密.荫翳处蕨类葳蕤.卧倒的枯树上覆盖着苔藓,又有小树从苔藓中探出新苗.巨蟒似的绞杀植物盘绕于树干.大蚜趴伏在枝杈上吸吮汁液.野雉在林梢飞翔.  相似文献   

春秋时期,宋、齐、楚鹿上会盟之地望,历有鹿城、鹿邑、阜南、太和四说.本文通过近年平舆县新发现汉汝南郡封泥"原蔍侯相"、"原蔍长印",及阜南县阮城出土的楚玺"专室之玺"等文物,结合历史文献,认为春秋"鹿上"本名为"蔍上",东汉置原蔍县、侯国,其地在今阜南县阮城.  相似文献   

近现代群育观念的复兴及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近代以降,严复、梁启超等人"群"观念的提出,旨在唤起国人的"合群"意识,以达到保国保种的目的.孙中山、蔡元培等人的教育主张奠定了民国时期群育列入教育方针的基础,梅贻琦、罗輈重、潘光旦等人的教育主张丰富了群育思想.当前,德育含义太泛,实际上是弱化了德育,如何在新的时代背景下,将中国传统观念中的"群"和中国近代提出的群育思想继承发扬,值得反思.  相似文献   

音乐作为人类文化的一个种类,必然与文化的各个方面紧密联系.各民族的音乐是在自然环境、社会环境、宗教、语言的关联中得以产生和发展的.  相似文献   

从众现象的分析和应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人是社会性的动物,作为社会大范围中的一员,必定要受到社会其他成员及作为整体的社会的影响.从众即是最能体现社会影响的心理学范畴之一.个体在群体的引导或压力下极易倾向于与多数人一致.作者对从众的经典研究,从众的原因,从众的意义进行了分析,并在此基础上就如何在现实生活中应用从众进行了阐述.  相似文献   

Chromophobe renal cell carcinoma(ChRCC) metastatic to the testis has not,to the best of our knowledge,been reported in the literature.Nor have there been reports of delayed bilateral adrenal metastasis of ChRCC.Here we report a case of metachronous contralateral testicular and bilateral adrenal metastasis of ChRCC in a 70-year-old man who underwent right radical nephrectomy for RCC six years ago.He was admitted to the hospital because of left intrascrotal enlargement of two-month duration.Ultrasonography re...  相似文献   

Actinomycosis is an uncommon disease, which is usually manifested as cervicofacial infection and related to poor oral hygiene or compromised immune function. Pulmonary actinomycosis is rare, but its diagnosis is changing due to its variable presentation and the similarity in appearance to other intrapulmonary diseases. Here we report an 80-year-old man with a solitary pulmonary nodule over the left upper lobe. Pulmonary neoplasm was highly suspected in this patient and thus resection of the mass was undertaken through video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS). Histopathological examination demonstrated this patient had an Actinomyeces infection. While the application of VATS in patients with pulmonary actinomycosis has rarely been reported in literature, we conclude that VATS is valuable for the diagnosis and treatment of patients with undetermined pulmonary nodule(s).  相似文献   

Actinomycosis is an uncommon disease, which is usually manifested as cervicofacial infection and related to poor oral hygiene or compromised immune function. Pulmonary actinomycosis is rare, but its diagnosis is changing due to its variable presentation and the similarity in appearance to other intrapulmonary diseases. Here we report an 80-year-old man with a solitary pulmonary nodule over the left upper lobe. Pulmonary neoplasm was highly suspected in this patient and thus resection of the mass was undertaken through video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS). Histopathological examination demonstrated this patient had an Actinomyeces infection. While the application of VATS in patients with pulmonary actinomycosis has rarely been reported in literature, we conclude that VATS is valuable for the diagnosis and treatment of patients with undetermined pulmonary nodule(s).   相似文献   

Congenital spinal intradural arachnoid cyst associated with intrathoracic meningocele is very rare. We report a case in a 9-year-old Chinese boy who presented with a two-week history of progressive paraparesis and gait ataxia. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed that a dorsal intradural extramedullary cystic lesion extended from T1 to T5 and compressed the spinal cord. A left lateral intrathoracic meningocele pouch was found incidentally at the level of T1. The arachnoid cyst as well as meningocele was removed and the spinal cord compression was relieved. Arachnoid cyst was confirmed by histological examination. The patient recovered well postoperatively. This is the second report of such a case in the world according to the available literature. The take-home message for our case is that the surgical approach should be individualized, depending on the size and location.  相似文献   

Congenital spinal intradural arachnoid cyst associated with intrathoracic meningocele is very rare.We report a case in a 9-year-old Chinese boy who presented with a two-week history of progressive paraparesis and gait ataxia.Magnetic resonance imaging revealed that a dorsal intradural extramedullary cystic lesion extended from T1 to T5 and compressed the spinal cord.A left lateral intrathoracic meningocele pouch was found incidentally at the level of T1.The arachnoid cyst as well as meningocele was removed and the spinal cord compression was relieved.Arachnoid cyst was confirmed by histological examination.The patient recovered well postoperatively.This is the second report of such a case in the world according to the available literature.The take-home message for our case is that the surgical approach should be individualized,depending on the size and location.  相似文献   

