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基于系统理论的教育技术本体研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对教育技术本体构成问题,本文借鉴系统理论进行了深入的研究.通过对系统理论和教育技术系统的客观情况的分析,依据系统与环境之间的基本关系的原理,得出了教育技术系统是按照人的需求、目的构建教育系统及其要素的转换系统这一意见性结论.通过分析这一结论与当前一些结论存在的差异,提出了认识教育技术的新视角.通过对教育技术系统的深入分析,借鉴一般系统理论的研究,得出了教育技术系统是由教育技术输入子系统、教育技术运作子系统、教育技术输出子系统、教育技术协调监控子系统构成.同时本文探讨了四个子系统的构成要素及运作机理,为教育技术系统的持续发展和不断完善提供了可供参考的意见.  相似文献   

现代教育技术应当是教育的系统和整体技术。在进行教育技术的研究时,必须坚持系统和整体的思维方式,必须以教学设计和教学绩效为核心,必须注重应用现代媒体技术作为支撑手段。同时,在现代教育技术的研究中还必须注意采用人化的思维方法。  相似文献   

从技术系统的视角来看,教育技术是一个技术系统,并且是大社会技术系统下的一个子系统。教育技术系统目前由教学设计技术、软件开发技术、网络技术、多媒体技术、摄影摄像技术等大技术组成。这些技术的发展决定了教育技术系统的发展规律。  相似文献   

自从19世纪90年代教育技术成为一个独立的领域以来,其研究与实践经历了巨大的变化,形成了不同的教育技术形态。首先,教育技术是以媒体观的形态出现的。所谓媒体观,是指强调以物化形态的教育媒体的研究与应用为核心的观念,相应的名称如“幻灯教育”、“广播教育”、“电影教育”、“电视教育”以及“计算机辅助教育”等就鲜明地体现出这个特点。后来,随着科学技术尤其是计算机技术的迅猛发展,教育媒体得到不断的丰富与大量的应用,媒体观“以教育媒体的研究与应用为核心”的缺陷也逐渐暴露出来,教育技术的方法与方法论问题就显得越来越突出。在这种背景下,系统技术应运而生。在美国,到了20世纪60年代末至70年代初,媒体观的教育技术逐渐发展成了“教育系统技术”。  相似文献   

中国的广播电视大学是举办远程开放教育的完整系统,市、县级电大是这个系统中的子系统,它应具备执行上级电大教学管理指令的功能,整合多种媒体学习资源的功能,为参加远程学习的学生提供近程服务的功能和反馈信息的功能。  相似文献   

世纪回眸——1995年~2000年教育技术文献补遗   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪,是教育技术迅速发展的时期。随着各种科学技术成果在教育中的应用,促进了教学方法、教学手段的革新;而新的学习理论和教学理论的成熟,又为教育技术的发展提供了坚实的理论基础。尤其是系统科学理论与教育相结合,产生了教学设计的系统方法,使得教育技术从单纯的物化技术(一般称为媒体技术,简称为技术)阶段发展到了物化技术和智能技术(一般称为方法)相结合的新阶段,促成了教育技术学科的诞生。教育技术学科的成熟与发展,又为教育体制的改革和教学模式的创新提供了理论支持和技术保障,促进了教育现代化的进程。在这世纪…  相似文献   

一、现代教育技术与职业技术教育教学改革 “教育技术是对促进学习有关的过程、资源进行设计、开发、使用、管理和评价的理论与实践。”我们应该从专门技术、实践领域和理论体系三个不同角度来全面地、综合地理解教育技术。它的基本思想可以归结为学习者为中心、教学媒体与教学资源、运用系统方法这三个概念的整合运用,片面强调某一个概念的运用都不能说是教育技术的应用。  相似文献   

一、问题的提出美国教育传播与技术协会1994年教育技术新定义的提出,再次引起了一场关于我国教育技术发展与定位的大讨论。我国电教界认为“电化教育”是中国的教育技术,电化教育指“运用现代教育媒体,并与传统教育媒体恰当结合,传递教育信息,以实现教育最优化。”但随着教育的发展和对教育技术认识的深入,电化教育一词已不能正确概括与表述教育技术的内涵和外延,不能适应教育发展的需要。具体体现在:(1)电化教育注重媒体论,媒体论的不足在于缺乏系统方法,因为教育是个大系统,它的要素很多,不但包括电化教育中研究的媒体…  相似文献   

职业技术教育是教育系统中的一个子系统,它是根据一定的教育目的,由相互联系的、结构合理的、协调有序的若干要素组成的实现一定教育功能的整体。职业技术教育系统包括纵横两方面,横向包括职业学校教育和职业岗位培训;纵向包括初等职业技术教育、中等职业技术教育。该系统可用图表示如下:  相似文献   

职业技术教育与政治经济文化等关系问题是职业技术教育中的一个基本理论问题。职业技术教育是社会大系统中的一个子系统,与其他系统之间发生着一定的关系:一方面职业教育作用于社会其它系统,即职业教育的社会功能;另一方面职业技术教育受制于社会其它系统,即职业技术教育发展需要一定的外部条件。不同历史时代,不同社会制度,不同国家和地区,不同的社会政治、经济状况、文化背景,都以一种特有的约束力,或同时互相作用,或独有的方式,或快或慢,或显或潜地影响职业技术教育的发展。  相似文献   

隐性方式的思想政治教育是思想政治教育的方式之一,具有教育目标和过程的隐蔽性、教育手段的非强制性、教育方法的多样性、教育接受的无意识性、教育过程的长期性、教育效果的独特性等特征。它内在地蕴含着教育价值取向上的以受教育者为本原则,教育目标上的方向性原则,教育过程中的渗透性原则,教育手段上的系统性原则。  相似文献   

