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对黑龙江省中小学的部分女教师职业情感调查发现,处在社会转型期的女教师,在面对所处的环境和经历的事情时,会产生不同的认识和看法,有些负面情绪已经影响到了女教师的幸福指数。正确认识教育教学和社会生活中所面临的各种现象和问题,找到影响女教师成长的一些普遍存在的负面情绪和原因,鼓励女教师在工作、学习和生活中,用心做事,全心投入,克服负面情绪的影响,调整好心态,享受做教师的快乐和幸福。  相似文献   

通过对甘肃临夏回族自治县东乡族女教师的田野调查发现,东乡族女教师生涯发展是一个多元且动态的发展过程。其生涯转换的心路历程显现出生活在偏僻山乡的东乡族女教师在追求职业理想过程中所遇到的传统文化与现代文化的冲突,从而折射出文化变迁对教师的生涯发展所产生的巨大影响。  相似文献   

通过对高校女教师生活、工作、心理、价值实现与权益保护等方面的实证调查发现:高校女教师身心健康状况总体较好,但职业压力较大;婚姻满意度较高,对家庭较依赖,交往网络不宽泛;工作能力强和职业认同感较强,但对公共性活动的参与度不高。根据以上特征,高校应关注女教师的身心健康与权利保护,提升她们对学校公共事物的主动参与性;创造公正的工作环境,帮助女教师提升自身人力资本以实现其职业理想;成立各类自愿团体,拓展女教师的关系网络。  相似文献   

角色,社会心理学家用它来表示一个人在社会关系体系中的地位与身份。女教师作为现代职业女性,面对着社会、学校、家庭、个人的多维立体人生,其承担的社会角色具有多重性.这种多重性必然会由于角色要求的不同而引起角色冲突,多重的角色冲突又必然对女教师的工作、学习、生活产生重大的影响。本文拟就这一问题作些探讨。一、女教师角色冲突的表现形式我国现代社会中的女教师,社会地位和自身的素质已有了较大的提高,但这并不意味着传统的妇女问题已得到充分的解决.同时,传统女性角色和现代职业角色又都会增添新的时代色彩,必然也存在着新的角色冲突和矛盾。女教师角色冲突的具体表现形式是:  相似文献   

风险社会下社会阶级、职业、婚姻、性别地位都丧失了确定的基础,女性在传统与现代的冲突下对生存的真正意义产生迷茫,陷入自我认同危机。现代化所带来的教育技术化和多元职能化,遮蔽了教师自我发展诉求,引发职业认同危机。通过对高校女教师自我认同危机的阐释与分析,摆出当前风险社会下高校女教师精神世界的典型困惑,尝试性构建合理的价值观和反思性超越高校女教师的自我认同途径。  相似文献   

女教师已成为高校教学工作中一支重要的力量,对高等教育的发展做出了巨大贡献,赢得了社会的赞誉和认可。但同时,高校女教师也承受着巨大的压力和挑战,她们的职业发展状况不容乐观。文章从社会、个体等方面分析了高校女教师职业压力产生的原因。充分认识高校女教师职业发展现状,采取积极的应对措施,提高高校女教师的成就动机和自信心,挖掘她们的潜力,发挥她们的作用,实现女性教师职业可持续发展。  相似文献   

高校女教师的角色冲突与协调发展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本文就作为现代职业知识女性代表的高校女教师角色冲突产生的原因和新时期高校女教师角色冲突的四个特征做了详细阐述后明确指出:高校女教师应理性地认识到,现代知识女性由角色冲突走向角色和谐发展是一个艰难而漫长的历程,应该大胆正视冲突,作出合理选择,力争向优秀女学者女专家学习,为社会的协调发展贡献自己的力量。  相似文献   

