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武元英 《文教资料》2010,(10):193-194
辅导员工作制度自建国初一直延续到现在,在实际的辅导员工作中.绝大多数辅导员没有专业的辅导员工作理论知识作指导.很多辅导员在工作中不停地摸索、总结来指导自己的工作,这样的局限于个人的经验摸索、总结,没有系统的理论作指导,对提高整个辅导员工作系统的工作质量和工作水平是一个极大的障碍。因此.在借鉴各优秀辅导员的工作经验的基础上,整合多学科知识,形成完备的辅导员工作理论,是实现辅导员工作职业化、专业化、专家化的必由之路。  相似文献   

高校辅导员开展学业指导的制约因素与改进策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
侯婷 《教育探索》2021,(4):82-85
开展学业指导是辅导员的工作职责之一,对辅导员自身职业发展、学生全面发展和高校教育教学质量提升具有重要意义.当前,辅导员开展学业指导存在对学业指导的重要性认识不足、专业背景缺乏、指导能力不足、高校支持体系不健全等制约因素.对此,高校要强化顶层设计,健全学业指导体制机制;辅导员自身要明确工作职责、增强学业指导意识,加强学习...  相似文献   

高校辅导员工作模式及其表现形式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面对新的形势和任务,高校辅导员需要不断探索新的工作思路和方式方法,其中包括对辅导员工作模式的研究。从方式的角度分析,高校辅导员工作模式可以划分为规划式、平台式、指导式、攻心式和成长式等。研究高校辅导员工作模式及其具体表现形式、特点和实效性,旨在为广大高校辅导员工作者提供理论依据与实践指导。  相似文献   

辅导员是高校开展大学生思想政治教育工作和学生管理指导的骨干力量,定位辅导员工作性质,加强辅导员队伍建设,创新辅导员工作,对落实党的教育工作方针、构建和谐社会有着重要意义。  相似文献   

<正>高校辅导员是高校学生管理和服务工作的重要力量,他们的工作内容主要包括学生思想教育、心理健康教育、学业指导、就业服务、文娱活动组织等。辅导员的工作既包括具体的指导和服务工作,也包括推动学校发展。首先,高校辅导员是学生思想教育和心理健康教育的主要负责人。大学生处于思想、心理成长的重要阶段,高校辅导员需要指导他们正确面对人生选择、对他们进行情感疏导、预防和治疗他们的心理疾病等,帮助学生健康成长。其次,高校辅导员是学生学业指导和就业服务的重要力量。  相似文献   

学业指导:高校辅导员角色的新要求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国高等教育由精英化向大众化转变,高校辅导员的角色定位产生了新的变化。对大学生实施学业指导是辅导员工作内涵的拓展和创新,也是加强和改进大学生思想政治教育的新载体。高校辅导员可以尝试通过开设学业指导类的辅导课程、创建以小组合作学习为模式的学业指导机构、吸收专业教师加入学业指导中心工作体系等措施,做好大学生学业指导的具体工作。  相似文献   

高校辅导员的职责探究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
辅导员是高校思想政治工作的主要力量,建立一支高水准、业务精的辅导员队伍对于提升整个高等学校教育水平至关重要.本文从辅导员对学生政治思想指导、职业生涯规划和人生价值引导等方面剖析了辅导员的角色和辅导员工作存在的问题,探究了新时期高校辅导员的工作职责.  相似文献   

本文提出以科学发展观指导辅导员工作的创新与实践,结合福州大学机械工程学院学工组工作实例,从学生就业助困、学生自我管理、学生创新能力和学生自我纪实评价四个方面思考辅导员工作的创新。结合新形势下就业矛盾突出,提出以科学发展观指导辅导员开展创业教育,缓解就业压力,培养学生创业能力。  相似文献   

高校辅导员是实施大学生思想政治教育的骨干力量,建立科学、规范的辅导员工作考核评价体系,通过多层次、全方位的工作指标来指导和评价辅导员的工作质量,是推动辅导员队伍职业化、专业化发展的重要手段,也是提升大学生思想政治教育工作科学化水平的基础。  相似文献   

高校辅导员是大学生思想政治教育的一线工作者,新时期,辅导员还面临着责任要求多元化、就业体制市场化、职业生涯指导化和工作任务精细化的考验,以至许多辅导员仅仅把辅导员岗位当做"跳板"。辅导员频繁变化严重制约了高校思想政治工作的开展,研究辅导员职业化路径选择可以有效缓解辅导员工作的困境,强化大学思想政治教育。  相似文献   

汉语作为二语的课堂教学语言是指汉语教师为了达到教学目的在教学中有意识使用的专门语言,兼有讲授和语言示范的双重作用,既是教学的媒介语又是学习者的目的语,具有区别于一般学科知识课堂教学语言的特点,需要教师在对其进行组织和选择时遵循一定的原则和规范。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A Dairy Foods Curriculum Packet and inservice training were provided to South Dakota high school agricultural education instructors. Instructors rated barriers to implementation of teaching dairy foods as "small to medium barriers." After curriculum distribution and inservice training, more than half of instructors indicated an increase in class time spent on dairy foods instruction. More than half of instructors taught a greater variety of dairy foods topics after receiving the curriculum. More than 1/3 of instructors who increased dairy foods instruction attributed 75% or more of their increase to the packet and inservice. High school dairy foods education can be enhanced by providing curriculum and training to instructors. Dairy foods education is necessary to ensure high school graduates are educated about dairy products and exposed to potential dairy science careers.  相似文献   


