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Which One?     
A: Look! There are two an-imals. Can you tell which one Is a horse and which one a ismule?B: Of course!A: Then, have a try!  相似文献   

Which One?     
Mother:Wash your arms before you put on a clean shirt. John:Shall I wash my arms for long sleeves or short sleeves?  相似文献   

Onedayapoormanwascuttingabigpieceofwood(木头)nearariver.Suddenlyhisoldaxe(斧子)fellintothewater.Hefeltverysadbe鄄causehelosthisonlyaxe.Thenallatonceabeautifulfairy(仙女)cameoutandaskedthemanwhatwasthematter.“Ihavelostmyaxe,”hesaid.“ItfellintothewaterwhenIwascut鄄tingthewood.”Thefairyshowedhimagold(金)axeandasked,“Isthisyours?”“No,”saidtheman.Thefairythenshowedhimasilver(银)axeandaskedagain熏“Isthisyours芽”“No熏”againansweredtheman.Thensheshowedhimtheoldaxe.“Yes,thatismine,”ca…  相似文献   

OnedayJohnBobSmithandMarywenttoashoptobuyradios.TheywereshownfourmodelsaRedBannerwhichcost60dollarsaRedWaveswhichcost70dollarsaRedStarwhichcost40dollarsaRedVoicewhichcost30dollarsEachpersonboughtadifferentmodel.Afterthattheytalkedtoeachother.“Ihadonly50dollarswithme,”saidJohn.“MyradioismoreexpensivethanMarry’s”saidthepersonwhoboughttheRedWaves.“I’vegotthecheapest”somebodysaidtoJohn.“I’mgladIdidn’tbuytheRedVoice”saidMary.“Mineislessexpensivethanyours”saidBobtoSmith.Now…  相似文献   

Teacher:Which is farther away,A ustralia or the moon?Bobby:A ustralia.Teacher:W hy do you say that? Bobby:Because we can see the m oon,we can tsee A ustralia.Which Is Farther Away?  相似文献   

Some peoPle like bedrooms beeause they like sleePing.Some PeoPlelike living一rooms beeause they like watehing TV and doing other thingsthere.1 like the dining一room ve叮mueh beeause 1 like eating.We haveabig dining一room.There 15 a round table and four ehairs in it.We oftenhave meals and drink tea there.My mother often eooks for us.She eooksniee dishes.Sometimes my dad does the eooking.He likes eooking,buthe eannot eook well.After dinner,1 wash the dishes.1 don,t like doingthat,but what e…  相似文献   


The literature on Automated Essay Scoring (AES) systems has provided useful validation frameworks for any assessment that includes AES scoring. Furthermore, evidence for the scoring fidelity of AES systems is accumulating. Yet questions remain when appraising the scoring performance of AES systems. These questions include: (a) which essays are used to calibrate and test AES systems; (b) which human raters provided the scores on these essays; and (c) given that multiple human raters are generally used for this purpose, which human scores should ultimately be used when there are score disagreements? This article provides commentary on the first two questions and an empirical investigation into the third question. The authors suggest that addressing these three questions strengthens the scoring component of the validity argument for any assessment that includes AES scoring.  相似文献   

If you have to miss one meal a day, which meal will cause the fewest health problems if you don't eat it? If they have to make a decision of that type,most people will choose to skip breakfast.However,many experts in the field of health consider breakfast is the  相似文献   

I am Maria.I am from Mexico.I like New York better than other cities.It’s a busy place, and there are many people on the streets.Supermarkets are open for twenty-four hours every day. You can always find some places to eat. I am Dimitri.I am from Greece.Los Angeles (洛杉矶) is better for me! The life is more relaxed (轻松的) than the life in New York.The weather there is better too.I can go to the beach and enjoy the sun,because the weather is warm.I like the sunshine and the palm trees(棕榈树) best in Los Angeles.  相似文献   

