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大家还记得N年前“少电”介绍过的一款经典游戏《疯狂飞机场》吗?在众多玩家的期盼下,该游戏的第二部终于推出了。这款Q版游戏将带你重返天空。去挑战更多令人难以置信的地方——北极、妖魔谷、迪卡岛。甚至月球。在游戏中,玩家作为一名机场指挥官,要负责机场的经营运转,控制飞机的降落和起飞,并完成运输、检查、加油等多项操作。  相似文献   

<正>当下,在中小学生中间流行一款名叫《植物大战僵尸》的游戏。一项调查显示:78%的中小学生都曾经玩过或正在玩这款游戏。该游戏究竟有什么魅力,让学生如此迷恋?教师能否从中汲取宝贵的教学经验呢?笔者将这款游戏的设计理念、玩法、特色等与教学密切联系起来,以期获得教育启示。一、及时而具体的赞美在《植物大战僵尸》游戏中,每当玩家击中僵尸或者完成任务,都伴随着激励的话语和丰富的奖品。比如,玩家击中僵尸会即刻出现"干得不错""你真棒"等赞美  相似文献   

随着互联网的快速发展,网络游戏为越来越多的人所接受,大学生是一个特殊的网络游戏玩家群体,是网络游戏玩家"主力军",沉迷网络游戏的问题在大学生中表现得十分突出。高职在校学生作为大学生,不同于其他普通本科院校在校学生。本文认真分析高职学生沉迷网络游戏的危害,从其心理行为特点出发阐述高职学生沉迷网络游戏的原因。  相似文献   

使所有的学生玩家产生沉浸感是教育游戏设计的最高境界,尽管影响沉浸感的因素很多,但游戏中的挑战与学生的技能水平相平衡,才是学生对其保持兴趣的最重要因素。本文在对Flow理论中挑战—技能平衡关系的分析以及对游戏中学生玩家技能的构成要素分析的基础上,提出了适应性地动态调控游戏活动难度,而使所有学生玩家都能找到沉浸区域的教育游戏设计策略,以达到使所有学生在游戏中皆获益之目标。  相似文献   

一言以蔽之,"三个玩家三条路,三大挑战待征服" 正如Jack Dongarra教授所言,"在可预见的未来,异构(众核)计算将为成为主流"。硬件有三个玩家,会走三条完全不同的路,而软件也会面临三大挑战。  相似文献   

小龙 《成长》2006,(7):91-92
“铜须事件”:丈夫一个人辛苦养家,闲赋在家的妻子因丈夫整天忙碌对自己关心渐少而热衷于网络游戏《魔兽》,并与该游戏玩家某大学生铜须多次发生性关系,后被丈夫察觉。妻子保证不再与铜须来往后得到丈夫原谅,但很快又“故态重发”,忍无可忍的丈夫把妻子与“奸夫”的QQ聊天记录公布给《魔兽》游戏玩家,得到众多支持,有网友还利用网络技术公开了铜须真实身份,电话等隐私,铜须否认指控,并威胁起诉那些指责他的网友。[编者按]  相似文献   

今年北京大学发放的新生录取通知书中附赠了一款名为"北大英雄"的游戏光盘,让不少学生大呼有趣。在电脑上安装这款光盘,玩家开启后,如同进入了真实的北京大学,教学楼、图书馆、食堂等建筑尽收眼底。玩家在游戏中扮演一名该校新生.  相似文献   

电子游戏对玩家多元智能的培养开发具有积极的显著效果。在大样本调查研究分析的基础上,参考大量电子游戏设计开发及多元智能培养开发方面的文献资料、网络资源,研究能够提升玩家多元智能的电子游戏的设计原则与策略。  相似文献   

网络时代的来临使人们的学习方式发生了巨大改变,网络教育游戏被越来越多的教育工作者所关注.然而目前国内外与化学学科相结合且针对中学生的网络教育游戏很少,基于此,本文介绍了具有自主知识产权的"学科教育游戏--"520化学网络扑克"游戏的设计,包括"520化学游戏网"的设计和"520化学网络扑克"游戏的设计.同时还对"520化学网络扑克"游戏的应用范围(包括在中学化学学科教学中的应用和在化学第二课堂的应用)以及其在国内外的应用成效进行了初步的探究.结果表明:该游戏不仅能够帮助教师解决化学用语教学难点问题而且为中学生提供自主和合作学习新平台.经过两年的开发与应用,该游戏系统已初具规模,取得了理想的成效.  相似文献   

在以往的研究中,基于蒙特卡洛树的数据结构分析以及对其分支因子的相关探讨,是研究分析此类棋盘游戏的常用方法与技术。本文通过应用眼动追踪技术,提出了一种全新算法用于计算分支因子并量化游戏过程中游戏体验者所感受到的娱乐程度。同时探究了眼动参数与玩家能力的关系。研究结果表明,本文提出的方法可以为游戏开发者提供一种根据玩家的能力而预估出游戏过程中游玩家所感受到的愉悦程度的方式,在各种游戏设计与开发的过程中,对于改善玩家游戏体验有着一定的意义。  相似文献   