Purposes of the study were to (1) determine the extent to which occupational education instructors in postsecondary institutions in North Carolina used individualized instruction; and to (2) develop a model, evaluative measures, and guidelines for use in assessing individualized instruction approaches. An Individualized Instruction Inventory was designed to determine demographic data, practices, and attitudes of occupational education instructors. The sample consisted of instructors who had rated themselves as moderately to highly individualizing instruction. Inventories were returned by 77% of the 354 instructors in the sample. A discriminant analysis was used to determine demographic variables that differentiated (1) between instructors with high and low attitude scores; and (2) among instructors with high, average, and low practice scores. The four components of the model developed were (1) delineate information, (2) plan for data collection, (3) obtain information, and (4) provide information for decision making. Tasks to be completed within each phase were specified, and guidelines for use of the model were written. Evaluative measures appropriate for collecting the desired data were either selected or developed.  相似文献   

Dilemmas of Teaching Inquiry in Elementary Science Methods   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Because various definitions of inquiry exist in the science education literature and in classroom practice, elementary science methods students and instructors face dilemmas during the study of inquiry. Using field notes, instructor anecdotal notes, student products, and course artifacts, science methods course instructors created fictional journal entries to represent the experiences of both the instructors and students during instruction on inquiry. Identified dilemmas were varying definitions of inquiry, the struggle to provide sufficient inquiry-based science-learning experiences, perceived time constraints, determining how much course time should be slated for science instruction versus pedagogy instruction, instructors' and students' lack of inquiry-based learning experiences, grade versus trust issues, and students' science phobia. Instructors' attempts at dealing with these dilemmas included using analogies, increased field-experience time, modeling, and detailed rubrics.  相似文献   

Teaching philosophies are central to the approach of pedagogical strategies but there has been little examination of discipline-specific teaching philosophies. This study addresses a significant gap in the literature by discussing the teaching philosophies of 122 instructors of sexuality courses. Sexuality education is unique compared to most disciplines due to the personal nature of the content, thus being more difficult for students and instructors to distance themselves from the course content. The teaching philosophies in this study conveyed two overarching approaches to sexuality instruction: the instructor’s perspective of the course and the approach of the sexuality instruction. Although teaching philosophies typically inform one’s practice of teaching and course content, this study proposes that sexuality education is intrinsically different than other areas of instruction despite the interdisciplinary backgrounds of college instructors.  相似文献   

本文对廊坊师范学院2002级非英语专业的386名学生就大学英语学习6个方面的情况进行了问卷调查:(1)教学总体评价;(2)教师总体评价;(3)学习内容;(4)课堂学习方式;(5)课外学习;(6)对大学英语教学的意见和建议。通过分析、探讨调查结果,为教学管理者、教师更加科学、合理地安排、指导大学英语教学提供一些建议。  相似文献   

Faculty Views of Student Evaluation of College Teaching   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The literature abounds with psychometric studies of course evaluation measures and articles debating the merits of student ratings of instruction, but little research has focused on faculty perceptions of this procedure. In the present study faculty perceptions are explored at a teachers' college where evaluation is carried out annually on a sample of courses. The sample includes 101 instructors who completed the research questionnaire. Faculty attitudes reflected a broad range of responses towards validity of student ratings, and their usefulness for improving instruction. Although overall attitudes were mildly positive, few instructors reported changing instruction as a result of student ratings. Moreover, few supported sending evaluation results directly to college administrators or publishing them for student consumption.  相似文献   

关于高校教师文化的理性思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
高校教师文化是高校组织文化的重要组成部分,具有个体性、方向性、可塑性和学术性等特征。对教师专业发展影响深远。建设优秀的教师文化可从创新管理思想、强化心理辅导、构建团队学习和尊重学术自由等方面予以考虑。  相似文献   

The study examined attitudes toward teaching reported by university instructors who normally teach hearing students (with the occasional deaf or hard of hearing student) and by instructors who normally teach deaf and hard of hearing students at the same institution. Overall, a view of instruction as information transmission was associated with a teacher-focused approach to instruction, whereas viewing instruction as a means of promoting conceptual change was associated with a student-focused approach. Instructors in mainstream classrooms were more oriented toward information transmission than conceptual change, whereas instructors experienced in separate classrooms for deaf and hard of hearing students reported seeking to promote conceptual change in students and adopting more student-focused approaches to teaching. These results are consistent with previous findings concerning instructors' approaches to teaching and deaf and hard of hearing students' approaches to learning, and may help explain recent findings regarding student outcomes in separate versus mainstream secondary classrooms.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、问卷调查法等研究方法,对深圳市社会体育指导员现状与指导活动模式进行研究。结果表明:深圳市社会体育指导员群体经过10余年的发展,指导员数量少,且技术等级越高所占的比例越低,等级越低所占比例越多,城乡分布不平衡,高素质的指导员比例低;指导员的培训、管理、退出、激励和指导等各项制度均不完善,导致大多数指导员成为摆设,指导员没有充分服务于社会。针对发现的一系列问题,提出一些完善性的建议,从而为深圳市的社会体育指导员群体、组织及深圳市社会体育的可持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   

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