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This paper examines the idea of the university from the first‐in‐family enabling students’ perspective. It provides an overview of the current crisis of meaning in scholarly commentary that points to a spectrum of meanings about the university. This spectrum ranges from the ancient imaginary of the monastic university as ‘ivory tower’ to the instrumental idea of the entrepreneurial university. The analysis then reports on the idea of the university in over 40 interviews and surveys of first‐in‐family enabling students who attended two large regional Australian universities in 2014. Their metaphorical understandings of the university constitute a powerful imaginary about what a university is and can do for individuals and the wider society. For many, the resolution of the individualistic passion for knowledge of ‘ivory tower’ studies and the commitment to the social and economic usefulness of the fully engaged entrepreneurial university can be found in the pursuit of the passionate career.  相似文献   

Similar to other European countries, the introduction of non-academic, especially managerial, criteria in higher education has shaped and altered Austrian universities since over a decade. This paper presents the results of a frame analysis of Austrian higher education debates from 1993 until 2010. It outlines how reforms in higher education were prepared and enhanced by a new policy discourse, with a special focus on the way gender equality is framed in reform debates. Our article describes three core frames: ‘from local to global’, ‘from ivory tower to business’ and ‘from civil servant to excellence’. We cluster these three frames around imaginations of space that are embedded in the normative foundations of academia, and discuss how this links up with arguments for gender equality. We furthermore propose to analytically separate two conceptions of the university: the ‘entrepreneurial’ and the ‘managerial’ university.  相似文献   

International University Education: An Australian Perspective   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper attempts to explore the effectiveness of UK universities' websites. The area of branding in higher education has received increasing academic investigation, but little work has researched how universities demonstrate their brand promises through their websites. The quest to differentiate through branding can be challenging in the university context, however. It is argued that those institutions that have a strong distinctive image will be in a better position to face a changing future. Employing a multistage methodology, the web pages of 20 UK universities were investigated by using a combination of content and multivariable analysis. Results indicated ‘traditional values’ such as teaching and research were often well communicated in terms of online brand but ‘emotional values’ like social responsibility and the universities' environments were less consistently communicated, despite their increased topicality. It is therefore suggested that emotional values may offer a basis for possible future online differentiation.  相似文献   

This paper explores the impact of changing higher education policies and funding on university adult and continuing education in England and Aotearoa New Zealand. It discusses some of the contextual factors contributing to sustaining continuing education in New Zealand, against the tide of developments elsewhere, and in spite of its subjection to the influence of neoliberal policies since the 1980s: an ethos of public knowledge dissemination, acknowledgement of the universities' role as ‘critic and conscience’ of society, a broad commitment to educational equality and a strategic as well as pragmatic approach. The paper describes developments in one New Zealand continuing education department as it experiences institutional and political change. The author concludes that, in spite of demonstrating considerable resilience, the structures and activities of continuing education departments in New Zealand are as fragile as they have been in England. ‘Radical hope’ is advocated as the university‐based adult educator's response in difficult times. It involves challenging the assumptions of neoliberalism, and reaffirming the political nature of adult education.  相似文献   

超越象牙塔:现代大学的社会责任   总被引:49,自引:0,他引:49  
早期的西方大学曾经具有与社会保持一定距离 ,以维护其学术研究和教学自由的历史传统。随着社会的发展 ,大学逐步走出了“象牙塔”,与社会的联系越来越密切 ,同时也使大学面临一种艰难的选择———如何既适应社会又崇尚学术 ,怎样才能在为经济和社会发展需要服务的同时保持大学应有的独立品格和价值追求。人类社会已经进入了全球化时代 ,时代强烈呼唤大学不仅要走出“象牙塔” ,还要超越“象牙塔” ,全面承担起时代赋予大学的教育责任、学术责任、既要服务又要引导社会前进的责任以及国际责任  相似文献   

随着知识的现实作用越来越突出,当代高等教育已经无法回避价值问题而回到纯粹客观研究的"象牙塔"状态中。布鲁贝克看到了这一事实,在他回应美国高等教育合法性危机问题的时候,他一方面肯定传统高等教育追求客观真理的理性传统,另一方面也强调高等教育对使得自由求知得以可能的社会具有义务。在其《高等教育哲学》一书中,他以实用主义哲学为依据,确信在民主主义社会生活模式下真理和价值结合的可能性,由此提出高等教育应以民主主义原则处理高等教育事务,并在理性与民主平衡下不断敞开对"高深知识"及其价值后果的探求,使高等教育在能继承其客观性传统的同时,亦能理性承担社会责任。  相似文献   

This paper explores the concept of translocality, of being ‘simultaneously situated’ in more than one place, in the context of ‘distance’ education in the digital university. The author works with the concept of critical time to propose an additional term, transtemporality, to also recognise the multiple times and temporalities engaged and interwoven in digitally connected spaces of work and study. The paper draws on interview material from an institutional case study of expansion in digital education, paying particular attention to student locations in time and space, arguing that recognising the shifting time–space of the campus is essential to supporting and teaching growing numbers of distance and part-time students. The author proposes that, rather than digital connections being viewed as a form of ‘reaching out’ from the university campus to the wider world, the digital university might be considered, in its translocal and transtemporal form, as an opening up of the idea of the university; embodied and imagined through strong connections across multiple locations, times and temporalities.  相似文献   

