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Many developing countries are faced with the dilemma of whether to expand their higher education systems rapidly, in the face of demand and regardless of the social and employment consequences, or whether to curtail enrolments by some means of cut off or selection at the end of secondary school. This article discusses the dilemma in the context of Thailand. It discusses a variety of higher education models in use in the Third World countries and then shows how Thailand has modified its closed-access European-style universities through expansion and diversification in the 1960s and how it has experimented with open-access institutions during the 1970s. There have undoubtedly been problems but the experiment has eased some of the social pressures and tensions and it remains to be seen if the government can control an ever expanding pool of university students. Other countries faced with a similar dilemma could well learn from the Thai experience.  相似文献   

当代冲突理论产生于20世纪60年代,作为功能冲突论代表人物的科塞,以强调冲突的积极功能为其显著特征.科塞认为,冲突确有负功能,但更重要的是冲突还具有正功能.一定程度、一定范围内的社会冲突有利于社会的稳定和发展.据此,科塞还提出了具有启发与应用价值的安全阀制度.分析和研究科塞的功能冲突理论及其安全阀制度对于我们构建社会主义和谐社会具有重要的启示作用.  相似文献   

Change across wider English society in the 1960s was characterised by a managed and relatively consensual social liberalism. There was a discernible cultural shift toward greater personal and sexual freedom. Within education in England, a revisionist approach sought to extend traditional education to a wider constituency, in particular incorporating the sometimes disaffected and unskilled working class. This context presented new challenges for 1960s teachers in their relationships with pupils. Through the 1950s and 1960s, English cinema portrayed England’s changing teacher–pupil relations. This article examines the nature of change in teacher–pupil relations, with particular regard to its impact upon teachers’ authority. English cinema’s representation is located within English societal change in the 1960s in relation to youth culture, education and attitudes to authority.

Several themes are identified. Teacher status appeared to contribute rather less to 1960s teachers’ authority and teachers’ personalities rather more. 1960s teacher–pupil relations were somewhat volatile. Relationships began to take place beyond the school gates. Films depicted greater diversity in teachers’ strategies to maintain their authority, with some teachers making concessions to pupils to preserve harmonious relations. A more prominent approach was teachers’ still more firm imposition of traditional discipline, attempting to hold back the tide of increased pupil hostility in classrooms, which more frequently featured the particular challenges posed by girls.

The analysis has relevance beyond England and beyond the 1960s. It explores the variety and fragility of teacher authority, highlights the pressure that maintaining discipline places upon individual teachers and recognises the appeal of classroom conservatism.  相似文献   

美国从20世纪60年代开始形成全国范围的职业技术教育系统,80年代以来职业技术学校招生人数及规模日趋扩大,职业技术教育发展迅速。总结其经验,对我国的启示是:职业院校要依据社会需要,及时调整专业;重视毕业生的就业追踪调查;重视与工商企业界的合作关系;重视“双师型”教师在职业教育中的巨大作用。  相似文献   

1960年代的加拿大经历了对社会贫困问题"重新发现"的过程。在那之后,相关研究得到了很大发展。它所涉及的学科领域不断扩大,研究对象也不断细化,产生了很多有价值的成果。然而,已有研究中仍存在着一些明显的不足之处,如相关政策研究关注的范围往往过于狭窄,以及相关历史研究和整体性研究的缺失等等,仍有待未来进行补充。  相似文献   

A classroom’s social environment and student dispositions towards social interaction together exert a substantial influence on academic outcomes. The strength of this effect is highlighted by research showing the positive effect of cooperative learning on student achievement, but can also be seen in the contribution that student social dispositions, specifically one’s disposition toward helping others (i.e. prosocial), has on individual achievement. The current study sought to assess the psychometric properties of the original Cooperative Classroom Environment Measure (CCEM) and refine the measure to increase its validity for use in the classroom. The CCEM was developed to provide information to educators about factors in the classroom environment contributing to student prosociality. The original form was answered by 431 undergraduate students enrolled in an introductory life science class. Following data collection, both exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and Rasch analysis were used to remove problematic items and generate a refined form. The psychometric properties of this refined form were examined using Rasch and confirmatory factor analysis, and supported the presence of six (out of eight originally hypothesized) subscale constructs analogous to those influencing prosociality in other contexts. Additional evidence showed the presence of a single prominent underlying latent factor (termed Prosocial) that could account for significant variance in all subscale constructs. These findings provided preliminary evidence for the use of both the CCEM subscales and whole survey measures for investigations into optimizing classroom social environments for prosocial action.  相似文献   

