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In this paper the authors argue that the salience of beliefs about an attitude object (their elicitability) is an independent dimension of persuasion theory. A revision of Fishbein's summation theory is offered to take this dimension into account and to expand the explanatory range of the theory to include and predict temporary effects. Experimental support for the revision is offered. The authors argue for further revision of the attitude construct as borrowed from psychology. Communication scholars should distinguish between changes in “attitudinal tendency” and changes in “manifest attitude.”  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(2):143-145

A theoretical critique of Fishbein's conception of belief strength is advanced which examines the concept in the context of Hullian behaviorism. Fishbein's experimental support for the concept is questioned. Finally three studies are discussed that cast doubt on the importance of belief strength weights for attitude predictions.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):364-370

Concepts from Heider's “Attribution of Responsibility” theory were used to investigate the process of message source evaluation. The results of a role‐playing experiment indicate that: (1) When a message source's previous behavior has had favorable consequences for a receiver, the source will be rated more “safe,” “qualified,” and “dynamic” to the extent that responsibility for those consequences are attributed to the source; and (2) when the source's previous behavior has had unfavorable consequences for the receiver, the source will be judged less “safe” but more “qualified” and “dynamic” to the extent that responsibility for those consequences are attributed to the source.  相似文献   


Subjects differing in cognitive complexity formed impressions of another based on positive information about the other's work behavior and negative information about social behavior, or vice versa. Immediate impressions written to one context, and work‐ and social‐evaluation measures, reflected the valence of the information; general evaluative measures tended to neutrality. Impressions (written to the other context) and evaluations obtained two weeks later showed similar results. These results, in conjunction with those of subsidiary analyses involving Fishbein's attitude model, were interpreted as supporting a view of beliefs as substantive cognitions rather than as vacuous elements functioning only to contribute increments of affect.  相似文献   

This study hypothesized a Socratic effect for the receiver's perceptions of the consequences of a proposal which were not mentioned by a persuader. Unlike earlier research, this study employed affective‐cognitive consistency theory since the perceptions of consequences were related psychologically, not logically. The analysis generally supported the speculations concerning belief‐ and attitude change.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):237-244

A questionnaire was developed to test the hypothesis that an individual's intention to perform a given behavior is a function of (a) his attitude toward performing that behavior and/or (b) his normative beliefs about what others think he should do, weighted by his motivation to comply with those others. It was also hypothesized that an individual's beliefs about the consequences of performing the behavior, weighted by his evaluation of those consequences, should be highly related to his attitude toward performing that behavior. Both hypotheses were supported. In addition, it was found that specificity of the attitude measure was a crucial mediator of the attitude‐intention relationship.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):131-142

The principle of congruity was proposed several years ago as an explanation for certain behavioral changes in communication situations. In this article the principle of congruity is offered as an explanation for attitude change in an oral communication situation. A predictive model is developed, taking a listener's attitude toward the speaker, the speech topic, the speaker's delivery, and the stylistic treatment of the speech topic as the significant variables in determining what the listener's attitude toward the speaker and the speech topic will be after listening to the speech. An experiment to test the predictive model is reported. The results generally support a principle of congruity in this type of oral communication situation.  相似文献   

The production and distribution of social-issue documentaries can have a wide range of significant impact on community organizations, educational institutions, citizens, and policy makers. What this article seeks to demonstrate, using the example of Tracy Huling's Yes, In My Backyard, is the utility of an “issue-centered model” that allows a comprehensive and systematic analysis of the full range of political impact, including impact on producers, activists, and policymakers. Much of the way Yes, In My Backyard “worked” within the rural prison issue network parallels the way that policy analysis can affect public agendas and public policy. Although many documentaries can be regarded as “implicit” pieces of policy analysis, Huling's is the most explicit, and her measure of success is how well her work can alter the agenda of activists and policy makers, stimulate research to support policy change, and then help implement that change.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(2):119-123

The relationship between one's attitude toward self‐disclosure in interaction and the complexity of his system of dimensions for construing the behavior and character of others was examined within a cognitive‐developmental framework in which development was hypothesized to be a function of the range and intensity of one's social experiences. Significant correlations involving three indices of construct usage reflecting the differentiation and integration of the motivational constructs in a perceiver's cognitive system suggest that it is one's motivational constructs which are elaborated through self‐disclosing interactions and which, in turn, allow for the formation of the kind of subjectivity satisfying impressions that favorably orient one toward the mutual disclosure of self‐attributions.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):174-182

The term “process” admits of two definitions in the philosophy of science: one based on a 19th century mechanistic view, the other consistent with quantum relativistic notions. Scholars in speech communication have misused these essentially contradictory definitions. Methodological notions have often been based on a deterministic view of cause while, at the same time, definitions of communication have been based on Whitehead's view of reality as “becoming.” As a result, theory and research have been inconsistent. To implement the contemporary notion of “process,” ideas of methodological rigor based on causal determinism must be substituted by notions of carefulness based on acknowledgement of the observer's involvement in his own observations.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):213-215

This study tested two hypotheses growing out of the aversive consequences interpretation of counterattitudinal advocacy effects: first, that persons encoding counterattitudinal messages for a known audience will report greater attitude change toward the position advocated than persons encoding counterattitudinal messages for an unknown audience; and, second, that persons encoding counterattitudinal messages for an uncommitted audience will demonstrate greater attitude change toward the position advocated than persons encoding counterattitudinal messages for a committed audience. After completing an attitude pretest, subjects encoded counterattitudinal essays favoring two years of mandatory military service for all male high school graduates. Analyses of the attitude change scores produced confirmation of both hypotheses.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):215-221

