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研究性阅读指的是学生在教师的指导下,用探索研究的方式自主阅读,以获取和运用有关知识或能力的一种课堂教学模式。开展研究性阅读的关键是要选准研读点,以之为突破口,引导学生阅读探索。那么如何确立研读点呢?1.以课文题目为研读点文章的题目犹如一个人的眼睛,蕴含、透射着文章的中心思想和主要内容。以课文的题目为研读点可起到牵一发而动全身之功效。如学习课文《董存瑞舍身炸暗堡》,若让学生仔细研读课题,抓住题眼——“舍身”进行研读活动,必能收到事半功倍的效果。2.以课文作者为研读点教材中有许多名家名篇和写名人故事的文章,以…  相似文献   

一、指导学生掌握四种基本学习方法 1.阅读的方法。阅读是学生学习的基本形式和主要途径之一,也是培养学生自我获取信息的起点。为此,教师要指导学生阅读化学课本,使其能从一段话或一句话中提取出有用的化学信息。阅读应当在课堂教学中穿插进行。阅读开始前教师要指明阅读的目的和要求,引导学生依据“粗读-细读-研读”的顺序带着问题看书。  相似文献   

以六版高中语文教材选入或节选的鲁迅小说作为参考,确定鲁迅作品专题学习的阅读篇目,开展鲁迅作品延伸阅读专题学习:聚焦语言与思维、思想与人格,确定学习目标,通过泛读、精读、研读等,实现从泛读向研读的进阶,从专题阅读向论文写作的迁移。  相似文献   

研究性阅读是在阅读过程中,阅读者带着一定的研究课题或问题,收集相关的文献资料作研究性质的真实阅读,通过亲身实践获得成果,并在成果构建过程中提高语文素养的学习形式。研究性阅读强调阅读内容的丰富性和阅读方法的自主性;强调发现,强调质疑精神的培养;强调学会收集、分析、归纳、整理资料,学会处理反馈信息,学会独立思考和创造性地解决问题。指导学生研究性阅读,可从以下几个方面进行:一、抓重点词句,提出专题研读"研读"教学的视点是"学生",但学生在自主研读的过程中,不可能没有教师的指导和帮助,尤其是缺乏研究方法、研究经验的小学生。教师的指导主  相似文献   

陈贵章 《考试周刊》2012,(92):48-48
初中语文教师要注重在阅读教学中激发学生的阅读兴趣,培养学生对语言文字的鉴赏能力。具体的教学策略可以概括为两点:一是激发阅读兴趣.体验阅读快乐:二是引发研读兴趣,培养鉴赏能力。  相似文献   

郑丽芳 《考试周刊》2013,(80):31-31
要想有效提高初中语文现代文复习效率.教师就要认真研读课标,明确现代文阅读的考点,巧妙训练,也就是进行专项复习.才能达到提升学生阅读水平和答题水平的目标。  相似文献   

在当前中学语文阅读教学中.出现了“不入文而曲解,不知人而妄谈,不论世而谬说。不察已而乱议”的阅读病态,在这种情况下要求回归文本的呼声日益高涨,深入研读、品味文本的做法逐渐受到教师们的重视,这对于矫治中学生阅读病态起到一定的作用。但如何走进文本、研读文本呢?  相似文献   

在阅读教学中.学生是阅读的主体。因此.教师要引导学生经历阅读的全过程.把阅读的主动权交给学生。依据这一思想.我们构建了“四步训练”阅读教学模式。其基本结构是:初读质疑—细读感悟—研读揣摩—咏记运用。  相似文献   

教师在开展拓展阅读教学时陷入两个认识上的误区,或是以拓展为目的,忽视对课文文本的研读;或是将拓展阅读当作点缀,忽视拓展阅读的实效性。因此,有效的拓展阅读应该根据文本研读的需要,适时开展;在拓展过程中运用比较的方法强化文本研读和拓展阅读的联系。  相似文献   

整本书阅读应当成为语文课程的重要部分,而批判性阅读是整本书阅读的基本形式.质疑、论证和反思这三个环节贯穿于批判性阅读整本书的全程,可以在研读文本的任何一个部分或探讨某个问题时进行,可以在阅读认知过程的任何一个层面灵活运用.  相似文献   

This study explored the effects of appropriate pedagogical skills (study groups and multiple intelligences) on students' efficiencies in reading skills. It employed a factorial design using three variables. A sample of 90 science students choosing from three intact classes were involved in the study. Data analyses were carried out using mean, standard deviation, analysis of covariance and multiple classification analysis. Findings revealed the significant difference in performance of the groups taught using study groups and multiple intelligences methods.  相似文献   

