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为了观察晚期妊娠引产使用米索前列醇的可行性、有效性和安全性,选择有引产指征、无米索前列醇使用禁忌证的胎膜完整、单胎、头位晚期妊娠妇女150例,随机分为A、B两组,其中米索组80例,缩宫素组70例,并且对该两组引产时效、母儿并发症的发病情况作分析比较.结果表明:米索组较缩宫素组可明显改善宫颈成熟度,缩短引产至分娩时间(P〈0.01),两组母儿并发症差异均无统计学意义(P〉0.05).因此,在严格掌握米索前列醇引产的适应症情况下米索前列醇用于晚期妊娠引产及促宫颈成熟有价格低、性质稳定、易于保存、效果肯定,安全易掌握、引产成功率高等优点,值得临床推广尤其适合基层医疗机构应用.  相似文献   

目的探讨米非司酮配伍米索前列醇在足月妊娠引产的作用和安全性 ;方法将 6 2例足月妊娠的正常孕妇有引产指征者随机分成两组进行比较。研究组 (31例 )口服米非司酮 2 0 0mg及米索前列醇5 0ug阴道上药 ,每二小时一次至正式临产 ;对照组 (31例 )口服蓖麻油 5 0毫升炒鸡蛋 2个一顿用。结果两组引产总有效率分别为 93.5 %和 75 .1% ,有显著性差异 (P <0 .0 1)。结论应用米非司酮配伍米索前列醇进行足月妊娠引产 ,能促宫颈成熟 ,发动子宫收缩 ,并安全、有效、方便、有临床价值。  相似文献   

目的探讨米索前列醇对晚期妊娠引产的有效性和安全性。方法选择有引产指征、无引产及米索前列醇使用禁忌证的单胎、头位、胎膜完整的晚期妊娠妇女103例,随机分为A组(48例,米索前列醇)和B组(55例,催产素)。结果A组与B组引产成功率分别为77.08%、72.73%。首次用药至临产时间分别为6.18h、12.3h,首次用药至阴道分娩时间分别为369.23±235.90h、430.00±211.31min,有显著性差异(P<0.05)。分娩方式、新生儿体重,两组比较,差异均无显著性(P>0.05)。结论米索前列醇用于晚期妊娠引产有效而且安全。  相似文献   

引产是妊娠晚期终止妊娠普遍使用的治疗手段。米索前列醇用于足月妊娠计划分娩已广泛使用,它不失为一种简便、安全有效的择期计划分娩方法。米索口含、口服或阴道置入引产成功率高,副反应少,促宫颈成熟快,降低了剖宫产率,其特点是:引产时问短、产程时间短,所以密切观察产程及护理是关键环节。 1 临床资料 1998~1999年间我科共收治产妇362例,符合引产适应症者312例,用药前NST试验均阳性,其宫颈评分≤4分者202例。宫颈评分>4分者110例,全部舌下含化米索50ug,最快产程为2.35h。  相似文献   

我们于1994年1月至1995年2月采用利凡诺中期妊娠引产515例,其中43例加用米索前列醇,以软化宫颈、加强宫缩,缩短产程、减少许发症,提高引产成功率,取得满意疗效。现总结分析如下:  相似文献   

中期引产适用于因各种疾病不能继续妊娠,胎儿畸形及计划外妊娠者。其方法有多种。本文对我院1993.1—1998.11月间用利凡诺、水囊及米索前列醇三种方法引产的230例病例进行分析发现,利凡诺组妊娠合并症较多;水囊组次之;米索前列醇组无妊娠合并症。三组引产成功率差异无显著性(P<0.05),平均排胎时间米索前列醇最短(24.8h);水囊次之(33.1h);利凡诺组最长(43.4h)。产后出血的发生率,米索前列醇较其它两组少(2.6%)(水囊及利凡诺两组无明显差异。胎盘残留,产后清宫,三组比较差异有显著性(P<0.05);而发热三组比较差异无显著差异性(P>0.05)。结论:三种引产方法各有其优缺点,在实际工作中要根据病人的具体情况而选用。  相似文献   

目的探讨米非司酮配伍米索前列醇用于终止停经≤49d瘢痕子宫的妊娠。方法晨起空腹服米非司酮75mg,用药第2天早晨空腹服米非司酮75mg;用药第3天来我院空腹口服米索前列醇600μg(3片,200μg/片)门诊观察6h。结论:米非司酮结合米索前列醇用于早孕瘢痕子宫终止妊娠安全有效,值得应用与推广。  相似文献   