Ralph Waldo Emerson's theory of public address may be characterized as a rhetoric of provocation. Emerson did not see truth as encompassed by the human mind, set down in a book, or defended by logic. It is a state of mind, an attitude of searching for and listening to the voice within, the voice of God. The preacher‐orator cannot communicate truth directly to other men; he can only provoke them into searching for it on their own. The philosopher, orator, or preacher was, for Emerson, “only a more or less awkward translator” of ideas already in the consciousness of his audience. An orator functions as a “divining‐rod” to the deeper nature of men, lifting them above themselves and creating within them as appetite for truth.  相似文献   


The question of “who is to supply programs” to television networks is one that affects viewers, advertisers, and licensees as well as networks and program producers and packagers. The revolutionary change that took place in the early 1950's, when the advertising agency was supplanted by the network as the primary source of programming, cured many then‐existing problems, but led to complaints that the networks could and did prevent “outside” creative program agencies from having an outlet for their productions. These complaints, added to those presented in Congress and elsewhere about the present quality of television programming, led to the proposal discussed in the following article. Often mislabeled, and still more often misunderstood, the FCC's proposal is intended to “preserve intact the present structure of television network broadcasting, but seeks within that structure to improve conditions of competition in the program process.”  相似文献   


Considerable research has been devoted to the effects of celebrity endorsers on consumer behavior. Most of the research has examined credibility or attractiveness as a determinant of message effectiveness, A review of Burke, Kelman, and Bandura's theories suggests that there may be another critical factor underlying celebrity effects — identification. A review of previous research results suggests that identification may be a viable explanation for the effectiveness of celebrity endorsers. A test of the identification effect was probed by examining people's personal concern, perceived risk, and sexual behaviors a year after Magic Johnson's announcement that he tested positive for HIV. The results of this study indicate that identification mediates message effects. This finding has important implications for media campaigns. It suggests that a spokesperson with whom the audience identifies insures the greatest likelihood of achieving lasting attitude or behavior change.  相似文献   

The use of humor was an important aspect of Ronald Reagan's rhetorical appeal. Three major theories of humor have been suggested in the development of the literature: the relief theory, involving emotional release of tension; the incongruity theory, where the cognitive functioning reacts to unexpected input; and the superiority theory, which holds that humor results from feeling superior to others, who may be considered disobedient or somehow “wrong.” The application of the theories to Reagan's humor shows how he used humor to criticize authority without being perceived as too harsh or negative, as well as to promote positive feelings from his audiences.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(2):135-161

This study attempts to summarize selected concepts from the theory of Kenneth Burke and test their applicability in a formal organization. Semantic differential scales and the paired‐comparison technique were used to gather data on “order,” “mystery,” and “identification” as perceived by members of all levels of the hierarchy within a university.  相似文献   

Cervical cancer is the leading cause of women's cancer deaths in Senegal, but few medical personnel are trained to perform cervical cancer screening. In rural areas, the situation is worse. To remedy this, a collaborative of researchers and stakeholders trained local health-care workers in cervical cancer screening through the “training-of-trainers” method. However, lack of cancer screening knowledge, barriers, and a hard-to-reach population may jeopardize the collaborative's efforts. The purpose of this study is to map the health communication infrastructure by applying communication infrastructure theory to assess general health and cancer screening knowledge, as well as attitudes and barriers toward screening. Results from focus groups and interviews show that women have minimal knowledge of cervical cancer. Moreover, health workers report detrimental attitudes in menopausal women. Our findings identified routes for information dissemination and attitude change including community radio and local health talks.  相似文献   


Although scholars frequently describe communication as goal oriented, they offer limited detail about how people form interaction goals in situations. This paper presents a “Cognitive Rules” model which specifies assumptions about the structures and processes underlying goal formation. According to the model, people represent their knowledge about goals within an associative network model of memory, which contains cognitive rules linking situational features and desired outcomes. People's likelihood of forming a goal depends on the accessibility of relevant cognitive rules as well as the fit between perceived situational features and rules. An experiment testing these assumptions is reported. As predicted, a priming manipulation influenced interaction goals in attributionally ambiguous but not in attributionally clear compliance‐gaining situations. Unexpectedly, the effect of priming on goals occurred only for people high in construct differentiation. Implications of these findings for accounts of goal formation and message production are discussed.  相似文献   


At Central Michigan University, librarians teach multiple sections of an eight-week, one-credit research skills class to hundreds of undergraduate students each semester. While the main focus of the course is to teach students how to find, use, and properly cite library resources, librarians also address critical thinking skills by designing lessons to teach World Wide Web organization and how to analyze the information found via search engines. Showing student's obvious hoax sites about “tree octopi” and “male pregnancy” introduces the concepts of critical thinking and Website analysis. Most students quickly refute the information on such sites. However, students have a more difficult time assessing social, historical, or political revisionist Web sites' validity. Contrasting those claims with evidence accepted by international courts, historians, and scientists is useful in pointing out the flaws of seemingly well documented but one-sided revisionist sites. There are dangers in exposing students to these groups via their Websites. Yet, it is important to do so in order to convey the importance of critical analysis of information. The authors discuss students' pre- and post-test (CMU's online assessment tool, the “research readiness self-assessment” [RRSA]) scores to determine whether critical thinking skills have improved.  相似文献   


The hypothesis that a self‐contradictory communication is less persuasive than a non‐contradictory one was tested. The data supported the hypothesis only for those subjects who perceived the contradiction; neither open and closed‐mindedness nor initial attitude toward the policy advocated in the communication accurately distinguished the perceivers of the contradiction from the non‐perceivers.  相似文献   

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