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全球儿童肥胖现象日益严重,我国肥胖儿童群体整体呈现“基数大、增幅快”的趋势。肥胖不仅会影响儿童青少年的正常生长发育,还会对身体多系统、心理智力、社会适应等产生严重危害。儿童肥胖也是引起成年肥胖和成年代谢综合征的高危因素,呈现出“慢性病低龄化”的现象,已成为我国国民健康体系中亟待解决的重大公共卫生问题。儿童肥胖大多与传统育儿观念、代际伦理教育方式、现代育儿环境等家庭不健康的生活理念和行为有关。家庭作为儿童长期生活的直接接触环境,是防治儿童青少年肥胖的“主阵地”,在儿童青少年肥胖防治中具有重要指引及监管作用。此外,社会各环节的脱节管理也大大减弱了儿童青少年肥胖协同防治效能。因此,解决儿童肥胖问题,要坚持预防为主、防治结合,从早期防范干预肥胖,基于数字化智能智算平台,实现以家庭为主、以路径驱动的“家校社医政”五维联动模式构建,促进全社会多环节的精准实施和紧密联动,这也是探索新时期积极实践慢性病防控与管理的重要举措。  相似文献   

  肥胖影响儿童生长发育。肥胖儿童身高发育较体重正常儿童提前,但“最终身高”却可能低于体重正常儿童。  相似文献   

假期肥胖儿童管理一直是保育工作的一个薄弱环节。根据以往的经验,暑假过后,绝大部分肥胖儿童的体重会明显增加,不少超重幼儿也会加入到肥胖儿童的行列中来。为了突破假期肥胖儿童体重控制这一瓶颈,去年暑假,我们尝试了“假期健康小口袋”方案,效果明显。“假期健康小口袋”是我们自己设计制作的。在这个纸袋里装有我们精心准备和整理的一系列关于肥胖儿童假期体重控制的资料。主要包括以下四大内容:●给家长的信信的内容包括三方面:①介绍肥胖的危害(生理疾病、心理障碍),以引起家长对儿童肥胖问题的重视;②通过对我园寄宿和非寄宿幼儿肥胖…  相似文献   

儿童语言中的“上”、“下”类方位词   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
儿童在使用趋向动词“上”、“下”及形成对垂直方位的心理表征能力的基础上开始掌握“上”、“下”类方位词。本文考察了儿童使用“上”、“下”类方位词的情况 ,从句法、语义方面描述了其发展过程 ,并讨论了儿童习得“上”、“下”类方位词的机制和特点。  相似文献   

由于长期以来封建传统推行顺民教育,这不仅导致我国历代儿童个性备受压抑,而且导致我国儿童文学对“好孩子”形象的推崇;但新时期以来,基于对“儿童反儿童化”现象的深刻把握,学界呼唤强者形象的悖论观念,大大拓宽了人物形象塑造的审美领域。同时,昔日儿童文苑基于儿童心灵的纯洁而主张多写光明,可由于十年浩劫导致儿童身心受到严重摧残,于是儿童文苑里的伤痕描写终于冲破“几十年一贯制”的题材禁区。中国当代儿童文学在悖论机制推动下得以腾飞。  相似文献   

儿童肥胖的潜在性危害及预防   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国儿童肥胖症患者越来越多,已处于奇高状态.肥胖是一种严重危害儿童健康的慢性疾病,对儿童身心都有严重的影响,对他们以后的健康埋下了极大的隐患.预防和控制儿童肥胖是预防成年期心脑血管疾病的关键.  相似文献   

儿童高血压患者中“小胖墩儿”居多。我国一些大城市,肥胖儿童占学龄儿童总数的5%~15%。有些地区更高。孩子肥胖为患高血压、高血脂、糖尿病、冠心病等症埋下了隐患,必须引起家长的重视。据日本医学界的一些调查发现,肥胖  相似文献   

中国城市儿童超重和肥胖呈快速上升的趋势。儿童肥胖不仅仅是个人的饮食和身体健康问题,而且是一种文化滞后的现象。传统的崇尚“胖”的育儿观念、以祖辈带养为主的现代带养方式和陕餐式的全球化环境都是导致城市儿童肥胖的社会原因。  相似文献   

儿童对色彩富有较强的感受力和表现力,这是与生俱来的。儿童电视节目(不管是虚构类的还是非虚构类的)要想吸引小受众的关注,科学合理地进行色彩搭配是一个重要的环节。而要做到科学的搭配,创作者必须众“儿童本位”理念出发,深入地研究儿童对色彩的认识机制。  相似文献   

