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例1计算(1)a12÷a4;(2)x3n+4÷x3n+1.错解:(1)a12÷a4=a3;(2)x3n+4÷x3n+1=x3n+4-3n+1=x5.剖析:同底数幂相除的法则是“底数不变,指数相减”.(1)式的计算中,错把“指数相减”变成了“指数相除”;(2)式的计算中,法则虽没有用错,但在3n+1的外面没有加上括号,导致符号错误,正确答案是:(1)a8;(2)x3.例2计算:(-2x)4÷(-4x)3错解:(-2x)4÷(-4x)3=犤(-2)÷(-4)犦·x4-3=12x.剖析:-2和-4是括号内单项式的系数,可将(-…  相似文献   

一、填空题: 1.(x=3)(x-3): 2.85°: 3.2cm<C<12cm: 4.80°: 5.6.-1: 7.二、选择题: 1.B; 2. D; 3.B; 4.D; 5.B。三、因式分解: 1.(2x-5)(x+2)(x-2);2.(2a+ b-1)( Za- b+ 1); 3. x(x+2y)(x-2y) (x2+3y2)。四、计算:五、解答下列各题: 1.由已知得x-y=3xy,原式=。 2.=3%。 3.设自行车速度为x千米/时,则汽车速度为3x千米/时,根据题意,得,解得x=15。答:自行车的速度为1…  相似文献   

一、填空题: 1.x=2,x=-1; 2.(-3,-2); 3.1; 4.x≥0且x≠2; 5.k≤4; 6.y=-x+2; 7.3+2; 8. x2-3x+2=0; 9.13; 10. 3; 11. 6; 12.9cm,12cm,15cm,12cm; 13.角平分线;14.9.6。二、选择题 1.A;2.B; 3.B;4.C; 5.A;6.C; 7.D;8.B; 9.D;10.B。三、解答下列各题: 1.x1=,x2=5;2.x1=-5,x2=2,x3=-1,x4=-2; 3.6cm。 4.设原计划每天挖x米,则.原…  相似文献   

(am)n=(m,n都是正整数)。2计算:(1)(102)3;(2)(a4)3;(3)-(b2)5;(4)〔(-n)3〕3;(5)(x2)3·x4;(6)-(ym)3。二、计算:(1)x4·(x2)5;(2)(x2m)4n;(3)(a2)m·an;...  相似文献   

一、填空题。二、选择题:1.B;2.C;3.D;4.B;5.D。三、-3<-1.5 <0<2(-4)。四、计算:1.2 3.-31。五、先化简再求值:1.ab+8b2,6: 2.a2-6b2,-29。六、解下列方程:1.x=7;2.x=-5;3.七、列方程解应用题: 1.设原两位数的十位数字为x,则这个两位数是10x+(7-x),根据题意,得 10x+(7- x)=10(7-x)+x+9,解得: x=4,10x+(7-x)。 43. 答:这个两位数是43。 2.设快车开出x小时后与慢车相遇,根据题意,得…  相似文献   

一、填空回(每空3分,共30分)1.当时,根式有意义2.的有理化因式是,倒数是,绝对值是.4.二次根式中,为最简二次根式的是5.如果1,那么的取值范围是.6.7.已知0<a<1,化简8.已知实数a、b在数轴上的对应点的位置如图所示,二、判断同(正确的打,错误的打.每小题2分,共12分)1.式子叫做二次根式.2某同学计算的值,当时其解答是:3.的有理化因式是.三、单项选择题(每小题4分,共20分)1.下列计算错误的是3.在下列二次根式中有几个同类二次根式(字母都表示正数)(A)2个;(B)3个;(…  相似文献   

一、选择题1.用40牛的水平力推重500牛的物体,使它沿水平路面前进10米后停止用力,物体又滑行2米后才停下来,则水平推力做功为:()A.5×10~3焦;B.4×10~2焦;C.440焦;D.6×13~2焦.2.甲、乙两台机器,它们做功之比是4:5,完成这些所用的时间之比是4:3,则甲、乙两台机械的功率之比是:()A.5:3;B.3:5;C.4:5;D.4:1.3.如图1所示的滑轮组的机械效率为60%,用它把600牛物体匀速提高6米,则加在绳端的力F为:()A.200牛;B.300牛;C.333…  相似文献   

