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科学合理评价大学生学习成效是高等教育实现从规模扩张转向内涵式发展的关键理论和实践问题。该论文摒弃了传统的从教学质量评价的角度来研究学习成效的方法,构建了以知识学习、素质提升、实践能力为评价维度的大学生学习成效评价指标体系,结合模糊综合评价法对学习成效进行综合评价,并利用某大学网站开发课程学习成效调查的基础数据进行了实证研究。实证研究表明,该评价模型对学习成效的系统分析具有科学性、灵敏性和诊断性,可以为大学生学习成效评价实践提供合理的计量和考核标准。  相似文献   

在《语文课程标准》里对综合性学习提出了具体的学段要求,语文综合性学习拓展了学生语文学习的外延,为语文教学注入了一股新的活力。深入挖掘语文综合性学习资源,依据课标,指导得法,创造性地开展综合性学习活动,构建多元评价体系,使学生在综合性学习实践中形成能力,促进学生全面发展。  相似文献   

教育发展和教育质量的提高关键在于教师,只有高水平的师资队伍才会有高质量的教育。在美国最具影响力的教师评价标准是由美国专业教学标准委员会制订--全美教师评价标准,它包含五个核心维度:教师对每位学生及其学习负有责任;教师要掌握所教学科的知识和教学方法;教师对管理学生和监督学生学习负有责任;教师要对其教学实践进行系统反思,并从中吸取经验;教师是学习共同体的成员。这五个核心维度构建了美国中小学教师应该达到的标准体系。通过对全美教师评价标准的五个核心维度及其下属指标的深度探析,总结出了有助于完善我国教师评价指标体系的四点启示:强调教师职责的重要性;确保教师教学和学生学习的切合性;提高教师与教育相关者之间的合作意识;注重评测教师的专业教学技能。  相似文献   

项目式学习是当前教育领域关注的热点,而如何在线开展学习评价是项目式学习研究的难题.构建学生能力画像有助于解决这一难题,而从哪些维度采集哪些行为数据支持能力画像建模,是构建画像的关键.因此,有必要研制项目式学习评价指标体系指导数据的采集.文章采用表现性评价方法,分析了项目式学习的评价内容和表现性任务,提出了项目式学习行为框架,并结合学生问题解决能力在不同行为维度的外在表现设计了观测指标.采用问卷调查法验证和修正了指标体系,最终形成5个维度20个观测指标.对指标体系的应用场景进行了阐述,并以研究性学习学生画像构建为例,介绍了指标体系的具体应用,以期为相关人员提供实践参考.  相似文献   

高校网络课程实施质量的评价标准   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
该文在综述有关研究的基础上提出了网络教育基础课程实施质量的评价标准,包括学习资源配备组合、教师、教学实施和监控评价四个维度,共15条评价指标。可以为网络课程实施质量的评价和控制提供参考。  相似文献   

科学评价大学生学习成效是高等教育实现由规模扩张转向内涵发展的关键理论和实践问题.首先构建了以知识学习、能力提升、性格完善为评价维度的大学生学习成效评价指标体系,首次将区间数理论和改进AHP模型引入大学生学习成效评价研究,建立大学生学习成效评价模型,并利用某个大学经济学专业学生学习成效调查的基础数据进行实证研究.实证研究表明,评价模型可以有效应用于大学生学习成效的评价,对大学生学习成效的系统分析具有较高的敏感性、诊断性和科学性,可以为大学生学习成效评价实践提供合理的考核与计量标准.  相似文献   

研究性学习的定位、实施与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究性学习是指学生基于自身兴趣,在教师指导下,从学生自身学习或生活中选择和确定研究专题,主动地获取知识、应用知识、解决问题的学习活动。研究性学习是跨学科、综合性的学习方式,渗透于学生所有学科、所有活动之中。本从外语教学维度探讨研究性学习在教育中的定位、实施过程中的内容设计、组织原则、活动程序以及评价的价值取向。  相似文献   

