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成年智障人士康复训练服务的思考与实践   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
成年智障人士是一个特殊的弱势群体。充分认识对成年智障人士康复训练服务工作意义十分重要。本文介绍了北京市成年智障人士康复训练服务背景,成年智障人士康复训练服务概念、工作思路、基本工作方法及主要服务模式。展望了成年智障人士康复训练服务发展趋势与实施可能性分析并提出建议做出试点工作,总结以往经验,进一步推动关注理解,支持成年智障人士康复训练服务工作等。  相似文献   

智障人士社会接纳度调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究采用自编“智障人士社会接纳度调查问卷”,调查了上海市4个区2270名社区居民,旨在了解社区居民对智障人士的认识和行为倾向的接纳度。结果表明:在认识上,社区居民对智障人士具有较高的接纳度;在行为倾向上,社区居民社会行为倾向的接纳度高于个体行为倾向的接纳度。社区居民的受教育程度、职业以及与智障人士的接触频率等都会影响他们对智障人士的接纳。最后,作者建议通过加强宣传力度、开展助残志愿服务、丰富社区活动等措施促进社区居民对智障人士的接纳。  相似文献   

上海市成年智障人士家庭需求调查   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
理解家庭需求有助于促进成年智障人士的社会融合。研究采用自编的智障人士家庭调查表,调查了上海市1412个成年智障人士家庭需求。结果发现:(1)成年智障人士大多赋闲在家,只有少数接受过职业训练和康复训练。(2)智障人士的现状与家庭的期望不一致,而许多家长将现状归因于家庭努力不够和智障者能力的限制。(3)有半数家长认为子女不能工作,但事实上他们还是可能从事许多工作。(4)影响社会融合的因素是智障人士自身能力的限制和社会接纳不力,家庭为此作了很多努力,也表示需要政府更多的帮助。(5)智障人士可以从事多种运动,包括特奥运动。  相似文献   

对以瑞典为代表对北欧各国智障人士社会融合的历史沿革进行了回顾,介绍了由机构安置向社会安置的转变过程,详细阐述了北欧智障人士社会融合的法律政策,并从生活安置和就业安置两方面说明了现行社会融合模式。  相似文献   

以社会模式的残疾观推进智障人士的社会融合   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
残疾观正在发生从医疗模式向社会模式的转变。社会模式的残疾观强调残疾问题是人权问题,也是社会和发展问题,主张以权利和支持作为处理残疾问题的方法。这一模式对智力障碍的认识更加客观,对智障人士的态度更为积极,关注权利、接纳、潜能和融合,可以作为智障人士社会融合的理论选择。智障人士社会融合的推进策略包括以宣传与沟通消除不健康的社会态度,以权利为本作为立法依据,以社会支持增强智障人士融入社会的能力等。  相似文献   

论特奥运动对智障人士社会融合的促进作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章对特奥运动宗旨及其所设项目进行深入分析,指出特奥运动在促进智障人士身心健康的同时,还发挥着促进智障人士社会融合的社会性功能;智障人士的社会融合是构建和谐社会的重要组成部分,体现着社会进步和人文关怀.  相似文献   

特殊奥林匹克与智障人士的社会融合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
今年10月2日,国际特殊奥林匹克运动会在上海举行,这是致力于全球范围内1.93亿智障人士的社会融合的一项重大活动,通过智障人士及其家庭成员和其他支持者参与体育训练和比赛,使他们获得更多的接纳和尊重,能融入广阔的主流社会,并成为有用的社会成员.<中国特殊教育>今年第9期刊登了国际特奥会主席蒂姆·施莱弗博士的文章<特殊奥林匹克与智障人士的社会融合>.  相似文献   

本文系统介绍了台湾地区智障人士安置的基本概况、法规政策、生活安置模式、就业安置模式等四方面的情况。希望借鉴台湾地区的经验和方法,对大陆成年智障人士的社会融合工作有所启示和帮助。  相似文献   

美国智障人士社会融合研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章系统地介绍了美国智障人士安置的历史发展过程与现状,介绍了与智障人士融合安置有关的法规政策,呈现了智障人士安置由隔离逐渐走向融合的过程。同时,分别以生活安置和就业安置为线索,阐述了智障人士安置的基本模式,并着重介绍了支持性就业的发展及所面临的问题。  相似文献   

当智障人士在青春期出现各种问题时,特殊教育教师和家长对此不知所措,甚至非常困惑。所以,给予智障人士人性化、适性化的性教育,让每位受青春期困扰的智障人士都享有幸福的生活是非常必要的。  相似文献   

This research investigates the feasibility of assessing the self‐perceived stress levels of people with mild intellectual disabilities by self‐report. People with intellectual disabilities generally find it difficult to complete commonly used self‐report checklists when they are administered in the prescribed manner because of unfamiliarity with both the language and the paper and pencil format. A measure of daily stressors was therefore adapted to a standardized interview format and administered to 28 people with mild intellectual disabilities on five consecutive days. The interview format using standardized questions enabled all participants to complete the questionnaire. The use of follow‐up clarifying prompts by the interviewers ensured that the participants understood the questions and gave responses that they could support with explanations or examples. The data appeared to have reasonable levels of internal consistency. On average, each person experienced seven stressful events per day which they generally rated somewhere between ‘not so good’ and ‘bad’. The daily events found to be most stressful involved difficulties in interpersonal relationships. The evidence, however, suggests that many of the events that people with mild intellectual disability find stressful may not be covered in standard instruments such as that used in the present study. Future research should continue to develop a more sensitive, standardized measure based on events that people with disabilities report as stressful in their lives.  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,对于特殊儿童的关注度不断提高,越来越重视特殊儿童教育.智障儿童是特殊的儿童群体之一,由于大脑出现器质性的损伤,大脑发展不全,在认知、心理、运动以及社会交往中都存在一定的障碍,从而影响儿童之后的健康成长.而这些障碍其实可以通过采用不同的感觉统合训练加以改善,帮助儿童过上正常的生活.本文就感觉统合训练对智障...  相似文献   

