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<正>Chinese ancestors used human figures,beasts, birds, flowers, characters and natural phenomena in a symbolic and allusive manner in order to express their bes...  相似文献   

“角”是何物?就是古代军旅中使用的号角。因最初都是用兽角做成,故以“角”来命名。有关它的记载,不见于汉以前的文献,从东汉末起,典籍中屡见不鲜。最早提及者是公孙瓒的《告子读书》,内有“袁氏之攻,状若鬼神,梯冲舞台楼上,鼓角鸣于地中”(《后汉书》本传)数语。其次是《三国志》,其中《陆逊传》《吴贺齐传》《虞翻传》诸篇,均说到它。  相似文献   

The National Museum of China is known for its collection of valuable bronze of ancient China, such as the bronze vessel unearthed from Fuhao Tomb of Yin Xu Ruins, Houmuwu ding vessel, Zilong ding vessel, Yu vessel, Tianwang bronze, as well as bronze objects unearthed from Marquis Cai’s Tomb and tombs in Huixian County. These bronze collections represent ancient China’s significant accomplishments in bronze art.  相似文献   

赵健 《寻根》2020,(1):43-49
西瓜虽然是夏季常见的时令水果,但是关于它的历史,至今仍是一笔糊涂账。比如第一个问题,西瓜是从哪里来的?顾名思义,西边来的。明代徐光启在《农政全书》中就说:“种出西域,故名。”目前最被普遍接受的观点是,西瓜的原产地在非洲,埃及早在四千多年前就有栽培西瓜的历史,埃及墓葬出土过西瓜籽和残叶,壁画上描绘有人们食用西瓜的情景。  相似文献   

The Geological Museum of China, first built in 1916, is the largest of its kind in Asia and currently collects 200,000 samples, some of which are the mostvaluable in the world, such as the Shandong Dinosaur fossil, the world's tallest, most well-preserved fossil of duck-billed dinosaur; the Oriental Shenzhou Dinosaur fossil, the world's only extant coelurosaur fossil; teeth fossils of Yuanmou Ape Man, China's oldest human fossils ever found: the world's largest single crystal; the world's largest yellow arsenic crystal; huge cands and more,  相似文献   

关于"支那"名称的来源   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
方汉文 《寻根》2003,(3):51-57
9长期困扰世界学术界的一个难题是:世界相当多的国家,特别是古代西方对于中国的称名“支那”(China)是从何而来?它与西方接触中国的历史有什么关系?这是一个有重要现实意义的研究,因为历史并不是过去,在一定的意义上,正如西方史学家克罗齐所说,一切历史都是当代史。而国家名称则是其历史的符号,它的所指与能指都与这个国家的历史直接相关。直到近年,关于“支那”一词的争论仍然很激烈,当有人使用“支那”来称呼中国人时,海内外华人都对于它是不是有贬低中国人的含意十分关注,这方面的争论一直不断。因此明辨这一名称的来源是十分重要的。笔…  相似文献   

Tagore and China     
<正>May7,2011marked the150th anniversary of the birth of Rabindranath Tagore,a world-famous Indian poet.Tagore was a true friend of Chinese people.He attached gr...  相似文献   

China is known as the earliest nation in the world to plant mulberry trees,raise silkworms,make silk and weave silk fabrics,Chinese people began making silk fabrics more than 5000 years ago.Thanks to outstanding quality,brilliant colors and rich diversily of Chinese silk,China is praised as"silk nation".  相似文献   

China as method     
This is one of Mizoguchi Yūzō’s famous polemical essays in which he rethinks the problems of Japanese sinology. He contends that China has been essential to constructing Japanese identity and consequently Japanese sinologists developed what he calls a “sinology without China.” That is Japanese sinologists projected a subjective image of China and such visions of China said more about Japan than they did about China. In contrast to this, Mizoguchi attempts to outline a sinology that takes China as method and uncovers the internal dynamics of Chinese history. Towards the end of the essay, he also discusses the ideological implications of such a shift in focus. In short, previous sinologists often took something like Western modernity as a method and forced China into this framework. Against this, Mizoguchi underscores the specific logics of Chinese history and hopes then to construct a new universality grounded in specific spatio-temporal logics around the world.  相似文献   

