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Pilot testing assesses instructional materials with end users in the authentic learning environment prior to the implementation of the instruction and provides empirical support regarding the efficacy of the proposed instruction. Thus, subsequent decisions can be made from an informed position. This study determines the extent to which pilot tests are conducted in identified corporate training environments and ascertains reasons pilot tests were not implemented. A survey distributed to 34 individuals in positions of corporate training and development asked participants whether their design methodology and training development process systematically included pilot testing. Participants identified factors that influenced their decision to use a pilot test and described product evaluation in their organization. Survey findings indicate that in practice, designers perceive that pilot testing tends to impact the effectiveness of instructional products. Almost none of the participants pilot test materials 100% of the time, but the majority do so some of the time. A discrepancy exists between those who believe pilot testing is important and the percentage of their products which are pilot‐tested, indicating multiple factors that influence the decision to pilot test products.  相似文献   

A shared document‐based annotation tool was presented, and its usefulness in two different real‐life web‐based university‐level courses (adult learners, n= 27 and adolescent learners, n= 23) was empirically investigated. The study design embodied three data collection phases: (1) a pretest measuring self‐rated motivation, learning strategies, and social ability; (2) log file data analysis showing actual use of the system features; and (3) a posttest in a form of an email survey. For both groups, the results showed that the level of motivation has a positive effect on activity in the system and the final grade. The learners, who reported to have good time‐management strategies, were the most active users of the system. The level of social ability predicted both the number of consecutive comments in the documents and the threads in document‐related newsgroup discussions. Log file data analysis showed that user activity in the system was positively related to the final grade in both samples. Results of the posttest showed that all the respondents agreed when asked: (1) if the system brought added value to the learning process; (2) if the use of the system changed their studying habits favourably; and (3) if they would like to use the system in other courses.  相似文献   

While user‐centred design and user experience are given much attention in the e‐learning design field, no research has been found on how users are actually represented in the discussions during the design of online courses. In this paper we identify how and when end‐users' experience—be they students or tutors—emerges in designers' discussions during their meetings in well‐established open universities. More precisely, we observed 15 design meetings of two design teams during the development of specific online courses. Designers' discourse was analysed on the basis of six dimensions regarding relevant actors, contents and strategies (purposes) of user experience anticipation. Results show the emergence of a solution‐oriented anticipatory discourse in form of scenarios regarding how learners and tutors will react to the course and the proposed activities. Moreover, this discourse is related to an emergent type of users‐based expertise, translated as the capacity of some designers to empathise with the end‐users more than other designers do. The participation of designers with this type of expertise in e‐learning design teams emerges as relevant for the decisions related to the course activities, interface or overall experience. Further research is invited towards this direction. Further discussion on this article can be found in “Being in the users' shoes: Is there maybe another way?” (DOI: 10.1111/bjet.12104 ).  相似文献   

This research investigates the perceptions of first‐year Bachelor of Teaching students (primary and secondary) and Diploma of Education students (secondary) about their peer teaching experience in a postgraduate subject called Curriculum and Assessment. Peer teaching is a learner‐centred approach to teaching and learning that is intended to provide significant benefits for learners' knowledge, skills and metacognition. However, concerns have been raised over the quality of the learning and teaching and the risks associated with such a pedagogy. In the present study, student responses to questionnaires and semi‐structured interviews were analysed, using a mixed methods approach, with respect to three broad and somewhat interconnected categories: process, people and product. These responses suggested a wide range of reactions to peer teaching, but overall students feel they benefited from the experience. The findings of this study should be of interest to lecturers and students in pre‐service teacher education courses, especially. Knowledge about peer teaching, learning and assessment would be especially valuable for both education lecturers and beginning teachers seeking to design and manage learner‐centred pedagogy in their own primary, secondary and tertiary classrooms. However, the results of this research would have far‐reaching appeal for all teaching and learning contexts.  相似文献   

