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转基因食品的潜在风险与对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
转基因食品是科技进步的产物,能造福于人类。近年来,转基因食品研究和应用已大规模进行,但在大规模使用转基因技术的同时,人们已认识到转基因食品所存在的潜在风险。因此,应制定相关的管理办法和采取相应的措施以消除其潜在风险。  相似文献   

抗除草剂转基因作物的应用及其潜在的风险   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
抗除草剂转基因作物已在很多国家大规模种植,并且取得了显著的经济效益。综述了抗除草剂转基因作物的应用及其潜在的风险。  相似文献   

欧盟转基因食品法律规制问题初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧盟针对转基因食品的潜在风险采取了世界上最严格的转基因食品法律规制。欧盟对转基因食品进行法律规制有其原因和依据。随着转基因食品的不断增加,欧盟对转基因食品的法律规制日趋完善和严格。  相似文献   

随着生物技术的发展,转基因食品对环境及健康潜在的风险开始为人们所认识,现阶段为转基因食品加贴特殊标识能有效保护消费者的知情权。本文分析了我国有关转基因食品标识的法律规范,提出了制定专门的转基因食品标识法、制定统一的转基因产品标识国家标准和设定转基因食品强制标识的阀值等建议。  相似文献   

随着越来越多的转基因食品被广大消费者接触,转基因食品安全性问题逐渐成为公众热议的话题。从社会文化人类学的视角探寻转基因食品风险认知背后的社会文化逻辑,基本的观点是:风险社会里的习惯性怀疑强化了对转基因食品安全性的不信任,宗教信仰文化也影响消费者对转基因食品的态度和选择,转基因食品的生物性特征打破了"自然"与"非自然"象征秩序,在既存的食物分类系统中找不到合法的位置,被认为具有潜在的风险。  相似文献   

随着生物技术的发展,转基因食品对环境及健康潜在的风险开始为人们所认识,现阶段为转基因食品加贴特殊标识能有效保护消费者的知情权,本文在介绍了美国、欧盟、日本有关转基因食品标识立法,分析了我国有关转基因食品标识的法律规范,提出了制定专门的转基因食品标识法、制定统一的转基因产品标识国家标准、和设定转基因食品强制标识的阀值等建议。  相似文献   

转基因食品是生物技术的产物.近十几年来,转基因农作物的种植面积持续大幅增多,转基因食品在全世界范围内已经相当广泛,成为一种新型的食品.但是人类目前还不能完全掌握转基因技术,不能完全否定其存在潜在的危害性.因此,通过制定一定的法律法规,对其潜在的危害性加以预防,不失为一个明智之举.  相似文献   

当前,转基因食品的迅速发展引起世界的广泛关注,对于转基因食品的效益与风险,各国专家的说法褒贬不一。为此,国内外政府对转基因食品都采取了一定的措施加强管理,以促进转基因技术产业的健康可持续发展。  相似文献   

我国政府非常关注转基因食品的安全问题,为什么?中国科学技术部部长徐冠华院士认为,从纯技术层面来说,转基因技术是中性的,对人体不存在利弊的问题。但由于转基因食品是把一种外来的基因转移到生物体当中,所以可能有潜在的危险。这些潜在的危险往往在短时间内不  相似文献   

随着现代化生物技术的发展,目前人们对转基因生物、转基因食品等名词已不再陌生了。近10年来,转基因植物已开始进行商品化生产,转基因植物种植面积正在不断扩增,人类逐渐使用来自转基因植物的食品已成为不争的事实。但是,目前我们中的大多数对转基因食品尚缺少足够的了解和认识,并对其安全性存有疑虑。“转基因食品  相似文献   

转基因食品是生物技术飞速发展的重要成果之一,但是转基因食品本身具有的多种优势性状和各种不确定的危险一直困扰着人们。各国基于不同的利益考虑,其对转基因食品也采取的了不同态度。我国在面对转基因食品时,必须要考虑技术的发展与安全性两者的平衡。笔者通过剖析我国转基因食品立法、管理等存在的问题,提出了一些对策,借以完善我国的转基因食品立法。  相似文献   

农作物基因改良技术已显示出其独特的技术优势和全新的开发前景,同时也引起了转基因食品的安全之争。目前,有关转基因食品安全问题国际尚无定论,各国大多采用转基因标识法,尊重公众的知情权和商品选择权。根据我国国情,借鉴国外经验,对加强我国转基因食品的安全管理颇有益处。  相似文献   

食品化学实验既是《食品化学》课程的有机组成部分,也是锻炼食品专业学生实践能力的重要环节。2008年江南大学《食品化学》课程建设国家精品课程获批立项以来,《食品化学》课程小组针对实践教学部分进行了深入思考和探讨,形成以“变被动实践为主动实践”为主要特色的教学改革理念,确定调整实验教学内容的设置,降低基础实验的比例,增加综合性实验和自主设计实验,调动学生的积极性,开阔教师的教学思路,实现学生实践能力和理论联系实际能力的提高,为工科学生实践环节的教学,特别是食品科学与工程专业学生的实践教学提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

