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黄苏晗 《新闻传播》2022,(15):21-24
自2014年关于传统媒体与新兴媒体融合发展的意见发布,到2020年关于推动媒体深度融合发展的意见实施,打造具有强大影响力和竞争力的新型主流媒体,已经成为多元传媒背景下,新时代向主流媒体提出的使命任务。本文关注于主流媒体中的播音员、主持人群体如何发展规划需突破原有的传播模型、内容逻辑,拥抱技术发展所带来的信息浪潮变革,进一步共建融媒发展,实现自我身份的重新建构及话语角色的坚守与革新。  相似文献   

本文在对三十位媒体精英进行深度访谈的基础上,探究其离职后的身份认同建构问题。研究发现,媒体精英主要通过如下方式建构身份认同:在更直接的社会互动中寻求认同,在“正式”与“非正式”的身份转换中寻求认同,在基于反思基础上的身份调试中寻求认同。基于其中所体现出的共性,其意义和价值可被凝练为“新闻人职业角色的延伸”,意即媒体精英离职后,基于新行动实践与自我反思基础的身份认同建构与过往的新闻职业角色之间依然具有无法割舍的联结,但在此基础上又实现了“积极行动者”角色的创新与突破。这一变化对于理解新技术环境下新闻职业角色变迁、新闻生态变化以及新闻专业理念的重构均具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

人工智能技术引发了新一轮产业革命,对传统主流媒体的身份认同发起挑战。本文使用身份认同理论,分析媒体身份的特征与认同逻辑,认为智能媒体不仅向主流媒体的身份认同发起了挑战,也为新型主流媒体的身份转型提供了契机。本文建议,新型主流媒体应与时俱进,凸显“新型”“主流”的身份特征,勇于做技术的创新者、改革的先行者与价值的引导者,力争在智媒时代获得更为广泛的身份认同。  相似文献   

邵文灿 《传媒》2023,(7):22-25
媒体融合大趋势下,中国主流媒体在短视频平台实现再中心化的媒介逻辑是实现政务、业务和商务的共同发展。新型主流媒体在政务层面要发挥网络议程设置的作用,建构政治认同;在业务层面,要坚守马克思主义新闻观、履行媒体的社会责任,及时调节社会情绪;在商务层面,新型主流媒体要正视流量与资本的作用,平衡商务活动与社会责任的关系,实现良性运营。  相似文献   

本文阐释了打造新型主流媒体内嵌的五重逻辑——政治逻辑、新闻逻辑、市场逻辑、技术逻辑、产业逻辑,指出现有主流媒体正在从"政治逻辑+新闻逻辑+技术逻辑"层面初步完成转型融合,更亟待从"市场逻辑+产业逻辑"层面大胆探索,为打造一批具有竞争力的新型主流媒体夯实"造血功能、内生动力、经济基础".  相似文献   

中国新闻教育的现代化过程始终带有务实和实务取向。2020年,在中宣部、教育部和中国记协的直接指导下,作为“部校共建新闻学院”创新之举和重要抓手的“中国新闻传播大讲堂”正式发起建设并形成了长效工作机制。2023年是“部校共建新闻学院”推进开展十周年,本文以“中国新闻传播大讲堂”135位主流媒体新闻工作者的职业话语文本为研究对象,结合元新闻话语与社会角色理论,探索面向高等新闻教育的主流媒体新闻工作者的角色建构。研究发现,职业话语叙事阐释了典范传统与时代语境下当代新闻人承载的角色期望。同时主流媒体新闻工作者在组织、公民、家庭多重角色扮演中,呈现了理想化与现实性并存的认知张力。基于角色期望和角色认知的现实,主流媒体新闻工作者致力于开展对新闻边界和新闻权威的共同维护。多维的角色建构剖析有利于破除新闻实践与学术知识系统间的认知壁垒,将新闻理想注入青年一代的认知系统中,同时为辅助理解新闻教育实践提供了思考的新视角和新路径。  相似文献   

