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(From 2 0 0 2tonow)Everylittleimprovementofthejournaldependsonthestrongsupportfromthereviewers.WetakethisopportunitytogiveourheartfeltthankstoreviewersinChinaandabroadfortheirhelpsincetheestablishmentofthejournal.Dr.NaonCarlos  Inst.deFisicaLaPlataArgen…  相似文献   

The Bet     
下面是一篇西方幽默故事, 希望通过阅读, 能增进同学们对西方幽默感的理解。One day June Smith visited the family doctor,Edward Swain.Dr.Swain was an old man with a long beard.“What’s the problem, June?”Dr.Swain asked her.“I’m very worried about my son, Te  相似文献   

Dr.Henderson came into his history class and saw that the studentswere not in their scats.Instead,they were busy painting pictures onthe windows and the back wall of the classroom.“What's the big idea?”shouted Dr.Henderson.“Who toldyou to do that?”“It is a project that Mr.Arlen in the art department has started.We are attempting to make the classrooms a little brighter,”answered  相似文献   

Dr即刃the hands on the docks. 价钟明at荔不飞 1,。:,,six,ocloCK.螃1;乡 1.毕e盯卿es黔r,\越止/ teem at eignt 0 CloCK·一 2 .She eats bre汕五st at nine Jcloek. 鬃00夔 飞彗尹含云‘逆岁~ 3 .He has a shower at ten Jdock 瓢0缈 4·She goes to bedat seven Jdoek. 5 .Wlien do you 90 to schoolZ 蘸0 7.When do you wateh TVZ 自氰跟我学…  相似文献   

A New Doctor     
YouwillseeanewdoctoratahospitalnearLondonifyougothere.Hesveryclever.Butheneverspeaksandhasnotbeentoamedicalschool.Hecanwork24hoursadayandnevergetstired.HesonemetretallandhasafacelikeaTVscreen.HesDrRobot.Doctorsoftenneedtoasktheirpatientsmanyquestions.Busydoctorscanonlyspendafewminuteswitheachpatient.ButDrRobotcanaskapatientquestionsforanhourifitisnecessary.WiththehelpofDrRobot,ahumandoctorcanhavealotofinformationwhenhemeetshispatient.HowcanDrRobotdothis?Acomputer“tells”himwhattodo.Dr…  相似文献   

Drawing a Girl     
.Dr8WSCirCle8S8hesd.Th6ndr8W \ two guide Iines. 画一个圆当头部,然 2 .oraw eyes and a nose· 画眼睛和鼻子。(翘翘的才漂亮l) Z一k 3 哪‘ 吟卜 职 r8w a m0Uth snd 画嘴巴和耳或:。 e hair. }很活泼哦!) 刀忱︸; 几笔勾勒Drawing a Girl  相似文献   

一、各课疑难解释Unit3Lesson 91.You must be Dr Yang.表态动词 must 可以用来表示“一定”、“肯定”这样的推断,但只用于肯定句中。在否定句或疑问句中使用 can,表示“可能”、“会”。如:You must be very hungry now.你现在一定很饿了。I must have met him somewhere.我一定在什么地方遇见过他。Can he be so foolish?他会这么傻吗?  相似文献   

介绍了美国大学教师Dr.kizzier课堂教学的三个特点,一是Syllabus的特色,二是教学过程中的特色,三是教材特色。这些特色集中体现了Dr.kizzier的教学风格。  相似文献   

Spider-Man 2 《蜘蛛侠2》The new moviepits Spider-Man witha new and deadly[势不两立的]enemy,Dr.Octavia-also knownas Dr.Octopus[章鱼]-a mad scientist whohas metal arms like an  相似文献   

忌"多"——忌在定语从句中加入多余的宾语,如:a.误:The email that(which)Ireceived it yesterday was from Dr.Smith.正:The email that(which)Ireceived yesterday was from Dr.Smith.  相似文献   

