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We examined the effectiveness of the Self-Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD) model of writing instruction with a self-determination training component for middle school-age students with emotional and behavioral disorders. We randomly assigned students to experimental or comparison treatments during which special education teachers provided the intervention. Students in the experimental groups received instruction on how to plan and write persuasive essays, were trained on self-determination skills, and were taught how to use persuasive writing to self-advocate. Students in the comparison condition received writing instruction with the established school writing curriculum. Instruction for both groups lasted 33 days, four days a week during 30-minute sessions. Experimental students significantly outperformed comparison students at posttest in all the persuasive essay-writing components assessed, in their ability to recall the parts of a persuasive essay, in the self-efficacy measure, and on self-determination knowledge. Experimental students were able to maintain gains in almost all writing measures and were able to generalize to content areas, although comparison students slightly increased in number of words. Student and teacher interviews revealed an overall satisfaction with SRSD procedures and the results.  相似文献   

高职商科类专业学生应具备"听、说、读、写"技能、协调组织管理技能、自主构建学习技能。湘潭职业技术学院在高职商科类专业岗位通识教育模块的设计中,坚持系统化与综合化、通用性与迁移化、国际化与市场化原则,设计了"价值观与专业认同""听、说、读、写、管""人文、身心修养与保健""职业能力拓展"技能等四个通识教育模块化课程,较好地实现了商科类专业学生发现和分析问题能力的培养。  相似文献   

在美国,为大学生提供补习教育是一种极其普遍的现象,其对象主要是那些缺乏基本的读、写、算技能的大学新生,目的在于通过一年左右的补习教育使这些学生获得大学学习所要求的基本的读、写、算的技能,以帮助学生顺利地适应大学的学习生活而过渡到高年级学习。美国大学所实施的补习教育对于提高我国大学对新生适应问题的重视、解决新生所面临的问题有着积极的启示。  相似文献   

Information Technology in Higher Education: Tensions and Barriers   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This study examined the effects of an intervention in writing with digital interactive books. To improve the writing skills of seventh- and eighth-grade students with a learning disability in reading, we conducted a quasi-experimental study in which the students read interactive digital books (i-books), took notes, wrote summaries, and acted as reviewers of a set of i-books. A repeated-measures analysis of variance indicated that the intervention group of students significantly outperformed the control group on the following measures of writing: the holistic text quality and the summarization text quality, with large effect sizes.  相似文献   

大学教育的根本应该在于培养大学生的自主学习能力。在大学计算机教育中,要贯穿自主学习理念,注重培养大学生读、写、查、做四大基本技能,使大学生具有自主学习的能力,同时要通过感兴趣、多提问、擅交流三大技巧,使大学生的自主学习能力进一步提高。  相似文献   

英语写作能力是大学生必须具备的一项重要语言技能,但如何通过课时有限的大学英语课堂教学来提高学生的英语写作能力,历来都是大学英语教师必须面对和研究的难题。鉴于阅读和写作之间的密切关系,经过教学实践和探索,有目的地利用大学英语课文教学来适时渗透写作知识、写作技巧,并尽可能围绕课文学习的内容和素材来设计作文题目,是一种能有效训练和培养大学生写作能力的可取方法。  相似文献   

在大学英语听说读写四大技能中,阅读占极重要的地位。然而传统的大学英语阅读教学以“文本中心论”、“作家中心论”为理论基础,以教师为主体,以文本为中心,主张注入接受式教学,极大地遏制了学生的主体性阅读,禁锢了学生创造力的发展。接受美学理论强调教学过程中学生的主体性,给阅读教学注入了活力。笔者试图以接受美学理论来指导大学英语主体性阅读教学,重视学生自主性及创新能力的培养,尊重学生的主体性地位,引导学生作为生产者、创造者进行主体性阅读,从而提高学生的英语阅读能力和综合能力。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the academic responding of students at-risk for reading difficulties in beginning reading instruction. Opportunities for kindergarten students at-risk for reading difficulties to respond academically during teacher-facilitated reading instruction in the general education classroom were examined in relation to student reading achievement as well as social behaviors. Student academic responding during teacher-facilitated instruction significantly predicted end of year reading achievement. Teacher perceptions of students’ social skills (positive correlation) and problem behaviors (negative correlation) were significantly correlated with academic responding. When academic responding and teacher perceptions of social behaviors were examined together, only teacher perceptions of academic competence and problem behaviors predicted spring outcomes.  相似文献   

大学英语作为一门公共课,对学生的语言、写作以及素质提高等方面都起着重要的作用。而诵读教学作为一种传统教学方法在大学英语的课堂上应受到足够重视,它是提高学生的口语表达、写作、课文阅读等方面能力的一种行之有效的方法。  相似文献   

