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This study analyzed WISC-R profiles along a three-factor approach (Spatial; Verbal-Comprehensive; Attention-Concentration), as suggested by Bannatyne (1968) for purposes of differential diagnosis. The WISC-R profiles of 278 school-verified learning disabled children were compared to those of four other groups: Educable Mentally Impaired (N = 141), Emotionally Impaired (N = 67), Otherwise Impaired (N = 61), and Nonimpaired (N = 294). The total sample was drawn from the State of Michigan public schools. Statistically significant differences were found between the learning disabled group and the other four groups on WISC-R subtest scores. Further analysis revealed that 36% of the learning disabled and 32% of normal children exhibited this WISC-R profile. Analysis of WISC-R profiles of Spatial→Verbal→Attention was not useful in differential diagnosis among the five groups. The results are discussed in terms of the limited utility of a three-factor analysis of WISC-R subtest scores for the purpose of differential diagnosis.  相似文献   

Two sets of transformations were made in scoring WISC-R Information, Block Design, Comprehension, Picture Arrangement, and Coding subscales in order to estimate the FSIQ of 100 ED children beginning day psychiatric treatment. One set was derived by Kennedy and Elder (1982) (FSIQ-KE) from a sample of 400 children referred for psychological evaluation by a large, urban southern public school district. The other set was developed from the same five subscale scores of the present ED sample (FSIQ-ED). FSIQ-KE scores and FSIQ-ED scores were then compared to FSIQ scores computed according to the standard procedure including all 10 subscales, using paired t-tests and Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients. No significant differences were found between the mean FSIQ scores on the short and long forms of the WISC-R. Correlation coefficients were highly significant, ranging from .958 to .997. Furthermore, only one child shifted IQ classifications when using the short forms. Thus, both FSIQ-KE and FSIQ-ED formulations provided cost-effective, time-saving estimates of the general intellectual performance of ED children beginning day psychiatric treatment.  相似文献   

Scaled scores of the 10 mandatory WISC-R subtests were factor analyzed for separate groups of black (N = 430) and white (N = 274) public school students. Two-, three- and four-factor solutions were examined using the iterated principal factor method. The factorial solutions were compared using coefficients of congruence, and each solution was compared to the standardization sample. Coefficients of congruence between the black and white first factor were .96, second factor .99, and third factor .74. Congruency between Kaufman's results and each racial group was also quite high, suggesting that the WISC-R measures the same theoretical abilities.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to measure the impact of resource interventions upon the level of peer acceptance and self-concept. Subjects were 82 children from 5 elementary schools in central Pennsylvania. The Experimental group (N = 41) consisted of learning disabled children in regular classes with resource room interventions. The Control group (N = 41) consisted of nonlearning disabled children stratified by sex and classrooms. All subjects were group administered a self-concept measure and a peer acceptance measure early in the school year and again at the end of the school year. Separate 3-way analysis of variances with repeated measures revealed that the LD children were significantly lower in self-concept scores and peer acceptance ratings at both testing occasions than were the nonLD children. The resource based program did not result in significant changes in either self-concept or peer acceptance after one year for the LD group.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to examine scatter analysis and Kaufman regroupings of WISC-R scores. Thirty-one non-learning-disabled children (NLD) and 29 learning-disabled children (LD) determined by individual IQ and achievement scores served as subjects. Scatter indices were computed within the Verbal and Performance subtests as well as between the Verbal and Performance IQ scales. Also, the regrouping categories proposed by Kaufman (1979) were examined. A significant difference in Verbal and Performance IQs was found between the LD and NLD group. Significantly more students in the LD group exhibited the Kaufman regrouping pattern than in the NLD group (p < .01). These results suggest that Kaufman regroupings and Verbal-Performance scatter analysis may be used to assist in diagnosing LD children.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to provide an empirical basis for the interpretation of the WISC-R performance of Navajo children according to the Luria-Das Model of Simultaneous and Successive cognitive processes. Two groups of Native American Navajo subjects, 45 learning disabled and 41 gifted, were given the WISC-R. The scores on those subtests expected to involve Successive and Simultaneous processes were factor analyzed for each group and two factors were extracted. The factors, essentially similar for both samples, were interpreted to reflect the Successive and the Simultaneous modes of processing information as suggested by the Luria-Das Model. The gifted and learning disabled children had disparate loadings for some of the subtests, suggesting that the two groups may be using distinct modes of coding information.  相似文献   

The Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC) purports to assess fluid and crystallized intelligence via processing and achievement subtests, respectively. Eight K-ABC Mental Processing and five K-ABC Achievement subtests were administered to 41 gifted students. Scores were subsequently compared to concurrent achievement measures from the California Achievement Test (CAT), as well as previously obtained mental ability measures (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised [WISC-R], Stanford-Binet [SB], and Wide Range Achievement Test [WRAT] achievement scores). In general, K-ABC mental ability scores were lower than WISC-R and SB IQs. K-ABC achievement scores were consistent with K-ABC mental ability scores, but more highly related to SB and WISC-R VIQ (r = .42 and .40, respectively) than to WISC-R FSIQ (r = .16) and PIQ (r = .09), or to the K-ABC Mental Processing (Composite r = .17), Simultaneous Processing (r = .08), and Sequential Processing scores (r = .20). With the exception of WRAT Word Recognition, WRAT, K-ABC, and CAT achievement scores were similar. The patterns of intercorrelations suggest that the K-ABC achievement scores are more verbally loaded than are the CAT and WRAT achievement measures.  相似文献   

Twenty-six normal first-grade children (M = 7.0 years) were administered the WISC-R, the McCarthy Scales, and the Woodcock-Johnson Scales of Cognitive Ability. Two years later, their levels of academic achievement were determined by way of the WRAT and global teacher ratings of classroom performance. Pearson intercorrelations among the summary indices of the three intellectual measures were significant and uniformly high (rang. 77-.95). Correlations between first-grade ability scores and third-grade achievement measures also were significant (range .64-.90), suggesting strong predictive validity for each of the cognitive instruments. Though not significantly so, the correlations between the Woodcock-Johnson and achievement tended to be the highest. The results indicate that all three intellectual measures are appropriate for predicting later academic achievement in young school-aged children.  相似文献   

The authors of the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC) assert that, in addition to a discrepancy between learning potential and academic achievement, learning disability is characterized by poor sequential relative to simultaneous processing skills. The present study was designed to determine whether the K-ABC could discriminate between learning disabled and normal children on the basis of these characteristics. Forty-three LD pupils from 7 to 12 years of age and 20 normally achieving children of similar age were administered the K-ABC. Results indicated that, for both the LD and the normal children, scores on the Sequential Processing Scale were significantly lower than on the Simultaneous Processing Scale. In addition, the aiscrepancy between Simultaneous and Sequential scale scores was similarly distributed in both groups. The LD group scored lower and the normal group higher on the Achievement Scale than on the Mental Processing Composite. The results, therefore, indicated that the K-ABC differentiated LD from normal children in terms of Achievement relative to M.P.C. scores; however, it failed to reveal a unique profile pattern related to simultaneous vs. sequential processing skills for the LD group. Further analyses of the relationship between K-ABC processing scale scores and WISC-R scores, as recategorized by Bannatyne, revealed significant correlations between measures, indicating similar underlying theoretical constructs.  相似文献   


This study examines the utility of the Ban- natyne recategorization system in discriminating among three groups of handicapped students. A stepwise discriminant functions analysis was performed on the subtest scaled scores from the WISC-R for 294 learning disabled (LD), 36 educably mentally retarded (EMR), and 71 emotionally disturbed (ED) students. The results of this analysis revealed that 100 percent of the EMR and ED students were predicted to be labeled LD on the basis of this recategorization, while 99.7 percent of the LD students were predicted to be LD. These findings are examined in relation to the use of alternative statistical methods and different diagnostic procedures to identify and classify students.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the relationship between the Revised Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT-R) and the WISC-R for a naturally occurring sample of rural children referred for assessment (N = 53). The results indicated that the PPVT-R was highly correlated with WISC-R scale and subtest scores. Examination of a sub-sample of developmentally handicapped students revealed substantial reduction in correlational relationships as a function of reduced sample size and restricted range of general ability. While the PPVT-R was found to underestimate all three WISC-R scale scores, the discrepancy between the PPVT-R standard scores and the WISC-R Performance Scale score was the only statistically significant underestimation. Results are discussed in terms of prior research findings and implications for interpretation.  相似文献   

