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科学哲学中研究科学与宗教的关系,是反思科学活动的基础、反思科学研究的成果、反思科学发展的逻辑、反思时代的科学精神、反思科学的社会功能之需要。对科学进行哲学反思时,不应忽视科学与其他文化样式的关系,尤其是与宗教的关系。在研究科学哲学中,应当避免一种轻率的态度,即轻言科学将完全战胜宗教甚至取代宗教以及轻言宗教将消亡。  相似文献   

宗教源于人类对其强大的自然之力的崇拜 ,源于对彼岸世界的信仰 ,源于灵魂深处对终极关怀的欲求。诚然 ,这种崇拜、信仰与欲求 ,是建立在一种非理性的基础之上的 ,但是 ,正因为这种非理性因素的存在 ,才使脆弱的理性文化变得滟俊静美绚烂而璀璨。对理性的崇尚 ,是社会进步的一种表现 ,然而 ,理性不是万能的 ,正如宗教不是万能的一样。在历史的长河中 ,宗教与科学虽水火不容 ,但又交相辉映 ,如同两岸的河堤在对峙中规整了人类文明的走向  相似文献   

科学的、比较的宗教学研究为宗教间合理解决彼此矛盾、冲突,有效地进行宗教对话,提供了理论前提。开展宗教对话,有利于各宗教文化和平相处,以期达到一种宗教和谐,同时也给民族和平、世界和平提供了一种理论导向。反之,宗教现实问题一再为宗教研究提出了方向和任务,促使宗教研究切实为社会现实服务。这条规律的提出有助于我们有意识地去把握宗教研究方向,切实为宗教和平乃至世界和平做出理论贡献。  相似文献   

不是在一般意义上全面地探讨哲学与宗教的关系,而是从费尔巴哈对传统宗教、特别是对基督教之批判出发,意在阐明:费尔巴哈的宗教批判开启了建构新型宗教理论的反思,他将哲学视为宗教,将两者建立在同一的、人本学的基础之上,系统地阐发了一种无神论的宗教理念,凸显了宗教之旨趣在其本质上是"为了人"的。"为了人",这正是现代宗教的改革与发展的方向。  相似文献   

宗教源于人类对其强大的自然之力的崇拜,源于对彼岸世界的信仰,源于灵魂深处对终极关怀的欲求.诚然,这种崇拜、信仰与欲求,是建立在一种非理性的基础之上的,但是,正因为这种非理性因素的存在,才使脆弱的理性文化变得滟俊静美绚烂而璀璨.对理性的崇尚,是社会进步的一种表现,然而,理性不是万能的,正如宗教不是万能的一样.在历史的长河中,宗教与科学虽水火不容,但又交相辉映,如同两岸的河堤在对峙中规整了人类文明的走向.  相似文献   

科学精神的核心是一种逻辑实证的理性精神,它触及的是现象界,而宗教是一种特殊的信仰,它涉及的是超验领域,科学与宗教所探索的对象、采用的方式和涉及的领域皆有根本差异,二者并不能真正相互否定;信仰的形态是多样性的,它既可以是科学经验思维之上的理性信仰,也可以是一种宗教体验之上的非理性信仰,还可以是非科学的理性信仰,故它不能与宗教等同混用,也不与科学完全排斥,但科学最多只能推演出“世俗信仰”,而不能推演出“超验信仰”。  相似文献   

宗教的心理学是心理学的一个重要的历史形态。宗教心理学可以有两种不同的含义。一是科学的含义或是科学传统中的宗教心理学,是科学家运用科学方法对宗教心理的研究。这是科学心理学的一个分支。二是宗教的含义或是宗教传统中的宗教心理学,是宗教家按照宗教的方式对人的心理行为的说明、解释和干预。后者既是宗教活动提供的传统文化资源,同时也是现代科学心理学的传统历史资源。宗教中的心理学提供了关于人的信仰心理方面的重要的阐释、以及干预人的心理皈依的重要的方式。这为科学心理学的发展和进步提供了非常丰富和重要的心理学思想理论、心理学研究方法、心理学干预技术。心理学的创新就必须提取宗教的心理学中的资源。  相似文献   

《新疆宗教演变史》是新疆宗教通史研究的奠基之作。该书具有指导思想明确,研究方法科学;体系完整,结构合理;宗教与民族演变史相互交织,关系处理合理恰当;以史带论,史论结合;反对民族分裂,维护祖国统一的突出特点。是一部有较高历史与理论学术价值的好书。  相似文献   

近代自然科学首先在西方宗教背景中发展,许多有伟大成就的西方科学家普遍具有极其浓烈的宗教情结,浸透着一种宗教精神。在他们看来,科学和宗教之间存在着牢固的相互关系和依存性。但是,宗教和科学毕竟是两种信仰体系,两者之间会存在一定的张力。这种张力对文明的发展是有好处的,不能简单地判断谁对谁错。  相似文献   

19世纪下半叶以来,西方学术界已经开始对"科学与宗教"进行系统研究。民国时期,由于社会需求与学术传播两方面的因素,这个论题在中国传播产生了极大的影响。中国知识分子翻译不少关于"科学与宗教"的西方著作。"科学"与"宗教"都是舶来之物,但它们在中国却被贴上"正"与"负"的相反标签。中国知识分子力图通过两种方法去矫正国人对"科学与宗教"认知偏差:其一,溯本清源,让中国人了解历史上真实的"科学与宗教";其二,弥合鸿沟,对"科学与宗教"秉持"和谐与互助论"的观点。  相似文献   