计算机自适应测验中Rasch模型稳健性的模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究采用模拟数据的方法,在计算机自适应测验(Computer Adaptive Test,简称CAT)中分别采用Rasch及Birnbaum两种模型估计能力,通过比较两者的误差均方根(Root Mean Square Error,简称RMSE)、平均差异(Average Deviation,简称AD)及能力相关,对Rasch模型在CAT中的稳健性进行了研究。结果发现Rasch模型在区分度不等的条件下仍然能较准确地估计被试的能力水平,具有很强的稳健性。  相似文献   

加拿大化运动是20世纪60年代末由加拿大学术界所倡导的学术与文化民族主义运动。从1968年在卡尔顿大学兴起,到70年代意义深远的教育改革和1981年一项新的国家移民政策的制定,加拿大化运动经历了曲折的历程。它对加拿大高等教育的发展,特别是对加拿大大学的课程设置、聘任制度及其实施,以及加拿大民族主义的构建都产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

凯洛夫《教育学》中提出的以书本为中心的课堂教学模式曾成为苏联学校课堂教学的主要模式,其弊端很快暴露出来并被批判。为摆脱这种课堂教学模式的影响,从20世纪60年代起,苏联开始了大规模的课堂教学改革实验,取得了良好的效果,并从中产生了具有人文主义精神、关心学生发展的、新的不同于以往的课堂教学模式,并形成以赞科夫为代表的发展性教学理论。  相似文献   

Help or Hindrance? Higher Education and the Route to Ethnic Equality   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Upward social mobility has been evident among British ethnic minority communities since the 1960s, and education appears to have had a key role in this process. Despite this, social scientists have been slow to consider the link between education, ethnicity and social stratification. The role of higher education has been particularly neglected. Although there has been some suggestion of an ethnic bias in the allocation of university places, previous work in this area has been limited by the nature of the data that have been available and by the types of analysis that have been conducted. This article includes detailed consideration of the key stages of the university application procedure, and particular attention is given to the role of candidates' predicted and actual A-level grades. Although young people from ethnic minority backgrounds are admitted into university in large numbers, it is suggested that higher education has an ambivalent role in relation to ethnic equality. Institutional biases mean that ethnic minority candidates are filtered into the new university sector, and it is concluded that biases in education and the labour market combine to create a cumulative pattern of ethnic disadvantage.  相似文献   

With the dramatic shift in the population as the baby boom generation ages, education in gerontology is becoming an important component in schools of social work. Historically, gerontology has not been important in social work programs. This historical analysis examined the incorporation of aging related courses at the University of Minnesota's School of Social Work since its inception in 1918 through 1960. Historical research methods were utilized to obtain primary and secondary source data. It was determined that the School of Social Work's early curriculum development was influence by broader discourse concerning social work education and child welfare. Little discourse and curriculum related to aging was discovered. Implications for the profession of social work as they relate to demographic trends are included.  相似文献   

一曲《铁路修到苗家寨》从20世纪六七十年代唱到今,历经近半个世纪,至今仍在广为传唱。其欢快的节奏、浓郁的民族特色得到了大家的普遍喜爱。《铁路修到苗家寨》真切地见证了苗族人民生活中的变化,具有一定的艺术价值和文化价值。透过这首歌曲所蕴藏的文化内涵,可以窥探苗族文化的发展及社会的变迁。  相似文献   

美国的史学研究与其社会变动和时代精神都有着密不可分的联系。20世纪中期,随着社会学科的日趋成熟,美国史学的社会科学化为史学这门古老的学科注入了新的活力,社会科学史学在新史学中独占鳌头。当然,美国的社会科学史学在发展过程中也出现了一些偏差,史学家们已经在努力纠正这种偏差。  相似文献   