WISC-R subtest scaled scores for 192 learning disabled Navajo Indian children were recategorized according to the system recommended by Bannatyne (1974), and subsequently analyzed using a one-way repeated measures analysis of variance. A Newman-Keuls Multiple Range Test was also conducted to determine significant pairwise comparisons. Results indicated that, as a group, the subjects failed to demonstrate the Spatial>Conceptual>Sequential pattern predicted by Bannatyne (1974). Implications for use of Bannatyne's system with learning disabled minority children are discussed.  相似文献   

Patterns of performance on the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised (WISC-R) have been proposed as useful tools for the identification of children with learning disabilities (LD). However, most of the studies of WISC-R patterns in children with LD have been plagued by the lack of a typically achieving comparison group, by failure to measure individual patterns, and by the lack of a precise definition of LD. In an attempt to address these flaws and to assess the presence of patterns of performance on the WISC-R, we examined data from 121 children with typical achievement (TA), 143 children with reading disabilities (RD), and 100 children with a specific arithmetic disability (AD), ages 6 to 16 years. The results indicated that the RD and AD groups had significantly lower scores than the TA group on all the Verbal IQ subtests. Many of the children with AD and RD showed a significant difference between Verbal and Performance IQ scores, but so did many of the typically achieving children. Although there were some children with LD who showed the predicted patterns, typically, 65% or more of the children with LD did not. Furthermore, a proportion of the TA group-generally not significantly smaller than that of the RD and AD groups-showed discrepancy patterns as well. Our results indicate that the patterns of performance on intelligence tests are not reliable enough for the diagnosis of LD in individual children. Therefore, it might be more profitable to base the detection of an individual's LD on patterns of achievement test scores.  相似文献   

Standard Age Scores on the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale: Fourth Edition (SBIV) and WISC-R IQs of 51 urban black males receiving special education services were compared. Correlations between the SBIV Composite scores and WISC-R Verbal, Performance, and Full Scale IQs were 0.803, 0.826, and 0.87 respectively. Correlations between all combinations of scales ranged from 0.612 to 0.888, median r=.723. SBIV Composite mean scores did not differ significantly from the mean WISC-R Full Scale, Verbal, and Performance IQs. Regression analysis of the three subgroups (BD. LD, and EMR) indicated that the SBIV possesses differential validity for each group. Tabular comparison of precision of classification between the SBIV and the WISC-R yielded a 78% agreement. These data suggest that the SBIV possesses utility for assessing the intelligence of black students classified as BD and EMR. However, the use of the scale with LD students is unsupported.  相似文献   

The present study evaluated the technical aspects of three WISC-R administrations of five psychology graduate students using the WISC-R Administration Observational Checklist (WAOC). The observations also were used as a means of evaluating interrater agreement on the WAOC. Based on a total of 15 observations of two raters, Cohen's x was calculated for 29 of the measures on the checklist. The x values for 24 of these measures were significant (p < .01). Overall scores on the WAOC indicated that students performed significantly better on the second than on the first observation. Their level of performance was maintained, but was not significantly improved, at the time of a third observation made during the second semester. Error patterns were similar to those found by Fantuzzo, Sisemore, and Spradlin (1983), using the Criteria for Competent WISC-R Administration (CCWA).  相似文献   