大学与象牙塔:实体与理念   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
大学与象牙塔在语言指称与意义联系方面存在着许多混乱,诸如大学为何被称为象牙塔、象牙塔有何蕴涵与意义、大学人对象牙塔有何情结。大学与象牙塔之间有着历史渊源,象牙塔是大学的精神家园。但在当代,象牙塔遭遇到了现实危机和重建派、走出派等不同的态度派别。其实,大学的象牙塔取向和向社会开放的取向之间并不存在必然冲突,而是可以互相促进的,这一点对于大学而言就意味着要走“内圣外王”之路。  相似文献   

Traditionally in Arab public universities, presidents are appointed by government authorities. Recently, in uprising Arab countries universities' presidents have been elected by universities' faculty members. Neither traditional nor self-governance pattern succeeded to modernise Arab universities. Reforming patterns of governance is critical for improved productivity and accountability in Arab universities. Applying the modern pattern of university governance depends on the country's political system and extent of democracy. Arab countries need to establish an improved process of searching for leadership candidates. Improving patterns of universities' governance in Arab countries can lead to improving higher education and research and enhancing competitiveness among faculty members.  相似文献   

创业型大学:走出象牙塔后的范式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创业型大学是大学走出象牙塔后的一种新兴的高等教育实践形态。由于诞生时间不长,有许多理论和实践中的问题值得深入思考,但是就作为一个社会实体而言,创业型大学的存在有它的历史必然。创业型大学以独立的身份参与了今天创新型社会发展中的创业活动,但并没有改变作为大学所应有的基本的职能,从某种角度看,在创业型大学活动模式下,人才培养、科学研究和社会服务在层次和水平上都得到了提升。由于大学的活动方式的转变,创业型大学的组织和活动关系也相应转型。  相似文献   

公民教育在国外大学教育中由来已久,而我国公民教育仅在九年义务制教育当中有所涉猎,在高等院校特别是高职院校关于这方面的教育几乎还是空白。随着社会主义市场经济的快速发展以及法治化的不断完善,社会需要能够对自己的社会地位、社会权利和社会责任有自觉认识的公民。现代高职教育的目标是为了培养具有较强社会适应力的高素质的公民,因此高职院校加强大学生的公民教育是必要的。  相似文献   


This paper examines what to some is a well-worked furrow; the processes and outcomes involved in what is typically referred to as ‘marketization’ in the higher education sector. We do this through a case study of Newton University, where we reveal a rapid proliferation of market exchanges involving the administrative division of the university with the wider world. Our account of this process of ‘market making’ is developed in two (dialectically related) moves. First, we identify a range of market exchanges that have emerged in the context of wider ideological and political changes in the governance of higher education to make it a more globally competitive producer of knowledge, and a services sector. Second, we explore the ways in which making markets involve a considerable amount of microwork, such as the deployment of a range of framings, and socio-technical tools. Taken together, these market-making processes are recalibrating and remaking the structures, social relations and subjectivities, within and beyond the university and in turn reconstituting the university and the higher education sector.  相似文献   

Universities in a capitalistic society have been expected to produce graduates for the labour market which in turn contributes to the economic development of the nation. In today's environment where the social spending on education grows faster than the economy, it becomes increasingly difficult for the education system to maintain an existing level of provision. Hence, institutions are required to legitimate themselves through the value they provide. The capitalistic process in Hong Kong has generated the demand for lifelong learning in the higher education system. The resulting evolution of the system has compelled the policy makers of higher education to redefine the purpose of higher education and re-evaluate the university management. This paper discusses Liu's (1997) holistic approach of evaluating and planning for the university academic programmes as well as building an ‘enterprise culture’ at the institutional level with a Hong Kong case analysis. When strategically planning for the future in a volatile and transient environment, university management plays an important role in integrating continuing professional education (CPE) and mainstream academic programmes and in cultivating a market-oriented ‘institutional enterprise-culture’ which responds to environmental changes more proactively.  相似文献   

This paper explores Indian women’s views on arranged marriages in the United Kingdom. It is based on research carried out with 32 Indian women studying at a university in the South East of England, UK. The article draws on Wenger’s social theory of learning to explore how Indian women’s participation in communities of practice in higher education contributes to their participation in arranged marriages. The concept of ‘social capital’ is used to discuss how women are able to negotiate their participation in arranged marriages, It is used to examine the knowledge and identity resources that women develop through their participation in higher education, which provides them with the means from which to develop the necessary ‘bridging ties’ leading to their active participation in the wider South Asian community.  相似文献   

