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张萍  陈士桐 《科技风》2013,(15):132
通过对采区提升系统进行优化升级改造,安装大功率提升绞车、改变绞车制动方式及控制方式、提高绞车电压等级,实现了绞车大功率提升和四象限变频调速控制,提高了采区的提升运输能力和提升安全可靠性能,同时节电效果显著。  相似文献   

煤矿井下斜井绞车提升系统,担负着运送物料和人员的任务,是煤矿安全生产必不可少的运输工具。斜井绞车控制系统是完成绞车按一定的控制要求,安全、可靠运行的一种过程控制系统。以PLC为控制手段能提高控制系统安全可靠性。斜井绞车PLC控制系统在现场硬件调试过程中应注意,各硬件环节的调试方法、参数整定事项。  相似文献   

由于各种类型模拟器的研制和推广,作为模拟器测控平台的模拟器测控系统,就显得越来越重要。模拟器测控系统作为与各类模拟器配套的测控平台,实现了对开关量、模拟量的测量,实现了对指示灯、数码管、电压仪表、电机仪表和彩屏仪表的控制。  相似文献   

<正>为解决绞车轮毂带式刹车不死的问题,本文对影响刹车效果的各种因素进行了分析,在此基础上提出了相应有效的整改措施,并针对绞车轮毂式刹车系统连杆操作机构提出了具体调整方案。绞车作为石油钻井施工的关键设备,对设备的刹车性能有非常高的要求。绞车的刹车系统其任务是刹慢或刹住被大钩载荷所带的滚筒,以达到调节钻压,送进钻具,控制下钻速度及刹住悬持钻具的目的。因此,要求刹车系统能平稳送钻,灵活省力和安全可靠。由此衍生多种刹车系统与绞车配套,以实现功能的要求,如带式刹车、带式汽缸辅助刹车、电磁涡轮刹  相似文献   

针对舵机负载模拟器电气加载测试中的问题,研究应用学习控制的思想和原理,引入一种离散的学习控制算法应用于舵机负载模拟器加载及测试系统中。  相似文献   

通过对目前在用的斜巷轨道绞车电控系统的功能扩展使绞车电控系统具备轨道行人监控功能,从而避免斜巷轨道运输人身事故的发生。  相似文献   

提升能力为40吨左右的车装修井机,具有价格低,道路通过能力强、结构简单和可靠的特点,在油田有着广泛的应用。此类修井机绞车的刹车系统普遍采用机械带式刹车,手动就近控制,司钻工劳动强度大、露天作业、环境差。为了提高修井机整机操作的舒适性,将液压盘刹应用在小型车装修井机绞车系统,可极大的减轻司钻工的劳动强度,并为修井机的自动化提供了基础。  相似文献   

为了提高新三矿矸石山绞车提升机安全系数,淘汰落后机电设备;彻底解决绞车提升机减速机和滚筒存在安全隐患;优化plc电控系统老化元器件。在峰峰集团机电管理部的协调下,课题组对通顺矿业有限公司的JTP-1.6×1.5型提升绞车进行了调研,确定该绞车满足设计计算要求,随后将闲置的JTP-1.6×1.5型提升绞车拆移至新三矿并进行绞车提升机更换。  相似文献   

平煤天安七星洗煤厂委托平煤建工六处重新安装JDM-40调车绞车2台,以提高发运站的装车效率,在调试阶段发生调车绞车钢丝绳脱落现象比较严重,险些造成事故,为解决此问题决定在调度绞车系统中加入钢丝绳防脱落装置,解决了调车绞车钢丝绳脱落问题,使调车绞车不发生钢丝绳脱落现象,消灭了安全隐患,具有很好的推广价值。  相似文献   

变频技术在煤矿绞车电控系统中的应用对于提高绞车的工作效率和工作质量都有着非常重要的作用,并且变频技术也具有着体积小、节能等多方面优势,因此变频技术的应用对于实现运输绞车的无极调速也有着非常好的效果。主要介绍了变频技术在煤矿绞车掉控系统中的具体应用。  相似文献   

胡冬星 《科技通报》2006,22(3):362-366
提出了电绞盘试验特点及现状,着重介绍了ACS智能测试控制系统组成,分别对软、硬件进行了说明.经调试运行,证明该系统测试精度高,运行可靠,操作方便,自动化程度高,达到了设计要求.  相似文献   

Recent research in the field of vehicle electrification has indicated that synchronous machines, which include the permanent magnet synchronous machine (PMSM) and the externally excited synchronous machine (EESM), represent a viable solution for electric propulsion. A challenging problem for synchronous machines drives employed in automotive applications is to obtain accurate mathematical models which can deal with parametric variation and which are suitable for real-time simulations and synthesis of control laws. The goal of this paper is to provide a mathematical modeling framework for synchronous machines that can answer to this challenging problem. To this end, using the rotor reference frame, the mathematical models of PMSMs and EESMs are constructed taking into account also the parametric variation due to magnetic saturation and temperature variation. Then, a complex state-space bilinear model for both EESM and PMSM with parametric variation due to magnetic saturation and temperature are developed. Considering the parametric variation as a polytopic bounded disturbance, it is then shown how to split the bilinear complex model in two PWA variable parameter state-space models suitable for a cascade control structure. Based on the developed models, a dynamic unified simulator was constructed in Matlab®/Simulink®. Measurement data obtained in a real test-bench system were used to verify the accuracy of the simulator. The discrete-time simulator was then integrated in an industrial hardware-in-the-loop test bench for real-time evaluation of a current control scheme in EESM drives.  相似文献   