Dr.E:Hi,大家好!今天我亲自给大家讲解关于"一般现在时"的基本用法及相关知识。小灵通:Very good.Dr.E请您介绍一下"一般现在时"的主要用法吧。  相似文献   

Acquiredimmunodeficiencysyndrome (AIDS)iscausedbytheinfectionofhumanimmunodeficiencyvirus(HIV ) .Glycoproteingp4 1isfoundtobethekeytoHIV′sinfectiontocellT[1] .Dr.ZhoudesignedapeptidenamedFusukangasanHIVmembranefusioninhibitoraccordingtothestructureofgp 4 1.  Fusukangconsistsof 36aminoacidresidues,andissynthesizedbythemanualsolidphasepeptidesynthesistechnique[2 ,3] inthisresearch .1 Materialsandmethod1.1 Materials   9 fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl(Fmoc)aminoacids ,Wangresin ,dicyclohe…  相似文献   

珍·古道尔博士(Dr.Jane Goodall),1934年4月3日生于英国伦敦,国际著名的动物行为学家。她4岁时观察母鸡下蛋,还是小姑娘时,就梦想着像“人猿泰山”一样生活在热带丛林中。1960年,她带着儿时的梦想前往非洲的坦桑尼亚,在冈比国家公园的密林中研究  相似文献   

1.Let him have a bite David刚到美国医院实习,他被分配到外科手术室。一天,护士长要他进2号手术室,说:“Let Dr.Bernard have a bite,he has been there whole morning.Hemust be hungry.”他大吃一惊,说:“but I don’t wanthim to bit me!”护士长笑着说:“Don’t worry.Nobody is going to bite you.What I mean isthat Dr.Bernard has to eat something.”  相似文献   

In Metro City(大都会市),Dr.Tenma is a great scientist*.He invents* many helpful* robots.Tobyis Dr.Tenma’s son.He is a clever boy.可一次意外,Toby消失了。  相似文献   

Dr.Kate Lomb是一个早期对语言不感兴趣,甚至在高中阶段,德文只得了个“D”的匈牙利女子。令人惊讶的是,她后来却成为了通晓16种语言的翻译家,就连美国语言教学专家Stephen Krashen 也禁不住要远涉重洋亲自登门采访。Dr.Kate Lomb究竟是何许人也?她是不是有独特的语言天赋? 抑或是她掌握了通向语言学习的捷径?让我们一起揭开她神秘的面纱。  相似文献   

一、归纳法教师可让学生反复接触某一语言现象,引导学生加以归纳,找出知识的特点或共性。例如,在学过去分词作状语时,教师可让学生接触这些句子:1.Seen from the hill,the town looks beautiful.2.Born and bred in the city,he found itinconvenient to live in the countryside.3.Given another chance,I will do it better.4.Dr Watson and I will spend the night locked inyour room.5.The lady returned home,followed by Mr Holmesand Dr Watson.6.If bitten by a dog,you should go to the hospital.7.When asked to make a s…  相似文献   

我的初中老师多半都是懒洋洋、糊哩糊涂的,整天手里捧着杯咖啡,讲起课来不但会叫学生无聊得睡大觉,连自己也好像是刚醒来似的。但是,上了高中,我发现我们学校还真有几位好老师,其中最有意思的就要算Dr.Naragon了。Dr.Naragon是我们的历史老师。人们看到Dr.(博士)这个词  相似文献   

When Pastor Ovall picked up the phone,Special Agent Struzik from the IRS was on the line.“Hello,Pastor Ovall?”“Yes,this is.”“I'm calling to inquire about a member of your congregation,a Dr.Shipe.Do you recognize the name?”“Yes,he is a member of our congregation.How can I be of service?”  相似文献   

李青芮  王玲 《海外英语》2011,(14):336-337
Dr.Martin Luther King Jr.’s I Have a Dream is a world famous and influential lecture on August 28,1963 at the Lincoln Memorial.To make lecture powerful,Dr.King use large number of rhetorical devices to conveyed a message for justice and equality.The analysis of these rhetorical devices aims at a better understanding of the theme of the speech.  相似文献   

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