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This article aims to clarify some of our pre‐conceived assumptions when we address issues of learning in practice. It argues that we need to develop an understanding of practice based on its own premises. For this purpose the German philosopher Martin Heidegger's (1889–1976) understanding of practice and learning is introduced. Heidegger emphasises the use of equipment as crucial for a practical understanding. This perspective is contrasted with an intellectualistic approach to learning in practice exemplified by the work of Donald Schön. Heidegger and Schön's perspectives on learning in practice are evaluated and discussed throughout the article. Examples from studies of apprenticeship are used to illustrate Heidegger's comprehension of learning in practice. Especially learning through the use of tools and equipment, learning in context, learning as a consequence of making mistakes and learning as a matter of developing a sense of familiarity are types of learning emphasised in this article.  相似文献   


In the late 1990s teachers acting as mentors play a key role in initial teacher training (ITT). This article reports the findings of a study which examined student teachers' perceptions of 'good' practice in mentoring. Given that certain parallels have been drawn between the nineteenth-century pupil-teacher scheme and school-based ITT, the work of Lave and Wenger (1991) who see apprenticeship as central to learning was used as a framework for analysing the data. The study highlighted the significance of the affective in student teachers' school-based learning. But it also highlighted the significance of the affective in mentors' practice: e.g. mentors' feelings of vulnerability. The way in which students responded to mentors in this respect - how far they were able to 'manage' their mentors - ultimately contributed to the success of students' placements. The article concludes that the possession of mentoring skills alone will not guarantee that students receive appropriate support.  相似文献   

本研究以北京市四位新教师为个案,分析当前我国促进新教师发展各途径的效果、问题及建议。研究发现,我国已形成了促进新教师发展的制度化途径,对新教师予以全方位引领和支持,师徒制是其中最有效的途径。但这些途径更多关注新教师的教学能力,对班主任工作能力和教师情感文化方面的支持有限,实操层面的培训缺乏系统性和计划性。研究建议:制定全方位帮扶新教师计划;调整过度关注操作技能层面的做法;全面改进师徒制;提升区教研员对新教师发展的责任;建立校本教研与师徒制相结合培养新教师的专业学习共同体。  相似文献   

Current and former students of two professors in a southern research university and a community educator, all participants in an African-centered research collaborative/apprenticeship, describe what and how we study together and our struggle to use our knowledge and research in service to our community. We uplift the works of key Pan-African/Black/Africana Studies/Nile Valley scholars to illustrate the African epistemic foundation of our collaborative/apprenticeship. We describe how we utilized the methodology of narrative inquiry to explore our experiences as participants in the HeKA (Heritage Knowledge in Action) research collaborative and how HeKA has provided ways of knowing and being centered in our culture and heritage. We present our findings, which include some of the dilemmas of Black doctoral students and emerging scholars engaged in HeKA and how this collaborative/apprenticeship serves as an emancipatory praxis to enable the next generation to realize their goals of partisan research and pedagogy in higher education.  相似文献   

Educational Theory and Practice in an Aristotelian Perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Despite a historical distance, Aristotle's discussion of different forms of knowledge, in particular in the Nicomachean Ethics, offers a novel perspective on the modern understanding of the relationship between educational theory and practice. In the world of education today, it is a convention that theory and practice should enter into a fruitful exchange process with each other. However, a retrospective look at Aristotle's discussion of knowledge and his three categories of knowledge, which concern a theoretical, a productive and a socio-ethical domain, can serve to illuminate that educational theory and practice belong to qualitatively different categories and therefore do not immediately enter into a fruitful relation. A look back will show that scientific propositional knowledge does not have a knowledge monopoly and relevance in all of life's conditions and also that theoretical, general knowledge is not in itself applicable to action. Finally, in tune with more recent learning theories, as for instance situated learning theory based on apprenticeship, Aristotle points out that different forms of knowledge are learnt in different ways.  相似文献   

Rather than categorically teaching us ways to be less anthropocentric, environmental education could be about educating us of the ways in which we already are nature as human animals. In this paper, one species-specific practice of human relating to environment – interspecies articulation – is argued as one way of being nature. Interspecies articulation is about finding and composing connections to our surrounding nonhuman world with a focus on as if the joints comprising meaningful connections between us and the not us. The interest is in how humans and nonhuman animals continually create the conditions for each other's existence. The data of the Rautio's recent study on perceived beauty in everyday life environments speak for a need to decentralize the human agent as the sole author of his/her self-environment relation. A crucial aspect of the ‘making' of this relation through articulation was found to be a fundamental openness to the serendipitous agency of one's material surroundings – human as well as nonhuman and also inanimate.  相似文献   