现在的孩子几乎全是独生子女,家长唯恐“小皇帝”吃不好,三天一汤,五天一补,导致小孩营养过剩,肥胖儿的发病率明显上升。据《中国中医药报》载,我国某大城市成人及儿童青少年的肥胖发生率为12.6%,已接近发达国家水平,今年某市高考体检肥胖学生占参检总数的2.79%,专家认为从小偏胖,是其中的主要原因之一。 “肥仔”越来越多,不能不引起我们的重视。据研究,青春期以前的肥胖,脂肪细胞主要表现在体积增大和数量增加,只有到了青春期之后,脂肪细胞才从数量上趋于恒定,而仅表现在体积的变化上,因此减少儿童肥胖,是控制成人肥胖发病率日趋增高的治本之法,也是减少儿  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the development of overweight compared with healthy-weight children attending kindergartens in Munich, Germany. Mean age of the children at the beginning of the study was 53.2 months (SD?=?7.5); the duration of the study was 20 months. At the beginning of the study children were classified as overweight (n?=?32) or healthy weight (n?=?318) using BMI scores. Dependent variables were aspects of physical growth, physical fitness, body coordination, manual dexterity, and cognitive performance. A higher rate of socially disadvantaged children was overweight compared with socially advantaged children. There was no association between weight and sex. Motor skills improved over trials. Socially disadvantaged and overweight children performed less well in gross motor skills compared with children from backgrounds of higher socioeconomic (SE) status or healthy-weight children. There was also an association between weight and socioeconomic status: overweight children of lower SE status performed less well compared with overweight children of upper SE status in all gross motor tasks. No connection could be found between weight and manual dexterity and cognitive performance.  相似文献   

Overweight is reportedly a risk factor for being bullied, and body image may mediate this association. Research on associations between overweight and bullying has so far only focused on children and early adolescents. We explored associations between actual and perceived overweight at age 15 and involvement in bullying at ages 15 and 17. A total of 2070 Finnish adolescents responded to a survey at ages 15 and 17. Self-reported weight and height, perceived weight and involvement in bullying were elicited. Being overweight at age 15 was not associated with being bullied or with being a bully at age 15 or 17. Perceived overweight among girls was associated with subsequent involvement in bullying as a bully and in feeling shunned. Weight related bullying may decrease from pre- and early adolescence to middle adolescence. The associations between perceived overweight and self-identification as a bully, and those between perceived overweight and feeling isolated may be explained by the phenomena representing psychological dysfunction.  相似文献   

Eating rates (bites per interval) and other meal behaviors (number of chews, sips, talks with a neighbor, and chews per bite) were observed for 30 normal and 30 overweight white preschool children in their school cafeterias. Children were classified according to weight (overweight or normal), age (1 1/2--2 years, 3--4 years, or 5--6 years) and sex. Analysis of variance revealed that overweight preschool children demonstrated a somewhat higher rate of distinctly fewer chews per bite. Boys showed increasing chew rates with increasing age. Talk rates also increased with age but were unrelated to sex or weight status. Sip rates were not significantly associated with age, sex, or weight status. These results support the hypothesis that overweight persons are characterized by an increased eating rate and show that it is apparent even around the time of first self-feeding.  相似文献   

超重、肥胖、低体重已成为青少年群体面临的主要健康问题。国内学界有关体质健康与学业成绩的探讨方兴未艾,而聚焦体重状态、使用全国性样本的经验分析较为缺乏。研究基于2013—2014学年、2014—2015学年中国教育追踪调查(CEPS)的数据分析,发现:我国初中生体重水平存在性别与城乡差异,男生较女生更易处于异常体重状态,城镇学生更易超重及肥胖,农村学生更易低体重;OLS和倾向值匹配估计(PSM)结果表明,超重及肥胖学生的学业成绩受到体重状态的显著负向影响,低体重对学业成绩的影响不显著;分性别对比结果显示,体重状态对学业成绩的影响存在性别差异,女生群体学业成绩受到超重及肥胖的消极冲击程度更大。  相似文献   



The aims of this study of predominately racial/ethnic minority children in foster care (N = 360, birth to 19 years old) in Los Angeles, CA were to examine the (1) prevalence of obesity (≥95 percentile) and overweight/obese (≥85 percentile) upon entrance to foster care (T1) and after 1 year in foster care (T2); (2) comparison of high weight categories to national statistics; (3) relationship of changes in weight status to age, reason for entry into foster care, and placement.