每个人都有他的生日密码。每一天也同样如此。日期的密码,都是由歌构成。也许有的愉快,也许有的悲伤。每天的生活,都会在专属音乐中缓缓度过。解开每天的音乐密码,就能找到开心生活的简单方法。《第一天》孙燕姿“第一天我存在,第一次能飞起来,爱是腾空的魔幻,第一天的纯真色彩,它总是永远那么灿烂”孙燕姿的这首《第一天》集结了五月天,F.I.R.的共同创作,阿信的歌词更有渲染力地述说着年轻人对感情的主张!此外,这首歌取名为《第一天》,歌曲英文歌名是《FIRST DAY》,孙燕姿给了这首歌一个相当巧妙的解释,令人拍案叫绝!“《FIRST DAY》的‘FIR’当然代表了飞儿、‘ST’是我自己STEFANIE的缩写、‘DAY’代表了五月天MAY DAY!”《永远的第一天》王力宏王力宏作过很多描述远距离恋爱的歌曲。这首歌便是其中之一,同时,也是王力宏自言做得最辛苦的一首歌。“今天看见永远的第一天,终于实现我和你的诺言。”一对相爱的恋人.终于来到了永恒的起点,而王力宏,经过在交出这张作品的那一刻,也同时成为了他更确定自己音乐风格的“第一天”。《2月3日》郑中基“愿望就在飘荡多年以后,把我的心留在你的眼眸,愿望就在二月三日,你的生辰向全世界宣布你是我的皇后。“如此动人的歌词,正是双鱼座的郑中基,为了追求女生而使的浪漫招数,以女孩的生日为歌名,哪个女孩子能挡住这样的攻势,而那个幸运的女孩正是他曾经的恋人杨千(?)。  相似文献   

这是笔者在一次独立的封闭式赛教中对即时性教学材料的驾驭实践和思考。在规定的地点集中后,第一天下午三点拿到教学材料,封闭备课、制作教具和课件,第二天上课,课前完全不接触学生,期间还要完成另外的单元教材  相似文献   

The British Educational Research Association (BERA) was established 44 years ago, in 1974, at the height of the postwar expansion of education, and at the onset of a long period of controversy and reform of education that has continued ever since. The presidential address for 2017 looks back to reflect on the birth and early years of BERA, on its founding principles and the circumstances in which it grew. It does so to identify the ideals that motivated and helped to shape the nascent organisation, and to ask how relevant and useful these are at a very different time, charting our future in the twenty‐first century. More broadly, this address moves beyond an institutional history and a history of ideas, to contribute to a social history of educational research based on a wide range of documentary and archival evidence. In considering our past, we must attempt to resist an uncritical and functional approach in favour of a critical and reflective outlook that is alert to unresolved issues and problems, no less than it is to success and progress in our collective endeavours. This is necessary partly in order to reconstruct our historical experience in a robust manner, but also to address our present situation in an effective way. In 1977, the historian Brian Simon framed his presidential address to BERA around the key question ‘Educational research: which way?’ Forty years on, we can appraise how BERA has approached this question, and also ask at the same time: which way now?  相似文献   

Which would you like to have? At the Lake Hotel where I worked in downtown Chicago,the officialmaxim(行为准则)was“Give the customers what they want.”Our abilityto meet that goal was tested one day when a large tour group overwhelmed(占满)the registration area.  相似文献   

WhichWouldYouLiketoHave?AttheLakeHotelwhereIworkedindowntown(商业区)Chicago,theofficialmaxim(准则)was“Givethecustomerswhattheywant.”Ourabilitytomeetthatgoal(目标)wastestedonedaywhenalargetourgroupoverwhelmedtheregistrationarea.Oneimpatientmanbulliedhiswaythroughthecrowd,bangedhisfistonthefrontdeskanddemanded,“Iwantaroomthatfacestheocean!”Inavoicethatallcouldhear,ayoungclerkanswered,“Certainly,sir.Atlantic(大西洋)orPacific(太平洋)?”Which Would You Like to Hav…  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between non-parental care and toddlers’ behavioral outcomes using data from Australia. In particular, we explore heterogeneity in the relationship using the unique data on quality attributes: carer/child ratio, share of qualified staff, and expert ratings. The results suggest that full-time non-parental care, particularly center care, is negatively associated with toddlers’ behavioral outcomes. The negative association is however mitigated when centers have a larger number of carers per child. The negative association between non-parental care and behavioral outcomes also appears to be larger for children with better-educated parents.  相似文献   

1.Do you tend to:A.talk more and listen less?B.listen more and talk less?2.Do you prefer to:A.use what you know?B.learn new things?  相似文献   

"娱乐之王"继续甄选!这次考验的项目是娱乐圈的帅哥们最热衷的运动分别是什么?现在就开始吧!  相似文献   

Several years ago,an Italian,an American and a Chinese Satin a bar and talked about the beer from their own countries.Theyall said that the heer of their own countries was the best.Just then.there were three mice under the table.Then they wanted the mice  相似文献   

说一说奥运会就要到来了,小魔女、中音兔、小飞象和高音狗正在一起讨论自己最想看的比赛项目呢!高音狗:Oh,My dear friends,the Beijing Olympics is coming!  相似文献   

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