While critical literacy has recently become a pervasive discourse in policy and professional materials, there remains a most surprising silence about the theory and practice of assessment of students' performances and products in critical literacy classrooms. As the title of this paper suggests, our purpose is to move towards a theory of critical literacy and assessment, with the focus of the latter being on formative assessment designed to enhance classroom learning. Specifically, our intention is not to privilege either critical literacy or formative assessment theory, but rather to critique each from the vantage point of the other. In this way, we challenge various silences to speak about: the teaching-learning contract; mastery and apprenticeship; a dialogic relationship between teacher and student; and values and evaluation. In examining current theorising of the bases of formative assessment of students and critical literacy, we identify and explore tensions in that practice of assessment, and suggest a way beyond apparent impasses. Central to the discussion is a redefining of the nature of accountability in the theory and practice of critical literacy and assessment.  相似文献   

现代学徒制是当前我国职业教育改革中的热点,校企协同育人是现代学徒制的核心,我院积极探索和实践多元平台下现代学徒制校企协同培养人才的有效途径,按照现代学徒制人才培养的规格,发挥校企双方在人才培养过程中的优势,探索从双主体人才培养方案的制定、共建课程体系和实践基地、共建共享特色教学资源、双导师制班级管理、校企联合打造双导师教学团队、共同制定学生考核与评价体系六个方面,构建基于现代学徒制的校企协同育人机制,为我国技术技能人才的创新发展提供理论参考和实践依据。  相似文献   

The presence of career change students in teacher education programs is neither new nor unusual. Despite this, there is a lack of research into the experiences of such people as student teachers. In this paper, the experiences of one career change student teacher, Michelle, and the ways in which she constructed her new professional identity as a student teacher, are examined. Using the theoretical framework of learning and identity within communities of practice developed by Lave and Wenger (1991) and the notion of career change student teachers as expert novices, Michelle's experiences are examined in detail to gain a greater understanding of how, as a career changer, she ‘became’ a student teacher. The research on which this paper is based found that as a career change student, Michelle needed to reconcile her various identities in order to construct her new professional identity in the context of teacher education. Findings were analysed and discussed with reference to Lave and Wenger’s (1991) framework of legitimate peripheral participation and Wenger’s (1998) communities of practice, and with recourse to the relevant literature.  相似文献   

通过对1991年至2007年加拿大的学徒制发展情况分析,指出加拿大学徒制面临完成率低、花费高、风险大、认同程度低等问题。加拿大联邦政府针对这些问题,采取了明确学徒制目的、降低企业成本、强化地方政府职能和发挥行业作用等措施并取得了一定的成效。这对我国职业教育的改革发展有所启示。  相似文献   

Every voice speaks to particular ways of knowing as it positions the speaker within an epistemological community. Each of our images of what constitutes knowing, and hence knowledge, is part of what structures one's subjectivity: what is valued as truth or discarded as fiction... Views of knowing tell individuals which accounts count and likewise which accounts do not count. Knowledge then, is not so much about immutable truths as it is about “historical products of certain practices.” (Britzman, 1991, p.23‐23)  相似文献   

This article describes the organisation of a teachers' professional network and the teachers' use of 'pedagogical documentation' to analyse, reflect on and critique pedagogical practice. It explores ways in which a forum and process were created for teachers to think about assumptions, values and the purpose of education, explore reciprocal influences of teachers' and children's interactions, and deepen opportunities for parents and children to contribute to the curriculum. It discusses policy and practice implications and points to ways for engaging in a broader debate.  相似文献   

This teacher development study closely examined a teacher's practice for the purpose of understanding how she selected and implemented instructional materials, and correspondingly how these processes changed as she developed her problem‐based practice throughout a school year. Data sources included over 20 hours of planning and analysis meetings with the teacher and 27 video‐taped lessons with discussions before and after each lesson. Through qualitative analysis we examined the data for: students' cognitive demand for curricular materials the teacher selected and implemented; teacher's beliefs and practices for students' engagement in mathematical thinking; and teacher's and students' communication about mathematics during instruction. We found that the teacher shifted her views and use of instructional materials as she changed her practice towards more problem‐based approaches. The teacher moved from closely following her traditional, district‐adopted textbook to selecting problem‐based tasks from outside resources to build a curriculum. Simultaneously, she changed her practice to focus more on students' engagement in mathematical thinking and their communication about mathematics as part of learning. During this shift in practice, the teacher began to reify instructional materials, viewing them as instruments of her practice to meet students' needs. The process of shifting her views was gradual over the school year and involved substantial analysis and reflection on practice from the teacher. Implications include that teachers and teacher educators may need to devote more attention and support for teachers to use instructional materials to support instruction, rather than materials to prescribe instruction. This use of instructional materials may be an important part of transforming practice overall.  相似文献   