黄林 《快乐阅读》2011,(24):20-21
语文是一块充满情感的天地,语文教材中那些文质兼美的文学作品,给学生提供了真、善、美的标准;而语文教师富有情感的教学,不仅能丰富学生的精神世界,完善学生的人格,而且也能展示语文教学的艺术魅力。那么,语文教师如何培养自己的教学情感呢?首先,良好的职业情感是教学情感产生的基础。情感是在认识的基础上产生的,教师要想对自己从事的职业产生深厚情感,就必须对该职业有深刻的认  相似文献   

徐莉 《教育学报》2007,3(6):44-48
生活在偏僻山乡的少数民族女教师在追求职业理想过程中遭遇了前所未有的文化困境与迷茫。通过对广西融水苗族自治县女教师的调查发现,少数民族女教师发展的心路历程不仅透露出传统文化在教师发展历程中的印痕,更显现出当下跨文化语境对偏僻山乡的震荡以及由此带来的教师主观文化体验的流转起伏,从而折射出文化境遇对一个教师的教育信念与心灵归宿产生的巨大影响。  相似文献   

高校女教师是高校教师的重要组成部分,高校女教师的学术职业发展存在着高原现象,产生了较大的发展压力。其压力主要源自自身的角色冲突、超越自我设限、性别偏见和高校评价中的价值取向。为了缓解高校女教师学术职业发展压力,社会应改变对高校女教师的双重角色期待,高校应进一步营造女教师学术职业发展的有利环境,女教师自身也应增强主体意识,提高竞争能力。  相似文献   

The use of mentoring group conversations as a tool to support pre-service teachers’ professional development has become more common. However, there is still a lack of research that shows how conversations are used to develop knowledge. The present paper is based on ethnographical observations of mentoring group conversations, and describes how pre-service teachers who participate in an obligatory mentoring model use their conversations as an arena in their search for professional knowledge. Three areas were focused upon during the conversations: the teachers’ role and teaching practice, conditions for professional development and conditions related to the profession. The pre-service teachers mainly used conversations to question, discuss, share and reflect over pedagogical and didactical dilemmas related to teaching activities in the classroom and to their own as well as other teachers’ behaviour and attitudes in different situations. The paper provides an insight into how a mentoring model can contribute to professional preparation.  相似文献   

教学指导:促进初任教师专业发展的有效途径   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
初任教师入职阶段是教师专业发展的关键环节。在这一阶段,安排有经验的教师对其进行教学指导,是促进初任教师专业发展的有效途径之一。文章主要论述教学指导在教师专业发展过程中的作用、教学指导的特点,以及成功教学指导计划的标准等。  相似文献   

Researchers indicate that prior experience and beliefs about learning and teaching held by practicing and pre-service teachers contribute significantly in shaping their mentoring relationships and, more broadly, their career outlook and aspirations. While mentoring is commonly seen as a form of support for pre-service teachers, mentoring can be pivotal in the creation of enabling environments in which collaborative, professional dialogs are undertaken. Yet, there lies a tension between enculturation into the norms of schools and promoting self-belief, participation, and collaboration. Drawing on a qualitative methodology, in this study we focused on the conceptions and expectations of classroom mentoring within the context of a teacher reform initiative in Scotland. Findings indicated that participants in the study held a mixture of beliefs regarding mentoring practices. Implications for partnership arrangements in initial teacher education and teachers’ career development were discussed.  相似文献   

This article extends the literature on teachers’ career paths by attending to the experiences of educators when they were students in secondary classrooms. Grounded in the perspective that biography is central to teaching, we investigate undergraduate pre-service teachers’ educational experiences, views on teaching and learning, and professional plans. We draw upon life history interviews with 40 prospective teachers at three institutions across Pennsylvania, USA. We find that past educational experiences are intricately connected with career choice, intended professional path, and pedagogical focus. This paper identifies and discusses three forms of modeling – disciplinary, mentoring, and empowering – which influence pre-service teachers in powerful and enduring ways. These forms of modeling expand our understanding of teachers’ career intentions and apply the apprenticeship of observation to planned career paths.  相似文献   

