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自21世纪以来,欧盟出台了一系列继续职业教育与培训方面的政策。这些政策着眼于继续职业教育的指导思想的确立、人力资本投资、提高社会凝聚力、加强欧盟职业教育合作等方面。由于欧盟继续职业教育政策还存在着一定局限性,因此客观地评价这些政策显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

英国产业大学是英国构建终身学习型社会背景下,借助网络信息技术的普及而发展起来的公私合营型远程教育组织。英国产业大学与我国产业学院在资本构成、教育内容等方面具有相似性,但在设立本旨及运营治理方面有所不同。我国产业学院作为高职院校体制机制创新的重要组织形式,在重视职业技术教育、发挥校企合作优势、开发市场导向课程、吸引多方资本投入、实行课程证书融通等方面均可借鉴英国产业大学的成功经验。  相似文献   

英国的职业教育历史悠久,经过长期的发展,形成现今富有特色的一套体系:以多层次、多形式的继续教育为其主体,附之以普通教育为主、兼顾职业教育和生计教育的中等教育;职业资格体系;工读交替的课程模式等。为了适应国际竞争的需要,又出现了新的发展动向。  相似文献   

英国本科职业教育是在大学之外建立职业教育机构实施本科职业教育,美国本科职业教育是在大学中通过职业性的教学计划实施本科职业教育。结合我国高等职业教育发展现状,英美发展本科职业教育的路径具有一定的借鉴意义,可以对我国发展本科职业教育的路径选择提供启示。  相似文献   

In December 1994 the Dutch government started several projects concerning the implementation of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the educational system. To systematically gather data on the use of ICT in other countries the Aggiornamento survey was started. The aim of the project was to find and describe transferable ‘examples of best‐practice’ on the use of ICT in education by teachers and students. Because of its great importance to the Dutch economy the attention was initially focused on the use of ICT in vocational education. During the project other forms of education were included in the survey. The Aggiornamento‐project used printed and electronic resources as well as working visits to obtain information. The initial project ended in May 1996 with a final public report on the World Wide Web (in Dutch). This article gives an overview of the results of the survey. The project will be continued.

This article explains the rationale, context, activities and the conclusions of the intial project.  相似文献   

农业产业化目标下农村继续教育体系的完善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农业、农民、农村问题是当代中国经济和社会发展的突出问题.中国农业产业化的最终实现依赖农民自身素质的提高,而农民素质的提高除正规学历教育外更依赖于农村继续教育体系的完善.为此,应从加强对推广农业科技的继续教育体系、促进农业产业化协作的继续教育体系、农村治理机制的科学引导体系、农村剩余劳动力的非农职业技能培训体系以及以“农民大学”为代表的普及型继续教育体系等方面的完善实现农村继续教育体系的整体完善.  相似文献   

曾柳宁 《高教论坛》2012,(3):55-57,87
针对企业职工继续教育的现实问题,结合高职院校的优势特点,提出构建企业继续教育体系的设想。该体系由企业继续教育管理体系、项目体系、课程体系三个子系统构成,依据企业基层员工的成长通道开发继续教育项目及相关课程,使在职学历教育和非学历教育相互渗透,形成系统的企业继续教育模式,使校企合作向更深层次发展。  相似文献   

开放大学是英国高等教育的重要标志,其高质量的教学和良好的社会声誉与其发达的学习支持服务密不可分。目前,在我国大力发展继续教育的语境下,学习支持服务将直接影响着继续教育的发展质量和速度。分析英国开放大学学习支持服务的特色,结合我国继续教育发展实际,进而就构建我国继续教育服务支持体系提出相关对策,以期为更好地推进我国继续教育事业发展有所裨益。  相似文献   

阮朝辉 《成人教育》2012,(1):122-123,124
在德国成人继续教育学院成立的萌芽期,马克斯.舍勒主张只有成立与大学Universit.a.t并列的业余大学Volkshochschule,才能满足不同背景的人对高等教育的需要。业余大学建构理论具有时代的真知灼见性,舍勒提出的成人继续教育(业余大学)就是专业、职业技能技术提升教育的观点,不仅是德国的成人继续教育筹建的另类理论基础,在我国当代成人继续教育的发展中仍能找到现实的案例。  相似文献   


In order to determine the allocation of money for projects in continuing and vocational education, government agencies in the UK are providing more and more opportunities to bid for targeted funding. This article provides an overview of recent changes in funding policy in higher education and examines how such changes have impacted on continuing education deparatments in higher education, pointing up the increasing pressure to bid for UK government and European Union funds to develop provision which was once outside their sphere of operation. There appears to be little or no theoretical account of the effects of the growth in competitive tendering on continuing education, and so the impact of this relatively new funding strategy on staff and institutions is studied in order to assess its efficacy and significance for the sector as a whole. This study contextualises the familiar differences in culture between liberal adult education and vocational endeavours and between continuing education and ‘mainstream’ higher education. It also reinforces recent calls for a coherent policy of funding for continuing education.