Although many nations advocate for the full inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities in all realms of life, these individuals are nevertheless still frequently excluded. One field of life that has rarely been considered central for inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities is military service. A unique programme was developed that provides an opportunity for people with intellectual disabilities to serve in the military in Israel. The centrality of the military within Israeli society, along with the aims and phases of the project are described, and brief evidence of the impact of the programme is provided.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to explore relationships between traditional Chinese values and attitudes toward people with intellectual disabilities. A total of 534 college students in China participated in the study. Two instruments that measure Chinese values and attitudes toward people with intellectual disabilities were used. Results indicated that the value of cultivation of virtues (benevolence, humanity, and a sense of justice) was positively related to attitudes toward people with intellectual disabilities; and that the values of social traditionalism and cultural inwardness (cultural superiority and intolerance) were negatively correlated with attitudes toward people with intellectual disabilities. Additionally, university students majoring in special education or with more knowledge of disabilities had more favourable attitudes toward people with intellectual disabilities than university students majoring in regular education or with little knowledge of disabilities. Implications of the findings are discussed in the context of socio‐economic environments in China.  相似文献   

Current policy developments are intended to broaden the group of children receiving special education provisions traditionally reserved for those with mild intellectual disability. A definite policy has been formulated to close special classes and the use of individualized intelligence testing has been largely discontinued as a basis for establishing special educational need‐‐thus ostensibly providing greater flexibility for service allocation. The term “backward” (the traditional term for mild intellectual disability in New Zealand) has been rejected, and children with mild intellectual disability are now included in a new category “children with educational and social difficulties"‐‐a category which also includes children with specific learning difficulties, those with mild sensory disabilities, and those with mild emotional/behavioural difficulties. It is argued that available resources are grossly insufficient to provide high quality special educational services for all “children with educational and social difficulties,” that the decision to close special classes represents a premature and unsound reduction in the range of options available to children with mild intellectual disability, and that research into the effects of current policies on the lives of learners with mild intellectual disability and their families is urgently required but will now be very difficult to undertake.  相似文献   

This study explores the content validity of a profile used to describe the communication behaviour of people with intellectual disabilities. The profile, named Biala-II - a Wiradjuri (an Australian Aboriginal language) word for "I understand you" - makes use of the knowledge of informants who are able to provide specific and detailed information on the ways in which a person communicates. This information can be used by ''communication partners'' to guide their interactions with a person whom they do not know well. Five samples of experts - parents, researchers, residential workers, speech pathologists, and special education teachers - rated 16 "best practice" indicators and then rated Biala-II in relation to these indicators. They also answered questions about specific features of the profile with attention to the methodology employed and the likelihood that its use would improve communication with people with an intellectual disability. The results reveal a high level of support for the profile.  相似文献   

As we celebrate 50 years of the Schonell Special Education Research Centre it is timely to consider changes that have occurred in the provision of residential services for people with an intellectual disability. Before the 1970s adults and children were cared for in large institutions using a medical model of care. In the mid-1970s a new developmental model based on education and training was implemented in response to the principle of normalisation and issues of social justice. The most dramatic changes have occurred in the last ten years with the decision to close large institutions and relocate residents into ordinary homes in the community. This paper describes changes in lifestyle for adults with an intellectual disability as a result of the move from institutional to community residential service provision. The Challinor Centre in Ipswich, Queensland, Australia provides examples of lifestyle changes that have occurred under different models of service provision during this time. Community living is described with research evidence validating the advantages of this type of service provision for residents with an intellectual disability. Outcomes have been documented through the use of group results and a case study of one individual following deinstitutionalisation describes the benefits of this new model of residential accommodation.  相似文献   

对智力障碍者自尊与社会比较的研究体现了社会对智力障碍者群体的人文关怀,总结相关的研究可为相应的研究及实践工作提供借鉴。智力障碍者的自尊和社会比较各具特点且关系紧密。以社会比较为切入点,可以从内因和外因两个方面对智力障碍者自尊形成及变化的内在机制进行分析和探讨。而对智力障碍者自尊与社会比较的研究能促进对该群体的心理教育实践工作,并改善其所处的环境。  相似文献   

This article presents a review of the literature on object permanence with an emphasis on research on children with severe disabilities. Object permanence is the realisation that objects continue to exist in time and place even when they are no longer visible. This understanding is achieved across Stages IV(VI of Piaget’s Sensorimotor Period. Children with intellectual disability, physical disabilities, blindness, and autism develop object permanence in a similar sequence although at a slower rate than children without disabilities. Challenges with regulation make it difficult for children with autism to demonstrate object permanence knowledge in Stage VI tasks. There is ample evidence that children with severe disabilities benefit from direct and systematic instruction of object permanence. Assessment‐based instruction, establishment of visual attention, consideration of the characteristics of the object to be hidden (including the impact on differential attention), repeated naming of the object, individually appropriate prompting procedures, and direct reinforcement have been found to support mastery of object permanence in children with disabilities.  相似文献   

This paper describes a participant observation approach to exploring choice making by people with an intellectual disability in three different home settings‐‐a private family home, a community group home and an independent living situation. It identifies some of the factors which affect choice making, including experience at making choices, routines, the role of support people, and communication. The paper illustrates these factors with examples from the different settings. Finally, it provides practical suggestions for service providers to increase the involvement of people with an intellectual disability in choice making situations.  相似文献   

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