Student‐led design projects undertaken within healthcare settings raise considerable ethical challenges, primarily resulting from collaboration with service users. This article emerged out of the experiences of design from a New Zealand university undertaking real world projects in acute health care contexts. A human‐centred approach to design is underpinned by a requirement for students to immerse themselves in the user context to optimise design outcomes. Several issues exist in relation to the management of the ethical complexities arising from these projects. Multiple formal ethical review processes were triggered when students’ projects were defined as research. These processes were perceived as onerous and disproportionate to the scale of the projects, and students were ill equipped to identify ethical issues and engage with formal review processes. This resulted in either abandoned projects or the use of compromised methods. A review of codes of practice and design industry approaches identifies a gap in guidance for both students and qualified designers. Some designers describe their projects as service improvement, and not subject to formal ethical review. This article argues for embedding consideration of ethics in all design projects to enhance the process, to be true to the underpinning philosophy of human centred design and to produce ethically aware graduates. To achieve this, a multi‐pronged pedagogical approach which encompasses both hypothetical, class‐based and real‐world learning experiences is described, with the ultimate goal of normalising the consideration and development of ethical standards for students and best practice across the industry.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to direct the social design debate to constructivist approaches to design education in the Global South. This article provides insight into the process of participatory user‐centred design involving Ecuadorian third year graphic design students and cocoa cultivators of limited resources in Ecuador. The students and cacaoteros become codesigners of a brand identity for the farmers’ association by means of an extensive review of literature on cocoa cultivation and commercialisation in Latin America, in‐depth interviews with community members on the traditional farming practices of cocoa growing communities in Northern Ecuador and the data collected from the students’ participation in and observation of the lifestyle within the community. This article illustrates the ‘wicked’ problems faced by these design students and the relevance of their experience to the study of social design practices and design education in developing countries.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to describe an internet‐based mass customization assignment in Operations Management/Supply Chain Management classes where students utilize the Web site of a company that offers a customized product. Students evaluate the user interface, judge the value proposition of the product they demonstrate, and discuss issues of product design, process design and scheduling, inventory management, Supply Chain Management, marketing, and competitors. The students learn about mass customization from both the producer's perspective and the consumer's perspective. Through their own research and the class presentations students are able to develop a better understanding of the implementation requirements and challenges of mass customization. The assignment is highly interactive and has been successfully used in Operations Management and Supply Chain Management courses at under‐graduate and graduate levels and at multiple universities. In addition, practitioners interested in implementing a mass customization process can use the assignment as a brainstorming or benchmarking exercise.  相似文献   

In the exercise, students in a junior‐level operations management class are asked to manufacture a simple product. Given product specifications, they must design a production process, create roles and design jobs for each team member, and develop a statistical process control plan that efficiently and effectively controls quality during production. During an in‐class exercise, students test their plan in a pilot study. After class, they are asked to determine whether their process is stable and capable, critique their plans, and recommend plan modifications before they commence mass production. This exercise provides students with a unique opportunity to combine several fundamental topics from an operations management course into one assignment. Furthermore, assessment of learning outcomes before and after the exercise suggests that it improves learning outcomes in several areas.  相似文献   

As the new generation of designers face more complex design issues, the forms of design research start to shift towards a user‐centred approach to problem‐solving. The cooperation and communication among various fields and specialisations are becoming more complex; in many practical design cases, in particular, technology developers face challenges in deciphering the creative ideas of designers and the needs and restraints of users, society, law and science. The emergence of integrative design based on a wide range of disciplines has prompted discussion and exploration among various participants. The direction of contemporary design research has already transformed from one based on production of artefact to one focused on the integration of varied knowledge and fields at different stages. We examine such design research based on a problem‐driven approach in two case studies characterised by interdisciplinary collaboration for solving complex problems. We focus on the transformation and implementation of integrative design research methods and suggest a ‘reflection‐in‐action’ problem‐solving process for strengthening the capabilities of multidisciplinary design research.  相似文献   