初一的同学在学习一元一次方程的解法时,常常会出现这样或那样的错误。现在,我把常见的错误解法归纳如下,以帮助同学们提高解方程的能力。一、移项不变号例1:解方程4-5x=6x+3错解:6x-5x=3+4x=7分析:错误的原因是对移项法则没记住。移项时,把方程中的某些项从方程的一边移到另一边时,没有改变符号。正确的解法是:-5x-6x=3-4-11x=-1x=111二、去括号时常常出现以下两类错误运算1.去括号时漏乘某些项。例2:解方程2(x+1)=3(1-x)错解:去括号,得:2x+1=3-x移项,合并同类项,…  相似文献   

利用整式乘除运算以及猜想归纳,会发现许多有价值的规律,同时也有利于提高我们的发现能力及创造能力.例1(1)计算:①(a-1)(a+1);②(a-1)(a2+a+1);③(a-1)(a3+a2+a+1);④(a-1)(a4+a3+a2+1).(2)根据(1)中的计算,你发现了什么规律,并用公式表示出来.(3)根据你所发现的规律,直接写出下题的结果:①(a-1)(a9+a8+a7+a6+a5+a4+a3+a2+a+1);②若(a-1)·M=a15-1,求M;③(a-b)(a5+a4b+a3b2+a2b3+ab4+b5);④(2x-1)(…  相似文献   

一、选择题(将下列各题中惟一正确答案的序号填入题后括号内,每小题3分,共18分)1.把-4a8√的根号外的因式移到根号内,结果是().A.-2a√B.-2a√C.-a2√D.-a√2.若最简二次根式344a2+1√与26a2-1√是同类二次根式,则a的值为().A.1B.-1C.0D.±13.下列算式:①2√+3√=5√;②3+2√=32√;③125√+325√=25√;④5√b+35√=b+35√;⑤4x2+9y2√=2x+3y.其中错误算式的个数有().A.1个B.2个C.3个D.4个4.线段、菱形、等边三角形…  相似文献   

There has been limited research into the intersection of language and arithmetic performance of students who are deaf or hard of hearing, although previous research has shown that many of these students are delayed in both language acquisition and arithmetic performance. The researchers examined the performance on arithmetic word problems of deaf and hard of hearing students in the South-East Queensland region of Australia; they also examined these students' problem-solving strategies. It was found that performance on word problems was similar for deaf and hearing students, but that deaf students experienced delays in achieving successful performance on word problems relative to their hearing peers. The results confirm the findings of other studies showing that students who are deaf or hard of hearing experience delayed language acquisition, which affects their capacity to solve arithmetic word problems. The study conclusions stress the need for greater use of direct teaching of analytic and strategic approaches to arithmetic word problems.  相似文献   

徐英姿 《天津教育》2021,(1):150-151
在小学数学课程教学过程中,课堂练习占据重要地位,同时也是学生学习数学知识、掌握数学技能的重要方式.高效的课堂练习具有重要意义,不但有助于集中学生在课堂学习中的注意力,让他们将所学的数学知识应用到数学习题的解答中,而且高效的课堂练习还能帮助教师了解和掌握学生的学习情况,从而针对学生对数学知识掌握薄弱的地方采取针对性的策略...  相似文献   

The present study aims to examine the relationship between cognitive factors and mathematical achievement in primary education. Participants were 103 Portuguese third grade students, aged 8 and 9. All participants completed a battery for working memory (WMTB-C), a test of general intelligence (Raven's Progressive Color Matrices), a selective attention test (d2), and mathematical exercises (arithmetic story problems and measurement skills). Data suggested significant correlations between math performance, executive, visuospatial sketchpad and g factor. Our findings suggest the importance of the cognitive factors in two mathematical domains considered. In consonance with the research in this area, we conclude that working memory (WM) assumes an important role in different math curricular achievements.  相似文献   

