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郑珺 《大观周刊》2011,(36):104-104
新时期的美术教学有必要加强创作课的设计与研究,重视形象思维的开拓和智能的开发,强调创造能力的培养。创作课不仅是“命题创作”、“记忆画创作”和“想象画创作”,还有很多种创作课型。  相似文献   

针对多媒体演播创作系统的功能和特点,讨论了多媒体表现创作工具的选择以及多媒体演播文档的设计,并通过一个多媒体演播创作系统原型,具体介绍了演播创作系统的功能和使用方法。  相似文献   

诚然,教育类电视节目的创作要遵循新闻创作的基本原则和规律,但仅仅做到这些,又很难创作出好的电视节目,因为教育类电视节目除了具有一般电视节目的共性之外,还有其本身的特殊性和差异性。总结这些年的创作经验,我认为,要想做好教育电视类节目的创作,做出精品,还要注意以下问题:  相似文献   

张泽建 《出版广角》2015,(17):196-197
苏珊·桑塔格是美国著名的知识分子,集评论家、作家、导演等身份于一身,对大众文化有着深厚的情感。她的一生创作了大量的小说,在创作的实践中不断丰富和发展了美学理论。本文对苏珊·桑塔格小说创作体现的美学新概念进行剖析,深入分析了她早期和晚期小说创作中体现的美学特征,为我们挖掘美学理论和桑塔格小说创作之间的深层次联系、把握桑塔格美学理论提供了有利条件。  相似文献   

南若冰  刘云丹 《传媒》2023,(19):42-44
融媒体时代,互联网的迅速发展与传播环境的相继变化在一定程度上改变了播音创作的传统空间,但随之兴起的耳朵经济,也为播音创作开拓了多元发展的新领域。无论外在条件如何演变,播音创作本身是“口耳之学”,有声语言始终是其内核。因此,探讨融媒体时代有稿播音创作的语感应用对当下主流媒体与自媒体平台上的播音创作具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

雷雯 《传媒》2023,(24):52-55
是枝裕和是近年来活跃在世界影坛中独具个人风格的一位日本导演,其电影风格质朴,注重内省,具有浓厚的人文主义色彩,其作品中的“生成”模式,在导演技法、叙事手段、呈现方式上凸显出电影美学观念的具体探索和实践,为现实主义创作风格奠定了坚实的基础。“生成”所包含的偶然性、阵发性和不可复制性,将现实生活揉入剧情片创作,又在剧情架构下渗入大量纪实主义风格创作手法,契合了是枝裕和对电影本质的创作追求,给当下我国电影创作带来启示和借鉴。  相似文献   

装帧设计是命题性创作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
装帧设计是命题性创作侯云,陆荣斌我们知道,书籍装帧设计的主要特征,从内容到形式,都要受书刊的主题所制约,需要针对书刊的不同内容、学术价值、读者对象,进行各具特色的设计,它是一种命题性创作。装帧设计的创作,除了主题是既定的以外,所有创作过程都和其他文艺...  相似文献   

解说作为电视片的一个重要的创作要素,对电视片的成功与否至关重要。这就要求解说者能驾驭整部片子,准确把握电视片的创作意图,定好解说的基调,巧妙运用跟、贴、让等解说技巧,精心揣摩,使声画完美结合,以达到创作的最终目的,提高收看效果。  相似文献   

冯鹏程  吴杰 《河北广播》2007,(4):98-100
广告创意是创作工作,是无中生有的工作。广播广告的创作同其他广告一样:对创作对象进行想象、加工、组合和创造,使其潜在的现实美,升华为受众能感受的具象,使之产生兴趣并引发进一步实际行动。以下就我们工作的体验,谈一点对广播广告创作的认识。  相似文献   

