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对我国乒乓球削球打法进行了回顾,分析和阐述了第47届世界乒乓球锦标赛削球打法成功的原因,提出加强我国削球打法的后备人才培养刻不容缓。  相似文献   

乒乓球的削球打法一直以来都是中国乒乓球打法中的中坚力量,许多乒乓球世界冠军就是用削球打法取得冠军的成就。培养乒乓球运动员时,要注重从青少年开始培养削球打法技巧,这是当前乒乓球训练的重点。培养运动员快速移动能力是培养乒乓球削球打法的重中之重。  相似文献   

乒乓球削球打法发展探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用实况录像进行技战术统计和实战观察方法,对优秀削球选手的前4板技战术、削球技战术、削中反攻技战术进行分析与研究,提出削球打法的发展方向和建议,为乒乓球攻削结合打法再攀高峰献计献策  相似文献   

探讨乒乓球削球打法的出路   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
曾经为推动乒乓球运动的发展并取得辉煌成绩的削球打法,近几年来由于受弧圈球打法的冲击,导致了使用这种打法的运动员越来越少.从回顾削球打法的历史开始,从正、反两方面探讨培养削球打法的必要性及可行性,并对削球打法的发展方向及应采取的措施提些看法.  相似文献   

削球打法在乒乓球技术发展的不同时期,为我国健儿攀登世界高峰立下了汗马功劳,对推动中国和世界乒乓球运动的发展起到积极作用。据统计,从1960—1995年的35年间,中国女子削球运动员参加的世界乒乓球锦标赛中,有15人次获得前3名的佳绩,共夺得29块奖牌,这足以证明女子削球打法曾经占有的主导地位和所起的重要作用。  相似文献   

1.削球打法仍然有存在的必要百花齐放是中国乒乓球的传统,多年来涌现出来各种打法的运动员。在他们当中,两面快攻、左推右攻、弧圈、快攻加弧圈、反拍拉弧圈等各种打法层出不穷,正是这种百花齐放的局面造就了中国乒乓球运动长盛不衰的春天。在中国的各种乒乓球打法中,削球一直是一支重要力量。张燮  相似文献   

张渤  杨峰 《湖北体育科技》2015,(3):235-236,220
削球打法众多打法中的一种,在世界乒坛有着"秘密武器"之称,为中国乒乓球队征战世界各种大赛中屡立奇功。随着乒乓球项目的发展,削球打法走入困境,削球打法的可持续发展,要从青少年削球选手中加大培养力度,在培养过程中对于削球运动员的步法训练则是重中之重。  相似文献   

对当今世界高水平男子乒乓球运动员削球打法的特征进行研究.结果表明,削球打法在前4板的争夺中,得分能力不强,发球抢攻段和接发球抢攻段的抢攻使用率和得分率与进攻型打法相比较仍有较大的提高空间;削球打法在相持段的使用率和得分率较高,相持段的技战术非常重要;正手削球的稳定性亟待加强.国际乒联对兵乓球做出规则和器材的修改,诸如球拍两面覆盖不同颜色、无遮挡发球、40mm大球、11分制、无机胶水等等,给削球打法带来了机遇与挑战.  相似文献   

对我国乒乓球削球打法的现状及发展方向进行阐述,提出提高削球技术的三种方法和创新手段。  相似文献   

乒乓球打法主要分为快攻型、弧圈型、削球型3大类。削球打法在乒乓球运动的早期是主流打法、在20世纪60-80年代起"奇兵"的作用。削球打法随着球台的加宽、球网的降低、比赛时间的限制、海绵拍和弧圈球技术的发明,从1952年第19届世乒赛开始,开始步入长达50多年之久的下坡之路。在攻球技术迅猛发展的今天,削球打法将如何突破和完善自己,摆脱当今的困境并拓展生存空间,本文试图从削球打法的内部规律和外部环境入手,对该打法的发展趋势做一探讨,并通过对其特点的研究,兼论技战术应用艺术。  相似文献   

浅谈乒乓球削球打法的出路与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曾经为推动乒乓球运动的发展并取得辉煌成绩的削球打法,近几年到2002年由于弧圈球打法的冲击,导致了 使用这种打法的运动员越来越少,从回顾削球打法的历史开始,从正返两方面探讨培养削球打法的必要性及可能性,并 对削球打法的发展方向与应用采取的措施提些分析看法,但随着"大球时代"的到来,新赛制的出台,乒乓球比赛发生 了很大的变化。球的质量,体积极的发变引发了速度、旋转等一系列的变化,同时改变了比赛的节奏,这些变化的出现 使得一种频临灭绝的打法一消攻,重新再回到乒乓世界的百花园中。同时通过2003年47届世乒赛韩国削球手朱世赫的 技术统计分析打法。  相似文献   

对广州市辖区内30所普通高中的600名教师的体育锻炼行为进行了问卷调查,结果表明:广州市普通高中教师的压力较大,体育人口较少,但大部分教师每次锻炼的时间、强度比较科学,锻炼项目以跑步、篮球、乒乓球、羽毛球为主,锻炼的主要动机是“强身健体”、“娱乐”与“丰富业余生活”,影响其参加锻炼的主要因素是“没时间”。提出了相应对策。  相似文献   

