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The application of word sense disambiguation (WSD) techniques to information retrieval (IR) has yet to provide convincing retrieval results. Major obstacles to effective WSD in IR include coverage and granularity problems of word sense inventories, sparsity of document context, and limited information provided by short queries. In this paper, to alleviate these issues, we propose the construction of latent context models for terms using latent Dirichlet allocation. We propose building one latent context per word, using a well principled representation of local context based on word features. In particular, context words are weighted using a decaying function according to their distance to the target word, which is learnt from data in an unsupervised manner. The resulting latent features are used to discriminate word contexts, so as to constrict query’s semantic scope. Consistent and substantial improvements, including on difficult queries, are observed on TREC test collections, and the techniques combines well with blind relevance feedback. Compared to traditional topic modeling, WSD and positional indexing techniques, the proposed retrieval model is more effective and scales well on large-scale collections.  相似文献   

Every information retrieval (IR) model embeds in its scoring function a form of term frequency (TF) quantification. The contribution of the term frequency is determined by the properties of the function of the chosen TF quantification, and by its TF normalization. The first defines how independent the occurrences of multiple terms are, while the second acts on mitigating the a priori probability of having a high term frequency in a document (estimation usually based on the document length). New test collections, coming from different domains (e.g. medical, legal), give evidence that not only document length, but in addition, verboseness of documents should be explicitly considered. Therefore we propose and investigate a systematic combination of document verboseness and length. To theoretically justify the combination, we show the duality between document verboseness and length. In addition, we investigate the duality between verboseness and other components of IR models. We test these new TF normalizations on four suitable test collections. We do this on a well defined spectrum of TF quantifications. Finally, based on the theoretical and experimental observations, we show how the two components of this new normalization, document verboseness and length, interact with each other. Our experiments demonstrate that the new models never underperform existing models, while sometimes introducing statistically significantly better results, at no additional computational cost.  相似文献   

On Collection Size and Retrieval Effectiveness   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The relationship between collection size and retrieval effectiveness is particularly important in the context of Web search. We investigate it first analytically and then experimentally, using samples and subsets of test collections. Different retrieval systems vary in how the score assigned to an individual document in a sample collection relates to the score it receives in the full collection; we identify four cases.We apply signal detection (SD) theory to retrieval from samples, taking into account the four cases and using a variety of shapes for relevant and irrelevant distributions. We note that the SD model subsumes several earlier hypotheses about the causes of the decreased precision in samples. We also discuss other models which contribute to an understanding of the phenomenon, particularly relating to the effects of discreteness. Different models provide complementary insights.Extensive use is made of test data, some from official submissions to the TREC-6 VLC track and some new, to illustrate the effects and test hypotheses. We empirically confirm predictions, based on SD theory, that P@n should decline when moving to a sample collection and that average precision and R-precision should remain constant. SD theory suggests the use of recall-fallout plots as operating characteristic (OC) curves. We plot OC curves of this type for a real retrieval system and query set and show that curves for sample collections are similar but not identical to the curve for the full collection.  相似文献   

Since its inception in 2013, one of the key contributions of the CLEF eHealth evaluation campaign has been the organization of an ad-hoc information retrieval (IR) benchmarking task. This IR task evaluates systems intended to support laypeople searching for and understanding health information. Each year the task provides registered participants with standard IR test collections consisting of a document collection and topic set. Participants then return retrieval results obtained by their IR systems for each query, which are assessed using a pooling procedure. In this article we focus on CLEF eHealth 2013 and 2014s retrieval task, which saw topics created based on patients’ information needs associated with their medical discharge summaries. We overview the task and datasets created, and the results obtained by participating teams over these two years. We then provide a detailed comparative analysis of the results, and conduct an evaluation of the datasets in the light of these results. This twofold study of the evaluation campaign teaches us about technical aspects of medical IR, such as the effectiveness of query expansion; the quality and characteristics of CLEF eHealth IR datasets, such as their reliability; and how to run an IR evaluation campaign in the medical domain.  相似文献   

A basic notion of probability theory is the event space, on which the probability measure is defined. A probabilistic model needs an event space. However, some classes of events (which we may want to model probabilistically) exhibit structure which does not fit well into the traditional event space notion. A simple one-to-many example is discussed at length. The information retrieval case, involving queries, documents and relevance, is analysed. The event space issue makes for some difficulty in comparing different probabilistic models in IR.Revised version of a paper presented at the MF/IR Workshop, SIGIR 2002, Tampere, Finland, under the title On Bayesian models and event spaces in information retrieval.  相似文献   