Support, professional guidance and modelling of teaching practice offered by quality mentor teachers are important components in preparing teachers for the profession. Yet research confirms the impact of poor mentoring on pre-service teachers’ developing pedagogy. This paper reports findings from a qualitative study with pre-service drama teachers and their mentors as a way of better understanding how mentoring impacts their developing pedagogy, in a learning area that is highly interactive and relational. Data comprised of observations of planning and teaching, participant interviews, journals and field notes representing five pre-service drama teachers’ experience of mentors during an extended teaching practicum. These data revealed the considerable variance and disparities in mentoring styles and quality and the repercussions for the pre-service drama teachers. The discussion addresses the implications of these findings in light of those mentor attributes identified as most conducive to creating competent and confident beginning drama teachers.  相似文献   

教育实习指导教师作为教育范式轨迹的鲜活的代表,为实习教师提供一套可以让他们采用、修改或拒绝的模式,因此教育实习指导教师的身份认同表现对实习教师的专业成长具有一定的影响。通过对指导话语所表现的身份认同进行对比分析,揭示了当今教育改革背景下实习指导教师身份认同的新特点,以及对实习教师具有启迪作用的指导教师身份认同表现,即课堂和生活中本真自我与指导身份认同的交融。  相似文献   

Mentoring pedagogical knowledge is fundamental towards developing preservice teachers’ practices. As a result of a train-the-trainer mentoring programme, this study aimed to understand how mentors’ engagement in a professional development programme on mentoring contributes to their mentoring of pedagogical knowledge practices. This qualitative research analyses the mentoring of pedagogical knowledge from six paired mentor teachers and preservice teachers (n=12) after a four-week professional school experience. Findings indicated that the train-the-trainer model was successful for mentoring pedagogical knowledge on 10 of the 11 advocated practices. This suggested that a well-constructed professional development programme on mentoring can advance the quality of mentoring for enhancing preservice teachers’ practices.  相似文献   

The use of mentoring within teacher education has become more common in recent years, however, there still seems to be a lack of research about formal group mentorship models as a pedagogical process. In my study, I presented knowledge about how a formal group mentorship model used during a teacher education program at a Swedish university has affected the student teachers’ professional development. The findings suggest that nearly all the student teachers describe the mentoring group conversations as beneficial as they have contributed to a strengthened socialization, identity and/or teacher role, a possibility to share experiences, hear others perspectives, and get support in the process of linking theoretical educational content and teaching activities. A few students expressed that the mentoring program has not contributed at all to their professional development.  相似文献   

指导教师是促进实习生专业发展的不可或缺的重要因素。通过分析西方国家指导教师的相关研究,从指导教师的角色、选拔和培训以及指导策略等方面总结了教育实习指导工作有效开展的前提条件。提出建立良好的教师指导工作情境,完善指导教师选拔体系,实现指导教师角色的转换,促进指导教师的反思是我国指导教师专业发展的有效策略。  相似文献   

Though it is well known that pre-service teachers’ field experiences are recognized as key to enhancing teaching practice, Taiwanese pre-service teachers who take ‘Teaching Methods and Materials’ in elementary school’s seven areas often complain that they lack field experience. They do not have the opportunity to experience teaching demonstrations among real elementary school students. This case study discusses 35 pre-service English teachers’ professional learning and the field experience they acquired from expert teachers in the Teaching Methods and Materials of English in the Elementary School course in Taiwan. Data in this study include: (1) observation notes, (2) lesson plans, worksheets, and teaching materials, (3) videos on teaching demonstrations, (4) conversation notes on lesson planning, (5) the class syllabus, (6) semi-structured interviews with expert teachers, and (7) participants’ reflections on their mentoring experience. Participants held positive attitudes toward the mentoring experience and their expert teachers. Because it helped them combine their knowledge of the classroom context, lesson plan content, instructional pedagogy, and their students, these 35 participants regarded teaching practice as more beneficial than observing expert teachers’ instructions and having conversation with expert teachers after teaching practice. In addition to mentored field experience, online discussions and seminars on topics are suggested for inclusion in mentoring activities.  相似文献   

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