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就业和社会保障一直是经济学家进行理论研究和对策思考的焦点.本文根据当前我国就业和社会保障的具体情况,建立了就业率的影响参数模型,实证结果表明:社会保障对就业总量及结构的影响显著,并从社会保障角度提出了促进就业的建议.  相似文献   

This article asks land grant university leaders and faculty to think of their role in community engagement not simply as the provision of technical assistance or of research and development prowess, but as an opportunity for social leadership. It explores the case of Virginia Tech’s effort to develop a regionally based model to secure long-term social and economic change in an economically ailing part of Virginia. The article suggests how land grant community engagement may be understood as adaptive leadership and provides a conceptual frame to understand better the role of such research universities in community change processes.  相似文献   

This article assesses the network development and promotion of the learning region model in HEIs in the framework of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), focusing on quality, partnership and social equality in the Hungarian context. It argues that the learning city-region model can be used and put into practice in many different ways for a new learning climate to occur, as in the case of the Pécs Learning City-Region Forum. However, there are parallel ways to implement the model for HEIs. The first is a purely economically centred one for those HEIs that reflect a reformed social identity to serve mainly employability, economic productivity and innovation through education and research in post socialist countries. The second is more holistic, reflecting not only education and research, but also making use of innovation based on economic and social partnership and networking in local, regional, national and international contexts. The article elaborates on the opportunities for this model as one into which Hungarian HEIs may develop.  相似文献   

Research and recent policy developments in Eire highlight that there is a growing number of children in Irish schools presenting with special educational needs, leading to an increased need for Educational Psychology services. This research utilised case studies of children who were presenting to teachers with academic, social, emotional or behavioural difficulties. Semi-structured interviews were used to explore the perceived effectiveness of consultation as a model of delivery for Educational Psychologists (EPs). Each case comprised a teacher, parent and psychologist, (n = 9) from three different case studies. This research found potential benefits of consultation particularly for children and parents, although the results from this study are difficult to generalise, given the small sample size. This study has practical implications for EPs: by understanding parents’ and teachers’ perspectives this can help EPs in future planning for consultation. Further research should explore children’s perceptions of consultation.  相似文献   


Practice domain and needs of a profession should determine development and use of research methodologies. The complexity and broad range of social work interventions require an approach to research that is more far-reaching, with greater depth, than offered by either the positivists or post-modernists. In this article, a model presents research as skills of social work practice, integrating the contentious practice research dichotomy. Acknowledging that differences in language and perceptions of practitioners and researchers create enormous challenges, a basic assumption in the model is that good practitioners conduct research in their implementation of practice. Juxtaposing practice components with research methodologies, case material illustrates the professional helping relationship as a shared conceptualization of reality, social work assessment as theory construction with need for validity and reliability, and use of triangulation to prevent drift and unplanned shifts in the intervention.  相似文献   

This article utilises a multiple case study strategy to explore the narratives of Caribbean students with dyslexia on grouping for instruction. It presents a model on learner engagement which highlights students' cognitions about the social and cognitive aspects of learning and the processes that contribute to building knowledge and understanding. The qualitative research design combines multiple methods of data collection, mainly focus groups, in-depth interviews, documentary evidence along with narrative observations to capture the experiences of students. This research also demonstrates that students are the most powerful resource available to teachers, and that engaging them in dialogue can facilitate the development of effective pedagogies for teaching.  相似文献   

Information sharing is critical to an organization's competitiveness and requires a free flow of information among members if the organization is to remain competitive. A review of the literature on organizational structure and information sharing was conducted to examine the research in this area. A case example illustrates how a social network approach was used to explore the process of measuring the social structure of an organization and the implementation of change interventions to increase connectivity and manage information sharing. The process of conducting social network analysis is described using the case example. Interventions for increasing information flow are discussed. The authors provide an information‐sharing model that demonstrates the various domains of connectivity within an organization at any given state. The benefits of using social network analysis for information sharing and the implications for further research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