楼静 《视听纵横》2004,(5):105-105
播音是“把字语言变为有声语言的一次艺术冉创作过程。”因此,做为播音员、主持人在播音主持过程中,必须对播音主持作品进行再创作。然而任何事情都是说来容易,做到却难,如何做到正确地再创作,从而使再创作出来的作品成功,历来都是播音主持工作面对的首要问题。在多年的播音主持实践中,我深刻的体会到动真情用真心,让情感充分燃烧,是再创作取得成功的关键。  相似文献   

Applifam, a global Instagram community that edits and shares images daily, has grown steadily since its late-2011 founding. Since then, the group (led by founder Johan Du Toit) has grappled with ethical and legal ways to use images in a technological environment that makes image theft easy, a cultural “remix” environment that finds unauthorized uses natural, an artistic environment that values the symbolic statements of appropriation art, a legal environment that varies by country, and a socially collaborative environment that may not reward adherence to copyright standards. In June 2012, when Applifam took a stand about original work, a conversation began as to what that meant. It yielded a rare look at evolving standards regarding our common visual heritage.  相似文献   

University libraries are adapting to the new study, learning, and research needs of the university communities that they serve. In an environment of economic tweaking, a trend toward the performance of investments, the progressive digitization of resources and services, and easy access to information in digital format, universities are compelled to show that they are still cost-efficient for the institutions that they serve; in this case, the University. This paper will use a robust methodology based on multiple indicators and a broad database that takes into consideration other control variables of a socio-demographic, economic, and academic nature to analyze the impact that the library circulation service can have on student academic performance. Our results show that there is a clear positive relationship between the number of library loans that a student takes out and the various academic performance indicators used. Furthermore, the more intense the use that students make of the system, both in terms of time and renewals, the greater the academic success that they attain. Lastly, measures are proposed to exploit this positive synergy and realize university excellence.  相似文献   

In the summer of 2004, it was revealed that the U.S. Census Bureau had provided tabulations in 2002 and 2003 on Arab Americans to the Department of Homeland Security that included detailed information on the number of people of Arab backgrounds living in selected ZIP codes. Although not a violation of law, the Census Bureau realized that this perceived breach of confidentiality would have a negative impact on public trust, and within a few months following the news of the Arab American tabulations it announced that it would no longer assist law enforcement and intelligence agencies with tabulations on ethnic groups and other sensitive populations. In spite of this damage control, we believe that the Bureau's tabulation of Arab Americans provides momentum to a process that adversely affects data quality by increasing both non-response and the cost of obtaining survey and census data. We argue that there are no “methodological fixes” that can repair the damage, and further that public relations campaigns and internal administrative changes are not optimal solutions because of the governing structure within which the Bureau currently operates. Ultimately, the best way to limit the damage already done is to effect a political solution. Toward this end we describe short- and long-term actions. In the long run, we recommend removing the Census Bureau from the Executive branch of government and re-structuring it under a permanent and non-political oversight panel similar to either the Federal Reserve Board or the Congressional Budget Office. Such a move would make a strong statement that the Bureau is non-partisan federal statistical agency.  相似文献   

Due to the massive uptake of online communication, people receive countless notifications on a given day. Governments also send more and more information via computer mediated communication instead of writing a paper letter to citizens. As a consequence, governments are increasingly exposed to the risk that citizens do not notice or act upon notifications that refer to governmental (sometimes legally binding) messages. This in turn may result in non-compliant behavior. Through a vignette study in three large scale surveys held in the Netherlands in 2015 and 2016, we have investigated how the channel (paper letter channel vs. e-mail channel that notifies that there is a digital letter available at a web portal) influences the speed with which people intend to read the actual content of a message while taking digital skills and expectations of the contents of a message into account. Results show that the channel has a significant and strong impact on the speed with which citizens read the contents of the message. This means that there is a risk that the efficiency gains that are won by communicating electronically are lost in effectiveness due to increased non-compliance because people do not actually see the government information that is sent to them. Therefore, it is important to think of new ways to effectively notifying people of new information in an online environment.  相似文献   