试论教育的科学技术原理   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
当前教育原理主要从哲学层次,以思辨方法进行构建。鉴于教育的信息化发展,文章与时俱进地提出了教育的科学技术原理,即教育原理是教育哲学、教育情意、教学科学、教育技术、教育工程、教育实践各层次原理的统一,又以教育科学技术层次及其控制信息系统子层次为主导,期望为教育原理研究提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   

The connection between teaching and the new technologies, particularly data processing, is not a matter for the remote future; it already exists and is developing. It is therefore essential that its application and objectives in the educational fields should be controlled, if this potent tool for educational reform is not to share the fate of so many previous innovations which have come to nothing. The initial and in-service training of teachers is the keystone of the system and the guarantee of its success. It is of primary importance, in view of all the changes brought about by the introduction of the new technologies in both the teacher/pupil relationship and teaching aims and methods.  相似文献   

SQL注入攻击是基于ASP/ASP.NET+ACCESS/SQL Server架构的Web应用程序和数据库系统,将非法的SQL命令语句通过正常的数据传递渠道提交至数据库内部执行,从而达到篡改、破坏数据的目的.针对此,三种基于SQL注入攻击的防御技术:参数化查询、存储过程和URL重写,通过实例来验证和比较它们的防御效果,为合理选择使用、提高Web应用程序的安全性提供一定的参考和借鉴.  相似文献   

The research, theory and practice of educational technology over the past 75 years provide convincing evidence that this process offers a comprehensive and integrated approach to solving educational and social problems. The use of media and technology in development has shifted from an emphasis on mass media to personal media. A variety of electronic delivery systems are being used and are usually coordinated by centralized governmental agencies. There are no patterns of use since the problems vary and the medium used is responsive to the problem. Computers are used most frequently and satellite telecommunication networks follow. The effective use of these and other technologies requires a long-term commitment to financial support and training of personnel. The extension model of face-to-face contact still prevails in developing nations whether in agriculture, education or rural development. Low-cost technologies are being used in local projects while major regional and national companies use radio, film and related video technologies. The use of all available and cost-effective media and technologies make possible appropriate communications for specific goals with specific audiences. There appears to be no conflict among proponents of various media formats. Development in education and other sectors has much to gain from old and new communication technologies and has hardly been tapped. Several new educational technology developments are discussed as potential contributors to formal and nonformal education.  相似文献   

Nowhere in the current digital technology landscape is the process of ‘blurring the lines between media’ more apparent than with the uses and applications of gaming practices and technologies. Here the overlaps between new media and media interfaces are becoming significant as games technologies and practices are becoming more pervasive as commonplace social practices. This article reviews literature for evidence of these trends of convergent media forms as a starting point for a wider debate for using games technologies and practices to support learning practices. The article outlines convergences between gaming and cinema, gaming and the Internet, and gaming and emergent technologies and interfaces (e.g. mobile phones and social software). The article aims to foreground major dimensions of convergence in relation to the potential of innovations in educational practice and activities. The article concludes that variant forms of gaming are widespread. But while the converging forms of gaming with other media forms provide potential for supporting educational practices, these new forms still need to be considered in relation to clear pedagogic strategies, supported peer interactions and tutor engagement.  相似文献   

Synchronous audiographic conferencing (SAC) refers to a combination of technologies for real-time communication and interaction using multiple media and modes. With an increasing institutional uptake of SAC, users require an understanding of the complex interrelations of multiple media in learning scenarios in order to support pedagogic-driven planning and effective use of the tool. This paper provides a review of recent literature that explores the pedagogic strategies used to underpin practical uses of SAC for the benefit of learners especially in non-standard contexts such as distance education. The paper reports on approaches from practitioner-oriented perspectives as well as approaches based on educational theory, notably the community of inquiry model, task design and multimodal models of cognition, meaning and interaction. The main features of these models were extracted to provide both a synthesis for future work on dedicated pedagogic models for SAC and a resource for practitioners wanting to link SAC with educational theory.  相似文献   

Three emerging technologies in physics education are evaluated from the interdisciplinary perspective of cognitive science and physics education research. The technologies—Physlet Physics, the Andes Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS), and Microcomputer-Based Laboratory (MBL) Tools—are assessed particularly in terms of their potential at promoting conceptual change, developing expert-like problem-solving skills, and achieving the goals of the traditional physics laboratory. Pedagogical methods to maximize the potential of each educational technology are suggested.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  The term 'publication bias' usually refers to the tendency for a greater proportion of statistically significant positive results of experiments to be published and, conversely, a greater proportion of statistically significant negative or null results not to be published. It is widely accepted in the fields of healthcare and psychological research to be a major threat to the validity of systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Some methodological work has previously been undertaken, by the author and others, in the field of educational research to investigate the extent of the problem. This paper describes the problem of publication bias with reference to its history in a number of fields, with special reference to the area of educational research. Informal methods for detecting publication bias in systematic reviews and meta-analyses of controlled trials are outlined and retrospective and prospective methods for dealing with the problem are suggested.  相似文献   

This paper is a reflection on the history and future of educational media. Over the last century various new media technologies were introduced in education. Most of these failed to meet the high expectations. The paper reviews the rise and fall of various “revolutionary” learning media and analyses what went wrong. Three main driving factors are identified that influence the educational system: 1) educational practice, 2) educational research, and 3) educational technologies. The role and position of these factors is elaborated and critically reviewed. The paper concludes with identifying a number of relevant developments that substantiate a favourable future outlook of media for learning.  相似文献   

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