This article describes a “conscientious consumerism” project that involves the student as the consumer to either commend or complain to a company about a recent product or service experience. This activity and presentation helps students develop an understanding of the commendation/complaint management process within organizations while adding realism with the student as the customer. Students initiate communication with an organization and maintain a timeline of all contacts, calls, e‐mails, letters, and visits to the company as they work to resolve or report their issue. The project begins early in the semester and concludes with a final registered, certified letter to the company CEO where students summarize the class project and praise processes or recommend any needed changes. When the project is presented, students learn how organizations manage and process customer feedback and complaints. Students have insightful comparisons of the implementation and execution of such processes within organizations. The project contributes to student learning and understanding of numerous key objectives of quality management including: how quality is managed in organizations, the strategic focus customer feedback can play in organizations, process management, voice of the customer, and benchmarking best compliment/complaint management practices.  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss the background to this study in the development of the international MSc e‐Learning Multimedia and Consultancy. The aims of the study focus on the conditions for achieving communication, interaction and collaboration in open and flexible e‐learning environments. We present our theoretical framework that has informed the design of programme as a whole which is based on a socio‐constructivist perspective on learning. Our research is placed within an action research framework and we outline our position within the critical or emancipatory tradition and also our standpoint on the use of ICT in education. We discuss the design of the programme and also our pedagogical approach and describe in detail the particular context for this study. We report on the student experience of being learners on this module, their perceptions of what they have gained most from learning from and with each other and their responses to the various ways in which ‘scaffolding’ has been designed and implemented by the tutors. Finally we offer some reflections on the conditions for achieving well‐orchestrated interdependence in open and flexible e‐learning environments.  相似文献   

Expert designers determine what problem needs to be solved by creating a frame that allows the identification of potential solutions. However, it is unclear how students learn to generate these frames effectively, particularly in relation to ethical decision‐making and selecting appropriate constraints. In this study, undergraduate and graduate industrial design students at a large Midwestern United States university participated in a one‐day workshop that focused on designing products for natives of sub‐Saharan Africa to sell in their home nations. Participants (n=100) worked in 21 teams to generate a range of constraints and problem statements while being scaffolded by instructions, research materials and worksheets. Teams struggled to identify specific use contexts and users, even though these elements were present in relatively complex form in provided research materials. Students appeared to build distance between their own experiences and that of users they were designing for, leading to little awareness of the ethical and normative commitments that were reified in their problem statements and solutions. Implications for the explicit development of an ethically aware design character in design education are considered.  相似文献   

The word teamwork has become a favorite of corporate leaders; however, many employees view teamwork as a word devoid of meaning. Part of the problem is that teamwork has an entirely different meaning to people at various levels in an organization, and this prevents individuals and different departments within a company from moving forward with a single vision. Another factor is the issue of fair compensation. Traditional managerial views emphasize individual incentives or piecework compensation as the key to employee motivation, while more modern managerial theory contends that giving workers autonomy and showing them appreciation is just as important as financial incentives. There is also a growing trend of mixing religion and business principles to create a harmonious work environment. This article examines research and best practices around key factors that contribute to a team‐based work environment and also explores whether employees at faith‐based organizations are more willing to embrace the team concept than their secular counterparts.  相似文献   

This design‐based research study was conducted to identify what importance of a tangible user interface (TUI) can add to teaching and learning. Over a 2‐year period, teachers (n = 39) and students (n = 145) participated in the study. The identified problem for investigation was how students, including those with low fine motor skills and those with learning difficulties, develop geometry concepts combining cognitive and physical activity. A didactical application was designed during the first iteration and implemented in inclusive classrooms during the second and third iterations. Qualitative research methods were applied. A relationship between diverse students’ needs and geometry concept learning in relation to computer‐supported learning by TUI was discovered. Two dimensions were identified: (1) TUIs support concept development, with physical and virtual representations based on dynamic geometry assisted by TUI; (2) TUI manipulative properties support students who have low motor skills and difficulties in their geometry learning as well as in their inclusion in classroom activities. The study outcomes contributed to the design process of the TUI didactical application and its implementation in inclusive classrooms, and to the body of knowledge in teaching and learning geometry concepts applied for computer‐assisted learning environments supported by TUI.  相似文献   