The 2008 commercial video game Spore allowed more than a million players to design their own life forms. Starting from single-celled organisms players played through a caricature of natural history. Press coverage of the game??s release offer two frames for thinking about the implications of the game. Some scientists and educators saw the game as a troubling teacher of intelligent design, while others suggested it might excite public interest in science. This paper explores the extent to which these two ways of thinking about the game are consistent with what players have done with the game in its online community. This analysis suggests that, at least for the players participating in this community, the game has not seduced them into believing in intelligent design. Instead the activities of these players suggest that the game has played a catalytic role in engaging the public with science. These findings indicate that designers of educational games may wish to consider more deeply tensions between prioritizing accuracy of content in educational games over player engagement.  相似文献   

对策的限制是指局中人集合上每一个模糊结盟到其子对策的单调映射,实际上这种限制对策考虑的是参与合作的局中人在模糊结盟中受到某种限制的情形。本文在文献基础上定义了t-限制对策的核心,同时给出t-限制对策的公理化特征,井举例说明限制对策与常规结盟对策的联系及一致性。  相似文献   

文章运用文献资料法、数理统计法、录像观察法对技术指标及统计数据进行研究,结果表明:网球比赛中的技术数据统计如同一个“放大镜”,它使选手找出自身技术存在哪些不足之处;同时也能提高对比赛的分析判断能力,在网球运动实践中科学合理地运用比赛技术统计分析对提升选手竞技能力和网球技战术水平有重要促进作用。  相似文献   

Games may be useful tools for learning and communicating about sexual and reproductive health. This article discusses the collaborative design and subsequent evaluation of a narrative-based card game. This game was created in a workshop based on positive youth development, which allowed youth to be involved as game designers and game players. Human-centered design informed the workshop and gave the youth opportunities to have meaningful roles, learn skills, and focus on an issue that affects their peers. The intervention was constructed to teach about sexual and reproductive health and also to provide skills to address the medical, social, and emotional aspects of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). During the evaluation of the resultant game, student players were critical of the game but admitted to learning essential facts about STIs. This study demonstrates the feasibility of collaboratively designing a game with youth for youth resulting in a playable and educational tool.  相似文献   

“语言游戏论”是维特根斯坦在其著作《哲学研究》中提出的。通过研究发现“语言游戏论”始终没有考察人的认知在“语言游戏”中的作用,文章试图运用关联理论来弥补这一理论的缺憾,从而能更好地解释语言在现实中的运行方式。  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to explore if and how players of digital games think about knowledge and knowing in the context of playing a game. Specifically, the objectives of the study were to examine whether players of an educational simulation game engage with epistemic aims, epistemic ideals, and reliable processes in the context of the game and to describe the nature of these aims, ideals, and processes. An exploratory, multiple-case qualitative study design was employed. Adolescent gamers were asked to think aloud while playing a sustainable development simulation game and were subsequently interviewed about the game. The results revealed that players adopted specific epistemic aims, epistemic ideals, and reliable processes in the context of the game. These were related to three layers of knowing: knowing in the game, knowing about playing the game, and knowing about the game as a representational artifact. Although players were adept in achieving epistemic aims related to knowing in the game and knowing about playing the game, they did not spontaneously engage in critical examination of the game as a representation. The study sheds light on challenges of epistemic thinking in digital games and on some of the ways in which game design can support epistemic thinking.  相似文献   

现代竞技篮球所运用的"三威胁"是融体能、技术和谋略为一体的进攻.通过对"三威胁"技术内涵的探讨,丰富和拓展现代篮球理论领域的研究,为提高我国篮球运动员在一对一进攻中的支配球能力提供参考.  相似文献   

古镇旅游开发中当地居民与开发商的利益博弈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐宏  何焱 《铜仁学院学报》2013,15(1):96-100
近年来,古镇旅游倍受青睐。古镇旅游开发中,当地居民与旅游开发商的利益矛盾和利益分配问题也备受关注。依照受益程度可将当地居民分为“旅游参与者”和“旅游未参与者”。以西方经济学博弈论视角,重点分析当地居民中的“旅游参与者与开发商的利益博弈,并提出相关解决措施。  相似文献   

"偷菜"网络游戏风靡大学校园,已经对大学生产生了广泛的影响,却鲜有人分析其原因及利弊。本文从一个独特的视角分析了该新游戏在大学生中盛行的主要原因是它满足了重压之下大学生渴望成功机遇的心理诉求。从正负两方面系统分析了"偷菜"对大学生的影响,在此基础上总结出高校要对大学生进行必要的心理疏导、强化过程教育教学和营造良好的校园氛围等启示。  相似文献   

Computer and video games are a prevalent form of entertainment in which the purpose of the design is to engage players. Game designers incorporate a number of strategies and tactics for engaging players in “gameplay.” These strategies and tactics may provide instructional designers with new methods for engaging learners. This investigation presents a review of game design strategies and the implications of appropriating these strategies for instructional design. Specifically, this study presents an overview of the trajectory of player positioning or point of view, the role of narrative, and methods of interactive design. A comparison of engagement strategies in popular games and characteristics of engaged learning is also presented to examine how strategies of game design might be integrated into the existing framework of engaged learning. The preparation of this article was supported in part by the Proctor & Gamble Interactive Media Fellows grant. The ideas expressed in this paper do not necessarily reflect the position of the grant agency. R Thanks to the ETR&D Development Editor, J. Michael Spector, and the reviewers for their insightful comments and suggestions. Thanks, too, to John C. Belland and Keith A. Hall for their advice and mentoring.  相似文献   

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