Over the past 30 years since the reform and open up policy was adopted, China has completed the intellectuat property legislation process that Western countries did for half a century or even more than one century and built and improved a legal system governing intellectual property that keeps consistent with international conventions and features characteristics of the country's own. The former director-general of the World International Property Rights Organization said, "In the history of intellectual property, China is unique in terms of its speed to complete all these."  相似文献   

Letter paper design in woodblock print is a unique art of ancient China. It evolved into a distinct and elegant art form during the Ming and Qing dynasties when many famous artists and writers ordered letter paper specially designed for themselves. Some was even decorated with special water prints and secret marks. In ancient China, letter paper was not simply used for the purpose of writing but imbued with cultural richness.  相似文献   

Huang Huilin, a South Korea student studying Chinese in Central China Normal University, graduated this year and was employed by a hotel in Qingdao, She said shyly to the reporter that she hoped to stay longer in China, "Although I have spent quite a long time in China, there are still much more alluring and mysterious to me," In recent years, there are more and more foreign students who have shared similar experiences with Huang.  相似文献   

The National Waxworks Museum of China, as part of China National Museum, showcases 126 life like wax figures of celebrity from China and the rest of the world which feature exquisite craftsmanship, vivid portraits and unique scenes. Since its opening in 2004, the waxworks on display have attracted numerous visitors and media coverage. A press article used the caption "On the opening day, the real guardian even frightened an old woman" to describe how lifelike these waxworks are.  相似文献   

Weibo in China     
<正>Weibo is a Chinese word for "microblogging". Over the past two years, this new Internet service has attracted users from every sector of the society. Message...  相似文献   

建設具有中國特色的社會主義,實現現代化,需要瞭解中國的國情.中國的國情,不僅是中國的現狀,也包括現狀所由發展而來的歷史,因此需要瞭解歷史上的中國. 瞭解歷史上的中國,有許多途徑,其中之一,是從整體上,從歷史發展的全過程的角度,看看中國在歷史上有些什么值得注意的、屬於中國所特有的現象.或者説,與其他國家的歷史相比較,歷史上的中國有些什么樣的特色.  相似文献   

An intriguing billboard on a street in Paris proclaims: "Learning Chinese will give you opportunities and wealth over the next several decades of your life." In Paris, the "China craze" set in motion by "China Culture Year 2004" has influenced not only the business world, but cultural and educational fields as well. Twelve free public lectures about China, sponsored by Universite de Tous les Savoirs, were held recently, featuring 12 Sinologists who spoke on China's politics, economy, culture and science. Meanwhile, seminars on China-related  相似文献   

On February 6, 2008, the eve of the Chinese Year of Rat, Chinese red lanterns ignited major shopping streets of London. For the third year running, the "China in London" season was officially launched with grand parades. This spectacular event, aiming to showcase China's fascinating history and culture and strengthen ties between China and UK, has attracted a huge number of local residents and many prestigious institutions like the British Museum and the Royal Opera House.  相似文献   

王永宽 《寻根》2004,(6):81-84
中国文化起源较早,邮递的起源与发展也同样有着悠久的历史。尽管当代社会是高度信息化的社会,人与人之间、地区与地区之间的通讯联络已由原来的邮政传递扩展为电话、电报、传真、手机、电子邮件、数码信息等多种形式,  相似文献   

From October 10 to 17, the Festival of China 2009 was held in Kathmandu, capital of Nepal. This one-week biennial celebration, initiated in 2003, aims to "promote culturaland art exchange between the two countries, facilitate friendship between the two people and enhance friendly neighborhood". This fourth session, with the theme of "experience the charm of Nantong", was jointly sponsored by the Ministry of Culture of China, the Government of Jiangsu Province and the Chinese Embassy in Nepal. Diverse events were launched during the festival, including performances, trade fairs, fashion shows, exhibitions, food fairs and film showcases.  相似文献   

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