社会性学习是社会性计算技术在学习领域中的应用。近年来随着以Web2.0为标签的社会性计算技术及其在社会领域中的广泛应用以及在线学习的普及,社会性学习领域所涌现的问题以及针对性的研究已经吸引了众多研究团队的投入。本文首先概述了社会性学习研究的相关背景,接着采用个案分析及访谈的方式,对Laffey团队正在开展的社会性学习研究项目进行了综述与分析,最后结合这些分析提出了我们在社会性学习领域的研究如何从中得到借鉴。  相似文献   

The middle years of school represent a time of educational turbulence, serving to marginalise some students from educational opportunities. Much research has focussed on individual cognitive factors influencing educational engagement, with less attention directed towards social interactions. Theoretically positioned within an expectancy–value model of achievement motivation, this study draws on the lived experience of a 12-year-old student within an alternative school in South Australia, Australia, to explore how social encounters may contribute to educational marginalisation. Findings from a narrative case study employing a semi-structured interview suggested that connections exist between social influences, such as interactions with teachers and peers, and subsequent achievement motivation. This study suggests that social interactions are critical determinants to an individual's educational engagement, affecting educational ability, expectancy and value beliefs.  相似文献   

高校智力资本的识别研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
智力资本是高校获得持续竞争优势的关键。针对高校智力资本的典型特征,从分析高校智力资本的动态性和网络属性出发,可以采用社会网络分析法(SNA)构建一个高校智力资本的识别研究模式。在此基础上,选取某高校进行实例分析,识别出该高校七个关键智力资本要素:教学科研人员占总数比,硕导及博导人员比率,博士学位教师比率,知识库建设和利用程度,重点学科建设个数,学生对高校教学、管理的满意度,硕士生、博士生占总学生人数比例。  相似文献   

For students with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), learning social skills is an intricate but essential task to facilitate social inclusion and participation. Limited research is available on social skills interventions for adolescents with ASD and intellectual disabilities (ID). This article presents a case study that illustrates how the Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction was used to improve self-chosen social conversation skills in a Norwegian 14-year old student with ASD and mild ID. This case study illustrates that, also for students with ASD and ID, giving them the opportunity to set personally relevant goals may improve their autonomous motivation, thereby increasing the likelihood of goal attainment.  相似文献   

当前无论是理论还是实践层面,越来越多的研究开始突破传统阅读的“简单模型”假设,基于问题解决的阅读或有目的的阅读成为重要的研究视角。随着技术的发展,以读者为核心,强调分享、互动、传播的社会性阅读的兴起,使得原有的理论模型面临挑战。将共享调节引入社会性阅读,有助于拓展基于问题解决的阅读的理论视角,构建基于共享调节的社会性阅读的概念模型。这一模型的核心观点是,在具体的阅读活动之前,需要形成个人和群体层面的二阶段心智模型:即情境模型和任务模型。该模型还可以进一步衍生出新的研究假设,构建阅读支架及支持系统,并进行相应的课堂实践。以一门本科课程的阅读活动为解释案例,对该概念模型进行阐释和应用的结果表明,基于共享调节的社会性阅读可以帮助学生提取原先容易被忽略的物理及社会情境因素,形成小组阅读目标和阅读计划,支架及协作工具也有助于社会性阅读过程中的任务理解、计划、监控和调节。这一研究有助于完善新媒体环境下有目的的阅读理论,揭示社会性阅读过程中共享情境和任务形成的影响因素及动态发展过程,也可以为课堂社会性阅读提供可操作的应用模式。  相似文献   

Taking the distinction between the Institution of Apprenticeship, that is, the social partnership arrangements which underpin its organisation, and Apprenticeship as a Social Model of Learning, in other words, he configuration of pedagogic and occupational etc. dimensions which constitute the model, as its starting point the paper: (i) argues the emergence of de-centred, distributed and discontinuous conditions associated with project-work present challenges for extant ideas about apprenticeship as a social model of learning; (ii) explores this claim in relation to Fuller and Unwin’s four inter-connected dimensions of apprenticeship as a social model of learning by considering a case study of apprenticeship designed to prepare apprentices to work in the above conditions; (iii) relates issues arising from the case study to research on project work from the fields of Organisational and Cultural Studies; and (iv) based on this evidence base introduces a typology of ‘Apprenticeship for Liquid Life’.  相似文献   