本文系统探讨主流媒体践行新的文化使命的意义、情境与路径。新闻是大众文化产品,同时又对文化建构具有重要反作用。深入学习贯彻习近平文化思想,积极践行新的文化使命是主流媒体融合转型实践的应有之义。为有效践行新的文化使命,主流媒体应精确把握新时代社会传播体系与宏观情境。网络化数字传播体系导致主流媒体传统文化代理人身份式微;国内外社会变革明晰主流媒体文化使命践行的新面向,即满足人民精神文化需求与提升国际传播能力。在具体践行路径层面,立足新背景,主流媒体应积极进行身份调适与实践探索,即从文化代理人转向以对话为核心的文化凝聚倡导者身份,并在新闻内容、数字资源以及国际传播三个方面推进新闻实践变革,以更好地践行新的文化使命,赋能中国式现代化发展。  相似文献   

刘懿璇 《青年记者》2022,(24):110-112
网络社会的崛起推动了社交媒介技术进一步发展,线上社交文化社区成为潮流玩家的聚集之地。在虚拟社区中,玩家通过建构自己的潮玩形象和其他玩家进行社交互动和状态分享,虚拟形象成为个体身份展演以及完成自我建构的重要方式。同时,个体在数字身份的生产过程中,也体现了社交媒体时代的技术发展与物质逻辑,虚拟形象作为一种数据化媒介符号使身体媒介成为整体,通过信息的串联方式创造了数字化生存中新的社交图景。  相似文献   

张洋 《新闻记者》2023,(4):14-25
记者手记是与报道原文相伴而生的副文本,作为承载作者意图的平行叙事空间,面向公众展演新闻生产的透明性。手记的展演包含三个维度:首先是过程透明性,即运用叙述话语再现新闻生产过程,通过特定的情节模式塑造新闻业的文化权威;其次是主体透明性,凸显被新闻职业规范掩盖的记者主体性,包括记者的道德判断、情感体验和主观想象等;最后是评价透明性,将报道置于同行竞争与合作的框架中,试图在语境中锚定报道的社会意义和职业意义。透明性展演的脚本植根于社会主流价值观和新闻社群价值观的土壤中,具有明确的道德倾向和实践指向,通过常规化的叙事将新闻业的“意义之网”编织地更加绵密坚实。  相似文献   

齐爱军 《青年记者》2022,(21):80-83
马克思主义新闻观的历史建构中,“传播体系”的思想脉络一直未被彰显。本文从对马克思“报刊体系”思想的建构逻辑的分析出发,落脚于习近平的“现代传播体系与新型主流媒体”的话语创新,阐释二者之间的继承与发展关系。  相似文献   

朱威 《传媒观察》2020,(5):94-99
本文基于对交汇点新闻客户端融媒体新闻产品《白衣侠》制作过程的个案研究,探讨主流媒体融媒新闻生产的路径创新。这一路径背后蕴含全新的思考路向,反映出媒介融合从业态层面到社会层面再回到业态层面的过程,有助于我们理解和把握新传播技术变革下的传播实践。  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(1):49-64
Emerging business models for news have the potential to affect the nature of democracy. As the economic foundations of mainstream journalism become increasingly shaky, a new economic model is emerging in the form of news organizations operating as nonprofits. These are mostly run by former newspaper journalists bringing with them traditional journalistic norms they worked under previously; now they are operating under a vastly different economic framework. These organizations are producing a growing amount of public affairs news while mainstream news production shrinks. The research question examined here is whether this emergent form (1) changes but maintains core norms and practices of the journalistic culture from which it arose, or (2) transforms norms and practices into something new. I briefly review norms and practices of traditional journalism to create a framework against which to compare behaviors at one nonprofit news organization, MinnPost, through ethnographic observation and in-depth interviews. My findings indicate that MinnPost values some traditional norms (e.g. loyalty to citizens); other norms are valued but not fulfilled in a traditional way (e.g. comprehensiveness of news coverage); yet others are largely eschewed (e.g. forum provision). This suggests a set of evolving journalistic tenets, which observations indicate are linked to MinnPost's economic structure. It points toward how emerging business models are changing journalism, and by extension could be affecting American democracy. This paper is part of a larger project investigating how nonprofit news organizations are changing the information available in local news environments.  相似文献   

Guided by regulatory focus theory and framing, the present study analyzes how U.S. and British mainstream news organizations (N = 12) frame the current social media environment in their social media guidelines. The results indicate that news organizations dominantly frame the new environment as a risk to guard against, warning of the possible harm to their reputations and journalism norms such as accuracy and objectivity (prevention-focused), rather than as an opportunity to actively take advantage of (promotion-focused).  相似文献   