Granulomatous hypophysitis (GRH) is extremely rare and commonly presents with chronic inflammatory of the enlarged pituitary gland. In our study, 66-year-old and 57-year-old women, both Chinese, were diagnosed with GRH presenting preoperatively definite imageology characters as pituitary adenoma. The 66-year-old woman presented with a year of headache,half a year of gradual decrease of visual acuity, and one month of right ptosis. Serum prolactin level was slightly elevated.Screening computed tomography (CT) scanning revealed typical low density mass found on the enlarged sella, which demonstrated invasive extension from the sella to the right cavernous sinus by contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).Consequently, the patient was diagnosed with probable invasive pituitary adenoma. The other 57-year-old woman complained a light headache and had been previously treated as nonfunctional pituitary adenoma in other hospital. Finally these two patients underwent transsphenoidal microsurgery and were diagnosed with GRH according to postoperative histopathology. They then were treated with steroid. During the follow-up, the clinical symptoms such as headache, visual damage, and ptosis vanished, and the mass of the sellae dramatically shrank on repeated MR images. Clinically and radiologically, GRH is a rare sellar entity easily to be misdiagnosed as a pituitary adenoma. Trans-sphenoidal surgery can decompress the optical nerve or oculomotornerve as a therapeutic strategy, and support biopsy or further pathological diagnosis. However, the hormonal therapy should be emphasized both as diagnostic and therapeutic strategies. Conservative and tentative steroid treatment should be performed in preoperative period without acute nerve damage.  相似文献   

Extrapontine myelinolysis and pure word deafness are very uncommon disorders. Here, we report a case of a 19-year-old woman who suffered from osmotic demyelination syndrome with coincidence of typical pure word deafness. As a consequence of rapid correction of hyponatremia, the patient demonstrated an initial onset of cortical deafness, and then progressed to generalized auditory agnosia, which eventually developed into confined verbal auditory agnosia (pure word deafness). Bilateral extrapontine myelinolysis was confirmed using brain magnetic resonance imaging. This case suggests that verbal and nonverbal stimuli may involve separate thalamocortical pathways.  相似文献   

Extrapontine myelinolysis and pure word deafness are very uncommon disorders.Here,we report a case of a 19-year-old woman who suffered from osmotic demyelination syndrome with coincidence of typical pure word deafness.As a consequence of rapid correction of hyponatremia,the patient demonstrated an initial onset of cortical deafness,and then progressed to generalized auditory agnosia,which eventually developed into confined verbal auditory agnosia(pure word deafness) .Bilateral extrapontine myelinolysis was confirmed using brain magnetic resonance imaging.This case suggests that verbal and nonverbal stimuli may involve separate thalamocortical pathways.  相似文献   

Chronic post-hypoxic myoclonus, also known as Lance-Adams syndrome (LAS), is a rare complication of successful cardiopulmanry resuscitation often accompanied by action myoclonus and cerebellar ataxia. It is seen in patients who have un-dergone a cardiorespiratory arrest, regained consciousness afterwards, and then developed myoclonus days or weeks after the event. Worldwide, 122 cases have been reported in the literature so far, including 1 case of Chinese. Here we report 2 Chinese LAS patients with detailed neuroimagings. Cranial single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) of patient 1, a 52-year-old woman, showed a mild hypoperfusion in her left temporal lobe, whereas patient 2, a 54-year-old woman, manifested a mild bilateral decrease of glucose metabolism in the frontal lobes and a mild to moderate decrease of the N-acetyl aspartate (NAA) peak in the bilateral hippocampi by cranial [18F]-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomographic (PET) scan and cranial magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), respectively. We also review the literature on the neuroimaging, pathogenesis, and treatment of LAS.  相似文献   



(1) To describe lacerations of the vaginal fornices, an injury known to be associated with consensual sexual intercourse, including known complications and treatment course, (2) to contrast these injuries with injuries sustained during sexual assault, and (3) to discuss the assessment of adolescent patients for sexual injuries.


We present a case series of 4 female adolescent patients seen at a children's hospital over a period of 6 months. Each patient developed significant vaginal bleeding after sexual intercourse, and 3 of the patients presented to the emergency department with vital signs consistent with compensated shock.


Each patient was evaluated by pediatric surgery, and found to have a laceration of the vagina. Three of the patients described consensual intercourse prior to the onset of bleeding, and had lacerations of the vaginal fornices; these patients were determined to have injuries resulting from consensual sexual intercourse. The fourth patient reported sexual assault as the cause of her injuries, and was treated for longitudinal lacerations of the vaginal wall.


Lacerations of the upper vagina are not frequently reported in forced vaginal intercourse, but are occasionally reported as injuries sustained during consensual coitus. In the absence of reported sexual assault, a severe vaginal fornix laceration is consistent with the diagnosis of coital injury from consensual intercourse. Diagnosis and treatment of this injury can be delayed due to the sensitive nature of these injuries. Bleeding can be profuse, leading to hemorrhagic shock, and these injuries may require transfusion of blood products and surgical repair in some cases. Complications may include hemoperitoneum, pneumoperitoneum, or retroperitoneal hematoma, even in the absence of complete vaginal perforation.

Practice implications

Knowledge of the consensual sexual injuries that may occur in adolescent patients can guide diagnosis, treatment, and counseling for the patient and her family, preventing long-term medical complications and legal consequences.  相似文献   

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