对学习者自我调节学习过程的准确评价,是实现教学干预的必要前提。然而,已有评价方法多为总结性评价,实时性不足。为此,本研究提出了数据驱动的自我调节学习动态评价模型。以学习任务为单位对学习过程进行时序化处理,并构建学习过程中生成性数据到自我调节学习状态的映射关系。研究结果表明:(1)生成性数据是评价学习者自我调节学习状态的有力因素,模型具有较高的有效性。(2)学习者的自我调节学习状态在不同评价维度呈现出差异性变化趋势,其中任务分析、自我激励的信念和自我观察维度趋于稳定,而自我控制、自我判断和自我反应3个维度呈现明显波动性变化。(3)高低绩效群体在自我激励的信念、自我控制和自我反应3个评价维度上表现出显著差异,而在任务分析、自我观察和自我判断有3个维度上没有统计学差异。  相似文献   

曾郁 《贵州教育》2013,(3):36-44
《语文课程标准》大力突出“语文是一门实践性和综合性很强的学科”;提出了“综合性学习”的要求,意在“加强语文课程与其他课程及生活的联系,促进学生语文素养的整体推进和协调发展”,同时专列“综合性学习”的目标,且对不同学段的综合性学习提出了不同要求,并在教学建议和评价建议中进行了专项说明。  相似文献   

主题是综合性学习的重要方式,是开启整个综合性学习的至关重要的一步。在语文综合性学习的序列架构上,主题作为一种组织形式应统领整个活动。学校每学期可确定一个语文综合性学习的大主题,每个年级再从不同的维度确立小主题,形成完整的研究序列;在课程内容开掘方面,进行完整的课程学习情境构建,实施多项具有语文特质的综合活动,以促进学生语文素养的整体推进与协调发展。  相似文献   

学业评价标准是对国家课程标准所求的学生学习行为表现目标测度的具体量规,其范畴体系是一个与课程标准、内容标准和表现标准相匹配的综合评估系统。一个比较完备的学业评价标准实施方案应由评价目标、评价内容、评价范围求和评价方法等素组成。研制学业评价标准,需考虑两大匹配因素:一是与国家、地方和校本课程的学习目标相一致;二是与国家基础教育质量监测目标所确立的学生发展水平相吻合。学业评价标准的建构需制度立法,基本途径是解读国家课程标准,深入研究教材,并遵照国情,加强本土化研究,且需根据地方和学校教育实际,制定多层面的评价标准,并在实践中不断修正。  相似文献   

单元设计被视为落实素养目标的重要载体,其实质是知识的整合,这种整合意味着需要统整地设计学习活动,即以大的学习任务来统领小的学习活动。核心学习任务能满足这样的要求,它以学生为认识主体,架构单元学习活动,注重真实的整合性学习,使得教学与评价紧扣目标,教学与评价一体化。究其本质,核心学习任务是体现目标-教学-评价一致性的基本单位。在一致性视角下,它具有三方面特征:整体架构了单元教学、体现课程标准的要求、实现评价与教学一体化。设计核心学习任务可采用自下而上和自上而下两种程序,它要求教师在设计过程中研读课程标准、明确大概念、系统化任务设计。  相似文献   

信息技术教育着眼于所有的学习者,重在普及信息技术和文化,提高受教育者的信息素质与能力以支持自己的学习.信息技术教育评价的作用应是排除学生的学习障碍,目的是促进学生的全面健康发展.由于学生智能结构、学习风格等方面的差异,评价不能一概而论地只采用一个标准,而应从促进学生的潜能发展出发,激发和保护学生的学习热情与发展潜力,以人为本地评价,以体现素质教育的需要.  相似文献   

For the past 15 years, Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) has mandated assessment of undergraduate student learning outcomes as the basis for approving food science (FS) programs. No longer is a check‐off course system sufficient to be an IFT‐approved program. The 4 steps to gaining IFT approval include developing learning outcomes for all required FS courses, developing outcomes for the program as a whole, assessing student learning through a comprehensive series of assessment tools, and developing and reporting a plan to use the assessment data collected for continuous program improvement. This article reviews these steps in some detail, providing guidance on possible approaches that may be used. In the end, the aim of the IFT requirements is to improve student learning in FS to advance the field.  相似文献   