Empirical modeling of the score distributions associated with retrieved documents is an essential task for many retrieval applications. In this work, we propose modeling the relevant documents’ scores by a mixture of Gaussians and the non-relevant scores by a Gamma distribution. Applying Variational Bayes we automatically trade-off the goodness-of-fit with the complexity of the model. We test our model on traditional retrieval functions and actual search engines submitted to TREC. We demonstrate the utility of our model in inferring precision-recall curves. In all experiments our model outperforms the dominant exponential-Gaussian model.  相似文献   

This paper discusses various issues about the rank equivalence of Lafferty and Zhai between the log-odds ratio and the query likelihood of probabilistic retrieval models. It highlights that Robertson’s concerns about this equivalence may arise when multiple probability distributions are assumed to be uniformly distributed, after assuming that the marginal probability logically follows from Kolmogorov’s probability axioms. It also clarifies that there are two types of rank equivalence relations between probabilistic models, namely strict and weak rank equivalence. This paper focuses on the strict rank equivalence which requires the event spaces of the participating probabilistic models to be identical. It is possible that two probabilistic models are strict rank equivalent when they use different probability estimation methods. This paper shows that the query likelihood, p(q|d, r), is strict rank equivalent to p(q|d) of the language model of Ponte and Croft by applying assumptions 1 and 2 of Lafferty and Zhai. In addition, some statistical component language model may be strict rank equivalent to the log-odds ratio, and that some statistical component model using the log-odds ratio may be strict rank equivalent to the query likelihood. Finally, we suggest adding a random variable for the user information need to the probabilistic retrieval models for clarification when these models deal with multiple requests.  相似文献   

Concept based video retrieval often relies on imperfect and uncertain concept detectors. We propose a general ranking framework to define effective and robust ranking functions, through explicitly addressing detector uncertainty. It can cope with multiple concept-based representations per video segment and it allows the re-use of effective text retrieval functions which are defined on similar representations. The final ranking status value is a weighted combination of two components: the expected score of the possible scores, which represents the risk-neutral choice, and the scores’ standard deviation, which represents the risk or opportunity that the score for the actual representation is higher. The framework consistently improves the search performance in the shot retrieval task and the segment retrieval task over several baselines in five TRECVid collections and two collections which use simulated detectors of varying performance.  相似文献   

Collection selection is a crucial function, central to the effectiveness and efficiency of a federated information retrieval system. A variety of solutions have been proposed for collection selection adapting proven techniques used in centralised retrieval. This paper defines a new approach to collection selection that models the topical distribution in each collection. We describe an extended version of latent Dirichlet allocation that uses a hierarchical hyperprior to enable the different topical distributions found in each collection to be modelled. Under the model, resources are ranked based on the topical relationship between query and collection. By modelling collections in a low dimensional topic space, we can implicitly smooth their term-based characterisation with appropriate terms from topically related samples, thereby dealing with the problem of missing vocabulary within the samples. An important advantage of adopting this hierarchical model over current approaches is that the model generalises well to unseen documents given small samples of each collection. The latent structure of each collection can therefore be estimated well despite imperfect information for each collection such as sampled documents obtained through query-based sampling. Experiments demonstrate that this new, fully integrated topical model is more robust than current state of the art collection selection algorithms.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study different applications of cross-language latent topic models trained on comparable corpora. The first focus lies on the task of cross-language information retrieval (CLIR). The Bilingual Latent Dirichlet allocation model (BiLDA) allows us to create an interlingual, language-independent representation of both queries and documents. We construct several BiLDA-based document models for CLIR, where no additional translation resources are used. The second focus lies on the methods for extracting translation candidates and semantically related words using only per-topic word distributions of the cross-language latent topic model. As the main contribution, we combine the two former steps, blending the evidences from the per-document topic distributions and the per-topic word distributions of the topic model with the knowledge from the extracted lexicon. We design and evaluate the novel evidence-rich statistical model for CLIR, and prove that such a model, which combines various (only internal) evidences, obtains the best scores for experiments performed on the standard test collections of the CLEF 2001–2003 campaigns. We confirm these findings in an alternative evaluation, where we automatically generate queries and perform the known-item search on a test subset of Wikipedia articles. The main importance of this work lies in the fact that we train translation resources from comparable document-aligned corpora and provide novel CLIR statistical models that exhaustively exploit as many cross-lingual clues as possible in the quest for better CLIR results, without use of any additional external resources such as parallel corpora or machine-readable dictionaries.  相似文献   

