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Simon suggested that design, defined broadly, is concerned with any kind of deliberate problem solving, whether it be in fields traditionally associated with design, like architecture and engineering, or fields involving the design of instruction. Since instructional design is a kind ol'skillcd professional behavior, the education of other skilled professionals is examined and suggestions are made for analogous instructional techniques in any field. The question of how instructional designers should be educated is related to the larger question of how to teach people to design in general.  相似文献   

The question of how to teach energy has been renewed by recent studies focusing on the learning and teaching progressions for this concept. In this context, one question has been, for the most part, overlooked: how should energy be defined throughout schooling? This paper addresses this question in three steps. We first identify and discuss two main approaches in physics concerning the definition of energy, one claiming there is no satisfactory definition and taking conservation as a fundamental property, and the other based on Rankine’s definition of energy as the capacity of a system to produce changes. We then present a study concerning how energy is actually defined throughout schooling in the case of France by analyzing national programs, physics textbooks, and the answers of teachers to a questionnaire. This study brings to light a consistency problem in the way energy is defined across school years: in primary school, an adapted version of Rankine’s definition is introduced and conservation is ignored; in high school, conservation is introduced and Rankine’s definition is ignored. Finally, we address this consistency problem by discussing possible teaching progressions. We argue in favor of the use of Rankine’s definition throughout schooling: at primary school, it is a possible substitute to students’ erroneous conceptions; at secondary school, it might help students become aware of the unifying role of energy and thereby overcome the compartmentalization problem.  相似文献   

《Chinese Education & Society》2013,46(2-3):156-164
Taken from the popular magazine Oriental Outlook Weekly, this selection features interviews with two of the authors of the best-selling book China Is Unhappy, as well as an interview with Xu Jilin, one of China's most prominent liberal scholars, reflecting the wide range of opinions on the rise of China and its implications for the world.  相似文献   

The exam system has come to be the main topic of modern education.As it plays so important a role in the area of education that it is under much discussion as to its use.People who are for it try to develop this system more;those who are against it believe that such a system should be stopped.Should exam be stopped?In my opinion it should be.Firstly,a number of people think that an exam is the only way to test knowledge,but,in fact,that is not true.A few questions given in an exam could in no…  相似文献   

How to Be Happy     
I believe happiness is what all the people are longing for. No matter what we are doing now, our ultimate goal will always be happiness. But how can we get happiness? A lot of people think that happiness is really hard to get. They're living a lonely and …  相似文献   

党的十八届三中全会提出启动实施“一方是独生子女的夫妇可生育两个孩子”的政策,即“单独二胎”政策,并逐步研究在2015年后全面放开“二胎”的政策。此消息再次激起了多方争论。中国是否应该继续坚持计划生育政策呢?全面放开“二胎”或者废止计划生育政策是否会引起人口的再一次激增而带来一系列的社会问题呢?  相似文献   

羔羔 《音乐世界》2012,(8):72-73
一部《闭嘴!花美男乐队》让模特出身如今转战表演的成俊获得不少瞩目,其实早在去年年中的《对我说谎试试》中,成俊就有不错的表现。颇有潜力股之姿的他,相信日后也会成为模特表演军团里一个不可忽视的存在。  相似文献   

圣诞节,原本是基督教徒纪念耶稣诞辰的节日,现在在世界各地都被广泛地庆祝,中国也不例外。临近年末,中国的大街小巷都有这股浓浓的圣诞氛围。可爱的圣诞老人、飞奔的麇鹿、欢快的JingleBells歌声都为我们所熟悉。对此,有人认为我们过了太多的“洋节”,有人认为圣诞节温馨可爱,我们不应该排斥。那么中国人是否应该庆祝圣诞节呢?  相似文献   


Many educational policymakers consider attendance as a tool to induce learning. Researchers also agree that attendance has a positive effect on learning; however, there are few empirical studies that measure the nature and significance of that effect. The authors analyzed the effect of class attendance on academic performance and evaluated the existence and importance of a minimum attendance requirement. Using student data from a sample of public primary schools in Chile, and considering for endogeneity and sample selection bias, they found two important results. First, attendance had a relevant and statistically significant effect on educational performance. Second, the existence of a threshold was identified, but educational performance did not continue to decrease after a certain number of absences, which seems to contradict policies that have a minimum attendance requirement.  相似文献   

近期,广州颁布公园条例管理新规,自2014年起,广州公园等特定区域内将禁止广场歌曲。不单单是在广州一个城市存在大叔大妈的“广场舞”,在中国绝大多数的城市里都广泛存在跳“广场舞”的群体。有人认为“广场舞”是中国特有的文化应予以鼓励,有人认为“广场舞”噪音太大应该禁止,那么“广场舞”是否应该立法禁止呢?  相似文献   

Public speaking is a part of communication. Good public speaking can convey clear、persuasive ideas or opinions and also can become an effective bridge between the audience and the speaker. This paper is dealing with some skills of public speaking- from several different aspects that should be noticed in public speaking.  相似文献   

不明觉厉、男默女泪、火钳刘明、细思恐极、人艰不拆……这些令人,一头雾水,却貌似成语的网络新词,近日在网络世界流行开来。这些"成语"虽言简意赅却晦涩难懂。然而,也有不少网络词语正走进现实,它们不仅出现在青少年的作文中,甚至连《现代汉语词典》也收入了"囧"、"雷"这样的词汇。那么,网络新词是否会给传统语言文字带来负面效应?能否被广泛使用呢?  相似文献   

我们都知道目前中国基础教育学制是12年制,即9年义务教育加上3年的高中教育。如果算上学生大学四年本科教育的话,学生的整个学习年限最少达到了16年。有人提出我们学制太长,认为基础教育12年学制完全可以缩短为9年,对此,你怎么看呢?  相似文献   

每到春节临近,街头巷尾大家都会议论一个话题:春节到底该不该燃放鞭炮?有人认为燃放烟火鞭炮带来严重的环境污染以及噪声污染,应该禁止。有些人则不以为然,认为中国春节燃放鞭炮由来已久,而且也更加有节日气氛。那么春节到底是否应该燃放鞭炮呢?  相似文献   

如今,“戏说”题材的电视剧充斥荧屏,且大部分主人公锁定为著名的历史人物。有人认为,这是个好现象,在增加电视剧趣味性的同时,还能让青少年了解历史。但是,也有人觉得,篡改的历史不如不了解。对此,你怎么看?  相似文献   

" Learning a language is easy. Even a child can do it!"Most adults who are learninga second language would disagreeto this statement. For them,learn-ing a second language is very diffi-  相似文献   

冬去春来,万物复苏。在2020这个春天,我们都曾有过紧张,有过担忧,甚至还有悲伤。但是,不管怎样,我们都要“挺住”“加油”……这一期,我们就来学一学“怎样鼓励他人,怎样给自己打气、加油”!  相似文献   

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