米非司酮伍米索前列醇终止早孕已被证实相当安全、有效 ,完全流产率 >95% ,常规用药量为米非司酮 2 5mg ,每 12h一次 ,三天后加服米索前列醇6 0 0mg ,无效者刮宫处理。而对中期妊娠引产则多使用钳刮 ,利凡诺引产等处理 ,受术者痛苦大 ,并发症较多 ,探讨用药物终止中妊娠的可能性 ,有效性及安全性 ,我们尝试用加量米非司酮伍米索前列醇终止10— 18周中期妊娠 ,取得较满意的效果 ,现报告如下 :1 资料和方法1.1 对象选择  1996年 12月到 1999年 6月在我院就诊的患者 186例 ,年龄 2 0— 34周岁 ,身体健康 ,停经 10— 18周 ,经妇科检查 ,…  相似文献   

目的:观察分析米非司酮并冰水囊和米索前列醇用于中期妊娠引产之效果与副反应。方法:米非司酮25mg,每日早6点服药,2h后进食,晚饭后2h服药,连服三天后行冰水囊引产。24h取出水囊未分娩者后穹窿放入米索前列醇0.2mg,并与雷凡诺羊膜腔内引产对照。结果:米非司酮并冰水囊引产一次成功率100%。79%24h内自然分娩,21%后穹窿放米索前列醇后分娩。米非司酮组宫缩开始时间平均为2.5h,雷凡诺平均为6(4/15)h,总平均时间分别为20(1/6)、40(1/3)h,产后出血平均分别为80.6ml,120.2ml,胎盘胎膜残留刮宫者6%、84%,米非司酮组服药后12%有轻微恶心,雷凡诺40%有低烧,分娩后好转。结论:米非司酮并冰水囊引产必要时加米索前列醇缩短了产程,减少并发症,提高了引产率,为安全、有效的方法之一。  相似文献   

人工流产术仍是目前终止孕50~80d妊娠的主要方法,术中宫颈扩张是手术的一个难点。宫颈扩张不充分致手术操作困难,可引起出血、人流不全和人流综合征。甚至有宫颈撕裂、子宫穿孔的危险。我们采用术前阴道后穹窿置米索前列醇,扩张宫颈效果满意,现总结如下。 1 临床资料 1.1 一般资料 选择1999.6~2000.4月在我院门诊自愿要求人工流产,停经在50~80d内,确诊宫内姬娠,无阴道分娩史的健康妇女140例,此次妊娠前3个月有规律月经周期。且本次  相似文献   

原花青素联用胡椒碱减轻抑郁样行为的机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨原花青素(proanthocyanidin,OPC)不同剂量联用胡椒碱(piperine,PIP)的抗抑郁样行为及其机制.方法:采用慢性不可预知性温和应激模型,连续造模联合给药21d后,d 22测定小鼠悬尾、强迫游泳不动时间;用高效液相电化学法测定小鼠海马和前额叶皮层中单胺递质及其代谢产物的含量,荧光分光光度法检测全脑单胺氧化酶活性.结果:与正常组相比,模型组小鼠悬尾和强迫游泳测试中的不动时间显著增加;同时其海马、前额叶皮层中5-羟色胺(5-hydroxytryptamine,5-HT)、去甲肾上腺素(norepinephrine,NE)含量显著下降,但5-羟吲哚乙酸(5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid,5-HIAA)与5-HT比值(5-HIAA/5-HT)显著上升.OPC (50、25、12.5 mg·kg-1)剂量组联用PIP(5 mg·kg-1)能够逆转这种现象.此外,OPC (50、25、12.5 mg·kg-1)剂量组联用胡椒碱(5 mg·kg-1)组还能降低由于应激引起的单胺氧化酶(monoamine oxidase,MAO)A型活性升高,但不影响单胺氧化酶B型活性.结论:原花青素联用胡椒碱可以改善由于慢性应激对小鼠造成的抑郁样行为,其机制可能与降低单胺氧化酶活性,增加单胺递质含量有关.  相似文献   

Inclusion is never only a practical issue of placement. School-wide systemic change, together with well-functioning, multi-tiered support, can promote the inclusion of all pupils. This paper draws on research conducted in two mainstream primary schools in Finland. The primary focus was to gain insight into practical solutions to facilitate the inclusion of pupils with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in mainstream teaching. Using an experimental, multiple-baseline, single-case design, we examined the effects of Check-in Check-out (CICO) support on changes in the behaviour of two pupils who displayed ADHD-type behaviours. The key features of CICO are brief morning and afternoon meetings with an adult, the use of a daily report card, regular positive feedback during the day, and parental involvement. This study examined if behavioural gains made during the implementation of CICO support can be maintained. Visual data analysis revealed differences in two CICO-ending strategies on maintenance in pupils with ADHD symptoms. The results suggest that consistent universal positive behaviour support systems together with additional behavioural support can facilitate the successful inclusion of pupils observed by teachers to have even severe disruptive behaviours in a mainstream learning environment.  相似文献   