自20世纪60年代迄今,美国教育史研究受到社会科学越来越大的影响.社会科学对美国教育史学实际上起到了全面推动的作用,不仅扩大了教育史的研究范围,打破了传统教育史学的封闭状态,而且使教育史家提出了新的问题,提高了教育史的解释力,使美国教育史学摆脱了编年史的枯燥形象.同时也引发了一系列问题:美国教育史研究具有浓重的意识形态色彩,陷入了相对主义的泥潭.而且,美国教育史著作,更象是社会科学研究成果,而不是历史研究.20世纪60年代以来的新教育史学虽然动摇了传统的教育史学,但并没有提供令人信服的研究取代它.  相似文献   

负向教育功能观是指认为教育对社会的运行与个人的发展具有负面影响的种种观点和理论的统称,负向教育功能观可区分为温和的负向教育功能观和激进的负向教育功能观。20世纪六七十年代世界教育发展中存在的学习需求的迅速增长与不同社会满足能力的差距、日益加重的教育财政困境、教育与就业的不协调、教育中严重的不平等现象等问题为负向教育功能观提供了坚实的社会存在基础。负向教育功能观具有一定的合理性,但也有一定的片面性,我们应该辩证地看待负向教育功能观。  相似文献   

20世纪60年代以来社区学院的社会角色之争,一直是美国高等教育界辩论的一大议题,并引发了高等教育界对社区学院社会角色的深刻反思.本文从结构功能主义、冲突主义、人力资本三大理论派别对社区学院社会角色的相关研究进行了述评.  相似文献   

关于虚拟经济的演进及其两重性的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
因判断标准不一,目前学术界对虚拟经济的概念界定仍处在较为混乱的状态,应当从马克思的虚拟资本定义入手,探讨虚拟经济的内涵;据此,可将虚拟经济的发展划分为两个阶段,第一阶段为17世纪到20世纪60年代,狭义的虚拟经济处于萌芽状态,广义的虚拟经济呈现出阶段性或周期性的特征;第二阶段是布雷顿森林体系崩溃以来的金融全球化时代,真正意义上的虚拟经济得到了急速扩张并呈现出结构性的特征。从证券交易市场、投资基金和金融衍生产品等与实体经济发展的关系看,虚拟经济对实体经济的发展既有积极促进的一面,也有消极抑制的一同,同时,虚拟经济既有增进社会经济福利的性质,但又会对投资和收入结构产生影响,造成一国社会经济福利的净损失。  相似文献   

日本行政审批制度改革简述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
行政审批是政府针对社会公共事务规范管理与服务的一种手段。日本自20世纪60年代初进行规制缓和的行政改革,经过多年的发展,行政审批项目大幅度减少,改革的社会成效显著。  相似文献   

Although it has been claimed that the Rasch model leads to a higher degree of objectivity in measurement than has been previously possible, this model has had little impact on test development. Population-invariant item and ability calibrations, together with the statistical equivalency of any two item subsets, are supposedly possible if the item pool has been calibrated by the Rasch model. Initial research has been encouraging, but the implications of underlying assumptions and operational computations in the Rasch model for trait theory have not been clear from previous work. The current paper presents an analysis of the conditions under which the claims of objectivity will be substantiated, with special emphasis on the nature of equivalent forms. It is concluded that the real advantages of the Rasch model will not be apparent until the technology of trait measurement becomes more sophisticated.  相似文献   

Efficacy of the Measure of Understanding of Macroevolution (MUM) as a measurement tool has been a point of contention among scholars needing a valid measure for knowledge of macroevolution. We explored the structure and construct validity of the MUM using Rasch methodologies in the context of a general education biology course designed with an emphasis on macroevolution content. The Rasch model was utilized to quantify item- and test-level characteristics, including dimensionality, reliability, and fit with the Rasch model. Contrary to previous work, we found that the MUM provides a valid, reliable, and unidimensional scale for measuring knowledge of macroevolution in introductory non-science majors, and that its psychometric behavior does not exhibit large changes across time. While we found that all items provide productive measurement information, several depart substantially from ideal behavior, warranting a collective effort to improve these items. Suggestions for improving the measurement characteristics of the MUM at the item and test levels are put forward and discussed.  相似文献   

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