This paper was intended to investigate the effects of using e-books (or texts with multimedia support) in an ERP (extensive reading program) on EFL (English as a foreign language) learners' attitudes toward reading in English. In a junior high school in northern Taiwan, 109 students from 3 intact classes were recruited in the 10-week ERP of e-books. Each class was introduced to a list of 140 selected e-books for the reading program; each student was then encouraged to read e-books after school, with the target of reading 4 e-books every week. The degree of changes in reading attitudes was assessed by using the reading attitudes scale (Stokmans, 1999) before and after the e-book ERP. In addition, the teacher's class notes of the students' reading behaviors and reactions as well as their spontaneous oral or written feedback were analyzed to be triangulated with the quantitative data. The results showed that the e-books had positive effects on the students' attitudinal changes in all dimensions of reading attitudes, namely, utility, development, enjoyment and escape, as well as in all the cognitive, affective and conative components. The results also showed that the features of the e-books, especially oral reading, highlighting, animations and music/sound effects, were considered important to change their attitudes. The implementation of interaction and learner control in the e-books guaranteed positive attitudinal changes as well.  相似文献   

Reading is an essential skill towards literacy development, and should be provided so that children can master the skill at their early ages. For dyslexic children, mastering the skill is a challenge. It has been widely agreed that the theory behind such difficulties in reading for dyslexic lies in the phonological-core deficits. Support has been given in many ways to dyslexic children to teach them reading through using various multi-sensory methods and using computer-based applications that include animated characters and text-to-speech (TTS) technology. In such applications, although stimulating, it requires the children to call for help by clicking on the custom-made buttons on the computer screen, often, such an application requires the dyslexic children to be aware of their mistakes and be able to judge when help is needed. They are just reluctant to ask the computer for help. Hence, such technology does not provide immediate intervention to correct any reading failure. It is therefore worth to look at the promising automatic speech recognition (ASR) technology to provide such intervention. Hence, this paper gives an overview of the use of ASR to facilitate immediate reading intervention which is the key element of remediating reading among dyslexic children. For such intervention to work, data on reading mistakes and patterns are observed and collected in audio format. The data serve as training and testing samples for an ASR to train on. An observation was carried out in two public schools participated in the study to record dyslexic children's reading in Bahasa Melayu (BM) and observe error patterns and their behaviors toward reading. A total of 10 dyslexic children are involved and a total of 6384 utterances from a set of selected words have been gathered and analyzed. Data are grouped into error type categories and the analysis performed gives "vowel substitution" as the most frequent error made (20%). The significant findings can be of interest of special education teachers or parents to devise and use suitable approach to correct reading mistakes often made by dyslexic children. The findings also contribute to the development of a suitable and well-tuned ASR model focusing on dyslexic children reading aloud in BM.  相似文献   

In textbooks, foreign (second) language reading proficiency is often evaluated through comprehension questions. In case, authentic texts are used as reading material, such questions should be prepared by teachers. However, preparing appropriate questions may be a very demanding task for teachers. This paper introduces a method for automatically evaluating proficiency, wherein comprehension questions are not required. This method assesses a learner's reading proficiency on the basis of the linguistic features of the text and the learner's reading time. A reading model following this method predicted reading proficiency with an ER (error rate) of 18.2%. This ER is lower than those of models proposed in previous studies. Furthermore, the ER of the authors' reading model for various learner groups classified by their RS (reading speeds) was examined. The result of this examination showed that the error rate was the lowest for the group of learners with fast RS.  相似文献   

Researchers from Mid Sweden University and Kalmar University organised surveys on reading skills in Swedish municipalities. This paper will focus on the surveys made in four municipalities between 2002 and 2007. All students in grade 8 in these four municipalities participated in the surveys--in total 16,287 students. These surveys included a reading test for the students and information about the students collected from the teachers, including participation in instruction in Swedish as a second language and in their mother tongues. Students of immigrant origin in Sweden are offered the possibility to participate in instruction in Swedish as a second language and in instruction in the student's mother tongue. No obvious trends over time in the participation in Swedish as a second language and mother tongue instruction were found in the four municipalities on the tests we gave, in spite of national trends. There was no difference in results on the reading tests in Swedish between those students who participated in mother tongue instruction and those who did not, but there was a difference in test results between those who participated in Swedish as a second language and those who did not. Those who did not participate (in Swedish as a second language instruction) did, on average, score higher on the test. When different language groups are compared, it can be noted that a majority in all groups of immigrant students neither participate in Swedish as a second language nor in mother tongue instruction. However, there are important differences between boys and girls and between language groups. Girls seemed to be more willing than boys to participate in voluntary mother tongue instruction, while boys more often than girls had to participate in compulsory lessons in Swedish as a second language.  相似文献   