The qualitative study reported in this article investigated how youth with disabilities in India described their peer relationships within their educational settings. We situate the aims of this study within the larger context of inclusive education in India and discourses on self-determination for individuals with disabilities. Findings from the study suggest that students with disabilities actively sought membership in their peer communities but had few opportunities within inhospitable schooling contexts to represent themselves in ways other than as needing help. For families of students with disabilities, the onerous demands of making physical environments and curricular materials accessible to their children left them isolated within schools and their communities. The study sheds light on families’ reluctance to abandon legal guardianship models in order to support increased self-determination for their children, and also raises important questions for activist educators working within complex conditions such as the Indian context.  相似文献   

建立了有限位移弹性理论混合变量的最小势能原理、驻值余能原理、广义势能原理、广义余能原理、虚功原理和虚余功原理。  相似文献   

在美国特殊教育的发展进程中,残障儿童家庭面临着巨大的压力,同时也起着不可替代性的作用.家庭参与的权利不仅通过法律加以保证,在研究和实践领域中,也得到人们的格外重视.家庭压力、家庭支持、伙伴协作等成为残障儿童家庭参与的研究主题,并最终走向聚焦家庭生活质量提升的赋权增能.  相似文献   

选取匹配言语智力的孤独症儿童21名、智力迟滞儿童18名和典型发展儿童20名,考察他们对指向客体与指向自我及他人假装动作的理解,探讨假装理解的相关因素。要求儿童对实验者演示的3种动作(功能游戏、替代假装和想象假装)进行解释,并完成心理理论和抑制控制任务。结果表明,孤独症儿童对假装游戏的理解存在缺陷,儿童对指向自我的动作理解不能自发迁移至对指向他人的动作理解中,心理理论和抑制控制均能正向预测假装理解。  相似文献   

Although the past two decades have witnessed an increasing interest in the education of children with disabilities in Jordan, special education services are extended to less than 3% of the target population. Accordingly, the overwhelming majority of children with disabilities stay home with very little professional support and help available to them or to their families. The primary purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the present situation of families of children with disabilities in Jordan. Basic information about developments in this area is provided and the results of a survey conducted by the authors are presented.  相似文献   

目的 :观察口疮病唇循环的变化 ,从微循环角度为其发病机理提供依据。方法 :对 6 3名患者及 5 0名健康人采用微循环显微镜 ,常规检查下唇粘膜近红部位 ,按田牛加权积分法并参考甲襞微循环评分标准对 2 1项指标进行分析。结果 :口疮病患者唇微循环中度异常 ,积分值高于正常组。结论 :口疮病患者有唇微循环障碍 ,这可能是其发病机理之一 ,采取改善微循环的措施 ,对治疗有所裨益。  相似文献   

Tea is one of the most popular beverages, consumed by over two thirds of the world's population; but the aluminum accumulation property of tea plant is becoming the focus of many researches because of aluminum's known adverse effect on human health. Investigation of the interactions of catechins with Al3 showed that during the interaction of catechins with Al3 , the UV-vis spectrum of catechins was changed. Absorption of EGCG at 274 nm decreased and increased at 322 nm; EC and C's at 278 nm changed little. The ratio of Al3 to EGCG was 1:1 in pH 5.0 buffer solution; in pH 6.2 buffer solution, the ratio in the Al-EGCG complex was 1:1. Interestingly, while the ratio reached to over 2, after the complex of Al-EGCG started polymerization, the ratio in the polymer was 2:1. In pH 6.2 buffer solution, the complex behavior of C with Al3 was the same as that of EGCG, with a little difference for EC. When the ratio of Al3 to EC was <1, the complex in ratio was 1:2, but, the complex polymerized when the ratio of Al3 to EC was >1. It was found that the ratio of Al3 to EC in the polymer was 1:1. Polymerization of Al-catechin complexes might reduce aluminum absorption in the intestine. Kow value was also employed to study the properties of aluminum species in tea infusion (at gastric and intestine pH condition) and the effect of catechins and tea polyphenols on Kow in buffer solution. Results showed that Kow value rose much higher at the intestine pH than at the gastric pH. Tea polyphenols and catechins could greatly reduce aluminum Kow value in acetic buffer, indicating that these compounds may reduce aluminum absorption during tea intake.  相似文献   

Interaction of catechins with aluminum in vitro   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
INTRODUCTION nd that catechin-metal complexes had strong bio- activities (Midori et al., 2001). But, it is not clear Because of the aluminum accumulation in tea what the mechanism of combination of catechinsplant, the safety hazard of aluminum absorption with aluminum ion is (Inoue et al., 2002), and alsowhile drin…  相似文献   

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