Few studies have explored how general skills in both reading and writing influence performance on integrated, source-based writing. The goal of the present study was to consider the relative contributions of reading and writing ability on multiple-document integrative reading and writing tasks. Students in the U.S. (n = 94) completed two tasks in which they read text sets about a socioscientific issue, generated constructed responses while reading, and then composed integrated essays. They also completed individual difference measures (general knowledge, reading skill, reading strategy use) and wrote independent essays to assess their writing ability. Mixed effect models revealed that general knowledge and reading skills contributed to integrated essay performance, but that once general writing ability was entered into the model, it became the strongest predictor of integrated writing scores. These results suggest the need for deeper consideration of the role of writing skills in integrated reading and writing tasks.  相似文献   

曹春果 《天津教育》2021,(2):144-145
在小学语文学习中,阅读和写作是两个非常重要的版块,这两方面对于学生之后的学习和发展会产生很大的影响。现笔者结合具体实例谈谈小学语文教学中阅读与写作教学的有效融合:其一,结合人物形象,提升学生的写作能力;其二,结合文体特点,培养学生的写作兴趣;其三,结合课文内容,训练学生的写作技巧;其四,结合课文插图,培养学生的表达能力。  相似文献   

This study explored the concurrent and longitudinal relationships between reading and writing in young Chinese-as-a-second-language (CSL) learners’ sentence writing, using structural equation modeling. The participants comprised 126 Hong Kong senior primary ethnic minority students, whose literacy skills were assessed at two time points over the course of a year. In grade 5 (Time-1), they were assessed with Chinese character reading and reading comprehension measures to evaluate their reading ability. In grade 6 (Time-2), their sentence reading, sentence writing, and literacy component skills of Chinese character writing fluency and written syntactic skills were assessed. The results demonstrated that students’ reading and writing performances were substantially related both concurrently and longitudinally. Furthermore, (1) at Time-2, the component skills accounted for substantial portions of variance in sentence reading and writing skills, along with the relationship between them, while (2) Time-1 reading ability predicted Time-2 component skills and, through the mediation thereof, indirectly predicted sentence writing. Thus, in light of the linguistic characteristics of the Chinese language, literacy component skills are crucial component processes that connect reading and writing in CSL learners’ sentence writing.  相似文献   

Too often, students reach college without the learning, critical thinking, and literacy skills they need to succeed in higher education. Recent educational trends that promote teaching to the test, short reading and writing assignments, group work, and technological resources contribute to students' difficulties transitioning to college-level work. Instead, students need practice in sustaining attention to longer readings and writing exercises, researching through more traditional library methods, learning from a variety of teaching styles, and working individually to show subject mastery and creativity. These five Do's and Don'ts of preparing students for college represent a college professor's wish-list of secondary classroom experiences to help students make a smooth transition to higher education.  相似文献   

提高学生口头表达能力不仅仅是听说课的任务,而应将其贯穿到各门课程,特别是大学英语综合课程当中。作为教师要时刻扮演好导演的角色,结合课本随时随地发现并创造机会让学生进行口语练习,使学生有效地锻炼交际能力并加深对语言知识的掌握和对课文的理解,实现听说读写综合能力的全面提高。  相似文献   

课堂练笔是语文阅读教学过程中落实语言文字训练,运用语言文字进行表达和交流,提高学生理解能力、表达能力和激发学生创作灵感的重要方式,是读写结合的一项有效措施。教学中,可以从抓住文本和超越文本这两个角度找准课堂练笔的切入点,进行课堂练笔训练,提高学生写作能力。  相似文献   

教师书写技能是高师专科师范生从事教育行业必备的一门基本教学技能.对于高师专科师范生需进行书写技能培养,他们承担着提高中小学学生的书写能力、改善我国中小学学生书写水平整体不高的任务.对未来教师的书写技能的培养要有针对性,需要确定教学的内容、方法、步骤、目标、考核方法的细则等,力求在短时期内能培养出合格、高素质的专科师范生,顺应我国中小学教育教学改革的要求.  相似文献   

我国高校学生听说读写的基本技能主要通过课堂教学获取,如何有效地提高英语课堂教学,培养学生扎实的语言基础,成为师生越来越关注的核心问题。教师在课堂教学中对教学目标的宏观把握及语言微观技能的具体传授,可帮助学生掌握良好的语言学习方法,提高文化素养,以适应社会发展和经济建设的需要。  相似文献   

Writing is a highly valued skill that is often neglected in the classroom; one reason is that teachers often do not receive adequate training in writing assessment and instruction. Teachers, particularly preservice teachers, need practice making detailed assessments of student writing and to build their confidence for assessing student writing, but practical issues of time and resources often constrain the frequency and quality of training they receive. This mixed method study focused on the design and evaluation of an online tool for building preservice teachers’ writing assessment skills and self-efficacy for writing assessment. In the study, teacher education students interacted with actual 4th-graders’ writing samples via a Web-based critical thinking tool. They received scaffolded practice in assessing multiple student papers and justified their assessments using analytic criteria. After each paper, they received feedback that included access to expert assessments and those of their peers, along with both teacher and peer rationales for their ratings. Participants significantly improved in ability to accurately assess student writing using an analytic approach and in knowledge of the writing traits. They also showed significantly greater self-efficacy for assessing student writing and high levels of satisfaction with the Web-based tool and their overall learning experience.  相似文献   

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