The current preference for alternative assessment has been partly stimulated by recent evidence on learning which points to the importance of students’ active engagement in the learning process. While alternative assessment may well fulfil the aims of formative assessment, its value in the summative assessment required in higher education is more problematic. If alternative assessment devices are to be used for summative purposes, the validity of alternative assessment has to be considered. The paper argues that task specification and marking consistency in alternative ­assessment can make comparability of performance difficult to effect, thereby leaving alternative assessment a less than convincing form for use in higher education.  相似文献   

Brunel University currently has four distance learning MSc courses, with over 500 students registered, and one undergraduate distance learning course. Some have been running for over five years, and well‐established practices have been developed and provide a basis of support for the university. Quality assurance in the university has always been considered in three, equally important, ways: the curriculum and its assessment; the handling of coursework and assignments; and the liaison with students. The lesson we have learned is that a distance learning programme must be based on an existing full‐time MSc programme, which is the gold standard for curriculum and its assessment, and where possible, common examinations and assessment be used. This can be further assured by scrutinisation by the associated research council. This is going to become ever more important with the increasing scrutiny by overseas governments on the academic quality of distance learning courses, which seek assurance on the comparability and quality of degrees. Quality assurance for the handling of coursework and assignments must be secure and demands a high overhead of paperwork. Detailed feedback to students on their assignments is essential, but this can, at the same time, form a quality assurance check for later progression decisions. We also copy and retain approximately 10% of the assignments for the same purpose. Rapid turnaround is essential if feedback is to be timely and therefore useful, and quality checks on processing time should be standard. Quality assurance for the procedures for liaison with distance learning students are somewhat harder to measure quantitatively. The mark of good distance learning must be its tutorial support. This demands good communications. Our own course, entitled Data Communications Systems, benefits from the high proportion of use of electronic communications, namely email, which allows fast turnaround of questions, yet is not intrusive. However, it is deemed essential that hard copy of all such correspondence is kept. Migration to other Internet support services, such as the World Wide Web, videoconferencing and groupware, is inevitable.  相似文献   

基于项目驱动(PBL)的混合式教学在高校教学中得到广泛应用,但课程评分机制一般仍采用传统闭卷考试或提交论文的形式,缺乏对学生综合能力的考核,不能相对合理地评判每个学生的学习效果以及学生在项目小组中的贡献度。因此文章提出了一种改进平衡记分卡(BSC)的考试评分机制——基于理论学习和项目实践的平衡计分评分机制(Balanced Score of Theory and Project Training,BSTP),并以"机器人学"课程为例,通过BSTP评分成绩与传统综合评分成绩的对比,分析了BSTP评分机制的优点,即它适用于实践和理论知识并重的课程考核,能够从横向和纵向两方面权衡学生的学习效果和能力水平。  相似文献   

This review summarizes and builds on a seminar about assessment of student learning in higher education. Assessment can be looked upon as simply something that has to be done at the end of a course. During the course of discussions at the seminar the participants became more aware of how assessment can have an impact on learning. This means that assessment can be used as a means to improve learning. This realization is not a new one, but it is highlighted here in a more coherent and concise way than usual. Many alternative methods of assessment are possible. Some instructional design rules will be presented here for designing assessment sessions in such a way that learning can be improved. When designing an assessment method, one can be guided by the following considerations. The content of assessment should be chosen in accordance with the learning outcomes one hopes to achieve. The organization of assessment can be designed in such a way that the desired learning process is promoted. The outcome of assessment can provide feedback to many of the stakeholders: to the students on their learning process; to the faculty on its outcomes; and to the teacher by pointing out the following steps to be taken in improving assessment, learning and teaching.  相似文献   

While experential learning has been increasingly explored and adopted by higher education institutions, few have researched the appropriate assessment methods that can be aligned with the learning outcomes of experential learning. A literature review on the diverse forms of assessment currently used for community service types of experiential learning in higher education is presented in this paper to review their appropriateness in assessing experential learning. The paper also describes the assessment framework of the University of Hong Kong Sichuan Reconstruction Community Service Project, which is incorporated into a multidisciplinary community service learning project. Feedback from students and teachers are reviewed to gauge their preferences towards these assessments, as well as their opinions on assigning academic credits to experential learning projects.  相似文献   

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