Operational multimodal information retrieval systems have to deal with increasingly complex document collections and queries that are composed of a large set of textual and non-textual modalities such as ratings, prices, timestamps, geographical coordinates, etc. The resulting combinatorial explosion of modality combinations makes it intractable to treat each modality individually and to obtain suitable training data. As a consequence, instead of finding and training new models for each individual modality or combination of modalities, it is crucial to establish unified models, and fuse their outputs in a robust way. Since the most popular weighting schemes for textual retrieval have in the past generalized well to many retrieval tasks, we demonstrate how they can be adapted to be used with non-textual modalities, which is a first step towards finding such a unified model. We demonstrate that the popular weighting scheme BM25 is suitable to be used for multimodal IR systems and analyze the underlying assumptions of the BM25 formula with respect to merging modalities under the so-called raw-score merging hypothesis, which requires no training. We establish a multimodal baseline for two multimodal test collections, show how modalities differ with respect to their contribution to relevance and the difficulty of treating modalities with overlapping information. Our experiments demonstrate that our multimodal baseline with no training achieves a significantly higher retrieval effectiveness than using just the textual modality for the social book search 2016 collection and lies in the range of a trained multimodal approach using the optimal linear combination of the modality scores.  相似文献   

The Web contains a tremendous amount of information. It is challenging to determine which Web documents are relevant to a user query, and even more challenging to rank them according to their degrees of relevance. In this paper, we propose a probabilistic retrieval model using logistic regression for recognizing multiple-record Web documents against an application ontology, a simple conceptual modeling approach. We notice that many Web documents contain a sequence of chunks of textual information, each of which constitutes a record. This type of documents is referred to as multiple-record documents. In our categorization approach, a document is represented by a set of term frequencies of index terms, a density heuristic value, and a grouping heuristic value. We first apply the logistic regression analysis on relevant probabilities using the (i) index terms, (ii) density value, and (iii) grouping value of each training document. Hereafter, the relevant probability of each test document is interpolated from the fitting curves. Contrary to other probabilistic retrieval models, our model makes only a weak independent assumption and is capable of handling any important dependent relationships among index terms. In addition, we use logistic regression, instead of linear regression analysis, because the relevance probabilities of training documents are discrete. Using a test set of car-ads and another one for obituary Web documents, our probabilistic model achieves the averaged recall ratio of 100%, precision ratio of 83.3%, and accuracy ratio of 92.5%.  相似文献   

介绍并评价了情报检索的先驱索顿先生等人设计的情报检索系统的三种数学模型———集合模型、代数模型和概率模型,指出这三种模型各有不可替代的优缺点,今后的研究重点应放在扬长避短的综合性模型上。  相似文献   

Modern information retrieval (IR) test collections have grown in size, but the available manpower for relevance assessments has more or less remained constant. Hence, how to reliably evaluate and compare IR systems using incomplete relevance data, where many documents exist that were never examined by the relevance assessors, is receiving a lot of attention. This article compares the robustness of IR metrics to incomplete relevance assessments, using four different sets of graded-relevance test collections with submitted runs—the TREC 2003 and 2004 robust track data and the NTCIR-6 Japanese and Chinese IR data from the crosslingual task. Following previous work, we artificially reduce the original relevance data to simulate IR evaluation environments with extremely incomplete relevance data. We then investigate the effect of this reduction on discriminative power, which we define as the proportion of system pairs with a statistically significant difference for a given probability of Type I Error, and on Kendall’s rank correlation, which reflects the overall resemblance of two system rankings according to two different metrics or two different relevance data sets. According to these experiments, Q′, nDCG′ and AP′ proposed by Sakai are superior to bpref proposed by Buckley and Voorhees and to Rank-Biased Precision proposed by Moffat and Zobel. We also point out some weaknesses of bpref and Rank-Biased Precision by examining their formal definitions.
Noriko KandoEmail:

The explosion of content in distributed information retrieval (IR) systems requires new mechanisms in order to attain timely and accurate retrieval of unstructured text. This paper shows how to exploit locality by building, using, and searching partial replicas of text collections in a distributed IR system. In this work, a partial replica includes a subset of the documents from larger collection(s) and the corresponding inference network search mechanism. For each query, the distributed system determines if partial replica is a good match and then searches it, or it searches the original collection. We demonstrate the scenarios where partial replication performs better than systems that use caches which only store previous query and answer pairs. We first use logs from THOMAS and Excite to examine query locality using query similarity versus exact match. We show that searching replicas can improve locality (from 3 to 19%) over the exact match required by caching. Replicas increase locality because they satisfy queries which are distinct but return the same or very similar answers. We then present a novel inference network replica selection function. We vary its parameters and compare it to previous collection selection functions, demonstrating a configuration that directs most of the appropriate queries to replicas in a replica hierarchy. We then explore the performance of partial replication in a distributed IR system. We compare it with caching and partitioning. Our validated simulator shows that the increases in locality due to replication make it preferable to caching alone, and that even a small increase of 4% in locality translates into a performance advantage. We also show a hybrid system with caches and replicas that performs better than each on their own.  相似文献   

Information Retrieval systems typically sort the result with respect to document retrieval status values (RSV). According to the Probability Ranking Principle, this ranking ensures optimum retrieval quality if the RSVs are monotonously increasing with the probabilities of relevance (as e.g. for probabilistic IR models). However, advanced applications like filtering or distributed retrieval require estimates of the actual probability of relevance. The relationship between the RSV of a document and its probability of relevance can be described by a normalisation function which maps the retrieval status value onto the probability of relevance (mapping functions). In this paper, we explore the use of linear and logistic mapping functions for different retrieval methods. In a series of upper-bound experiments, we compare the approximation quality of the different mapping functions. We also investigate the effect on the resulting retrieval quality in distributed retrieval (only merging, without resource selection). These experiments show that good estimates of the actual probability of relevance can be achieved, and that the logistic model outperforms the linear one. Retrieval quality for distributed retrieval is only slightly improved by using the logistic function.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]信息检索处理的是相关性的不确定性问题,但在技术层面则通常将不确定性转化为确定性的处理方法,对信息内容中存在的不确定性语义关注不多,而这一问题在某些信息检索应用场景中可能显著地影响信息检索的结果,因此针对这类不确定性语义,需要考虑针对性的处理方法。[方法/过程]提出基于D-S证据理论的不确定性语义表示方法和将这类不确定性语义特征与文本特征、主题特征相融合的检索模型,并利用公开的数据集开展实验研究,对所提出的模型进行实验。[结果/结论]D-S理论中的证据区间概念能够描述上述不确定性,多源证据融合方法也能够将这类不确定性语义特征与文本特征、主题特征融合,并通过模型训练得出理想参数,进而改进检索结果。这一模型在理论上具有包容性与可扩展性,基于该模型融合其他检索方法是进一步需研究的内容。  相似文献   

In the information retrieval process, functions that rank documents according to their estimated relevance to a query typically regard query terms as being independent. However, it is often the joint presence of query terms that is of interest to the user, which is overlooked when matching independent terms. One feature that can be used to express the relatedness of co-occurring terms is their proximity in text. In past research, models that are trained on the proximity information in a collection have performed better than models that are not estimated on data. We analyzed how co-occurring query terms can be used to estimate the relevance of documents based on their distance in text, which is used to extend a unigram ranking function with a proximity model that accumulates the scores of all occurring term combinations. This proximity model is more practical than existing models, since it does not require any co-occurrence statistics, it obviates the need to tune additional parameters, and has a retrieval speed close to competing models. We show that this approach is more robust than existing models, on both Web and newswire corpora, and on average performs equal or better than existing proximity models across collections.  相似文献   

The distribution of impact factors has been modeled in the recent informetric literature using two-exponent law proposed by Mansilla, Köppen, Cocho, and Miramontes (2007). This paper shows that two distributions widely-used in economics, namely the Dagum and Singh-Maddala models, possess several advantages over the two-exponent model. Compared to the latter, the former models give as good as or slightly better fit to data on impact factors in eight important scientific fields. In contrast to the two-exponent model, both proposed distributions have closed-from probability density functions and cumulative distribution functions, which facilitates fitting these distributions to data and deriving their statistical properties.  相似文献   

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