大学生乒乓球专选课实施智力教学探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李莉  李莹 《体育学刊》2001,8(4):109-110
智力对学习的促进作用是十分重要的,在体育教学中也不例外.但以往的教学方式对大学生智力潜能的开发和利用不够.通过对普通高校大学生乒乓球专选课采用“智力教学法”与传统教学法的对比实验,发现智力教学要优于传统教学.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、实证演绎法、逻辑分析法及数理统计法就我国对外体育交往60a来的实践进行探讨,旨在为中国特色的外交理论研究提供体育元素的思考。研究认为:在国际体育关系中,特色的中国体育外交是它所表现出来的中国色彩和风格,带有中华民族的征象或标志,包括历史的记忆和认同论、“小球推动地球”论、“奥运模式”论、“营造和平和良好的环境”论、“和平发展”论、“体育强国”论等。  相似文献   

利用概率论的思想与方法,建立了新规则下羽毛球得分率以及20平以后的概率模型,比较了新旧规则下得分率的量化差异,提出了新规则下的应对策略,为我国羽毛球运动员能更好地适应新规则、提高训练水平提供科学依据。同时,本概率模型也适用于每球得分制的其他球类项目,比如排球、乒乓球等。  相似文献   

The Avery-Richardson Tennis Service Test was constructed to maximize the practical relationship between skills tests and playing situations. The test incorporates the game-like criteria of two balls per trial, service attempts to both right and left service courts, and comparable credit for flat, slice, and spin serves. In addition, norms were established for both college males and females at beginning and intermediate skill levels in tennis. Construct validity was established for the service test. There was a significant difference [F (1, 306) = 30.18, p < .00001] between beginning males and intermediate males, as well as a significant difference [F (1, 334) = 48.39, p < .00001] between beginning and intermediate females. To determine reliability, 93 males and 59 females were given the test on two separate occasions. Cronbach's alpha coefficients were calculated with resulting reliability estimates which ranged from .64 to .80 for the groups studied.  相似文献   

杨天  李哲 《精武》2012,(28):22-22,24
研究目的:随着网球技术高度发展,要求运动员的各项技术更加全面,就发球而言,目前世界高水平男子单打选手在发球落点、旋转和角度准确性的控制等方面较为突出,而在发球决胜局中,特别是在制胜分上在第一次发失误的情况下,如何在第二发中限制对手并迫使对手进入自己的预设的赢球模式显得尤为重要。研究结果和结论:通过分析发现职业网球选手在处理关键分上发球时偏向采用侧旋,以角度、旋转制胜而不是在速度上寻求制胜。  相似文献   

A subject-specific angle-driven computer model of a tennis player, combined with a forward dynamics, equipment-specific computer model of tennis ball-racket impacts, was developed to determine the effect of ball-racket impacts on loading at the elbow for one-handed backhand groundstrokes. Matching subject-specific computer simulations of a typical topspin/slice one-handed backhand groundstroke performed by an elite tennis player were done with root mean square differences between performance and matching simulations of < 0.5 degrees over a 50 ms period starting from ball impact. Simulation results suggest that for similar ball-racket impact conditions, the difference in elbow loading for a topspin and slice one-handed backhand groundstroke is relatively small. In this study, the relatively small differences in elbow loading may be due to comparable angle-time histories at the wrist and elbow joints with the major kinematic differences occurring at the shoulder. Using a subject-specific angle-driven computer model combined with a forward dynamics, equipment-specific computer model of tennis ball-racket impacts allows peak internal loading, net impulse, and shock due to ball-racket impact to be calculated which would not otherwise be possible without impractical invasive techniques. This study provides a basis for further investigation of the factors that may increase elbow loading during tennis strokes.  相似文献   

In association football, the difficulty in making offside decisions depends on both perceptual and cognitive processes. Therefore, the objectives of the present study were to enhance the decision-making skills of assistant referees by further developing their ability to (1) time slice the incoming information flow into series of isolated time frames during an ongoing offside situation and (2) use this information to mentally read off the spatial positions of the key-role players. Training (n = 10) and control groups (n = 10) were exposed to a pre- and post-test, consisting of an offside decision-making and frame recognition test. In the latter, assistant referees were asked to indicate which of five photos best represented the spatial position of the defender and attacker at the moment of the pass. Only the training group received 12 web-based offside training sessions. First, the training group improved in mentally freezing, holding and scanning the mental picture of the offside situation in short-term memory from pre- to post-test, as evidenced by an increased recognition accuracy. Second, the improvement in recognition accuracy resulted in enhanced performance on the offside decision-making task. The benefits of web-based training are highlighted.  相似文献   

We present a new method that combines the use of laser body scans, underwater video footage, software-based animation, and a fully unsteady computational fluid dynamics technique to simulate and examine the hydrodynamics of the dolphin kick. The focus of the current work is to model this particular stroke in all its complexity with minimal ad-hoc assumptions or simplifications. Simulations of one female and one male swimmer (both at about 1.7 m beneath the water surface) at velocities of 0.95 and 1.31 m/s and Strouhal numbers of 1.21 and 1.06 respectively are presented. Vorticity and fluid velocity profiles in the wake are examined in detail for both swimmers. A three-dimensional vortex ring is clearly identified in the wake for one of the cases and a two-dimensional slice through the ring corroborates previous experiments of Miwa et al. (2006). We also find that most of the thrust is produced by the feet and in both cases the down-kick produces much larger thrust than the up-kick.  相似文献   

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