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刘乐 《考试周刊》2011,(63):146-147
上网时经常遇到弹出网页,大多是被动接受且有极大的破坏性。尤其是各种广告窗口更是无孔不入.防不胜防,这些弹出窗口严重影响了电脑的正常使用,甚至会造成电脑出现一定时间内“假死”的现象.严重地暴露你的隐私.危害你的账号安全,破坏清洗你的硬盘数据。本文将针对目前流行的弹出窗口进行针对性的拦截屏挽救我们的上网安全。  相似文献   

网页中的弹出窗口制作是Javascript的一个重要特点,从几个实例出发,探讨在网页中如何制作弹出窗口及如何对弹出窗品进行简单的控制。  相似文献   

首先讨论了PowerBuilder中如何根据用户需求实现数据窗口中显示列的动态控制方法,然后结合实例设计了一个界面友好、通用的数据窗口显示栏目定制窗口。  相似文献   

大家好,我发现很多网站上都会出现许多广告,有时候关掉它们之后又会弹出,很烦人。后来我发现了一个小窍门可以对付大部分弹出窗口,很简单,跟大家说一说。当打开主窗口以后,用左手的拇指按住Alt键,食指放在F4上做准备。弹出窗口刚一弹出,就赶紧用食指点一下F4——利用Alt+F4组合键,就会在瞬间把弹出窗口关闭,把它们“扼杀在摇  相似文献   

现在有好多网站不能使用鼠标右键,当你点击右键时会弹出一个窗口说些奠名其妙的话。这可怎么办呀?别急,我有办法对付它!具体做法如下: 1.在页面目标上按下鼠标右键,弹出窗口,这时不要松开右键。 2.将鼠标移到窗口的[确定]按钮上,同时按下左键。 3.松开鼠标左键,这时窗口消失。 4.再将鼠标移到目标上松开鼠标右键,就OK了。还有一种锁住鼠标右键的网站,一点鼠标右键就会出王见[添加到收藏夹] 窗口,用以上的方法不能破解,这时你可以试用下面的方法:  相似文献   

Q:念青小博士,我在使用Maxthon访问一些网站时,网页总是自动缩小到主窗口的左上角,请问这是怎么回事?如何解决?(宁青)这是因为你的Maxthon默认弹出窗口使用网页的原始大小。在Maxthon中,单击主窗口中的菜单[选项]→[Maxthon选项],在打开的选项窗口中取消选择[弹出窗口]→[以原始尺寸显示弹出窗口]项即可。  相似文献   

快速锁住电脑有时为了保护重要的信息需要锁定电脑,当电脑被锁定后,只有重新登录才能使用电脑,从而保证了电脑的安全。以下是两种快速锁定电脑的方法:1.右键单击桌面,在弹出的快捷菜单中选择[新建]→[快捷方式](图1),系统将弹出创建快捷方式向导。在文本框中输入“rundll32.exe user32.dll,Lock word Station”→单击[下一步](图2),在弹出的窗口  相似文献   

念青老师,我在上网的时候总是跳出“淘宝”的广告网页。使用了很多屏蔽弹出广告的软件也不管用,怎么办?(孜孜)二Doctor小博士这类弹出广告的原理是利用浏览器的IE内核来调用IE窗口的。因为淘宝网是由www.  相似文献   

在我们浏览一些网页时,经常会弹出一些信息窗口或浏览器窗口以显示一些公告内容,想知道这些窗口是怎么制作出来的吗?如果你还不知道,那就赶紧往下看!  相似文献   

某些网站的主页(或首页)在被用户载入打开时,希望随着主页在Interact Explorer浏览器窗口打开的同时自动弹出一个相关信息提示或网站通知等信息页窗口,一般要求这个自动弹出的页面窗口相对主页屏幕来说不要太大,一般窗口的“宽×高”为380×280(像素)。且要求这个页面内容简洁明了,主要是文本类提示性信息,能说明主要问题即可。这里我们把这个随主页打开而自动弹出的页面窗口暂定义为“信息提示小窗口”。  相似文献   

Discussions of children’s literature frequently neglect the pop-up. This universally popular type of book is often considered ephemeral and insubstantial, although some titles have managed to attain popularity and critical recognition, elevating the form to iconic status. One of the most acclaimed and lasting titles in contemporary pop-up books is Jan Pieńkowski’s Haunted House. Gothic themes have always been popular with pop-up book originators, especially as the form lends itself perfectly to concepts of transformation, but a close reading of this particular title is ideally suited to the investigation of place and space. Everything is carefully designed to draw the reader in. The familiar experience of arriving in a strange house is a concept even the youngest child can relate to, while the text poses questions and, even in its title, establishes the potential for surprise. Each turn of the page delivers this as each pop-up unfolds and demands reaction from the reader, linking narrative place and space with actual three dimensional place and space. Using Pieńkowski’s Haunted House as a focus, this article argues for a revaluation of the pop-up form.  相似文献   