If it is true that educational research should not merely offer us better understandings of educational processes, but also offer us suggestions for good practice by ascertaining 'what works' most effectively in diverse contexts, then there are potentially four ways in which such research could be of use to those engaged in teacher education. This paper explores three of them-those which it argues are of most use to teacher educators. From research into the processes of teaching and learning we have learned a great deal about the complex nature of teachers' expertise and the extent to which it is determined by highly specific contexts. In seeking to understand more about the processes involved in learning to teach we have come to recognise the strength of the personal agendas that beginning teachers bring with them and the active role they play in negotiating their own learning. On this basis research offers teacher educators a number of suggestions for good practice: about the ways in which we should expect beginning teachers to make use of research-based generalisations; about how we can help them gain access to the wealth of expertise embedded in the practice of experienced teachers; and about how we can encourage them to subject their own preconceptions to serious critical evaluation.  相似文献   

How does classroom interaction support students’ apprenticeship into the ways of speaking, writing, and diagramming that constitute the practice of mathematics? We address this problem through an interpretative analysis of a whole-group conversation about alternative ways of solving a problem involving percent discounts that occurred in a sixth grade classroom. This research study draws upon Dewey’s theory of inquiry, Vygotsky’s cultural–historical psychology, Freudenthal’s realistic mathematics education, and Halliday’s systemic functional linguistics (SFL). From Freudenthal, we borrow the notions of mathematizing and guided reinvention—the former notion offers a view of mathematics as an activity of structuring subject matter and the latter one provides insights into the processes whereby mathematizing is learned and taught in the classroom. We glean from Dewey his view of reflective thinking as inquiry and the role that conversations may serve therein. We rely upon Vygotsky’s notions of a verbal thinking plane and a social phase of learning in order to reconsider the function of whole-class interaction in apprenticing students into mathematizing. Finally, SFL provides us with tools for explaining the choices of grammar and vocabulary students and teachers make as they realize meanings in whole-group conversations. Treating the selected whole-class conversation as a text, we focus our analysis on how this text came to mean what it did. Our central questions are as follows: What meanings were realized in the whole-class conversation by teacher and students and how were these meanings realized? How did the teacher’s lexico-grammatical choices guide the students’ choices? In addressing these questions, we advance an interpretation of the conversation as paradigmatic of students and teacher thinking aloud together about percents.  相似文献   

This article presents an autoethnographic and theoretical reflection on my justifications for the use of neoliberal deconstruction in the undergraduate social foundations classroom. I engage the reader in a discussion concerning the need to make neoliberal agendas, as they pertain to corporate reform in education, salient to students. Further, I argue that cognitive apprenticeship is necessary to “help students map their own dialectics into thinking about their future practice as educators.” I share the integral elements of the cognitive apprenticeship undertaken in the course: “three prongs of foundational thinking,” four key conceptual frames for neoliberal deconstruction and associated foundational readings, and two representative assignments to illustrate the type of scaffolding offered to help education students move past naïve and complacent interpretations of current corporate reforms. My reflections rely on my teaching experience, in-class observations, assessment of students' work, and overarching themes in how students' have responded to the topic.  相似文献   

A range of changes, in politics and economics internationally as well as in thought about learning and society, now make the time right for a re‐think of inclusive education, a re‐think that ceases to employ the constructs and clichés of the past in explaining students' difficulties at school. There exists new discourse on difference, which throws fresh light on the ways that students at school are disadvantaged—there is a new psychology of difference emerging from work in varied social scientific fields that gives insights into the mechanisms by which inequality, relative poverty and contrastive judgment construct difficulty and closure on learning. In this review, both a history and a hope, I argue that no time has been better for such understandings to make themselves realized in policy and practice.  相似文献   

现代学徒制是对传统学徒制的继承和发展,是一种有效的教育形式,有利于更好地培养高素质人才。近来对现代学徒制的相关研究主要集中在关于学徒制的内涵、类型、国际比较、西方学徒制及对中国学徒制的启示方面、实践研究以及其他方面的研究。通过对这些文献的梳理,以便让更多的研究者对于现代学徒制有一个更为深入的了解,以便参与到其中,共同探讨这一热点问题。  相似文献   

In this paper I explore an alternative to the dominant authority of positivism in teacher education research and curricula through the conceptualization of narrative authority. Narrative authority is rooted in the personal practical knowledge of teacher education students, university teachers and classroom teachers as they interact within the contexts of teacher education. I begin by describing Dewey's conception of experience as individually continuous and socially interactive. I then discuss two ways in which knowledge is constructed from experience and describe how each Ivalues a different kind of authority. 1 then focus on the educative qualities of experience and show how narrative knowledge expressed through mundane and sacred stories can become taken-for-granted or be reconstructed through experience. Next, I describe how we can think of ourselves as authoring our lives through our narrative authority. I then consider the institutional narratives of teacher education in which sacred stories of apprenticeship, technical rationalism, and inquiry are embedded. I conclude by discussing some of the implications acknowledging narrative authority has for reshaping teacher education.  相似文献   

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