提高聋生计算能力的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我校对学生计算能力进行了调查,发现学生计算的正确率不高.究其原因,是聋校教师在计算教学中忽视了对学生计算能力和学习习惯的培养.根据有关理论,我们认为只有让学生理解运算法则,并合理地开展练习,同时培养学生良好的学习习惯,可以提高聋学生的计算能力.  相似文献   

The effects of relaxation exercises on orthography performance in language arts education of fifth to seventh graders were experimentally tested. Participants were 399 basic secondary school students and their language arts teachers from the Hauptschule, a German type of secondary education covering grades five to nine that leads to a basic educational degree. Half of the students were trained in their classrooms in the basic autogenic training (AT) formulas (self‐suggestions of passive self‐attention, heaviness and warmth) and in the technique of reactivation after relaxation. After completing a regular dictation test students applied the relaxation exercise for four minutes on their own and were then given the opportunity to reread what they had written and to correct any mistakes they found on the test. In comparison to 200 students in the control group (who were not trained in the systematic relaxation exercises), who were also given the opportunity to revise their texts after a four‐minute break, the experimental group students made significantly fewer mistakes and received better grades on the test. In addition, the results show that there were significantly fewer correct revisions and significantly more incorrect revisions of the dictation tests made by the students in the control group, thus worsening their academic performance by the possibility of ‘self‐correction’. Students and teachers evaluated AT exercises positively. Implications of the results for the application of AT in the classroom are discussed.  相似文献   

多数老师在计算机语言课的教学中,过分注重对语法问题的讲解,而对算法的重要性体会不深,在平时教学中也没有时刻地把握这一点。对这个问题的解决要求在课堂教学中注意对学生逻辑思维能力的培养,同一问题多种算法之间的比较,数据结构对算法的影响。  相似文献   

Differences were identified in students' performance of similar arithmetic tasks in two media: paper-and-pencil (P&P) and computer-assisted instruction (CAI). Performance of elementary school students on P&P was compared with their performance in CAI work in two widely used CAI systems-an Israeli and an American; in two types of practice-either mixed from a variety of types of exercises or of fixed-type exercises; with two types of task arrangement-either strictly or loosely hierarchical; and with two criteria-either level of performance as defined in the CAI curriculum or the percent of correct answers. Results show that for both CAI systems, for both criteria, for both types of task arrangement, and for either type of practice, the majority of students performed with P&P better than in their simultaneously current CAI work. However, there were students who achieved the opposite results for tasks arranged in loose hierarchy. These two contradictory trends are discussed and explained on the basis of prolonged observations of several students working with the two CAI systems involved.  相似文献   

许多教师在计算机程序设计课的教学中,很注重对语法问题的讲解,而对算法的重要性体会不深,在平时教学中也没有时刻地把握这一点。该文针对这个问题,提出要在课堂教学中注意对学生逻辑思维能力的培养,对同一问题进行多种算法之间的比较,并分析数据结构对算法的影响。强调同一算法可以用不同的语言工具来实现。  相似文献   

Working on arithmetic word problems when English is an additional language   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There has been little research in the UK into how students learning English as an additional language (EAL) learn mathematics. This article reports results from a three‐year study of the participation of learners of EAL in Year 5 in an arithmetic word problem task. The research, drawing on ideas from discursive psychology, used discourse analysis to explore patterns of attention in students' interaction as they worked in pairs or threes. The article briefly describes four patterns of attention: to genre, to mathematical structure, to narrative experience and to written form. Further analysis explored how students used attention as part of the social activity involved in working on the task. The rest of the article illustrates how students used attention to narrative experience to make links between word problems and their own experience, as well as to negotiate their relationships with each other.  相似文献   

本文针对大专院校学生课外体育锻炼过程中出现的种种问题,探讨建立课外体育锻炼运动处方的必要性及运动处方的构建模式,以便教师更好地指导和督促,学生更有效地开展课外体育锻炼.  相似文献   

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