This study examined the effectiveness and influence on validity of a computer-based pop-up English glossary accommodation for English learners (ELs) in grades 3 and 7. In a randomized controlled trial, we administered pop-up English glossaries with audio to students taking a statewide accountability English language arts (ELA) and mathematics assessments. As is typically found, EL students exhibited lower achievement scores than non-EL students in all portions of the test. The pop-up glossaries provided inconsistent benefit for EL students. There was some evidence that the pop-up English glossaries had a minimal inhibitory effect for 3rd-grade students on both the ELA and mathematics assessment. Furthermore, 7th-grade ELs also showed slightly inhibited performance when using the pop-up glossary on the mathematics assessment. However, 7th-grade EL students had a performance benefit when using the pop-up glossary on the ELA assessment. We discuss how increased cognitive load placed on younger students may play a role in diminishing performance when using pop-up glossaries. We explore potential explanations for the difference outcomes between mathematics and ELA in grade 7.  相似文献   

This article details an approach to teaching entrepreneurship to Higher National Diploma (HND) students that combines lecture-based and experiential learning processes to increase student learning, comprehension, and entrepreneurial skills. A UK university redesigned an entrepreneurship course to have students design and implement business plans for a pop-up shop and an event in the local community, while working closely with instructors and outside stakeholders. The lectures used in the lessons were designed to complement the enterprise activities and be immediately applied in group work settings. Data were collected from student reflections and analysed against instructor reflections to highlight both the success and challenges of this approach, as well as any areas of dissonance between student and instructor observations. While the benefits of active and experiential learning processes are highlighted in the literature, this article examines these teaching methods specifically in a HND context, an area in which research on the benefits of these teaching methods for developing entrepreneurial students and for developing students prepared for undergraduate education has been limited.  相似文献   

首先分析了摄影仿真系统系统目的和功能。然后阐述系统实现中的主要技术,重点探讨了弹出式功能菜单的实现、焦距调节和照片生成技术。测试结果表明系统运行稳定,能实时生成照片。系统为虚拟实验的开发和应用提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

时间序列的异常检测的应用越来越广泛,本文是讨论在基于分段线性的FKD时间序列模式表示基础上时间序列的异常检测。文中提出了一种基于滑动窗口的时间序列模式偏离和窗口异常度的概念,并在此基础上提出了基于滑动窗口的时间序列模式异常的检测算法。通过实验证明了该算法是合理的、有效的。  相似文献   

本文从VFP的课堂教学出发,阐述了在进入VFP后主窗口、命令窗口和程序编辑窗口按需要的字体和字号进行显示控制的实现方法,提高教学效果。  相似文献   

“Visual Basic”是一门具有很强的实践性的课程,但相关的教学范例和实验若不注重其趣味性和实用价值,难以激发学生的学习积极性。该文提供了一个用“VB”做自动运行光盘的安装界面的实验题,寻求和尝试“VB”实践教学的有效途径和方法。  相似文献   

汽车驶入水中导致司乘人员伤亡的事故近年来逐渐增多,尤其是城市中地势低洼排水不畅的地段在大雨后容易积存大量雨水,司机在不知水深的情况下冒然驶入,导致车体没入水中,车门车窗无法打开造成惨剧.针对这一问题,以北京现代伊兰特汽车左前车门车窗升降机构为例,通过计算进行结构模拟和优化,从而减少人员伤亡.结果表明,经过对伊兰特左前车门车窗升降机构改进后,司乘人员能够达到成功逃生的目的,事故伤亡率大大降低.  相似文献   

PowerBuilder(以下简称PB)是Sybase公司推出的开发基于数据库应用的快速开发平台.PB以其使用简单、开发开速、数据库支持能力较强,而得到广大程序员的青睐.然而,在用户交互、界面处理方面PB显得功能不足.本文结合实例,从PB弹出菜单这一个方面介绍了如何使用API增强PB处理能力的一种方法.  相似文献   

漏窗是园林建筑的点睛之笔,漏窗本身是景,窗内外又可互借,形成景色的连续性。将中国传统的漏窗形式合理地运用于各类园林绿地中,既可以使园林各景相互因借,达到较好的造园目的和赏景效果,又能以其独特的风格展现园林建筑的灵魂所在,继承和发扬传统的园林建筑形态。  相似文献   

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