Given that social work research courses are typically built on modernist principles of teaching and content, it is not surprising that the majority of social work students dread these courses. Few attempts have been made to better align the modernist content of quantitative research with the postmodern philosophy and values inherent in current social work. This article presents a decision-making flow chart in conjunction with a problem-based learning framework so that students can be self-directed in the process of determining which inferential statistic to use when given a case example.  相似文献   

This research explored 10 young female Shi’i Muslim Arabic-Canadian students’ experiences associated with wearing the Hijab (headscarf) within their home, community, and predominantly White Canadian public elementary school environments. The in-depth case study sought to address the dearth of information about Shi’is’ experiences in schools through methodological strategies comprising 10 semi-structured interviews, two focus-group meetings and field notes. This qualitative study provides a transdisciplinary approach based on Phelan, Davidson, and Cao Yu’s social-world model encompassing religious, gendered, social, cultural and political differences that create social boundaries in study participants’ home, community and school environments. Specifically, this article focuses on participants’ school experiences and their strategies for preserving their religious identities. Research findings shed light on the interrelatedness of internal and external diversity within participants’ social worlds, the moral values of religious ritual stories, and the important role of contextualized curriculum in fostering equity and social justice.  相似文献   

Multidisciplinary collaboration is considered to be very important for the education of pupils with special educational needs and particularly those pupils with the most severe disabilities. This research adopts a multiple case‐study design in order to understand collaboration and the integration of services and the effectiveness of these among pupils with profound and multiple learning difficulties (PMLD) in Greece. The teams, choosing case studies in five special schools, considered 10 pupils and their parents. Reviews and analyses of the legislation; the use of diaries; participant observations and semi‐structured interviews were used for the collection of data. Two different models of service integration which provide different opportunities to the inclusion of pupils with PMLD were revealed since schools have different methods of integrating health and social professionals. In the first model, the school works with outside services, whereas in the second, services are within the school. In addition, roles and responsibilities differ within the different models. Service integration and collaboration were found to be more effective in schools where teachers and health and social professionals work under the same management. The study suggests the expansion of the second model of multidisciplinary collaboration with the integration in schools of health therapists, educational psychologists and social workers.  相似文献   

Social network research on teachers and schools has risen exponentially in recent years as an innovative method to reveal the role of social networks in education. However, scholars are still exploring ways to incorporate traditional quantitative methods of Social Network Analysis (SNA) with qualitative approaches to social network research. This article provides a mixed-methods model for researching teachers' social networks and an empirical example of the model in practice. The model incorporates a tri-modal coding approach that promotes data validity while uncovering network data that some SNA methods may overlook.  相似文献   

This quantitative content analysis examines the way social presence was created through original posts and comments in a Facebook group for an undergraduate writing course. The author adapted a well-known coding template and examined how course members—one instructor, two undergraduate teaching assistants and twenty-two students--used language and image to generate social presence. Language is categorized by purpose, and each category is a social presence indicator. The results show which social presence indicators are used more frequently by course members and that social presence is higher when certain social presence indicators are utilized. Since existing research indicates that social presence is associated with increased course satisfaction and learning, these findings provide practical knowledge for faculty seeking to increase social presence in their classes. This is a case study with a small population, but these results indicate the need for additional research to further explore how language and image are used to generate social presence in Facebook.  相似文献   


This paper describes the use of a participatory action research model to teach undergraduate social work research and statistics. Strategies of the model include (1) integration with social work education, (2) policy analysis, (3) literature review, (4) collaboration with practitioners, (5) collaboration with the target population through qualitative research, (6) quantitative study, (7) ongoing social action efforts, and (8) evaluation. An example is used of a project addressing a community problem with increased domestic violence during recovery from natural disaster.  相似文献   

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