Chi-square test and McNemar test comparing paired proportions were used to determine whether there were significant changes in the proportion of high weight categories between T1 and T2. Chi-square test or Fisher's exact test were used to evaluate the association between age, placement, and reason for foster care with the change in weight category. Changes in weight were categorized as (1) decreased in weight, (2) remained at overweight or obese, (3) increased in weight, or (4) remained normal.


The proportion of obese and obese/overweight children between ages 2 and 5 were significantly lower at T2 than T1. There were no significant changes in the prevalence of obesity for the total population at T2. Children age 6 or older had a higher prevalence of obesity and overweight/obesity compared to national statistics. Of children at all ages, 64.7% of children of all ages entered foster care with a normal weight and stayed in the normal range during their first year in foster care, 12.2% decreased their weight, 15.4% remained overweight or obese, and 7.7% increased their weight. Age and parental substance use was related to change in weight category from T1 to T2.


Children did not become more overweight or obese in foster care; however 28% of the children were obese or overweight upon entry into foster care. Children who are 6 years or older and obese upon entering foster care should be targeted for weight reduction. The pediatric community and child welfare system need to work together by including weight percentiles in the foster care file and training/monitoring child welfare caregivers in weight reduction interventions.  相似文献   

对112名大学生参加健美健身锻炼前后的身体状况进行测试,并将原始资料进行统计分析,结果表明,经过9个月的锻炼,受试身体素质都有明显提高。身体成分中瘦体重都有不同程度的增加,而原始身体成分中脂肪含量较高的大学生体重下降,体脂含量减少。原始身体成分中脂肪含量较少的大学生,通过锻炼,身体成分中的体脂减少,瘦体重增加。  相似文献   

目的:掌握上高县小学生的肥胖发生情况,为防控小学生原发性肥胖提供依据。方法:制定纳入排除研究对象的标准,随机抽取上高县实验小学的学生,调查其肥胖状况并分析其肺活量、肺活量指数等指标。结果:共获得调查对象645名小学生。超重和肥胖总检出率分别为4.3%和2.0%,男生、女生超重、肥胖和超重肥胖合计的检出率分别为6.2%和2.1%、2.8%和1.0%、4.3%和2.0%。超重、肥胖小学生的肺活量均大于正常体重小学生,但肺活量指数前者均低于后者。结论:县城小学生尤其是男生的肥胖问题已较严重,应加强预防控制,以保障和促进其心肺功能的健康发育。  相似文献   

该文对40例非胰岛素依赖型糖尿病(NIDDM)人进行研究,就血脂TG、TC、脂蛋白HDL-C、LDL-C、VLDL-C。载脂蛋白APOAI、APOB水平与20例年龄、平均体重指数(BMI)相当的正常健康人进行对照,测得NIDDM组的TG、TC比正常对照组高,两组之间差异显著。作者检测的结果表明,用APOAI/APOB和LOL-C/HDL-C的比值来比较,比单项测定结果的差异更显著,是判别NIDDM病人动脉粥样硬化更良好的指标。  相似文献   

目的:观察脂肪肝大鼠在生化、病理、脂肪代谢、细胞因子、胰岛素及瘦素各方面指标的变化.方法:雄性Wistar大鼠22只,按体重层次随机分为2组,对照组(A)11只,脂肪肝组(B)11只.对照组饲以普通鼠饲料,脂肪肝组饲以高脂饲料.8周后,全部处死,取血及肝组织,测定血中AIT、AST、TG、CHO、INS、FBS、FFA、Ieptin、II-6、TNF.肝组织匀浆测定肝组织TC,TG,SOD、MDA,观察肝脏组织学变化.结果:脂肪肝大鼠存在明显脂肪代谢紊乱,肝功能异常,胰岛素抵抗及瘦素表达增高;细胞因子升高.结论:实验性高脂饮食脂肪肝大鼠存在瘦素抵抗及胰岛素抵抗.  相似文献   

肥胖是阿特伍德的长篇小说《神谕女士》的中心意象,女主人公琼先胖后瘦的过程是小说的叙事主线与焦点。事实上,琼的"增肥"与"减肥"两种行为的背后都隐含了心理与文化层面的寓意:"增肥"的实质是出于自我身份的危机感而来增加存在感;"减肥"则是西方主流审美观主导下的"自我消灭"。而琼成功减肥以后依然无法摆脱的"胖女人"幽灵,其实是她另一个自我的化身。这是阿特伍德"双胞胎"主题的又一次体现。  相似文献   

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