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When was the last time you did a bit of lobbying? We all lobby at some point in our lives: persuading a work subordinate to do something, convincing a friend to go along with an idea of yours, talking a partner into buying something... Lobbying is all about trying to get people to do the things that you want them to do through the careful construction of logical arguments. But when lobbying involves big business it's seen as controversial.  相似文献   

It is argued that the lack of consensus on what constitutes an inquiry-based approach makes the generalization about it difficult, because the concept is relatively unspecific and vague. This problem can partially be solved by constructing a set of activities promoted by inquiry, thus defining the inquiry objectives for classroom and laboratory teaching. Five high school and college Mexican teachers' PICK (pedagogical inquiry/content knowledge) was documented and assessed by means of Loughran, Mulhall and Berry's (2004) l-CoRe (inquiry content representation) developed by the authors through a proposal of a set of seven inquiry activities. They were also interviewed to construct the professional and pedagogical experience repertoires, a second tool by Loughran et al. (2004) to document PICK. It was observed that all teachers interviewed have used inquiry to modify their students' way of thinking, mainly through question posing. Some of them employed research as their main tool to promote scientific inquiry but others mentioned the lack of time to do it. It is interesting to notice that in spite of the fact that inquiry is out of the curriculum in M6xico, the teachers make use of it to improve their teaching practice. According to their answers, their actions in the classroom or the lab were classified within the three general approaches expressed by Lederman (2004): implicit, historical and explicit. It is concluded that a given teacher cannot be classified exclusively in one of them, because in his/her activities one general approach overlaps the others. The authors conclude that Lederman's classification has to be taken into account as an orientation to characterize a given activity of one teacher, even though the same teacher may use another activity characterized by other general approach. That is, Lederman's classification applies to characterize activities, not persons  相似文献   

Xiaoge 《海外英语》2009,(4):56-57
There are many small words in English that have multiple meanings. In everyday speech, we use them over and over again, but each time the word may have a, sometimes subtle but sometimes quite big, different meaning. Sometime ago, I talked about the word "pick" and listed 10 different ways to use it; in each case, its meaning would differ. Today, I picked another such small word--"run'--to chat about.  相似文献   

The verb take is extremely useful. It can be used in a number of expressions. Here are 12.Learning Expressions The best way to learn any words or expressions is by seeing or hearing them in context when you' re reading or listening to English. Make a note of any words or expressions that you like (or want to learn) and write these down in sentences. Remember, always record language in phrases or sentences--never as individual words. You should also practise using the words or expressions as often as you can: in conversation, on the phone, in e-mails, etc.  相似文献   

Middle aged ex-punk rockers Josh and Gary are at a punk revival concert: Listen once and answer these questions: 1. Who used to be in a band? 2. Who dances at the end? Then, listen again and try to guess the meaning of the following slang expressions (also marked in bold in the text). Write out a version of them in Standard English:  相似文献   

Think back to when you were in school.? Did you like to sit at a desk and listen to your teacher drone on and on? Or suppose that you're standing in the front of a class of glassy-eyed children,or,even worse,a class of students who are just plain ignoring you. Active learning doesn't mean the children need to sit still throughout the class period - it just means that you design your class period around having them actively participate in the learning process.?How can you get them back "into" your class and ...  相似文献   

Establishing the NCEDL (National Centre for E-learning and Distance Learning), electronic universities are some initiatives to introduce e-learning to the KSA (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia), which have led to a fast, strong, and impressive movement toward e-learning in the Kingdom. However, e-learning in Saudi Arabia is still in the early stage of its development due to many challenges of e-learning that will still have to be faced. E-learning in Saudi higher education has been examined in a number of studies. Yet, focusing on e-learning among Saudi women through the social and religious customs of society is not sufficiently examined. Therefore, this research seeks to investigate the possibilities that exist for the utilization of e-learning in the enhancement of the higher education opportunities of women in Saudi Arabia within the social customs and religious beliefs by identifying the barriers to higher education for Saudi women, the modes of e-learning that currently exist within the higher education programmes in the Saudi higher education system, how e-learning can support higher education opportunities for women in Saudi Arabia, and a successful model of e-learning to improve higher education opportunities for women in the KSA. In order to achieve the aim of this research, a pilot study was made by using a semi-structured interview as a method of data collection from Saudi females who live with their related (mahram) male in the United Kingdom and a three stage coding analysis of the grounded theory analyzing the data collected from the field to formulate a theory and a model. A primarily model was presented which described the contributions of e-learning to higher education of Saudi women. The model is presented consisting of three main categories: (1) social and religious barriers; (2) women's use of the Intemet; and (3) women's use of e-learning, as well as a number of sub-subcategories. In addition, the need to illuminate the ability of Saudi women to convert e-learning into a valuable educational achievement is demonstrated. The next stage of our research will investigate all of the issues indicated by the pilot study in order to improve the success of using e-learning for Saudi women's higher education and eventually to devise a research theory.  相似文献   

"Darkness gives me dark eyes but I use them to search for light"-a famous poem that comes from China reminds me of Andy, the hero in The Shawshank Redemption.  相似文献   

One day a little girl wanted to go for a walk with her __1__ So she made a(n)__2__, and took an apple and __3__ orange juice. She put them in her bag and __4__ her hat. Then she took her toy and went outside. Soon, a __5__ wind came and blew (吹) her hat into a tree. A(n) __6__ little bird saw the wind blow the hat into the tree, and he wanted to __ 7__ the girl. So, he took the hat in his mouth __8__ gave it to the girl. The girl was very 9. She gave the bird some bread 10 her hamburger. Now the bird was happy, too.  相似文献   

With the reconstruction of the curricula in Turkey, important changes have existed in the activities of education and teaching. That is why it has become an important case of research to determine how much student teachers know about the process of learning-teaching. This study aims to show how are student teachers capable are of planning and applying the process of learning-teaching effectively. Thus, eighteen senior student teachers from the Department of the Primary School Mathematics Teaching at the Education Faculty of a university in Turkey were interviewed in a semi-constructed way. At the end of the study, it was determined that the student teachers knew the activities in the new primary school mathematics curricula, most of them found themselves competent enough to prepare materials and apply them, but they were not competent enough to use mathematics software although they knew them and they were insufficient in the approaches which the new primary school curricula are based on. In light of the results acquired from the study, it is suggested that the student teachers should be taught to use worksheets at the different stages of the lessons through exercises and also they should be informed of how to use the computer programs and the approaches on which the new primary school curricula are based in the environment of learning-teaching.  相似文献   

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