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接教五(2)班前我就知道该班是出了名的“捣蛋班”。提起该班,任课老师就连连摇头,听说个别女老师还被气得暗地里哭了好几回,有个别男教师也曾在课堂上气得吹胡子瞪眼的。在这种情况下接下该班,我深知责任重大,不敢有丝毫懈怠,认真思考起对策来。针对班级的情况和学生的情况,  相似文献   

云南大学外语系90级法语班进校后,我一直是该班的班主任和主课老师。四年来,该班年年出现令人注目的好成绩:第一学年结束后,该班所有课程的总平均成绩84分,全班20名学生中有14名(占70%)达到云大三好生标准,(因名额有限,只有前七名获奖)。第二学年结束时被学校批准读双学位及辅修课程者达11人(占56%)。三年级时,该班参加全国大学英语四、六级统测,通过率达90%,而且云南省当年的四、六级状元都出在该班。四年级时,该班的段跃武同学以优秀的专业成绩考取我国外语名牌大学——北京外语学院法语系研究生。毕业分配时,该班是云…  相似文献   

星期三下午,第二节课的上课铃声响过了。初二某班是自习课。张老师经过该班教室时,由于身体不舒服便忍不住咳嗽了几下。这时,该班的陈明同学跟着张老师的咳嗽声连续高声咳了几下,全班同学哄然大笑。张老师联想到前几天自己经过该班时也有学生模仿自己咳嗽的现象,不  相似文献   

上完《社会心理学》课程后,我对三年级文科大学专科毕业班学生进行了一次心理承受力问卷调查。该班学生35人,发出问卷35份,收回35份,全部问卷有效。经过对该班问卷的梳理,可约略窥见当代大学生心理承受力的若干情况,现将此作为个案分析如下:  相似文献   

在多年的班务工作中,我深切体会到:班主任犹如一名医生,班级管理就像医生给患者治病一样。 上个学年,学校领导在研究初二(2)班班主任人选时,经再三斟酌,决定让我担任该班班主任。 一提起该班,知道底细的人无不摇头叹气。因为该班纪律性差,学习上更是马尾串豆腐——不值一提:在初一级学年统考时,该班各科成绩均是全级倒数第一。烟龄最长(自小学一年级起就吸烟)的林某,因盗窃公物被派出所拘留的廖某,“打架大王”及“电子游戏大王”均出自该班,是一个名符其实的烂摊子。 接到这个班,我便先把了把这个班的“脉”:这个班共…  相似文献   

暑假后,我接四年级的班主任并承担该班的语文教学。在交接时,我向原班主任王老师了解该班学生的情况,他向我详细介绍了每一位学生的学习及课堂表现。给我留下深刻印象的是一名叫王浩的男生,王老师对他  相似文献   

最近,我们作了一些调查研究: (一)在县实验小学查阅了四年级五个班语文半期考的情况。其中四(2)班50个学生,平均成绩85.2分,及格率100%,优秀率20%,比该班三年级时的期考平均分提高2.2分,及格率提高1%,在同年段中居首位,究其原因就是该班升到四年级后狠抓了学生非智力因素的培养。据调查了解,该班教师在开学  相似文献   

自我是人格的核心结构,自我意识是个体对自己及自己与周围关系的意识。良好的自我意识能促进人的身心健康发展。本研究以教育水平欠发达的中部地区某地市郊区的某小学四年级的一个班级为研究对象,通过问卷、访谈等方法对该班小学生自我意识进行了调查,结果显示该班小学生自我意识方面存在诸多问题,通过对调查结果的分析找出原因并提出相应的对策,以探讨促进小学生自我意识的教育途径。  相似文献   

08学年,获悉新接任的班级是高三(8)班,该班是学校的重点实验班,我在倍感荣幸的同时,也有些焦虑:该班高一、高二的班风与学风表现并不尽如人意,与所谓的重点实验班名不副实。  相似文献   

我曾接管一个差班 ,该班各个方面在学校同年级中都处于落后地位 ,曾使好几任班主任望而生畏。接任后 ,我首先制定了扭转该班落后局面的“五步走”计划。 (即 :调查情况、制定措施、树立新班风、争上新台阶、赶超先进班 )经深入调查得知 :并不是该班学生比其他班的学生笨 ,只因在低年级时调换班主任频繁、管理不善 ,加上受应试教育影响 ,学生个体发展差异大 ,学习的内部动力差 ,集中表现为自信心不足、学习积极性低、班活动参与性差。造成这一状况的原因是他们曾反复经历了失败 ,产生了消极心理 ,丧失了自信心、丧失了原动力。找到了症结所在…  相似文献   