提出一项心脏远程监护系统设计方案,通过移动GPRS和Internet网络,实现心脏疾病的医院外远程监护。监护系统包括数据服务中心、心脏监护中心和心脏监护站。数据服务中心用来接收、处理、分发用户上传的心电监护数据,综合管理用户数据和网络系统;心脏监护中心为用户提供及时的心电数据诊断分析,提出处理意见,同时通过短信、电话、W eb等方式为用户提供监护结果和医疗咨询回复,为用户提供专业的心脏监护服务。本系统在实验过程中取得了较好的临床效果。  相似文献   

公司治理表面上看是组织结构、制度与机制的集合,实际上是治理主体间持续互动的过程.将公司社会资本管理作为内生变量纳入公司治理分析,可以发现公司社会资本在完善公司治理中起着非常重要的作用。因此,从公司内部、外部以及公司管理者出发,培育与积累公司社会资本,是推动我国公司治理完善的重要手段。  相似文献   

How do adults learn from self‐paced, technology‐based corporate training, which they select based on its relevance to their current employment responsibilities? Specifically, how do adults use the following learning strategies: prior experience, reflection, metacognition, conversations, generative learning strategies, and authentic experiences? Based on a recent dissertation research investigation, the author found that learning starts with, and is sustained by, metacognition which was defined as self‐assessment and self‐correction. While learners using metacognition is by no means a new phenomenon, learners using metacognition significantly more often than other learning strategies has important implications for the design of new generations of online distance instruction. Similarly, that learners frequently use conversations to learn from self‐paced, technology‐based training strongly suggests that dialogs and discussions are important in the design of these new ways of learning.  相似文献   

Despite the existence of many comprehensive and user‐friendly guides to evaluate training programs, most practitioners have had difficulty assessing training effects on corporate outcomes. Research revealed that trainees, organizational, and training‐related factors might influence the effectiveness of training in terms of organizational performance. The current study examines the effects of trainee characteristics among those factors, specifically what kind of trainee characteristics could affect training effectiveness in terms of job performance in a company. In addition, telephone surveys were conducted to aid in understanding of the reasons for leaving and high turnover of company personnel. The current and terminated employees who went through training programs in the company differed when considering previous sales experience in years and type of sales experience as trainee characteristics factors, with those still employed having a statistically higher average number of years and a higher rated type of sales experience. The current employees demonstrated higher job performance. The implications of these results on the attainment of training effectiveness as well as the selection decisions in the organization are discussed.  相似文献   

This usability study evaluated users' perceptions of a multimedia prototype for a new e‐learning tool: Anatomy of the Central Nervous System: A Multimedia Course. Usability testing is a collection of formative evaluation methods that inform the developmental design of e‐learning tools to maximize user acceptance, satisfaction, and adoption. Sixty‐two study participants piloted the prototype and completed a usability questionnaire designed to measure two usability properties: program need and program applicability. Statistical analyses were used to test the hypothesis that the multimedia prototype was well designed and highly usable, it was perceived as: (1) highly needed across a spectrum of educational contexts, (2) highly applicable in supporting the pedagogical processes of teaching and learning neuroanatomy, and (3) was highly usable by all types of users. Three independent variables represented user differences: level of expertise (faculty vs. student), age, and gender. Analysis of the results supports the research hypotheses that the prototype was designed well for different types of users in various educational contexts and for supporting the pedagogy of neuroanatomy. In addition, the results suggest that the multimedia program will be most useful as a neuroanatomy review tool for health‐professions students preparing for licensing or board exams. This study demonstrates the importance of integrating quality properties of usability with principles of human learning during the instructional design process for multimedia products. Anat Sci Ed 2008. © 2008 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

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