This article inquires into discourses of globalisation as they are put to use to accelerate higher education’s seemingly ready acquiescence to the demands of the market. We maintain that globalisation operates as a way to reason about space that produces images and narratives of universities, knowledge and students. We focus our analysis on curriculum reform as a way universities materialise the seemingly abstract economic logic of the so-called ‘knowledge society’ at the level of student-citizens, who are to be educated to become economic globalisation’s next agents. In order to locate curriculum’s productive role within university respatialisation, we offer a discourse analysis of the circulation of ideas about globalisation and higher education through intergovernmental and national documents, which take material form in a US state university system’s attempted curricular reform of its general education core. We inquire into the ways space, as a rationality, acts to create systems of reasoning about institutions, knowledges and subjects that furthers the production of a neoliberal global imaginary.  相似文献   

Although there has been considerable debate in contemporary literature on the erosion of the public good in higher education, most of it has been concentrated on the word ‘public’ rather than on the notion of ‘good’. Further, the idea of higher education and the organisations for its delivery have become conflated through a focus on the ‘good’ as inherent, intrinsic, and instrumental. An idea is proposed, that: higher education is intrinsically good; that aspects of its practice are feasibly inherently good; and institutional practices are instrumentally good. These three goods are commonly conflated rather than interwoven in our policymakers’ understanding of the contribution that higher education has for human flourishing and what contribution higher education providers make to the economics of society.  相似文献   


Formal education was used by the apartheid government to prepare black South Africans for manual labour, thus there was little curricular focus on the development of higher-order cognitive skills. With the abolition of apartheid in 1994, the education system was re-valued and re-evaluated to provide wider access to quality education; the focus of education policies moved towards the development of self-regulation and higher-order cognitive skills for all learners. There is now a generation of learners who have experienced their schooling in the transformed education system, and it would be useful to understand, from their perspective, what they value in their development of learning within the higher education space. This study answers the question ‘Post-apartheid, what learning methods and resources do first-years perceive to be valuable to their learning when they enter university?’ Participants included 344 students taking a Biology course provided to medical science students at a South African university in 2018. Two questionnaires were administered towards the end of a six-week lecture period, responses were evaluated quantitatively and qualitatively. The first survey, comprised of Likert-style questions, was conducted to determine the students’ views on the mechanisms which they used to support their learning. The second questionnaire comprised open-ended questions and focused on the students’ perception of their learning experience in the course. The findings show that there was a significant (p?<?.001) percentage of first-years who thought that rote-learning would suffice for examination preparation at university, and preferred to engage with their peers and the textbook before they engaged with their lecturers when navigating challenging concepts. Schwartz's model of social values is used to show that more needs to be done for the development of higher-order thinking and self-regulation when students enter university, and to mitigate alienation between students and staff.  相似文献   

大学是充满理想的,并为实现这个理想进行着长期坚持不懈的奋斗.西方大学从古希腊亚里士多德古典人文主义的"自由教育"思想到德国威廉·冯·洪堡"自由的教学与学术研究相结合"的崭新理念到美国"融入社会、多元开放、通识教育、追求卓越"的理念创新再到联合国"持续发展,引领社会"的新大学理想,经历了一个漫长的过程.从这个漫长的过程中,我们可以很清楚地看出,大学理念在西方的发展是沿着两个基本脉络前进的:一是"注重理性"始终是西方大学教育永恒的主题,其实质是对人类社会发展的一种人文关怀;二是"象牙塔"始终是西方大学精神永恒的象征,其实质是一种为真理而献身的独立精神.这种人文关怀和独立精神,就是真正意义上的永恒的"大学之魂".  相似文献   

Universities have a contribution to make towards the creation of a more just society. To do so, not only must the new language from industry be challenged, there needs too to be a break from the postmodernist mindset which still defines much academic debate. Drawing on ideas from political economy, critical social science and feminist theory and practice this paper urges a re-positioning of higher education which requires moving on from the ‘linguistic turn’ towards a more ‘practical turn’. It proposes that mass university higher education has a future if it actively engages with adults from a much wider social spectrum than at present and if it re-engages with notions of the public nature of truth and values through working to articulate urgent problems with people other than academics.  相似文献   

Herbert Read's Education through Art (henceforth ETA) is a pioneering attempt to provide empirical evidence for the need for art in the public school system. Rooting for art education, Read applies the conclusions of the newly evolving psychological research to his thesis on education, which he holds to be a contemporary revival of Plato's educational theory. Psychological research proves, Read believes, that art is required for the healthy cognitive and emotional development of the child, thereby creating a stable and productive society. ‘Education through art’ nurtures each individual's potential, so that every professional direction one would later take would be ‘art'. Since its publication in 1943, art‐education enthusiasts seem to hold that Read was on the right track, but that ETA suffers from a lack of evidence – a mere technicality that can be amended when research advances. Contrariwise, I argue that Read's thesis is inherently problematic, rather than empirically inaccurate. Psychological research may never suffice for the justification of art education, if ‘art education’ is both substituted for ‘creativity’ and expected to produce testable – immediate and quantifiable – results. My interest is not only in Read's theory per se, but in this form of justification. To wit, the discussion examines ETA as a case study in the empirical justification of art education.  相似文献   

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