This article summarizes the literature concerning the use of visual and textual metaphors and describes outcomes of a project designed to help teacher education candidates begin integrating their personal beliefs about teaching with their growing professional knowledge and emergent practice. By using metaphors, teacher educators have the opportunity to help candidates solidify convictions and meanings and uncover “tacit or unarticulated” beliefs (Clandinin & Connelly, 1995 Clandinin, D. J. and Connelly, F. M. 1995. Teachers' professional knowledge landscapes, New York: Teachers College, Columbia University.  [Google Scholar], p. 6) that can lead to frame conflict (Reddy, 1993 Reddy, M. 1993. “The conduit metaphor: A case of frame conflict in our language about language.”. In Metaphor and thought , 2nd ed., Edited by: Ortony, A. 164201. Cambridge, , England: Cambridge University Press. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]), that is, dueling metaphors. For example, there is a frame conflict in the conception of student value in the metaphors of teacher-as-police-officer and teacher-as-gardener. In one metaphor, students are perceived as deficit “others” who must be carefully watched by authorities; in the gardening metaphor, student potential is recognized as “more than” what can be seen on the surface. This article demonstrates how one university faculty explores textual and visual metaphor to encourage discourse among the candidates, other peers, and professors in a school of education. This extended dialogue gives candidates the opportunity to “compare their own characterizations to those of their peers, and depending on the responses of others, either maintain their own construals or bring theirs in line with those of the others” (Petrie & Oshlag, 1993 Petrie, H. and Oshlag, R. 1993. “Metaphor and learning.”. In Metaphor and thought , 2nd ed., Edited by: Ortony, A. 579609. Cambridge, , England: Cambridge University Press. [Crossref] [Google Scholar], p. 602). This is the educative process of frame restructuring. As an added benefit of this project, the authors have found that using an artistic format combined with a written explanation of their work requires candidates to become more thoughtful, reflective practitioners.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to estimate the reliability of oral examinations at the College of Medicine, The University of Iowa. In this paper, a part of the study is presented to provide the reader with an example of the applicability of a Balanced Incomplete Block Design (BIBD). This type of design is used when only fewer than all participating examiners can rate each examinee. Such a design was proposed originally by Yates in 1936.(1 Yates, F. 1936. “Incomplete randomised blocks”. Annals of Eugenics, 7: 121140. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]) The methods for analysing data obtained by BIBD were presented by Fleiss.(2 Fleiss, J. L. 1981. “Balanced incomplete block designs for inter‐rater reliability studies”. Applied Psychological Measurement, 5(1): 105112. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) The reliability coefficient of the oral examination was .71, higher than some experts would anticipate in a similar situation. When some of the sources of error were eliminated by evaluating students' performances on audio‐tape, the reliability coefficient increased to .88.  相似文献   

考虑带有参考函数的一类非线性发展方程,用延拓结构方法求出这类发展方程的几何对称.选取不同的参考函数,可以使所得结果适用于不同的发展方程.  相似文献   

探讨无约束优化的一族最优条件数自调比变尺度(OCSSVM)算法的收敛性。证明了采用Wolfe线性搜索的此族算法对于一般的凸函数是整体收敛的。  相似文献   

建设一支高质量的“两课”教师队伍 ,是全面推进素质教育的基本保证 ,也是搞好“两课”教学的关键。因此 ,“两课”教师必须着重于提高自己的整体素质  相似文献   

本文研究了两类含超前变量的双曲型偏微分方程的振动性,给出了所有解振动的充分条件。  相似文献   

Research typically has focused on the benefits of mentoring for those who are mentored by more experienced educators (Odell &; Huling, 2000 Odell, S. J. and Huling, L. 2000. Quality mentoring for novice teachers, Indianapolis, IN: Kappa Delta Pi.  [Google Scholar]; Feiman-Nemser, 2001 Feiman-Nemser, S. 2001. Helping novices learn to teach. Journal of Teacher Education, 52(1): 1730. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Few studies examine the inherent benefits for the mentors. This study investigates the benefit of the mentoring experience for the veteran educator. It analyzes how the experience has changed the way the mentors view themselves as educational leaders. Based on group and individual interviews, written documents and surveys, the data reveal the personal and professional significance of being part of a structured mentoring community.  相似文献   

This paper (1) (1) I would like to acknowledge my debt of gratitude to all members of the BAP A Course Board whose collective contribution to the recent CNAA progress review made the writing of this paper possible. View all notes traces the evaluation process of the BA Public Administration course at the Glasgow College. The process ran from September 1985 to November 1986, during which time, the author, a senior lecturer in the Law and Public Administration Department, was a member of the course review committee at the centre of the process, liaising with staff, Faculty, CNAA, external examiners, students, graduates and employers. The outcome was that the CNAA awarded retrospective approval, thus enabling students, enrolled in October 1986, to transfer to the new scheme, and the course board was given delegated authority to make changes without prior approval.


“九五”期间中国特殊教育发展的新格局是根据当今中国之国情及未来发展之要求而提出的。近年来,随着国家残疾儿童义务教育的推广,特殊教育的内容发生了很大的变化,传统的特殊教育组织形式(特殊教育学校)已不能适应发展了的特殊教育内容,新的特殊教育组织形式(普通学校附属特教班、特殊儿童在普通学校随班就读)应运而生并极大地推动了中国特殊教育的发展,它的出现有其深厚的理论与哲学基础和很大的实践意义,是历史的必然和时代的选择。内容与形式的原理又要求在发展特教班和随班就读的时候既要发展其数量又要关注其质量。  相似文献   

The 34th meeting of the Council of Europe Committee for Higher Education and Research was held in Strasbourg from 3 to 5 November 1976.

The main points raised in discussions were as follows:

  • the current situation and trends in tertiary education;

  • the recognition of degrees and diplomas;

  • the future existence of the Committee for Higher Education and Research;

  • the current situation and trends in university research;

  • the teaching of human rights;

  • mobility of higher education staff and students;

  • the future programme of the Committee.

The information presented below concentrates on some of the above points.  相似文献   

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