本文运用西方新闻学研究的框架和符码理论对美国媒体有关中共“十六大”的报道进行定性和定量分析 ,旨在揭示美国媒体与主流意识形态间的互动关系 ,加深我们对美国媒体国际新闻报道运作规律的认识  相似文献   

The growing reliance on social media as news platforms may lead to more passive news consumption but also offers greater potential for engaging in news. This study investigates the role of engagement with news content on Facebook and Twitter between news exposure and current events knowledge. An online survey (= 400) tests the relationships between social media news seeking, incidental exposure to news on social media, engagement in shared news content, cognitive elaboration, and current events knowledge. The results show that both active seeking of and incidental exposure to news on both sites are linked to engagement, which is linked to greater cognitive elaboration about the content. Furthermore, engagement mediates the relationship between both types of news exposure and cognitive elaboration. However, engagement and elaboration are not related to knowledge. These results indicate that the key role of social media in news content is not knowledge gain but the ability to engage users who may be passively receiving news on these sites. This study extends the cognitive mediation model of learning from the news in the context of current social media, with updated news consumption norms such as engagement with news on these sites, and incidental news exposure.  相似文献   

This study examines the mediating effects of information-processing strategies on the relationship between use of local news media, informational use of the Internet, and sources of social capital: interpersonal trust, reciprocity, and associational membership. Analyses of a telephone survey data (n = 546) of American adults show that even though local news media were influential, information-processing strategies were more powerful than attention in explaining learning from local news media about social norms at the individual level. These findings support the usefulness of the cognitive mediation model of information-processing behaviors in examining learning from local news media about social norms. Of the two strategies, elaborative processing played a more important role than active reflection in the mediating process. Informational use of the Internet had a significant and independent effect on associational membership, after demographic, structural anchoring, local media use, and information-processing measures were statistically controlled.  相似文献   

On 29 September 2016, the Indian army conducted a surgical strike along the India–Pakistan border. The mainstream news media in India followed the event with assertive nationalistic rhetoric. What was supposed to be a covert military operation against terrorism became morphed into political rhetoric aggravated by the unwarranted jingoism of television news channels and social media. The coverage of the strike on television news is typically characterized by a confluence of militant nationalist discourses, and the ideologically imbued labelling of specific communities. Within this context, drawing from the close reading of the coverage, this article analyses how Indian television news sustains the construction of a fictive “we”, conflated with the government policies and military strategies, and speaks for a supposedly homogeneous national consensus that also consciously obscures the dissent through minority voices. The article emphasizes the relationship between communities, formal politics, and the supposedly non-political spaces and practices of news media in India.  相似文献   

For Latinos in the United States, decisions reflecting which language they prefer for news media consumption can have substantial effects on the quality of the content they receive. However, little is known about what influences Latinos’ language preferences for news media consumption. This project looks to fill that void to the immediate appeal of academics and media analysts by asking, What influences Latinos’ language preference for news? This project builds on social psychology theories highlighting the role played by social identity and self-categorization for inspiring culturally consistent behaviors. This social identity approach focuses on the embrace of Latino characteristics and the complementary nature of Spanish-language media outputs relative to those characteristics. Using the 2006 Latino National Survey, the role of identity is explored. The results indicate that language preferences for news consumption are indeed related to various social identity measures among Latinos in the United States.  相似文献   

丁玲华  陈蕾 《新闻界》2008,(2):106-108
面对日益激烈的新闻竞争,城市电视台要取得新闻整体竞争效益的最大化,就应当确立大新闻观,打造快捷、高效,与城市生活合拍的新闻资讯传播系统;同时实行品牌带动整体跟进的战略,通过新闻节目的本土风格培养观众的认同感;通过为新媒体提供本市视频资讯内容拓展发展空间,培养新生观众。  相似文献   

This study examines political and communicative factors predicting trust in mainstream newspapers and television by analyzing a set of survey data collected in South Korea. The results show that supporters of the opposition party are less likely to trust the mainstream news media than supporters of the ruling party. Daily Internet use negatively predicted trust in media only for nonpartisans. However, for supporters of the opposition party, daily Internet use moderated the interaction effect between political discussion and exposure to political news on trust in media.  相似文献   

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