Through this essay, I assert that the intellectual authority of prominent cultural intellectuals can affect a form of “cultural pedagogy” that can essentially re-educate an audience through constitutive discourses that can re-articulate that audience's identity, cultural framework, and historical references, and in so doing can normalize mass violence. Serbian intellectuals and cultural elites played a prominent role in initializing the extreme nationalist mindset that increasingly polarized Yugoslavia throughout the 1980s. In 1986, the Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences (SANU) drafted a Memorandum, the publication of which in the Serbian newspaper Vjecernje Novosti is retrospectively the precipitating event that awakened Serbian national consciousness. This essay critiques the 1986 Memorandum of the Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences with regard to its role in constructing an exclusive and politically charged Serbian identity. Beginning with an examination of the Memorandum's central claims, this essay asserts that the dominant mythic themes that emerge in the document were part of a deliberate teleological reordering of historical events that provided the foundation for the constitutive rhetoric of Serbian intellectuals-turned-politicians. This essay allows for a deeper understanding of the effects of constitutive discourses, rooted in a mythos of victimization, on the emergent nationalism and mass violence in the former Yugoslavia.  相似文献   

Research demonstrates that methamphetamine is a serious problem in gay communities. This study examined the framing of methamphetamine in nine gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBT) newspapers. Results showed that methamphetamine was framed as a “gay problem,” that sexual health and solutions frames were prevalent, and that GLBT newspapers covered methamphetamine in a way that is similar to how they covered AIDS in the 1980s. Implications for health campaigns are discussed.  相似文献   

This article offers detailed analysis of the patterns of book advertising in Marchamont Nedham’s government-sponsored newsbook, Mercurius Politicus. It contends that, for a brief period, Politicus was the nearest thing that the mid-seventeenth century had to a literary periodical and contests standard accounts that Politicus was only successful because government monopoly made it so. Instead I show that Politicus was instrumental in creating an image of the Commonwealth and Protectorate as a Republic of Letters; the cheap print of its small advertisements insisted that the publication of a book was an event, that London was a city of the book, and that its inhabitants might respond to the uncertainty of political revolution by eagerly imagining a future comprised of new books as yet unread.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(34):141-166
Limitations on both time and human memory make it impossible for the reference librarian or staff member to become aware of even a fraction of all the reference sources that have been published. There is, however, a small number of basic, fundamental or "key" sources that are widely used or widely recommended. In all likelihood these sources will answer a high proportion of all the questions that may appropriately be answered by published reference materials. This paper explores a number of the ways that these "key" reference sources may be identified. The author concludes that a knowledge of the types or categories of reference materials that exist and what each type will do best, along with a knowledge of a corpus of basic, fundamental or "key" reference titles, will contribute to a firm foundation for effective and efficient reference service.  相似文献   

This article uses the problems associated with citizenship verification in U.S. government health insurance programs to argue that paper needs to be analyzed as a media technology. To examine paper as a media technology is to ask, “How does paper work?” and “What are the rules and habits that enable paper to be used in paperwork?” To consider paper as a media technology, this article makes 2 arguments. First, it argues that there is a set of skills and knowledge associated with paper documents that need to be recognized as a distinct form of literacy. Second, this article argues that the relation between paper and identity is an argument about the materiality of information. In focusing on how paper facilitates the materialization of information, this case study illustrates how distinct practices of use create specific relationships between technology and information that give information a distinct functional presence.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(33):77-102
Limitations on both time and human memory make it impossible for the reference librarian or staff member to become aware of even a fraction of all the reference sources that have been published. There is, however, a small number of basic, fundamental or "key" sources that are widely used or widely recommended. In all likelihood these sources will answer a high proportion of all the questions that may appropriately be answered by published reference materials. This paper explores a number of ways that these "key" reference sources may be identified. The author concludes that a knowledge of the types or categories of reference materials that exist and what each type will do best, along with a knowledge of a corpus of basic, fundemental or "key" reference titles, will contribute to a firm foundation for effective and efficient reference service.  相似文献   

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