This paper addresses an output tracking problem for discrete-time high-order fully actuated (DHOFA) systems and its application in the control of air-bearing spacecraft (ABS) simulator. A HOFA system model, as a novel system representation, is applied to establish the dynamics of discrete-time control systems. Accordingly, a HOFA predictive control scheme is presented to deal with this problem, which is composed of a HOFA feedback for stabilization and a HOFA predictive control for tracking. In this scheme, a Diophantine equation is exploited to construct an incremental HOFA (IHOFA) prediction model to substitute a reduced-order prediction model, and then a cost function involving tracking performance is minimized by using multi-step output predictions. A sufficient and necessary condition is proposed to discuss the stability and tracking performance of the closed-loop DHOFA systems, it is simple to utilize in system analysis and extend in practice. Two experiments of the control of ABS simulator are shown to illustrate the feasibility of the presented HOFA predictive control scheme.  相似文献   

飞行模拟器作为完成飞机飞行控制系统的控制律设计与验证、飞行品质评估等重要任务的必不可少的手段,在飞机研制中起着至关重要的作用。在飞行模拟器的仿真软件的研发中运用了Matlab/RTW和VxWorks的实时仿真技术,更加逼真地反映飞机总体性能和飞行品质。  相似文献   

为了使工程模拟器能够尽量逼真地模拟飞机的飞行,需要建立精确的飞行仿真模型。首先对飞行仿真软件系统进行了描述,并重点对飞行软件系统进行了分析说明,建立了飞行运动方程的数学模型,最后对飞控软件系统进行了说明。  相似文献   

本文在介绍Android平台的基础上,提出了基于Android智能手机天气预报系统的设计与实现。系统通过SAX解析文本方式获取城市列表,并通过调用WebService来实现实时天气的查询。经测试,系统在模拟器上调试能正常运行。  相似文献   

介绍了特大型矿井应急管理工作的探索与研究,强化职责、完善预案,在构建应急救援平台的基础上引进世界先进的应急救援绞车进行试验应用,极大地提高了应急救援的效率,为煤矿事故救援,减少生命财产损失,提供了有力的保障。  相似文献   

针对现代电子对抗模拟训练的需要,提出一种雷达电子干扰模拟器的改进方案,它采用DDS技术,不仅对雷达电子干扰模拟器的信号分辨率得到提高和干扰样式的增加,解决了雷达电子干扰模拟器和雷达同步和复杂且恶劣电磁环境的高度模拟的问题。介绍了整个系统组成及工作原理,并通过移植嵌入式操作系统μC/OS-Ⅱ完成模拟器的多任务功能。  相似文献   

立井防滑绳溜车保护装置采用先进技术使动力稳定可调,在滑绳、溜车状态下,即使提升机制动闸失灵,也能将钢丝绳可靠制动,而且不损绳;感力机械手依照滑绳、溜车状况,对钢丝绳进行智能抓捕;绞车房控制系统可直接监测提升机运行情况,一旦检测出滑绳、溜车状况,除声光报警外,执行机构在PLC控制下使机械手进入工作状态,完成智能抓捕动作。结构简单,动作灵活,安装方便,不需要改动原有系统,可直接安装,能够很好地与现行提升系统配合使用。此技术克服提升机的技术缺陷,完善提升机的保护设备。提高摩擦提升的可靠性,提高设备的利用效率,充分发挥提升设备的潜力,延长提升设备的使用寿命,对保证煤矿提升安全有着十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

In this paper, we illustrate the development of a realistic simulation of a humanoid robot model in a virtual environment using USARSim (Urban Search and Rescue Simulator). USARSim provides an accurate 3D simulation of a virtual environment with a detailed rendering and a realistic physics. Moreover, USARSim allows users to observe the virtual environment from different views. One of these is the egocentric view, which can simulate the camera mounted on the robot. The small humanoid robot presented in this work is Robovie-M, developed by VStone Ltd. (Japan). This robot is used by our team Artisti in the RobotCup soccer competitions.Reported experiments compare the behaviors of a real robot and of its virtual model, when controlled by the same control software to asses the possibility to faithfully simulate a robot with 22 degrees of freedom in USARSim. Moreover, we discuss the possibility to close the control loop of the robot in simulation, by simulating also the main robot sensor, i.e. the camera.The experiments show that USARSim, despite being a simple simulator based on a low cost computer game, provides an accurate enough simulation of the physics and a realistic rendering of the 3D scene enabling a faithful simulation of a small humanoid robot at low cost. Thus, one can entirely test the robot software modules in the simulation (namely: the motion control modules, the vision system modules and, by closing the robot control loop in simulation, the behavior and behavior-selection modules).  相似文献   

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