Twenty-nine children with a diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) were compared to a group of 21 emotionally disturbed (ED) children and a control group (CO) of 20 nonproblem children. The meaures used in the comparison were the 12 subtests of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised (WISC-R) and the Stroop Color and Word Test (SCWT). The results showed that the CO group was superior to the ADHD and ED groups and that the ED group performed better than the ADHD group on most of the variables. A stepwise discriminant function analysis showed that similar WISC-R subtests differentiated between the ADHD group and the ED and CO groups. Two measures of the SCWT helped in discriminating between the ADHD and ED groups, but not between the ADHD and CO groups. The authors discuss the meaning of these findings and their contribution to better understanding of the ADHD group, its specific cognitive processing, and its problems.  相似文献   

The aim of this investigation was to examine normal (N = 34), learning disabled (N = 34), and borderline mentally retarded (N = 33) children's performance on the WISC-R and K-ABC. Results revealed no significant differences between the WISC-R Full Scale IQ and K-ABC Mental Processing Composite by group (F = 0.7, p > .15). The Full Scale IQ and Mental Processing Composite standard score correlated .85 for the entire sample, and all other subscale correlations ranged from .65 to .90 (all significant at p < .001). Analysis of Verbal-Performance, Mental Processing-Achievement, and Simultaneous-Sequential discrepancy means by group revealed no significant differences in comparison to normative values. Subtest patterns analysis revealed high rank order correlations between the learning disabled and mentally retarded groups, but lower correlations between the exceptional and normal groups. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The WISC-R and the Fourth Edition of the Stanford-Binet (SB: FE) were compared in the identification and assessment of 48 intellectually gifted students in the primary and secondary grades. While only a 3.2-point difference between the mean SB: FE Composite score and the mean WISC-R Full Scale score was found, (r = .393, p. ⩽ .01), the t test between the two scores was significant (t = 2.30, p ⩽ .05). Correlations between the three scales of the WISC-R and the SB: FE four broad area and Composite scores ranged from −.219 (SB: FE Abstract/Visual Reasoning with WISC-R Verbal) to .599 (SB: FE Short-Term Memory with WISC-R Full Scale). Within the correlational matrix, only 5 of the 15 correlations were significant. Both the SB: FE Abstract/Visual Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning Area scores had no significant correlations with any of the WISC-R scores.  相似文献   

This study investigated the best short form version of the WISC-R for learning disabled (LD) students. The WISC-R was administered to 234 LD and 290 children who were referred for psychological evaluation but were found not eligible (NE) for special education services from 45 school districts in Michigan. Stepwise multiple regressions were calculated to ascertain the best tetrads of Full Scale IQ (FS IQ) for the two groups. For the NE sample, Vocabulary, Picture Arrangement, Picture Completion, and Information were the best four indicators of FS IQ, accounting for about 80% of the variance in Full Scale scores. For the LD sample, the best four predictors of FS IQ were Similarities, Block Design, Picture Completion, and Vocabulary, accounting for about 80% of criterion variance. Using the WISC-R standardization data, Sattler identified the Information, Vocabulary, Comprehension, and Block Design subtests as one of the best short form versions for predicting FS IQ. For the LD sample of the present study, Sattler's composite yielded a multiple R of .873 with FS IQ, whereas our best four predictors yielded a multiple R of .896. It appears that Sattler's tetrad is about as good a predictor of FS IQ for LD students as that found in the present data.  相似文献   

The present study examined WISC-R scale, factor, and subtest scores in relationship to PPVT-R standard scores in order to test hypotheses regarding abilities measured by the PPVT-R. For a naturally occurring sample of rural children referred for assessment (N = 51), the results of direct and stepwise regression analyses indicated that, while verbal comprehension abilities may contribute most to successful performance on the PPVT-R, perceptual organization abilities also play a significant though less substantial role in the child's performance on the PPVT-R. While Vocabulary scaled scores accounted for 63% of the variance, addition of Object Assembly and Picture Arrangement scaled scores accounted for an additional 11% of the observed variance in PPVT-R performance. Students for whom the PPVT-R overestimated WISC-R Full Scale performance differed significantly from students for whom the PPVT-R underestimated their WISC-R performance only on the WISC-R Arithmetic subtest. Implications for interpretation of the PPVT-R are discussed.  相似文献   

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