高等教育大众化背景下的自学考试定位与创新发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自学考试在我国高等教育大众化进程中发挥了重要作用。高等教育迈入大众化阶段后,自学考试的发展将面临新的挑战。本文认为随着现代教育的发展,自学考试制度的定位必然调整为继续教育中后大学教育和职业教育,其发展模式、学习方式和考试评价等方面也要进行相应的改革。  相似文献   

新办高职院校图书馆馆员队伍具有学历层次偏低、业务能力不强的特点,为使图书馆事业发展得到应有的人力资源保障以及学校事业发展得到良好的文献资源保障,有必要加强馆员继续教育。馆员继续教育的内容主要包括观念教育、职业道德教育、专业知识与技能教育;馆员继续教育可采取多种形式,可以是学历的或非学历的、馆内的或馆际的、集中的或分散的。  相似文献   

Resistance to more humanistic forms of science education is an endemic and persistent feature of university scientists as well as school science teachers. This article argues that science education researchers should pay more attention to its origins and to the subtleties of its stubborn influence. The paper explores some of the imperatives which dominate the continuing practices of teachers; the linkages between school and university science; and re-considers the relationships between learning science, learning to do science and learning about science. It draws on recent, prominent publications, as well as neglected and rather more contentious material, to underline the unhelpfully narrow view of science held by those who defend the traditional disciplinary influences of biology, chemistry and physics. Suggestions are made as to where those of a more radical and determined disposition should direct their attention in the interests of improved education, vital scientific progress as well as human survival. It is argued that university science must change in order to ensure that teachers better help their students to learn, do and appreciate science.  相似文献   

郭达 《职教通讯》2012,(4):49-54
2009年11月,继《高等教育发展蓝图》之后,英国政府又公布了一项重要的国家技能人才发展战略白皮书:《面向增长的技能———英国国家技能战略》。该战略旨在通过技能人才的培养来促进英国的经济增长。白皮书包括六大主要部分,并提出了许多职业教育改革的新举措。通过对此报告进行介绍与分析,研究与借鉴英国职业教育的先进经验,对加大我国职业教育规范化、制度化建设等方面提供一些有益的参考与启示。  相似文献   

The introduction briefly characterises the recent situation in Finnish vocational education, in order to highlight the relevance and function of my own historical and critical research project on changes in vocational teachers’ conceptions of their work. In the second section reasons are given why teachers should be of special interest and what is meant by ‘vocational teachers’, explaining the methodological starting points and basic research questions in my project. Thirdly, some examples are given from the oral history part of the project relating to post‐war development in Finnish vocational education. In the final section some lessons, both substantial and methodological, learnt thus far, which seem important in continuing the project are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper examines Claude Grignon's empirical study of lower levels of vocational education in France. The concepts of technical culture and the morality of technical processes are explored. Grignon argues that the hidden curriculum of the Lycee for vocational education (Lycee d'Enseignement Professionel) socialises students into a worldview in which social relations are conflated with technical relations, and take on the appearance of the certainly of technical processes. Social control is exerted by excluding the possibility of ambiguity and change from this deterministic frame of reference. In the second part of the paper we seek to show that some of Grignon's analytic concepts may offer useful perspectives for analysing British Further Education curricula, by applying the concepts of technical and ‘technicised’ culture to some recent developments in British Further Education curricula.  相似文献   

为创新高校继续教育办学理念,教育部启动了"高等学校继续教育示范基地建设"项目。文章以华南理工大学继续教育示范基地建设为实证研究,对继续教育示范基地的实施与现实意义进行探索。  相似文献   

罗明誉 《成人教育》2013,33(5):110-112
有着30多年办学历史的广播电视大学,在我国高等教育发展进入了大众化教育的新阶段后,其所赖以依存和发展的外部需求已经发生了根本性的变化。新形势下,广播电视大学要主动适应外部环境的变化,整合内部资源,扬长避短,实行办学转型,从学历继续教育全面转向非学历继续教育和学历继续教育并举,重点发展非学历职业教育,促进学校事业的持续发展。  相似文献   

In Italy, vocational education is available in one-year courses (depending on the chosen occupation) in istituti professionali (vocational institutes), which are state schools, i.e., maintained by the national government. (There are also some municipal schools of this type, called scuole professionali.) Admission to vocational education takes place after completion of the eight years of compulsory schooling—in other words, after completing the scuola media. At this point, a small percentage of children enter academic upper-secondary schools (ginnasio-liceo or scuole magistrali, which prepare for elementary teaching), and a somewhat larger percentage enter the technical institutes (istituti tecnici) Graduation from all these schools gives access to university studies.  相似文献   

职业教育作为国民教育体系的重要组成部分,肩负着培养大国工匠的重任。各职业院校在人才培养模式上都在做不同的尝试,中职-高职培养模式、中职-应用本科培养模式均是构建现代职业教育体系的创新之举。该文将结合上海某高校高等职业技术学院开展的"工匠精神"培育项目,对中本贯通学生职业素养培育进行探索。  相似文献   

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