Questionnaire data from the PIRLS 2006 study in Italy provided a number of indices in order to summarize factors of educational context influencing reading achievement. The aim of the present paper is to study the relationships between school factors, teacher factors, family factors, student factors and reading achievement by means of multilevel regression analysis. Results show that pupils' attainment in reading is significantly related to: (1) home educational resources (home/student level effect); (2) parents' attitudes toward reading (home/student level effect); (3) students' attitudes toward reading; (4) students' reading self-concept; and (5) teacher career satisfaction (school/teacher level).  相似文献   

Ten teachers, from preschool to secondary school have tried out puppets as a stimulus in science lessons. Data were gathered by teachers answering a questionnaire and by interviewing the teachers. We report what teachers have experienced by using puppets in science classrooms and in science activities in preschools. Data indicate that the puppet can be used to stimulate science both in preschool, primary school and secondary school. Probably the puppet must be used in different ways in preschool and primary school than in secondary school to get the pupils to accept them. This pilot study has given us courage and ideas to start a following-up study in using puppets in science.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine how a learner self-regulates learning while reading an academic text. In particular, the aim is not to generalize self-regulatory processes for any learning task, but to have an overall idea about how a learner self-regulates. In particular, Pintrich's SRL (self-regulated learning) model is used to find out whether the model was apparent in the learner's reading comprehension process. In this model, self-regulatory processes are categorized into 4 phases (forethought, monitoring, control and reflection), and each phase is divided into 4 areas of self-regulation (cognitive, motivational, behavioral and contextual). The data were collected through observation, videotaping and semi-structured interview. Purposeful sampling was used to obtain an in-depth understanding about how an experienced learner self-regulates and uses different kinds of strategies while reading an academic text. The result of the study revealed that all the phases in the model were apparent in the participant's reading comprehension task. However, it was difficult to decide on which strategies were belonging to monitoring or control phases. Actually, much of the empirical work also does not find much separation on these phases. This might be because these phases are reflecting the learner's thinking process.  相似文献   

The study aimed to assess and compare the values prevalent among the students and teachers of Universities in Bangladesh, Japan, USA and Germany. The sample consisted of 480 students and 236 teachers. The sample included 120 undergraduate students Japan; 120 undergraduate students from Bangladesh; 120 undergraduate students from USA, and 120 undergraduate students from Germany. The faculty sample included 60 teachers from Japan, 60 teachers from Bangladesh; 60 teachers from USA, and 56 teachers from Germany. To identify the value preferences of the individuals a list of 10 values, pro-social, achievement, power over others, security, self direction, otherworldliness, fatalism, narcissism, inner directed, and conservative, based on previous values studies by Singh and Parek were prepared. The first five values were identified in previous studies as functional (Singh, 1975) and other five were identified as dysfunctional (Parek, 1988) in the context of national development of Asian cultures. The results revealed that Bangladeshi students held stronger preferences for values identified as functional values than for those identified as dysfunctional. Japanese students indicated stronger preferences for the values identified as functional values except narcissism. The American students indicated a preference for three of the five values identified as functional but also ranked narcissism and other worldliness as third and fifth preferred values respectively. German student showed a preference for functional values, except narcissism which they also ranked as third. Bangladeshi teachers' preferences for functional values were higher than dysfunctional values. Japanese teachers indicated a preference for functional values except narcissism. American teachers preferred functional values except other worldliness. German teachers' value preferences were also functional, except for narcissism which they ranked as fifth. Students and teachers in the four countries sampled indicate preferences for values identified as functional with few exceptions. This research suggests that value preferences among university students and teachers are more similar than different, suggesting a homogenizing effect (Boli, 2005) on human values.  相似文献   

It is becoming more and more apparent that globalization processes represent, theoretically as well as practically, a challenge for educational sciences and therefore, it must be addressed within the sphere of education. Accordingly, educational conceptions have to adapt to globafization phenomena and focus more on alternative and innovative educational concepts. The observable phenomena that appear as part of globalization then lead to the following question: Is there still space for educational concepts like emancipation, self-determination, equal opportunities and fairness in distribution, democracy and common sense? The most indispensable tools for the development of equitable and peaceful contemporary education perspectives are a differentiated reflection on globalization phenomena and consequences, an intensive analysis and disclosure to address (global) conflict lines, the questioning of well-established concepts, the formation and embodiment of visions of the global future and the articulation of innovative education concepts. Modern social and political structures and practices have to be reoriented to combat the negative effects of globalization processes through the incorporation of more humane, socially fair and ecological principles. Educational science is sure to make an important contribution in making this a reality.  相似文献   

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