中国人的人生智慧,既不是儒家伦理智慧,也不是道家伦理智慧,又不是佛家伦理智慧,而是三者的生态有机统一。儒、道、佛三位一体的大融合,构成了中国伦理思想的人生智慧。生态有机体决定了大部分中国人不信仰宗教。  相似文献   

In China, from the founding of the People's Republic of China to the beginning of the Cultural Revolution, it was thought that religion would disappear with the development of society and the freedom not to believe in religion was stressed. During the Cultural Revolution religion became the object of oppression. However, from the end of the Cultural Revolution in the late 1970s to date, the long‐term existence of religion came to be accepted. Searching for cooperation between socialism and religion, ways in which religion could effectively contribute to modernisation began to be put forward. In comparison with the previous situation, the current period is marked by a much more tolerant policy. If one looks at religion in education, first, at the level of legal codes, the separation of public education and religion is extolled based on the rule of separation of religion and state. And, it is clearly forbidden to engage in activities that use religion to interfere with educational activities. This applies to ethnic minorities as well. Second, be this as it may, religion is touched upon at all levels of education. For example, at the level of high school education, the distribution of the three major world religions is explained and many other religions are introduced. Moreover, the culture and customs of some religions are introduced. In higher education, in universities and graduate schools, the Religious Studies major has been created for the training of those in charge of regulating religions as well as scholars. Third, several of the religions recognised by the Chinese government have developed institutions to train personnel. Furthermore, some of these institutions are working in cooperation with institutions of higher education to offer programmes of study. In this way, especially following the end of the Cultural Revolution, cooperation between socialism and religion was sought. And, coexistence with ethnic minority groups, which believe in a number of different religions, was considered. And yet, within school education, the treatment of religion is strictly limited. Only education that aims at a basic knowledge of religion is conducted. There are significant national differences in the relationship between education and religion. It would be fruitful for China to reconsider this relationship, taking account of developments in other countries, in the present situation where the Chinese government has a more tolerant policy towards religion.  相似文献   


In England, both Religious Education (RE) and science are mandatory parts of the school curriculum throughout the 5-16 age range. Nevertheless, there remain concerns that, as in many countries, students do not have a good understanding about the scope of each subject nor about how the two subjects relate. This article reports on a study that involved an intervention of six lessons in RE and six in science that were intended to help 13-15?year-old students develop a better appreciation for the relationship(s) between science and religion and a less reductionist understanding of biology. Our focus here is on the understandings that students have about the relationship between science and religion. The intervention was successful in improving the understandings of almost half of the students interviewed, but in these interviews we still found many instances where students showed misunderstandings of the nature of both religious and scientific knowledge. We argue that RE needs to attend to questions regarding the nature of knowledge if students are to develop better understandings of the scope of religions and how they arrive at their knowledge claims.  相似文献   

詹姆斯借助潜意识理论阐释宗教经验现象,认为心理学中的潜意识既是宗教与科学对话的“中介项”,也是“人神感通”的“中介项”,潜意识理论被神学家所利用,成为宗教神学的“亲密伙伴”。然而,潜意识理论是宗教心理学的基础理论之一,正确认识潜意识理论的科学性,成为弗洛伊德精神分析学派讨论的重点,其后期的研究也充分表明了潜意识这个“中介项”是宗教神学的“危险伙伴”。  相似文献   

在对马克思有关宗教本质问题的认识上,长期以来存在着"自我意识说"、"虚幻反映说"、"鸦片说"等观点。马克思对宗教本质的论述,并不像某些学者所说的是可以用一两句话来概括的。实际上,在马克思的眼里,宗教就是一个多层次的社会现象。  相似文献   

根据泉州宗教信仰的生存、发展状况以及内外各种关系的复杂性、整体性,从宗教生态的角度探索泉州宗教信仰的结构、泉州宗教信仰与政治、经济、文化的关系,以及各种宗教信仰之间的关系,力求为进一步研究泉州宗教信仰的特点,探索泉州成为世界宗教博物馆的原因,提供新的思路。  相似文献   

宗教人类学是一门边缘性学科,是宗教学与文化人类学相结合而形成的交叉性学科。宗教人类学根据其研究重点和走向的变化大体分成三个时期,在其发展历程中,许多著名学者都对宗教进行了深刘的阐释。本文主要对宗教人类学对于教育领域中的多学科研究。研究方法的多元化,民族教育政策,无神论教育,师生关系。偶像崇拜等问题的启示与影响进行了思索。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the sensitive issue of the teaching of religions and beliefs in schools by analysing two recent decisions of the European Court of Human Rights. In these cases, the Court asserts that students should be exempted from compulsory courses on religion or from courses that are not conveyed in an objective, critical and pluralist manner in order to protect the rights of parents to raise their children in accordance with their beliefs and to protect the child’s religious freedom. What emerges from both decisions are sound principles about how to implement and teach these kind of courses without violating the freedom of religion and belief or undermining the state competences on education.  相似文献   

Contextual religious education and the actuality of religions   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
Contextual religious educators tend to view discrete religious traditions as artificially constructed systems disconnected from the ordinary experiences of children. This article sets out the case for the continued representation of religions as substantial social facts in religious education classrooms. Accepting Robert Jackson’s critique of essentialist readings of religion, it argues that the most appropriate alternative is not the nominal reduction of discrete religious traditions to the atomistic level of the individual spiritual lives of adherents, but a realistic identification of such traditions as actual socio‐cultural realities. It suggests two criteria for such identification: the collective intentionality of adherents and the presence of prototypical features within their lifeworlds.  相似文献   

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