Quality management and quality control of food products are critical to producing food that is safe to consume and has consistent quality and sensory attributes. The extent to which undergraduate students are equipped with competencies in quality management/control, in theory, has a direct connection with their career potential to ensure food products and/or services meet the expectations of consumers and society. However, the most important quality management/control competencies for undergraduate food science students have yet to be identified. The objective of this study was to determine key knowledge and skills in quality management/control needed by food science graduates. A modified Delphi method was used to gather consensus on these knowledge and skills from experts in food quality management/control. Surveys were used to establish a framework of the most relevant quality management/control concepts for undergraduate food science students to learn and organize these concepts into core domains according to their relative importance. A course outline for teaching an undergraduate course on food quality management/control was developed that detailed relevant topics and depth of coverage for each of these topics. The needs assessment method used in this study to align course content with food industry's needs may be used for a wide variety of course topics.  相似文献   

王花  李珂 《甘肃高师学报》2012,17(3):126-129
欧美转基因食品贸易争端反映着国际贸易法制的社会化治理发展趋势,是一种链接国际贸易法和国际人权法的社会表象.通过转基因食品贸易争端案的法律成因分析,可以看出贸易权与人权问题在国际法领域内即分立又沟通、即存在冲突也存在协调的可能.面对转基因食品贸易问题在我国的普遍化和复杂化,我国必须平衡好遵守国际义务与维护国家利益之间的关系.  相似文献   

The concepts behind the technology of genetic modification of organisms and its applications are complex. A diverse range of opinions, public concern and considerable media interest accompanies the subject. This study explores the knowledge and attitudes of science teachers and senior secondary biology students about the application of a rapidly expanding technology, genetic engineering, to food production. The results indicated significant difference in understanding of concepts related with genetically engineered food stuffs between teachers and students. The most common ideas about genetically modified food were that cross bred plants and genetically modified plants are not same, GM organisms are produced by inserting a foreign gene into a plant or animal and are high yielding. More teachers thought that genetically engineered food stuffs were unsafe for the environment. Both teachers and students showed number of misconceptions, for example, the pesticidal proteins produced by GM organisms have indirect effects through bioaccumulation, induces production of allergic proteins, genetic engineering is production of new genes, GM plants are leaky sieves and that transgenes are more likely to introgress into wild species than mutated species. In general, more students saw benefits while teachers were cautious about the advantages of genetically engineered food stuffs.  相似文献   

综述了转基因食品研究、生产的现状,并对转基因食品的安全性进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Abstract: The objective of this study was to provide the person in charge and food safety instructors an assessment tool to help characterize, identify strengths and weaknesses, determine the completeness of the knowledge gained by the employee, and evaluate the level of content presentation and usability of current retail food safety training platforms. An existing evaluation tool was modified to assess online food safety training programs that contained 5 areas of emphasis: content and instruction, learners, job transfer, design and packaging, and operation. Participation included watching 3 food safety training modules and afterwards evaluate what degree the module content met objectives. More than 85% of the participants responded positively to the scale‐based items of the course evaluation. Items addressing the content and instruction received positive responses. The assessment tool helped panelists to objectively evaluate an online food safety training program that provided numeric data for a valid comparison.  相似文献   

Identification of core competencies for undergraduates in food safety is critical to assure courses and curricula are appropriate in maintaining a well‐qualified food safety workforce. The purpose of this study was to identify and refine core competencies relevant to postsecondary food safety education using a modified Delphi method. Twenty‐nine experts representing food safety professionals in academia, government, and industry were given 2 rounds of questionnaires that specified initial food safety competencies, core domains, and subdomains. Competencies were defined as a set of skills, knowledge, and abilities that correlate to success of a trainee. The framework for which competencies were classified consisted of (1) core domains, defined as broad food safety subjects; and (2) subdomains, or more specific food safety subjects. The expert panel used a 5‐point Likert scale with an acceptance criterion, or consensus, of 75%, with a rating of “4” or greater. After 2 rounds of questionnaires and revisions from the expert panel, 5 core domains were established: (1) Food Production, Manufacturing, Retail, and Consumer; (2) Foodborne Hazards; (3) Public Health; (4) Legislation and Policy; and (5) Communication and Education. Specific responses from the experts highlighted areas in which further curriculum revision would be beneficial. This study provides a framework for the development of a vetted, standardized undergraduate food safety curriculum. The Delphi method, with its inclusion of professionals representing various sectors of food safety, provided relevant perspectives for curriculum design, and also allowed participants the opportunity to contribute to the education of future food safety professionals.  相似文献   

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